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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Starter Unit 3 What color is it?Period 2 (3a4d)【教学目标】 知识目标 1. Master the pronunciations of the letters. 2. Review the sentence structures in Starter Units 1-3 3. Consolidate all the letters. 能力目标 Be able to grasp the sentence structures in Starter Units 1-3. 情感目标 Lead students to love

2、 colors and life.【教学重难点】 重点 1. Review the sentence structures in Starter Units 1-3. 2. Master the pronunciation of the letters. 难点 Review the sentence structures in Starter Units 1-3. 【教学准备】 A tape recorder, some letter cards and handouts.【教学方法】 任务型教学法、游戏导入法、情景交际法、自主学习与合作学习相结合【课时安排】 One period【教学过程】

3、 Step 1: Lead-in 1. Greet the students in English. 2. Speak out the words learned in last period. 3. Revise the English letters. 4. Play a guessing game (1)Let students write the eight colors on eight pieces of paper. (2)Choose a group of students to put up their eight pieces of paper on the right t

4、hings. For example, put up with the word “white” on the white wall in the classroom. (3)Check the answers together. Review the words yellow, white, black, brown, purple, orange, red, green in the same way. Step 2: Presentation 1. Teach activity 3a (1)T: Please open your books and turn to page S11. L

5、ook at the pictures in 3a. Whats this in English?(Point to the things.) Ss: Its a cup/ ruler/ key. (2) T: Now, Ill play the recording twice for you to listen. The first time, you just listen and number the pictures. The second time, you can check your answers. 2. Teach activity 3b (1) Play the recor

6、ding for the students to listen and ask them to complete the sentences. T:Now please look at the sentences in 3b. There are some uncompleted sentences. You can listen to the recording and complete them. (2) Play the recording again and check the answers. (3) T:”The key is yellow.” means “Its a yello

7、w key.” What does “The ruler is.” mean? Ss: It means “Its a . ruler.” 3. Teach activity 3c (1) Listen to the conversation for the first time. (2) Listen to it again and ask students to listen for the things. (3) Ask students to listen again and fill in the colors in the chart. 4. Teach activity 3d T

8、: Read through the sample conversation in the box in 3d. Who will volunteer to read it for us? You two, please. (1)Invite a student to explain the meaning of the conversation. (2)Ask students to listen to work in pairs to make conversations using the things in 3a-3c. (3)Leave them several minutes to

9、 do this activity. As they work, move around the room, offering help as needed. (4)Invite some pairs to act out for the whole class. Step 4: Practice 1. Teach activities 4a T:Open your books and turn to page S12. This is a keyboard. Can you find the letters from A to Z? Where is A? S1:(Point to A.)I

10、ts here. T:Where is B? S2:(Point to B.)Its here. (1) Ask students to write the small letter next to each big letter. (2) Ask some students to show what they have written. Step 5: Consolidation 1. Teach activity 4b (1) Play the tape of the song. Ask students to listen carefully, and teach students to

11、 sing it. (2) Ask students to sing it together. 2. Teach activity 4c (1)Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen. (2)Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and repeat. (3)Invite some students to read the letters and words. 3. Teach activity 4d (1)Play the tape of

12、the song. Ask students to listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (2)Ask students to repeat it silently. (3)Read the chant together.【课堂小结】 In this period, weve further practiced the sentence structures learnt in Starter Units 1-3. And weve also consolidated the 26 letters, and reviewed the pronunciation of them.【课后作业】 1. Practice the conversation and recite it. 2. Write the key words and the sentences in your exercise books. 3. Write the 26 letters youve learned three times.


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