2020学年九年级英语全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners Period 2导学案人教新目标版.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit1 How can we become good learnersPeriod 2 Section A ( 2d、Grammar focus-4c)班级:_组名:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】1、会拼读、能识记新单词:Conversation video improve spoken sentence patient. 2、能够识记、运用下列短语:Have conversations with ,that way, spoken English, a little nervous, give a report, at first,Read word by wor

2、d, be patient, finish doing.3、能够运用下列句型完成学习任务。- How do you study for a test? - I study by working with a group.The more you read, the faster youll be. 越?越?【学习重点】学习和借鉴他人的好的英语学习方法【学习难点】学习和借鉴他人的好的英语学习方法【学习过程】一、目标呈现How do you study for an English test?二、自主合作1)小组预习2d,完成下列任务。1.汉译英读完一本书_ 作报告_快速阅读理解大意_ 一个字一个

3、字的_词组_ 有耐心_练习说_ 记笔记_记句型_ 写日记_写. 给某人_2. 小组读和翻译2d2)自主学习Grammar focus-4c 。完成下列任务。1.大声朗读和翻译grammar focus。画出你认为重点的短语、句型。2.完成4a-4c,小组核对答案。三、展示质疑1.the +比较级,the +比较级 2.try 的用法3.be patient with sb 对某人有耐心; be patient of sth 忍耐某事四、巩固构建一、单项选择1.You can improve your English_ Practicing more. A by B with C of D in

4、2.Lindas father hates waiting in long lines. I think hes just not very_A patient B talented C popular D powerful3. -_you ever _with a group? -Yes, I have .A. Have ;study B. Have; studied C. Do; study D; study4._is bad for your eyes. A. Watch TV too much B. Watching TV too muchC. Watch too much TV D.

5、 Watching too much TV5. What about _English-language videos? A. looking ,B. looking at,C. seeing,D. watching6.I failed English, so Im going to _it this year.A. practice B. grow C. improve D. increase二、完成句子1.抓住主要意思对我来说太难了。Its too hard for me _ the main idea.2.这个护士对生病的小孩很耐心。The nurse _ the sick children .3. 你通过大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?_ aloud to pratice pronunciation?4.你和小组合作学习过吗?_ you ever _ a group?5.你越仔细,你犯的错误就越少。_ you are , _ you will make .


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