2020学年人教版英语八年级下期《Unit1 whats the matter》(第2课时)导学案.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料八年级(下)英语导学案(四中基地) 班级: 组别: 姓名: TopicUnit1 Whats the matter? Section A 3a3c (阅读课) 用所给词的适当形式填空 He saw a wallet (lie) on the ground on his way to school. We cant visit others without (call) first. To his (surprise), we were still waiting for him. The doctor saved many peoples (life). The

2、teacher told us (not play)in the street.4. 小结:. Post-class 1 掌握本课的9个新单词。2 复述并会默写3a。3 完成大本文曲星Unit1 SectionA。4 收获与反思: 【Blackboard Design】Unit 1 Whats the matter?Notes: Review:1 was going 1身体各部位单词2 see A doing 2 怎么了 3 next to 4 think about【Study-aims】知识目标: 掌握本课的9个新单词。 能力目标: 用推理判断法去解阅读理解题。情感目标: 通过学习应学会主

3、动救人,救人不容考虑的社会价值观。学习策略: 通过复述课文去掌握重要语言点。文化意识: 要主动去救助别人,人人都献出一点爱,我们的社会将变成美好的人间。【Key & difficult points】用推理法去解阅读理解题。【Learning procedure】I. Pre-class1. 翻译下列短语 下车 希望某人做某事 使某人感到 惊讶的是 同意做某事 2. 知识超市: get off 下车 动副结构 happen 发生 something happens to somebody 发生在.身上 碰巧 happen to do something 碰巧做某事 to ones surpri

4、se 使某人感到惊讶的是 agree to do something 同意做某事 thanks to 多亏II. While-class1. 导入新课 When someone is in trouble, what do you usually do? Do you go at once as if it didnt happen or help him/her without thinking? Now, next please read the passage and see what the driver and passengers did?2. Learning the new knowledge:读文章,完成3b。 讲解文章所及知识点。 小组讨论3c。3. 当堂检测:根据句意写单词 The bus mustnt carry too many . Thats a good idea. I with you.


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