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1、Electrolux Master Brand Framework 伊莱克斯主要的品牌框架,“What is Electrolux?” “什么是伊莱克斯?” “What makes Electrolux Electrolux?” “什么使伊莱克斯伊莱克斯化?”,Brand definitions 品牌定义,Verbal 言辞上 Brand Pyramid 品牌金字塔 Brand Dictionary 品牌释义 Brand Promise 品牌承诺 Brand Essence 品牌实质 Visual 形象、视觉上 Brand Attitude 品牌观念 Visual Language 形象的语言

2、 Brand Design Policy 品牌设计原则,Brand Pyramid common and tailored componets 品牌金字塔 共性与特色(全球化与本土化)要素的结合,Brand Character - same for all sectors/ geographies 品牌特征 - 各地域相同,Brand Claim tailored by sector/geography 品牌宣传 各地各自设计,Brand Support tailored by sector/geography 品牌支持 各地各自制作,feature 特色,Function 功能,Reward

3、 回馈,values价值,personality个性,Electrolux Brand Pyramid 伊莱克斯品牌金字塔,Electrolux Brand Dictionary 伊莱克斯品牌解释,Electrolux master brand promise伊莱克斯主要的品牌承诺,For people who welcome change and seek harmony, modern knowledgeable Electrolux offers intelligent solutions that make peoples personal and professional lives

4、 easier and more enjoyable. 对于接受变化和寻找和谐、现代化知识的人们,伊莱克斯提供他们智能化的方式来使他们个人的和专业的生活更便捷和愉快,Electrolux Brand Essence 伊莱克斯品牌实质,The core of the Brand Promise, Brand Essence is the innermost vital center of the Brand Pyramid. 品牌承诺和品牌实质的核心是品牌金字塔最深处最至关重要的部份。 The Brand Essence is the essential relevant and differe

5、ntiating idea that will create and reinforce Brand Loyalty. 品牌实质是指必不可少的能创造及增强品牌忠诚度的一些相关联以及有差异的想法 “Innovative trusted solutions for easier and more enjoyable life” “创新可信的设计,更便捷舒适的生活”,Master Brand Attitude 主要品牌观念,Non-verbal elements that guide 非言辞因素指导 creative expression of Brand Character (seen, sens

6、ed, understood, heard, felt)品牌特征创造性表达 (看到的,感受到的, 可理解的,听到的,知觉的) tonality for all contact points 各联系点的协调性 Elaborates Visual Language and Brand Design Policy verbally beyond bullets and key words 精心、详尽地表述形象语言和品牌设计原则而不仅是局限于某些关键性词,Master Brand Attitude 主要品牌观念,The Electrolux Brand Attitude evokes a passag

7、e and connectedness from an innovative heritage to a vivid, energized yet safe tomorrow. 伊莱克斯品牌观念在传统观念和现代新型观念之间架起一个通道和联系 Its designs balance freedom and dynamism with security. 它的设计使自由、动感和安全性得以达到平衡 Electrolux design defines the future whilst boldly and sensually conveying a reassurance based on a so

8、lid presence radiating from the past. 伊莱克斯的设计在大胆传递一种建立在过去坚实基础上的信心的同时,也表达了它的未来。 We freshly and practically create new, contemporary traditions. Its defining attitude of confident insightfulness expresses comforting, non-aggressive modernity of form, liberty of movement, controlled expansiveness of sh

9、apes, and inviting technology. 我们务实而创新地创造出当代新传统,它自信而又富洞察力的观念体现出舒适,平实的现代气息、自由的运动、有克制的形态表现和人性化的科技水平。,Master Brand Attitude - contd 主要的品牌观念- (内容),These perceptive designs evoke a sense of optimism and approachability, warmth and friendliness. They are tactile, enticing, forward-looking and uninhibited.

10、 这些富洞察力的设计激发起一种乐观、平易近人、热情和友好的精神。他们能被感知、能引人入胜、前瞻而富于个性。 The designs represent a fusion of ingenuity, intelligence, vitality and openness. 设计体现出精巧、聪颖、活力和开放四位一体。 Through its designs, the Electrolux Master Brand Attitude educates the eye and the mind with character of shapes, harmonious compositions, and

11、 contrasts. 通过它的设计,以形状特征,和谐的组合和对比使人们的眼睛和思想接受到一种新的伊莱克斯品牌观念 It is true to its roots, never forsaking its enduring lineage while balancing the potential of the possible. 它忠于原创,从未放弃它长久以来的传统,同时与潜在的可能性达到平衡。,Visual language references 形象语言的参考,Fluidity of form 外形的流性动 Shapes with movement 动感的外观 Softness 柔和 C

12、omfort 舒适 Informality 非正式 Formal shapes/ informal interpretation规范的造型/非正式的诠释 Purity纯净 No irrelevant decoration 没有不相关的装饰 Materials used in contemporary manner以当代方式运用材料,THE EGG. Arne Jacobsen FIVE MINUTE CHAIR, Peter Botlos ROTHKO, Alberto Livore KUGLE lamp, Poul Henningsen,GATESHEAD MILLENIUM BRIDGE

13、- Sir Norman Foster ALAMILLO BRIDGE, Seville ALAMEDA BRIDGE, Valencia - both Santiago Calatrave,Visual language references 形象语言的参考,Harmony of structure协调的构造 Tension张力 Dynamic动力 Vibrant活力 Innovative problem solving创造性地解决问题 Softness and hard together 刚柔相济 Light & materials亮度 & 材料 Opposite of blatant 不

14、哗众取宠 Perceptive可理解 Unpretentious谦逊的,Visual language references 形象语言的参考,Harmony of structure协调的构造 Tension张力 Dynamic动力 Vibrant活力 Innovative problem solving创造性地解决问题 Softness and hard together 刚柔相济 Light & materials亮度 & 材料 Opposite of blatant 不哗众取宠 Perceptive可理解 Unpretentious谦逊的,SIDE HOTEL (Hamburg) Sky

15、 lobby MENU Headquarters (Denmark),Visual language references 形象语言的参考,Simplicity简洁 Sharing /social level共享 /社会化水平 Emotive感动的 Adaptable适应的Innovative创新的 Comforting舒适的 Nothing hard不生硬的 Purity简洁 Flexibility弹性 No extreme futurism不极端科幻 High perceived quality of material高品质材料 Functionally innovative创新功能,AU

16、DI A2 TOYOTA POD - reflects and expresses the divers chnaging moods,Visual language references 形象语言的参考,Fluidity of Form外形的流动性 Shapes with movement 流动的外形 Softness柔和 Comfort 舒适 Informality非正式 Formal shapes/ informal interpretation 外形/不拘礼节的通译 Purity纯净 No irrelevant decoration 没有不相关的装饰 Materials used in

17、 innovative ways用创新的方式运用材料,FUSO Lion Sabatier,Visual language references形象语言的参考,Seamless interface/ interaction between human and technology无缝的界面(人类与科技的相互作用) Intuitive sensory enhancement 直觉的强化 Relevant use of technology 相关技术的运用 Humanising technology 人性化科技 social personal 社会化的-个人的 Accessible容易理解的 Em

18、otional ergonomics 感性的人机工程学 Technology that shows you how it feels to use 显示你如何感受运用的技术,F52 STAND FS series Mission Electronics SONY MDR-Q33LP/S headphone kit with interchangeble caps,Brand Design Policy 品牌设计原则,Defines Electrolux experience 确定伊莱克斯的体验 Consistency across contact points 各个联系点的一致性 Produc

19、ts 产品 Services 服务 environment/architecture 环境/建筑 retail experience 零售经验 Communications 传媒 Advertising 广告 Literature 报纸 exhibitions/events 展览 Packaging 包装 Internet 网络,Brand Design Policy 品牌设计原则,Simplicity简洁 Intuitive/Perceptive直觉敏锐 Purity纯净 Comforting/Cocooning舒适 Humanizing technology 人性化科技 social an

20、d personal 社会化的和个人的 Freedom of movement 活动自由 Dictionary for each item 每一个要素解释,Brand Design Policy: Simplicity 品牌设计原则: 简洁,Uncluttered, without unnecessary decoration, easy to relate to, visually clean, clear, clarity of surface, contemporary expression. 整洁、不累赘、无任何多余的装饰、感观上清洁、简单,表面清楚、给人深刻的现代印象,Brand D

21、esign Policy:Intuitive/Perceptive 品牌设计原则: 直觉敏锐,Its purpose is obvious, transparency of purpose, clearly understood, communicates its intent with minimal explanation needed, matches me and my surroundings, responsible. 目的明确、透明度高、易理解、无需太多的解释也能了解其目的、和个人和周围环境相符,Brand Design Policy: Purity 品牌设计原则: 纯净,Qui

22、et elegance, honesty of materials, honesty of performance, clean/cleanliness, clarity, true to the design, no visual noise, confidence, single-minded, balance. 宁静、优雅、材质清晰、运作明确、洁净、忠于设计、无视觉干扰、自信、思路清晰、平稳,Brand Design Policy: Comforting/Cocooning 品牌设计原则: 舒适/安全,Security, safety, welcoming, reassuring, no

23、n-alien, inviting, non-aggressive, non-intimidating, non-oppressive. 安全, 保险, 受欢迎, 可靠, 相通, 引人入胜的, 非功击性的, 非胁迫的, 非压制性的.,Brand Design Policy: Humanizing technology - social and personal品牌设计原则: 人性化的科技 社会化的与个人的,Emotional ergonomics, adaptable, flexible, rewarding, not technology for technologys sake, simp

24、lifies and eases the task whether shopping, cooking, browsing, etc. Knowledge of people and tasks, ensuring people get the most out of the task, connectedness, attuned, technology that adds value to living. 运用人类工程学, 适应性强, 灵活,有回馈, 不为科技而科技, 简化购物, 烹调,阅读等程序 。理解人及其工作, 确保他们从工作、交流、协调和技术中得到最大收获,为生活增添价值。,Bra

25、nd Design Policy: Freedom of movement 品牌设计原则: 活动自由,Fluidity, inviting interaction, creative freedom, foresight, anticipatory. 流动性, 吸引人的相互作用, 创造性的自由, 有预见性的.,Brand Design Policy extremes Electrolux is NOT. 品牌设计原则关键在于 伊莱克斯不是.,Cluttered 累赘的 Domineering/Aggressive 权威的/好斗的 Blatant/Loud 炫耀的/喧哗的 Subtle/Subm

26、issive 敏感的/顺从的 Comical/ Off the wall 戏剧性的/ 呆板的 Trendy/Copycat 流行的/模仿的 Decorative/Excessive装饰的/过分的 Academic/Professorial理论的/学院派 Stodgy 乏味的,Restrictive/ Uncomfortable 受限制的/ 不舒服的 Technology for technologys sake 为技术而技术 Complicated 复杂的 Mundane/Boring/ Uninvolved 世俗的/厌烦的/ 不兼容的 “Blue skies” “没有内容的” Arrogant/Insensitive 傲慢的/感觉迟钝的 Irresponsible 不可靠的 Soft/ Lazy 软性的/ 懒惰的 Fanatical 盲目的,Brand Design Policy extremes Electrolux is NOT. 品牌设计原则关键在于 伊莱克斯不是.,Summary: The Electrolux brand 综述伊莱克斯品牌,“Innovative trusted solutions for easier and more enjoyable life” ”创新可信的设计,更便捷舒适的生活”,


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