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1、Sprite Positioning Concept Study,Prepared for Coca-Cola China Ltd. by Oracle Market Research,Research Background,Sprite has been losing share in China across Metro, Urban and Town markets. Based on consumer feedback from various studies, it is suspected that the current Brand Architecture may not be

2、 powerful enough to build preference for consumers. Coca-Cola China is planning to modify the Brand Architecture and make it more compelling to local consumers. Alongside with this, the target group will also be extended from a teen focus to young adults at 20s as well. The modified Brand Architectu

3、re has to be aspirational to the core target but also acceptable for the other segment. Different positioning concepts have been developed and need to be tested among consumers. The concept will be used as the basis to modify the Brand Architecture, which will be taken as the footprint for brand com

4、munication in 2001.,Research Objectives,The objective of this survey is to evaluate five positioning concepts to help in crafting the brand positioning, and therefore modify the Brand Architecture, of Sprite in China. The concepts are evaluated on their motivation power, credibility, relevance, proj

5、ected image and uniqueness,Methodology,19 focus group discussions conducted in: metro market: Shanghai, Guangzhou urban market: Wuhan town market: Changde 5 groups in each city except Shanghai where there were 4 groups G1: male teens aged 16-18 G2: female teens aged 16-18 G3: male young adults aged

6、23-27 G4: female young adults aged 23-27 G5: middle-aged men or women aged 30-39 - male group in Wuhan - female group in Changde & Guangzhou - nil in Shanghai,Brand Loyalty & Perceptions of Sprite,CSD Consumption,Metro markets CSD consumption popular at home as well as outside home Urban & Town cons

7、umption mainly outside home CSD is not affordable as a regular stock at home it is a little like a treat, for festive occasions etc. The most popular packaging at home is the 1.25 PET bottle At home, the key user of CSD is the kid, followed by mom father drinks less as he goes for beer,CSD Purchase,

8、As early as 4/5 years old, children start to be influenced by advertising and have curiosity to ask parents to buy anything that interest them At teenage (15/16), they seek image and group identity, therefore are brand conscious dont want to be “out” and will follow the trend also very much influenc

9、ed by advertising they ask parents to buy for home consumption: go with them to supermarket or ask them to give them money to buy At twenties, they buy on their own/ for family members too, as they can make money they are relatively more stable with their choice as less involved in the total categor

10、y as teens also influenced by advertising and peers but less so,CSD Purchase,Parents exert influence on brand choice but in a limited way they would control the amount consumed rather than the brand in most cases they just follow kids choice “my mom usually ends up buying what I want though she may

11、not want me to drink so much” - a teen “being a single child, they usually satisfy our wish” - a teen “if the kid doesnt like the brand, it will be left in the fridge and its a waste of money” - a mom “I will try to make my kid drink less Coke and more Sprite because its not so bad for health, but t

12、here is only so little that you can control” - a father at most they can influence brand choice at home, not outside home,Which group to influence?,Teens are the most important to influence in the CSD category image and trend conscious more subject to advertising influence loyalty can sustain (but a

13、t a higher price than older people) the trend-leader in CSD category The twenties are the second most important group key decision-maker for themselves as well as family higher spending power teens look up to them in general (but they see teens as trend-leaders for CSD brand choice) CSD consumption

14、is still high but less involved than teens more stable with their brand,For Sprite, who to target at,We recommend people in the twenties as the core, teens as secondary This will set a difference from Coca-Cola And very importantly, Sprite has higher appeal to more mature people both because of its

15、intrinsics and imageries,Sprite,We asked respondents to write down their feelings and perceptions towards Sprite before showing them the new concepts Comments were primarily on the intrinsics of Sprite, and they concentrate on a few key areas: refreshing, cooling, crisp crystal-clear no colorant, cl

16、ean and pure feeling Secondary mentions tasty (some, more in Changde) thirst-quenching (some, more in Guangzhou) active, exciting (Changde only) A-Mei (mainly Changde & Wuhan),Insights on Sprite,Sprite is related to vitality, “life forces” (生命力) its green color and connotations of freshness, natural

17、ness and liveliness it is forward-looking and moving, not static its “bubbles” can be felt (seen and heard) more strongly than other carbonated drinks, which emits feelings of 活力, 生命力, 就象人生佷丰富的 佷有生命力的綠, 佷清新, 活潑的 自然的活力, 有生命感, 大自然的活力就佷大方,Insights on Sprite,Sprite is about purity and lightness it is no

18、t as rich as cola both visually and taste-wise image-wise, it is also associated with light feelings: natural, easy, relaxing, comfortable, quiet, not shouting loud, not pushing hard, it is less self-conscious, not having to think hard and struggle “its unlike other beverages with a stronger taste w

19、hich will give you a kick immediately, its light 淡淡的, let you slowly enjoy it 讓你慢慢回味” 現代的小家碧玉 溫柔內斂, 含蓄 古典而不古老 舒服, 清純, 純樸, 純美,Insights on Sprite,Sprite is friendly to the mass it is felt to be more friendly and approachable to the mass than the cola drinks and new brands like Smart (too strong, too e

20、xciting, too young) it exerts greater intimacy and empathy 親和力 , 包容性 therefore can have a wider footprint across different demographic groups,Reactions to Sprite Positioning Concepts,In each of the concept analysis below, we have blown up the phrases in accordance to the number of “underlines” respo

21、ndents have put down on the form (the bigger the words, the more appealing they are to respondents),Be My True Self (Existing Sprite concept),Be My True Self,Young people face different kinds of pressure. Sprite encourages them to be their true self. This is because Sprites clear and crisp lemon fla

22、vor makes them feel relaxed and comfortable and replenish their vitality; with a clear mind they can express their true self, that is as transparent and clear as Sprite. 年輕人面對各種壓力,雪碧鼓勵他們做回真正的自己,因為雪碧清爽的檸檬口味,令他們感到舒暢及恢復活力,能以清晰的頭腦去表達真實的自己就如同雪碧一樣透明清澈。,Be My True Self,This is the existing Sprite concept t

23、hough only a minority made this association even when probed Interpretation: young people (or anyone in this modern world) face lots of pressure nowadays, and for different reasons they have to compromise and to conform, making it difficult for them to express their true self; Sprite refreshes them

24、and enables them to do so one cannot escape from challenges but face them boldly, with honesty (minor mention),Be My True Self,It obviously tested better amongst teens, especially the 16-18 year old males they can identify with “pressure” and the want to break the constraints and do it their own way

25、 “in face of pressure, I dont want to bend 誓不低頭” their biggest pressure comes from the expectation for getting good results at exams (most serious in Shanghai and Changde) many also agree that they dont enjoy real freedom because parents and teachers think differently from them, and they have to abi

26、de (mentioned a lot in all cities except Guangzhou), e.g. parents control: what they wear (totally different tastes between the two generations) who they go out with: no dating, no bad guys how they spend their leisure time: cant stay out late, cant watch too much TV etc. parents like cultural music

27、 and dont want them listen to pop music,Be My True Self,Some like the tone of voice being understanding, sincere Sprite is like a trusted friend you can share feelings with A few also agree that since Sprite is clear, natural and simple, it fits the “true self” proposition most it has the most refre

28、shing taste amongst all CSDs, so more able to clear up the mind Of the four markets, Changde teens like this concept most express the most suppression from parents, & unfulfilled wants therefore they identify with the desire for “being my real self” 做回真正的自己, “expressing my true self” 表達真實的自己,Be My T

29、rue Self,Level of feeling “Not being myself”,Changde - small city, less developed, less opportunities parents are very anxious that their kid has to excel in exams more control over kids development and social life, and on the other hand less to offer to kids young people feel constrained, suppresse

30、d, and having little to vent out their energy,Wuhan - less pressure, more relaxing lifestyle, young people are happy,Shanghai - a lot of pressure but on the other hand, lots of opportunities and means to relieve stress people overall are optimistic and positive,Guangzhou - parents and the whole soci

31、ety are more open and free young people enjoy what they are, constraints are there but acceptable,Be My True Self,Those who did not like this concept argued on the basis that: they are already showing their “true self” (teens) only working people must hide a lot and be artificial, hypocritical young

32、 people can be very frank and natural most of the time “we are the single child, so parents would usually allow us to do what we want to” “its 20th century, parents are not so paranoid about us anymore” even to some adults, they feel they are still very much “themselves” under pressure “it seems to

33、say that we are lost!” it is necessary for everyone to conceal their true self at certain times and this is appropriate to conceal “part of me” is for safety, protection, a way to survive it means “packaging” (包裝, 偽裝, 武裝自己 ) in the modern society,Be My True Self,after all, one can be his true self,

34、pull down the mask when: coming back home, at leisure hours (working adults) being with friends (teens) a demand “to be my true self” is idealistic but not realistic only possible for children, who have no worries and dont have to think of consequences being so conscious of it will give yourself unn

35、ecessary stress everyone lives under rules and order, cannot have total freedom to go your own way “to be my true self, I would love to ignore work and just enjoy life, but this is simply not possible!” “its more possible for young people who have not got married and have no family burden, for us it

36、s difficult to find our true self anymore” (WH 30-39 M),Be My True Self,they dont want to hear about pressure too much “its like talking about the life of working people, not students” “we play and enjoy life thoroughly now, were still young” the tone of voice is like preaching, too philosophical to

37、 swallow “its an empty talk” “like teaching you a big lesson” “makes me feel down and oppressed 佷壓抑” “like 醒世真言”, “人生道理” “this is not Cool, young people all want a cool feeling”,Be My True Self,many challenged the link/ functional support between Sprite and the promise of “Be my true self” CSD can r

38、efresh the mind but only for a while, the “clears your mind = helps you express yourself more clearly” is totally far-fetched “soft drinks cant revive your energy, it can only quench thirst” cannot rationalize how Sprite can help one to express their true self true self doesnt come with “a clear min

39、d” any cold drink can freshen and clear the mind CSD has no relationship with pressure at all its like tonic products such as 腦白金, Brands Chicken of Essence or cigarette, coffee, beer or going on a picnic, listening to music, drinking at pubs etc. some respondents challenged that the theme “Be My Tr

40、ue Self” has a stimulating, provocative tone of voice that doesnt fit Sprites brand personality: more like the 2cola drinks,Be My True Self,Wuhan working females said that the theme of “true self” is outdated it was once (in the 80s) a hot topic and people shouted for individuality, many creatives w

41、ere built around this theme, e.g. songs 真我的風采, 真正的我 character of “東方不敗” people in the modern world tend to go for a casual, natural route, they are not headstrong and high-profile on their personality 不會張揚個性 隨意 自己想整麼樣就整麼樣 = this is an insight which may indicate that people in the more developed citi

42、es are taking things easy already,Be My True Self,Perceived user image most perceive it to be targeting at young people they are more likely to feel suppressed, not supported less compromising and conforming they are more impulsive & have greater need to express themselves people who are not bold en

43、ough to express themselves some relate it to everyone who is under stress, therefore it is the working people, or people with family burden more serious, thoughtful Visuals on the mood board that worked man in the dessert/ facing the sea stretching out his body, yelling out, total relief, back to na

44、ture not care what other people think, be himself has a dream for the future (idealistic),Mood Board of Be My True Self,Take it Easy,Take it Easy,Version One (SH, WH & two GZ groups) Young people face different kinds of pressure, what is important is to use a “take it easy” attitude to openly face d

45、ifferent challenges. Sprites refreshing lemon taste and crystal-like clarity and transparency, at both the taste and visual level, can give you relaxing, liberated and enjoyable feelings. Version Two (three GZ & CD groups) Sprites refreshing lemon taste and crystal-like clarity and transparency, at

46、both the taste and visual level, can give you relaxing, liberated and enjoyable feelings. Therefore Sprite can make young people take up a “take it easy” attitude, to give full play to their potential.,放輕鬆,Version One 年青人面對各種壓力,重要的是以一種“放輕鬆”的態度,灑脫地去直面各種挑戰。雪碧清爽的檸檬口味,和水晶般的清澈透明,在味覺和視覺上,都帶來輕鬆舒暢豁然開郎的好亨受。

47、Version Two 雪碧清爽的檸檬口 味,和水晶般的清澈透明,在味覺和視覺上,都帶來輕鬆舒暢,豁然開郎的好亨受。因此雪碧能令年輕人抱著“放輕鬆”的心態,盡顯他們的潛能。,Take it Easy,“Take it Easy” was revised twice during the research In Shanghai, we modified the concept to tone down the “competition” and “stress” elements after the first group. Then after weve finished Shanghai,

48、 Wuhan and the 2nd group in Guangzhou, we further fine-tuned it slightly to shift the end benefit to “give full play to their potential” rather than the original “openly face different challenges”. The change in Shanghai was useful whereas adding in “full play of potential” was awkward to consumers

49、- no significant change to overall appreciation of the concept.,Take it Easy,The concept was more accepted in Wuhan and Changde, but overall, not an outstanding concept Two levels of perceived messages: 1) drinking Sprite can refresh you and relieve you from tiredness, strains and tensions etc. so that you can relax, start over again 2) Sprite encourages people to take things easy, dont get worried, fearful or hung up by failures or mishaps in life Sprite refreshes = relieves = can relax and start over again its quite agreeable because: Sprite is ref


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