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1、You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The bar charts below give information about the railway system in six cities?in Europe.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.?The bar charts illustrate compar

2、able information related to railway systems in six?capital cities in Europe; Paris, Stockholm, Lisbon, Rome, Madrid and Berlin.柱状图显示了欧洲6个首都城市铁路系统的可比信息;巴黎、斯德哥尔摩、里斯本、罗马、马德里和柏林。In general, railway systems in different cities vary in terms of the start dates of each system, the sizes, and the numbers of

3、 passengers using the systems in a year.一般来说,不同城市的铁路系统在开始运行的日期、规模和一年内使用这些系统的乘客人数等方面各不相同。As far as the ages are concerned, Paris has the oldest railway system among the six cities. It was opened in the year 1863, which is incomparable to the other cities. On the other hand,?Berlin has the newest rail

4、way system which was opened in Europe 2001.就年龄而言,巴黎是六个城市中最古老的铁路系统。它在1863年开放,这是无与伦比的其他城市。另一方面,柏林有最新的铁路系统,2001年在欧洲开通。In terms of the sizes, Paris, for certain, has the longest route, 394km, which is nearly twice the figure for?Stockholm. Madrid, in contrast, has the shortest route in its railway syste

5、m, only 28km.就规模而言,巴黎无疑是最长的路线,394公里,几乎是斯德哥尔摩的两倍。相比之下,马德里的铁路系统最短,只有28公里。When it comes to the numbers of people using the railway system in each,?Lisbon shows the largest number of 1927 million passengers in a year while Madrid serves the smallest number of railway users, 45 millions.说到每个国家使用铁路系统的人数,里斯本的铁路用户数量是1927年最多的,而马德里的铁路用户数量是最少的,只有4500万。(170 words)


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