雅思G类书信小作文范文:延后房租 请求信.doc

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1、雅思G类书信小作文:延后房租 请求信You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late. Write a letter to your landlord.In your letter explain:Why you are writing to himWhy you cannot pay the rentWhen you will pay the rent.Write at least 150 wordsDear Mr Strickland,I a

2、m writing to you to request that you allow me to pay my rent late this month.我写信请求你允许我在本月晚些时候交房租。Ive been a tenant with you for a number of years now, and, as you know, I have always paid my rent on time. However, I am having a few financial problems at the moment. Last month, I was made redundant f

3、rom my job because the company I work for is closing down. Because I have not worked at the company for long, I have not received a redundancy payment, therefore leaving me short of money this month.到目前为止,我已经在你们这里租了很多年了,而且,正如你所知,我总是按时付房租。然而,我现在有一些财务问题。上个月,我被解雇了,因为我工作的公司要倒闭了。因为我在公司工作的时间不长,所以没有收到遣散费,所

4、以这个月缺钱。I can assure you that I will be able to pay the rent on the 15th of next month. I have now found another job, and they have kindly agreed to give me an advance on my wages, but they are unable to arrange this until next week.我可以向你保证,我能在下个月15日付房租。我现在已经找到了另一份工作,他们已经同意预支我的工资,但他们要到下周才能安排。I hope this will be acceptable to you, but please contact me if it is a problem.我希望你能接受,但如果有问题请联系我。Yours sincerely,John Streetham.


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