
上传人:白大夫 文档编号:4426549 上传时间:2019-11-08 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:14KB
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1、Describe a useful app or computer program for a smart phone, computer or tablet that you have used.You should say:what the app ishow long/how often you have used it (or, been using it)what you use it forand explain why you think it is useful.Well, Im really into mobile apps so I set up at least 20 h

2、elpful apps on my smartphone like Meditation, Tripadvisor, Ted, Lumosity, Dulingo, Wunderlist. But maybe Money Lover is the most useful one and at the top of my list.我很喜欢手机应用,所以我在智能手机上设置了至少20个有用的应用,比如冥想、Tripadvisor、Ted、Lumosity、Dulingo、Wunderlist。但也许金钱情人是最有用的,而且是我最喜欢的。Let me tell you about it in mor

3、e detail. The symbol of the app is a very cute piggy bank which impresses me a lot at the first sight. There are many expenses for clothes, food, cosmetics divided so that at the end of the month, I can know exactly what cost me a bomb, what are within my budget to tighten the belt next month.让我更详细地

4、告诉你。app的符号是一个非常可爱的储蓄罐,第一眼就给我留下了深刻的印象。衣服、食物、化妆品的开支有很多,所以在月底,我可以确切地知道我花了多少钱买了一颗炸弹,下个月我的预算中有多少钱可以省下来。It is not an exaggeration to say that this way of saving money changes my life for the better. Thanks to that, I am better at money management. When talking about money saving, my friends consider me as

5、 a shining model for them to follow. This makes me so proud of myself.毫不夸张地说,这种省钱的方式让我的生活变得更好。正因为如此,我更擅长理财。谈到省钱,我的朋友们认为我是他们学习的榜样。这让我为自己感到骄傲。In addition, my mom always got angry with me for my wasting money but at the moment, she hardly loses her temper anymore and we seem to have better relationship than in the past.另外,我妈妈经常因为我浪费钱而生我的气,但现在,她几乎不再发脾气,我们的关系似乎比以前好了。If anyone asks what application I like best, “Money Lover” is the first thing that comes to my mind. Trust me, it is really helpful.如果有人问我最喜欢什么应用,我首先想到的是“金钱情人”。相信我,这真的很有帮助。


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