
上传人:白大夫 文档编号:4426550 上传时间:2019-11-08 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:13.50KB
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1、Describe your hometownYou should say:Describe the placeWhat is special about it?Compare it to other cities in the world?My hometown is Lahore. I was born in Lahore and I like it a lot. Lahore is a very important city in Pakistan because it is the capital city of the largest province in Pakistan. Rig

2、ht now I am living in my hometown and I wish to live over here for the rest of my life.我的家乡是拉合尔。我出生在拉合尔,我非常喜欢拉合尔。拉合尔是巴基斯坦一个非常重要的城市,因为它是巴基斯坦最大省份的首都。现在我住在我的家乡,我希望在这里度过我的余生。Lahore is a very big city with wide and beautiful roads. Lahore is also regarded as the educational hub of Pakistan as there are m

3、any educational institutes in Lahore. Lahore also has its significance for the fact that it was a very important city during the Mughal period. People who visit Lahore can easily agree to the fact that it has very rich cultural heritage. There are many gardens, historical buildings and museums in La

4、hore. Another thing which is very special about Lahore is its food industry, there are many different restaurants which are offering different kinds of food.拉合尔是一个非常大的城市,有着宽阔美丽的道路。拉合尔也被认为是巴基斯坦的教育中心,因为拉合尔有很多教育机构。拉合尔在莫卧儿王朝时期是一个非常重要的城市。访问拉合尔的人很容易同意这个事实,即拉合尔有非常丰富的文化遗产。拉合尔有许多花园、历史建筑和博物馆。拉合尔另一个很特别的地方是它的食品

5、工业,有很多不同的餐馆提供不同种类的食物。I have been to many cities in this world, but still I regard Lahore to be the most beautiful city amongst all. Last month I went to Dubai and everybody knows that how beautiful it is, but still I was keen to return to my hometown. There is so much greenery in Lahore whereas I wa

6、s not able to find enough in Dubai. I think that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I think I can highlight all the good features of Lahore because it is my city, and that it is the reason, I often ignore the good features of other cities in the world.?我去过世界上许多城市,但我仍然认为拉合尔是所有城市中最美丽的城市。上个月我去了迪拜,每个人都知道它是多么的美丽,但我仍然渴望回到我的家乡。拉合尔有这么多绿色植物,而我在迪拜找不到足够的。我认为情人眼里出西施。我认为我可以突出拉合尔的所有优点,因为它是我的城市,这也是我经常忽略世界上其他城市优点的原因。


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