雅思口语范文Part 1 Topic 31 Transportation 通勤出行.doc

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1、1. How do you travel to work or school?I usually go to school by bus. It often takes me half an hour. But sometimes when the traffic is busy,I have to spend almost an hour on the road.2. Will you change the way you travel to school?No, not now. My school is a little far from my home. Its expensive i

2、f I take a taxi or the subway every day. So taking a bus is the best way for me. I can save a lot of money.3. How did you go to school when you were a child?When I was young, my dad often drove me to school on his motorbike. I always sat on the back of his bike. I really liked going to school on a m

3、otorbike back then because I thought it was so cool.4. What do you like to do during your commute to school? (5-8 月新高频题)I like listening to music. Its not very productive, but it really helps me relax. When Im on my way to school, I already feel stressed thinking about all the stuff I have to do. So

4、 listening to music just calms me.5. Do you like bike-share programs? (5-8 月新高频题)I think bike-share programs are a great idea. I generally use public transportation, like buses and subways. But if I had to bike somewhere, I would definitely use a shared bike. Its helpful for the environment. Plus, b

5、iking is really fun.6. When was latest time you took a taxi?Well, the last time I took a taxi was about half year ago when I tried to catch a train. At the time, Iwas running late for check-in, so I had to take a taxi. And I remember I even gave the driver 10 yuan more, and asked him to drive faster

6、 to the train station.7. Is the traffic in your city bad?Honestly, it depends on the time of day. During rush hour, the traffic can be very bad. Sometimes it can take you hours just to drive a couple blocks. But if its in the afternoon or on the weekends, itsnot so bad.8. Can you drive?会开车Yes, I can

7、 drive! Ive been driving since I was 21 years old. I got my license at the time. At first, Iwas nervous, especially when it got busy on the roads. But now that Ive been driving for a long time, it doesnt stress me out at all.不会开车No, I cant drive. I often take public transportation. Honestly, the tho

8、ught of driving really stresses me out. I think Id make other drivers mad because I would be driving too slowly. Id rather just take a bus or a subway, or get a ride from my friends.9. Do you drive usually? /Do you often drive?Well, to be honest, I try to avoid driving whenever I can. Sometimes the

9、roads get too busy. If I can just take public transportation, I would not like to drive. But if I want to go to school or work early, I like driving because its faster.10. Do you think people need to learn how to drive?Honestly, I think it depends. If people live somewhere that has a great public tr

10、ansportation system,then I dont think they need to learn how to drive. After all, if people take public transportation, its better for the environment. But if they often need to go to someplace far away,they should learn how to drive.11. Does your family often travel by car (go on a road trip)?Yeah,

11、 we do. During the summer, we love going on road trips to small towns along the highway. I really love having a road trip with my parents. A few months ago, we drove for three hours to a seaside town. We were so impressed by the scenery there.12. What are the advantages of a road trip?The advantages of a road trip are that you can choose where you go, how fast you go, and when you want to take a break. If you take a train or a plane, the stops are already decided for you. But if you drive yourself, you can make all the decisions yourself.


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