雅思口语原创范文Part 1 Topic 10 Tea and coffee 茶和咖啡.doc

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《雅思口语原创范文Part 1 Topic 10 Tea and coffee 茶和咖啡.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思口语原创范文Part 1 Topic 10 Tea and coffee 茶和咖啡.doc(1页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、1.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?Yes, in China teas is very popular as it has a huge cultural significance to us. Tea has always?been a large part of our culture since early Chinese history and it is still very popular today. Many Chinese people also like coffee and it is especially p

2、opular with the younger generations, but it does not have the same cultural significance of tea since coffee originated from the Americas and was only introduced to the rest of the world a few hundred years ago.2. Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?Actually, I prefer to prepare coke

3、s for them. If i must choose one, I think it is tea. Chinese people prefer to serve tea to their guests. All restaurants in China will serve a pot of tea to guests instead of coffee. I think coffee is more suitable for some business occasions or afternoon tea.3. When was the last time you drank tea

4、or coffee?Well, the last time I drank tea or coffee would have to be this morning. It is almost part of my daily ritual (仪式)that I wake up and begin my day with either a tea or coffee. Normally I drink tea as I prefer this to coffee but sometimes when I wake up feeling especially tired I decided to drink a coffee instead for the extra caffeine (咖啡因)it contains.


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