雅思口语原创范文Part 2 Topic 14 错误信息 Describe a time when you got the incorrect information.doc

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1、Describe a time when you got the incorrect information You should say:When it happened What the information wasHow you found it incorrect And explainhow you felt about itRecently my friend and I got some incorrect information that almost ruined our day. During the most recent Spring Festival, my fri

2、end Lucy and I decided to go to take a trip to Sanya and spend a few days there. The reason we decided to go to Sanya was because it is a tropical island so during the winter it is a lot warmer than much of the rest of China. We were very excited to do many of the coastal activities such as diving a

3、nd water sports. One activity we were excited to do in particular was to take a boat trip and visit Wuzhizhou island. We checked the weather forecast the day before and it said it would be sunny so we signed up (报名)for the cruise to the island.Unfortunately, when we woke up very early to catch the b

4、oat, we discovered the weather was gloomy (黑暗的)and there was no sunshine. When we got on the boat, the weather was very bad, there were many dark clouds and the sky was overcast (阴暗的). In the evening there was heavy rain and strong winds. The sea was wild (疯狂的,野蛮的) and the waves were very strong, so

5、 we felt very uncomfortable due to our seasickness (晕船) . All of this really ruined our day and we were both very upset. It is very sad when incorrect information spoils (糟蹋)your plans. We did not have the day that we expected to have at all.What I learned from this experience is that it is very imp

6、ortant to make sure whether the information is correct. To do this, we can search from different resources or query others about that.中文思路:最近我和我的朋友得到了一些错误的信息,差点毁了我们的一天。去年春节,我和我的 朋友露西决定去三亚旅游。我们决定去三亚是因为它是一个热带岛购,冬天它比中国其 他地方暖和得多。我们对于沿海运动感到很兴奋,比如潜水和水上活动。最让我们兴奋 的就是坐船去蜈支洲岛。我们提前一天看了天气预报是晴天,所以报名了乘船游览蜈支 洲的活动。不幸的是,当我们一早起来坐上船,发现天气很阴暗,没有阳光。当我们上了船,天气 事常糟糕,天空阴暗还有很多乌云。到了晚上更是下着大雨,刮着飓风。大海非常野蛮 伴随着强烈的海浪,这一切让我们非常不适导致了晕船。这一切真的毁了我们的一天, 我们都很难过。当不正确的信息糟蹋了你的计划的确令人伤心。我们根本没有得到原本 期待的一天。我从中学习到的一点是,保证信息的准确性是非常重要的。我们可以通过从不同渠道查询或者询问其他人来做到这一点。


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