雅思口语原创范文Part 2 Topic 23 想法有趣的人 Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.doc

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雅思口语原创范文Part 2 Topic 23 想法有趣的人 Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions.doc_第1页
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1、Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions You should say:Who the person isWhat this person doesHow you know the personAnd explain why you think his/her the ideas are interestingDuring the last summer, I worked at a Starbucks as a barista. There was a man I worked with named Alex and I

2、thought he had some very interesting ideas. Alex was a student in Beijing where he studied photography and contemporary art (当代艺术).When we were at work together, we often discussed his ideas about art and photography because I found his opinions to be very interesting and uncommon.Alex spends most o

3、f his free time exploring the city we live in and taking photographs of things that he thinks are worth picturing. He loves big urban cities and spends a lot of his time taking photographs of things that other people find ugly. He takes photographs of big skyscrapers, traffic jams and grey streets.

4、It is very unusual because most photographers take pictures of grand natural landscapes or beautiful animals and it is easy to explain why these things are beautiful. When we are at work, he explains to me his ideas and opinions. He says he wants to take some pictures of the real world, because he t

5、hinks that people who live in cities are unhappy. Crowded subways, dirty streets and high-rise buildings can reflect peoples depressed and unhappy state of mind. This is what I find so interesting about him, because what he considers worth picturing is very different from most people. So, life is fa

6、r more interesting when you know people who have unusual opinions and strange ideas.中文翻译:去年夏天,我在星巴克兼职做咖啡师。我和一个叫亚历克斯的人一起工作,我认为他有 一些非常有趣的想法。亚历克斯是一名学生,他在北京学习摄影和当代艺术。当我们一起 工作的时候,他经常和我讨论关于艺术和摄影的想法,因为我发现他的观点非常有趣和 不寻常。亚历克斯的大部分空闲时间都用来探寻我们居住的城市,并拍摄他认为值得拍摄的照片。他喜欢大城市,花很多时间给别人觉得丑的东西拍照。他摩天大楼、交通堵塞和灰色街 道的照片。这是非常少见的,因为大多数摄影师都会拍摄宏伟的自然景观或美丽的动物, 而且图片的美丽是显而易见的。当我们上班的时候,他向我解释他的想法和观点。他说 他想拍一些世界的真实样子,因为他认为生活在城市的人都不快乐。拥挤的地铁,肮脏 的街道和高层建筑可以反映出人们的沮丧和不快乐的心态。这就是我觉得他很有趣的地方,因为他认为值得画的东西和大多数人都不一样。所以,当你认识那些有着不同寻常 的观点和奇怪想法的人的时候,生活会变得有趣得多。


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