雅思口语原创范文Part 2 TOPIC 9 Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your t.doc

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雅思口语原创范文Part 2 TOPIC 9 Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your t.doc_第1页
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《雅思口语原创范文Part 2 TOPIC 9 Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your t.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思口语原创范文Part 2 TOPIC 9 Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your t.doc(1页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel You should say:Where it happenedWhen it happenedWho you were with at that timeAnd what impacts this breakdown hadRecently I was on holiday with my family in Sanya and a vehicle we took broke down during our travel. We had vis

2、ited Sanya as it is a wonderful place for diving, but we also decided to plan a self-driving tour around Sanya. It is a very beautiful island with so much to see, so my family and I thought the best way to see it all was with a self-driving tour. This gave us more freedom and control than a guided t

3、our, but it also allowed us to discover parts of Sanya we may not have found on our own. It seemed like a brilliant idea, but whilst driving down a busy road the car suddenly broke down.Initially (最初、首先)the breakdown was very unpleasant. We were on a busy road and the motor (发动机)burnt out so the car

4、 stopped running completely. My father and I had to get out and push the car while my mother steered (操控着)it to the side of the road. At first, this was very embarrassing (尴尬的)as we were causing a traffic jam, but then some local people came over and helped us move our car. They were very friendly a

5、nd we all had a big laugh about the situation. After that, the break down did not seem so upsetting. We called the car rental company and they arranged for a replacement car to be driven to us immediately. I feel like this could have had a huge impact on the trip, but sometimes the support and frien

6、dship of local people can turn any bad incident into a funny story. Therefore, we did not find the break down that upsetting.中文思路:最近我和我的家人在三亚度假,我们乘坐的一辆车在旅途中抛锚了。三亚是一个潜水的 好方,我们决定计划一个三亚的自驾游。三亚是一个非常美丽的岛屿,有很多可以看 的东西,所以我和我的家人认为最好的旅游方式就是自驾游。这给了我们比跟团更大的 自由和制力,但也让我们发现了三亚一些我们自己可能没有发现的地方a这似乎是个 好主意,但在一条繁忙的路上行驶时,汽车突然抛锚了。最初故障让我们很不愉快。汽车发动机在一条繁忙的公路上烧坏了,车完全停止运行。 我和父亲必须下车把我母亲操控着的车推到路边。起初这很尴尬,因为我们造成了一些 交通拥堵,但后来一些当地人过来帮助我们移动我们的车。他们非常友好,我们都为这 种情况哈哈大笑。在那之后,抛锚似乎不再那么令人沮丧了。我们给汽车租赁公司打了 电话,他们马上安排给我们换一辆车。我觉得这会对这次旅行产生巨大的影响,但是有 时候当地人的支持和友谊可以把任何不好的事情变成一个有趣的故事。因此,抛锚这件 事并没有那么沮丧。


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