雅思口语原创范文Part 3 Topic 50 失而复得的经历(新题).doc

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1、1. What things do people often lose?I think people often lose the things which they use on a daily basis. Since these things are used so frequently they are often moved around and left in different places or in different pockets. Therefore, it is easy to forget where we have left them. So people oft

2、en lose their phones, their wallets or their keys. As these are things we need to use on a daily basis it is often very frustrating to lose these things.2. How do people find the things that they lose?It can often be very difficult to find the things that we lose. The best way to find things that we

3、 lose is to retrace our steps and try to remember the last time we had the item which we lost. If someone retraces their steps and visits each of the places they went since they last remember having the thing they lost then they will normally find it. It is often the last place we think of looking w

4、here we find the thing we have lost.3. What do you do to prevent from losing things?To prevent myself from losing things I have designated areas for different item. I used to always lose my keys in my house and this was very frustrating. I was often late for school because I could not find where I h

5、ad put my keys the day before. So, I bought a bowl and put it by the door and this became the place I put my keys whenever I came home. Now I literally never lose my keys and I am very happy about that.4. What do you do when you found the things that others lostIf I find something that another perso

6、n has lost then I do everything in my power to return it to that person. Sometimes this is quite easy. For example, if my friend has lost their jumper and I find it in my house it just takes a quick phone call and a visit to them and I have returned it. However, if I find a wallet in the street this is often more difficult to return as I do not know who it belongs to. Sometimes all I can do is hand the lost property into the police and hope the owner recovers it.


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