雅思口语范文Part 2 Topic 14 乐于帮助别人的人 Describe a person who often helps others.doc

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1、Describe a person who often helps others.You should say:Who this person is;How often this person helps others;Why this person helps others;And explain how you feel about this person14. 乐于帮助别人的人Off the top of my head, the first person that comes to mind is my co-worker Lisa. I know her because of a p

2、art-time job I had during last summer vacation, where my job responsibility wasmainly selling portable power banks. Lisa was our team leader and whenever we needed a hand91, she was always there.I worked there for a whole summer holiday, so we worked together for two months. Every time a new employe

3、e joined us, Lisa would talk with them proactively92 and kindly took the time to teach them some sales tricks when they attended to their first customer. So, basically, Lisa would assist every new person to close their first deal93. And even veteran94 staff members often consulted her about matters

4、that made them feel out of their depth. And she always helped them think outside of the box and encouraged them to have the nerve to break the routine.As for why Lisa is so helpful to others, wellI think its mainly because of her kind and warm personality. She loves reaching out to95 coworkers and l

5、iterally has a natural charisma that make people trust her. Besides, she also believes that being a salesperson is a tough job, so she wants to help others as much as possible. She really made the team have better chemistry and improve. I was so happy I could have such an accountable and helpful colleague.91 needed a hand:需要帮助的时候92 proactively:主动地93 close their first deal:完成第一笔交易94 veteran:有经验的95 reaching out to:伸出手(帮助他人)


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