雅思口语范文Part 3 Topic 20 有趣的老人.doc

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1、Topic 20 有趣的老人1. What are the common hobbies that young people and old people have?I think they both like doing relaxing activities. A good example is going to watch a movie. Its a fun social event that doesnt take a lot of time or energy. So people of all ages enjoy it. Another common hobby is read

2、ing. The only difference is how they might read. Old people prefer paper books. Young people always like reading on a phone or tablet.2. What can old people teach young people?I suppose that old people have lots of wisdom to share with young people. For one, they can teach them practical skills, lik

3、e how to manage their time and money. Old people have more experience.They can share their knowledge with the younger generations. Besides, old people can teach young people about the past. For example, they can tell them about what life used to be like, and pass down178 important family traditions.

4、3. What can young people teach old people?There are lots179 that young people can teach old people. Firstly, young people can teach old people about technology. They can show them how to use things like tablets and cellphones. Besides, they can also teach old people how to adapt to new trends in soc

5、iety180. You know, things can change a lot within a few generations, such as dress styles and the ways of entertainment.4. What are the differences between old people and young people when they learn new things?It seems to me that young people are more enthusiastic about learning new things. They do

6、nt have as much experience as old people. So theyre eager to learn more. From my own experience, its really exciting to learn something you dont know. A lot of young people feel the same way181. But I think that in general, old people are more hesitant182 to learn new things. They dont like change a

7、s much.Its hard for them to learn new knowledge.5. Do you think old people should live with their family?Well, it would be nice for old people to live with their family. For one, it helps keep the family close. You know, people should respect their elders, so they can do this by taking them into the

8、ir own homes.That way, the younger generation can bond with the older one183. But old people have different lifestyles than young people184. So sometimes young people would have to compromise on their daily habits185.6. Why are some people considered boring?I think people who never try new things ar

9、e considered boring. Lots of people refuse to do something they havent tried before. Honestly, its very annoying to their friends. It makes them seem really boring.Plus, people can also be boring if they dont get excited about things. Its good to have a passion.People who dont care tend to be downer

10、s186.178 pass down: 传递,传承179 There are lots:有很多(可以教的东西)。口语中可以不说 lots of things, 直接说 lots180 adapt to new trends in society:适应社会新潮流181 feel the same way:(有很多年轻人)和我的想法是一样的182 hesitant:犹豫的183 bond with:与保持亲密的关系184 old people have different lifestyles than young people:注意这里 than 的用法,不是比较级。than 在口语中可以与 different 搭配,表达与不同,类似 different from 的结构185 compromise on their daily habits:在日常生活习惯上妥协186 downers:很扫兴的人


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