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1、编号 0804115 毕业论文 ( 2012 届本科)题 目: 河西地区初中英语教师课堂话语分析与应用 初探以嘉峪关实验中学为例 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 作者姓名: 蔺仕龙 指导教师: 郭秀娟 职称: 副教授 完成日期: 2013 年 5 月 30 日二一三年六月36目录河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信声明1河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告2正文7河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目审批表29河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)指导情况登记表30河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)指导教师评审表31河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)答辩记录表32河西学院本科生毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人

2、郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 作者签名: 二O一二 年 五月三十日外国语学院毕业论文开题报告专 业: 英 语 学生姓名: 蔺仕龙 班 级: 10级7班 指导教师: 郭秀娟 开题日期: 2013年3月8日 论文题目Discuss the Similarities and Differences between Chine

3、se and America Wedding Culture中美婚礼文化差异一、本选题的目的和意义 自古以来,婚姻是人伦之首,更重要的是人们可以透过纷繁绚丽的婚俗,更清楚地认识人类社会历史,探索人类社会发展的基本规律。随着中国加入WTO,中美国家间的经济、文化交流日渐频繁,中美两国国家人民之间的合作和往来与日俱增,这种要求更显迫切。而对西方国家文化、风俗习惯的了解仅限于课堂是远远不够的,因此开展对西方国家文化、风俗习惯的研究,所以我们选择此课题作为研究对象。几乎在每一种社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗。人类似乎天生就有这么一种需要:用婚礼将丈夫和妻子之间的关系公开确定下来。但是,婚礼的形式却随着

4、人类社会的进展不断地发生着变化,不过万变不离其宗,所有婚礼习俗中都设计了一些颇有难度的环节。由于文化在中美的文化交流中,因文化差异造成的文化冲突涉及多个方面.。下面就中西方在婚礼文化上的几点差别进行比较。 本篇论文阐述了中美婚礼风俗的不同之处。中美婚礼风俗的差异,以及这种差异在习俗上的表现,其根本原因,在于中美文化具有不同的基本精神。希望通过本文,我们对中美婚礼文化差异可以更加了解,在面对这方面的事情的时候,能够视角更开放,思想更加广阔。二、本选题相关领域研究的现状及基本情况 自古以来,婚姻是人伦之首,更重要的是人们可以透过纷繁绚丽的婚俗,更清楚地认识人类社会历史,探索人类社会发展的基本规律。

5、很多学者从各个领域对中美婚礼文化差异进行了大量的研究。在国外,Diane Johnson于2001在Marggiage一书中探讨了西方国家的婚礼文化。H.Norman Wright于2005年出版著作Communication Key To Your Marriage介绍了对婚姻生活交流的重要技巧。John Gottman于1999年提出了结婚的七个准则。Stephanie Coontz在2005年在Marriage HistoryViking一书中介绍了了婚姻文化的发展历史。在国内,.杜江勇.浅谈我国婚仪民俗与结婚制度改革。罗攀.读韦斯特马克人类婚姻史徐海燕.略论中国古代典妻婚俗及其产生根源

6、. .张邦建.中国古代婚俗文化特点论述。综上所述,中美婚俗的探讨对跨文化交流的意义极为明显,对他的研究还需要进一步的深入。本研究对中美婚俗的演变差异及发展趋势进行了探讨,希望能够充实和完善此方面的内容。三、主要研究的内容 本论文共分为五部分。第一部分为引言,主要介绍了婚礼的意义。第二部分主要介绍婚礼在中国和美国的概念。第三部分,对中美婚礼文化的不同点进行描述,包括婚前准备、婚礼前夜、婚礼地点、新娘站的位置、婚礼形式、证婚人。第四部分,对中美婚礼相似点进行描述,包括表达爱的方式、手拉手的寓意、一些悠久的相同习俗、对彼此的誓言、对祖国的爱。第五部分,结论。1.引言2.婚礼在中国和美国的概念3. 中

7、美婚礼文化的不同点3.1婚前准备3.2婚礼前夜3.3婚礼地点3.4新娘站的位置3.5婚礼形式3.6证婚人4. 中美婚礼相似点 4.1表达爱的方式4.2手来收的寓意4.3一些悠久的相同习俗4.4对彼此的誓言4.5对祖国的爱4.6丈夫的压力4.7对婚礼的一些强烈意见5.结论四、参考文献1 Diane Johnson Le Marggiage Plume Books 2001.42 H.Norman Wright Communication Key To Your Marriage.JIUZHOUPRESS 2005.13 John GottmanTHE Seven Principles for M

8、aking Marriage Work.Three Rivers Press 1999.14 Stephanie Coontz Marriage HistoryViking Books 2005.65 陈辉.西方婚俗.大学英语M.2004(7).6 蔡立颖. 浅谈中西方文化差异 .今日科苑J.2007(24).7 陈洁梅.透过中世纪中西方婚姻礼仪的比较分析其文化内涵 .中国论文下载中心.8 董济华.从外语教学看中西文化差异.现代情报N.2002年第22卷4期.9 杜江勇.浅谈我国婚仪民俗与结婚制度改革.西南政法大学学报N. 2001年第2期.10 杜淑萍.中英婚俗文化及差异.岳阳职业技术学院学

9、报N.2006(1)11 吕鸣.从中西文化异同看谐音的运用.语文学刊:外语教育与教学J.2010(6)12 罗攀.读韦斯特马克人类婚姻史.民俗研究J.2004(1)13 李霞. 民间习俗中的彩礼及其流变.民俗研究J.2008(3)14 唐黎标.五花八门的海外婚俗.华人时刊J.2006(3).15 吴国华,蒲军.中西方婚礼服饰文化研究.美与时代J.2006(12).16 吴光华.汉英大词典第三版M.2010年1月第一版.17 韦合.论加强母语文化的传播能力.新闻爱好者:下半月J.2010年第7期18 徐海燕.略论中国古代典妻婚俗及其产生根源.沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)N.2005(4).19

10、 肖巍.跨文化交际能力的培养.中国科技纵横J.2010(19).20 席晓. 浅谈中西方婚礼文化异同(二).科技信息J.2008(22).21 袁波.古罗马的婚姻礼仪与民俗.石河子大学学报:哲学社会科学版N.2006(5) 22 张邦建.中国古代婚俗文化特点论述.学术界J.1999(6)23 http:/ http:/ http:/ 确定论文题目 ,指导教师确认后提交22011年12月-2012年2月28日提交初步的论文提纲及相关文献资料查阅情况32012年3月1日-3月8日 完成论文开题报告,交指导老师审阅 42012年3月9日-3月30日 提交论文第一稿,交指导教师审阅 52012年4月1

11、日-4月20日提交论文第二稿,交指导教师审阅62012年4月21日-5月14日提交论文第三稿,交指导教师审阅72012年5月15日-5月30日提交经指导教师通过、符合各项要求的毕业论文终稿82012年6月9日-6月13日进行院级毕业论文答辩 六、完成论文的条件、方法及措施 (一)条件 1已经修完英语专业的所有课程,对英语教学法和第二语言习得有一定的了解; 2学校图书馆具备有关本论文研究所需的丰富的书籍、期刊等参考文献,学院资料室的原版外文资料可供参考借阅; 3已经收集有关该选题的较丰富和全面的文献资料; 4具有上网条件及丰富的网上资源。 (二)方法及措施 1利用图书馆和互联网进行资料的检索查阅

12、; 2论文撰写小组之间讨论交流;3. 向指导教师寻求帮助和建议。描述性研究法:将已有的现象、规律和理论通过自己的理解和验证,给予叙述并解释出来。文献分析法:根据一定的研究目的或课题,通过调查文献来获得资料,从而全面地、正确地了解掌握所要研究问题。案例研究法:针对研究对象进行观察、分析,总结其行为特征,从而获得真实的研究素材,全面了解研究课题。七、指导教师的意见及建议 签名: 年 月 日 教研室意见负责人签名:年 月 日学 院 意 见负责人签名:年 月 日Discuss the Similarities and Differences between Chinese and America We

13、dding CultureLin ShilongUnder the Supervision ofGuo XiujuanCollege of Foreign Languages and LiteratureHexi UniversityMay 2013ContentsAbstract (English)2Abstract (Chinese)21 Introduction22 Marriage Concept32.1 Chinese Tradition Marriage Concept32.2 United States Tradition Marriage Concept53 The Diffe

14、rence between Sino-US Wedding Ceremony63.1 Preparations for the Wedding Day73.2The Night before Wedding83.3The Different Wedding Destination83.4Where the Bride Stand93.5 Different Wedding Form93.6 Holding Marriage by People and God104 The Similarities of Marriage between China and America104.1 Love

15、expressed by Different Ways104.2 The same Promise of Hand in Hand114.3 The same Time-honored Custom114.4 The same Best Wish to Others124.5 The same Love for Own Motherland124.6 Husbands Pressure124.7 Consuming Concept125 Summary13AbstractMarriage is an enormous thing in everyones life, except birth

16、and death. No matter in which country and which region, wedding is a festive thing. As the countries of China with a long history and the US with rapid development, although there are many differences in wedding culture, they all carry with love and best wishes. When it comes to planning a wedding,

17、people often honor traditions, even if they do not fully understand their origin or meaning. Every culture cherishes its own wedding traditions and superstitions. Some of those are closely followed even by those who are normally not superstitious.This article analyzes and discusses the similarities

18、and differences of wedding culture between China and the US from the similarities and differences of wedding ceremony between China and the US. By contrast, it reflects the mutual integration of different culture in diversified era so that it will help more people know the relevant culture.Keywords:

19、 Chinese wedding, American wedding, the differences and similarities of cultural, Cultural integration摘要:婚礼是一个人除了生死之外的最大的事情,无论是在哪个国家,哪种宗教,婚礼都是一件喜事。在历史悠久的中国和快速发展的美国,尽管他们的婚礼文化不同,但是他们都承载着爱和最美的祝福。当谈到准备婚礼,人们都会尊重传统,即使他们并不是完全理解这种传统婚礼的起源和意义。每种文化都珍视自己的婚礼传统和迷信。有的人并不迷信,但是他们也尊重这种传统的婚礼习俗。这篇文章从中美婚礼庆典仪式的异同方面分析和讨论了

20、中美婚礼文化的异同。通过对比,它反映了不同区域,不同文化的相互融合点,以至于帮助更多的人了解婚礼的相关文化。关键词:中国婚礼,美国婚礼,文化异同,文化融合摘 要英语教师课堂话语在外语课堂教学上起着双重作用,它既是教师组织教学的重要工具,又是学生习得语言的重要来源。在组织教学中恰当地使用教师话语可以激发学生的学习兴趣,激进学生学习目标语的信心。同时,教师话语的合理运用也可以向学习者提供有效的语言输入,从而培养学习者良好的语言习惯和运用语言的能力。因此,研究教师课堂话语及其如何应用可以促进英语教师对教学的深层理解,从而有效指导课堂教学实践活动。本文主要是根据本人在嘉峪关实验中学的实习经历,运用言语

21、行为理论从五方面来分析教师课堂话语的语用功能,并基于此理论来举例探讨教师话语在外语课堂教学中的应用,提出了教师课堂话语在河西地区中学实际教学当中所存在的问题,并针对这些问题给出了一些可行性建议,以期提高外语课堂教学效率。关键词:言语行为理论;教师话语;英语教学1. IntroductionTeacher discourse is one of the important parts in teachers behaviors and is usually used for organizing the classes and teaching students. In 1991, Nunan

22、pointed out in Language Teaching Methodology that teacher discourse was crucial to classroom teaching organization and the students language acquisition, it is not only because teacher discourse can help teachers to achieve the perfect teaching efficiency, but also its demonstration role can help st

23、udents to get effective language input (Wang Boda 146). (左为索引规范格式)Teacher discourse is the important medium of English class, because it is not only the source of target language but also the main means of classroom management. The quality and the amounts of teacher discourse can influence and even

24、determine whether the class is a failure or success. Krashen pointed out that people only can learn English well by acquiring the comprehensible input information 4. In the second language classroom teaching, teacher discourse is the most reliable and largest information input for learners. Proper t

25、eacher discourse can help teachers to offer students effective language input to improve their ability of communication and influence their language output. Therefore, the study of teacher discourse in China has very significant value and realistic meaning. Studying the subject can promote English t

26、eachers to understand English teaching deeply and efficiently guide teaching practical activities.2. Overview of the Speech Act Theory and the Feature Analysis of Teacher Discourse2.1 Overview of the Speech Act TheoryThe Speech Act Theory refers to the theory concerned with the assumption of languag

27、e activities studied by Austin and Searle. In 1962, Austin published his cognitive masterpiece about the analysis of sentence- How to Do Things with Words. He pointed out that, although people had made the sentence analysis and classification from many angles of view, for example, the sentences was

28、divided into the following types: declarative, interrogative, exclamatory and so on, the actual words of people in the practice was not to speak to speak, but speak to realize some kind of intent or achieve a particular purpose 1. In other words, people talk itself is to implement some kind of actio

29、ns, due to this kind of behavior is achieved by means of verbalization, so he takes such human behavior as speech act, and its new perspective of explaining sentence is called the Speech Act Theory by academia. As far as Austins concerned, when people speak or carry out a speech act, they complete t

30、hree sub-speech acts which are locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act at the same time. Austins view has caused a great stir in the field of language philosophy, linguistics, and cognitive science, and played a positive role in enhancing peoples language knowledge and deepening l

31、anguage study. With the development of research, people found that Austin showed some self-contradiction in dividing the three categories of speech acts, for example, he thought that illocutionary act was the most important part among the three speech acts and was the key point of understanding and

32、grasping speech acts. Comparing with it, the other two speech acts are less important. Aiming at the self-contradiction of Austins theory, Searle pointed that there was no insuperable barrier in the three types of speech acts, on the contrary, they were interdependent and they could interconvert und

33、er certain conditions. Based on this, he boldly proposed the assumption of Indirect Speech Act that every speech event represented a speech act, but sometimes this behavior was expressed more directly, sometimes more indirectly only. The shortage of Austin lies in that he only sees the direct speech

34、 act, and lack of investigations about the indirect one. Searles explanations about speech acts are the inheritance and development of Austins view, which strengthens the explanatory power of the Speech Act Theory. Visible, complete Speech Act Theory should include the two persons theories on this i

35、ssue. From this theory, people can see that human language has natural communication function. The true purpose of learning and using language is not for other purposes, but for better work by using language. This kind of language viewpoint is helpful for us to master the nature of language and unde

36、rstand the essence of language communication, so as to better participate in communication.2.2 Feature Analysis of Teacher DiscourseIn the process of second language acquisition, teacher discourse has double features. On one hand, it is regarded as a kind of simple code for providing learners with c

37、omprehensible language input, and this code can help learners to understand the discourse and start corresponding communication. Therefore, some scholars interpret teacher discourse into the care from teachers in the classroom, and take this feature as formal one 10. On the other hand, teacher disco

38、urse is seen as an important means of teaching, organization, and management, and this feature is called the functional one. People usually pay more attention to the adjustment in language speed, stops, stressed syllables, vocabulary and syntax when studying the formal feature of teacher discourse 2

39、 7. However, when studying the functional feature, people attach much more importance to the amounts of teacher discourse, the ways of asking questions, interactional modifications between teachers and students, and the reflection to students reaction 17. Generally speaking, teacher plays a leading

40、role in language teaching and teacher discourse is the main and direct ways to carry out teaching. However, Nunan thought that the importance of teacher discourse was not only embodied in classroom organization, but also in the learners process of language acquisition. The reason for the former is t

41、hat teacher discourse directly determines whether the teaching is a failure or success. The reason for the later is that teacher discourse is the main source of language input for learners 6. In Chinese language learning environment, second language classroom is the only place to learn and use forei

42、gn language for most students. Therefore, studying teacher classroom discourse has a great value.3. Brief Introduction of Jayuguan Experimental Middle School From September 2011 to January 2012, I took part in the teaching practice organized by Hexi University and became an internship in Jiayuguan e

43、xperimental middle school.Jiayuguan experimental middle school was set up by the government in 2002, including primary school and junior high school. The students of primary school were transferred to Yifu primary school in 2006. Since then, the school became an independent junior high school. There

44、 are 26 classes, 1360 students, and 84 teachers in it and 75 percentage teachers are under 40 years old. The facilities of teaching and exercise are very complete and some modern teaching facilities are arranged in this school. In addition, the management of office support is very scientific and the

45、 service is very considerate, which makes students and teachers feel very comfortable and happy when they study and teach there.In teaching, due to teachers average age is less than 40 years old in this school, the teaching approaches are very flexible. Many young teachers under 30 prefer to choose T


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