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1、2017 年山东省东营市中考英语试卷 一、解答题(共5 小题,满分 5 分) 1 (1 分)AThats right BNice to meet you CYou are welcome 2 (1 分)AHave a good trip BI dont think so CWork hard and you will make it 3 (1 分)ANever mind BWith pleasure CDont worry 4 (1 分)AReally ? BThank you CI didnt do very well 5 (1 分)AThats terrible BThats fine C

2、Its hard to say (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B 、C 中选出能回答 所给问题的正确答案 6 (1 分)How does the man feel? AAngry BExcited CSurprised 7 (1 分)What are they talking about? AHoliday BDaddy CCanada 8 (1 分)How does Lingling learn English ? ABy learning English grammar BBy memorizing words and expressions CBy listenin

3、g to tapes 9 (1 分)How much did Tina pay for the cotton dress ? A.40 dollars B.60 dollars C.100 dollars 10 (1 分)Where are they talking? AOn a train BIn a railway station CAt the lost and found office (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B 、C 中选出能回答 所给问题的正确答案 (录音播放前你有30秒钟的读题时间) 11 (5 分)11How many kinds of summer

4、 camps do they have ? AOne BTwo CThree 12Where will the children sleep? AOn a boat BOut the house CIn a tent or a wooden house 13Why are there only 8students in a group ?With a small group size ,_ Athey can take good care of the students Bthey can offer students the chance to make new friends Cstude

5、nts can learn useful outdoor skills easily 14What activities do they plan? AGoing for walks along the river BClimbing mountains CSwimming in lakes 15How much will the girl spend on the summer camp? A.2,000B.2,700C.3,200 二、单项选择(共20 小题, 计 20 分)从每小题 A、B、C、D 中选出一个能填 入句中空白处的最佳答案 16 (1 分)In London,dogs an

6、d their owners can enjoy _ hour long free bus tour Wow!I hope we can also have such a service in Dongying () Aa Ban C / Dthe 17(1 分) Frenchmen are outgoing It is _ to make friends with them() Aeasy B proud Cpolite Dimportant 18 (1 分) Im worried about our talent show tomorrow Be confident(自信的)!If you

7、 dont believe in yourself,_ will () Anobody Banybody C everybody Dsomebody 19 (1 分) Waiter,theres a fly(苍蝇) swimming in my soup So what do you _ me to do ,call a lifeguard (救生员)?() Awarn Bexpect Cinvite Dencourage 20 (1 分) What do you think of the environment in your hometown ? Its _Both the air and

8、 the water are badly polluted () Anot bad Bas good as before Cnot so good as before D much better than before 21 (1 分) Another person was hurt by the tiger in the zoo What a pity!That is a lesson to us :we must take rules _ () Aquickly Bclearly Ccarefully Dseriously 22 (1 分)Doctors say that the firs

9、t 10 minutes _ a traffic accident is important for saving a life () Ain Bbefore Cafter Dduring 23 (1 分) Liangliang ,are you active in class ? Yes,but often I dont have _ to show myself in a sixty student class () Areasons Bchances Cchoices Dabilities 24 (1 分) Pardon please Whom did you ask to finish

10、 the task? _You have other things to do () AThey BThem CTheirs DThemselves 25 (1 分) I heard you made a new family rule“Put away your phone while at home“ Yes We were _ busy checking our mobile phones before , but now we enjoy communicating with our family () Aalways Bnever Cseldom Dsometimes 26 (1 分

11、)A little monkey might feel sad because of having a new baby sister or brother! Yeah I didnt know that _ I saw the film Born in China () Aif Buntil Csince Dalthough 27 (1 分)In Switzerland,keeping only one goldfish isnt _ ,because the government believe it is very bad to make such social animals live

12、 alone () Astopped Bdoubted Crefused Dallowed 28 (1 分)_the scientistshard work,Tiangong II was launched(发射) successfully () AAs for BThanks to CInstead of DAccording to 29 (1 分) Do American students also have lots of_ to do ? Sure But they do fewer memorizing exercises () Asports Bsurveys Chomework

13、Dhousework 30 (1 分) Would you like another cup of coffee ,Linda? Thank you anywayIve already had one cup, and Im drinking _ cup () Aone Bthe first Cthe second Dthe third 31 (1分)WeChat Pay (微信支付) makes our life convenientWe can buy things _ we dont take any money () Aunless Bbecause Ceven if Dso that

14、 32 (1 分) Whos your favorite teacher? Miss Green She makes us_ English in an interesting way () Abelieve in Btake part in Ccome up with Dfall in love with 33 (1 分) Nowadays some_made in China are both good and cheap, such as Xiaomi mobile phones,Haier fridges and Lenovo computers () Atools Bproducts

15、 C materials Dinstruments 34 (1 分)_ exciting it is!Our country put her first homemade aircraft carrier (国产航空母舰) in the water on April 26 in Dalian () AHow BWhat CHow an DWhat an 35 (1 分) Can you tell me _ ? It will be built to help work out big city problems in Beijing () Aif Xiongan New Area will b

16、e built Bwhen we will build Xiongan New Area Cwhy Xiongan New Area will be built Dwhat will happen to the people in Xiongan New Area 三、阅读理解(共 4 小题, 计 30 分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 36 (7.5 分)Nowadays,with the development of the Internet ,emoji?(表情符 号)are more and more popular

17、among netizens (网民) Some people even feel difficult to talk online without using emoji Emoji help netizens to communicate with each other easily and vividly (生动地) Yet, not all emoji are properly used on social mediaSo we are going to introduce some common but confusing (令 人困惑的) emoji to help you hav

18、e a better understanding of these small signs 1A recent survey shows ,over 53% people use the emoji when they are chatting online Some people think it means“Im shy, “but others only use it when they are surprised or shocked But what does it really mean?It is still an unsolved (未解决的) question 2What d

19、o you think of this sign?Believe it or not,80% of netizens use it under the meaning of“It is not funny at all,but I have to smile“Is it right?Of course not!It actually means that“I saw what you did (usually bad things) and I want to give you a sinister (奸 诈的) smile“ 3People have very different opini

20、ons on this emojiThe Apple company has told that this emoji means“highfive (嗨,击掌) “But most people still use the incorrect meaning“pray“Some netizens even thought,“If you see this emoji as two people give each other a high five,you must be a bad guy “ 4 According to the official guidelines (官方指南), i

21、t is used as“smile through tears (破涕为笑) “However, most young netizens consider this emoji as“laugh to tears“or simply“LOL“ ,which means“laugh out loud“ 36 After reading the passage , we still cant understand the emoji well 37You are playing with your mobile phone while you are doing your homework ,

22、your brother sends you this sign,what does he mean ? AStop doing your homework BSend this emoji back to your father CGo on playing with your mobile phone DPut away my mobile phone and do your homework 38When your friend tells you online that he won the first prize in the writing competition ,which e

23、moji will you send him? 39The fourth sign means“ Acry out loud Blaugh to tears Csmile through tears Dlaugh out loud 40Why does the writer introduce these four emoji? ABecause they are more important BBecause they are not so common CTo help netizens use them easily DTo help the netizens use them prop

24、erly 41 (7.5 分)Zhang Shiyuan ,13 I am very interested in all kinds of dramas, especially those by William Shakespeare But it is impossible to watch stage (舞台) drama every weekSo my small goal is to watch at least one movie online from Shakespeares worksIt will not only improve my English ,but also h

25、elp me have my own taste in drama Wu Qianhui,14 For me,the small goal is to run 3 ,000meters every dayIt isnt an easy thing , especially to do it every dayBut I will not shy away from the challengeI have the confidence (自信) to make itI believe I can hold on and achieve my goal Gu Jiayi ,13 My goal i

26、s to master a skill like cookingIt is not very difficult ,but it takes a lot of timeSo Ill make myself learn how to cook during holidays The aim will help me make good use of time and be more independent Zhen Yishi ,14 I want to finish reading two English novels this year Reading plays an important

27、role in our life It will not only improve my English reading and writing skills,but also develop my knowledge in many fields It is not a big goalBut to achieve this goal , I need patience and persistence (坚持) Shen Botao ,14 My present small goal is to pass the piano grade examsWhen I was in primary

28、school,I began to learn to play the pianoI not only took a great interest in music, but also relaxed myselfI want to play the piano better I think I can make it by the end of this term 41Which goal is NOT mentioned ? ATo win a running competition BTo learn cooking CTo read two English novels DTo pas

29、s the piano grade exams 42can improve their English while they are achieving their goals AWu Qianhui and Zhen Yishi BZhang Shiyuan and Gu Jiayi CZhang Shiyuan and Zhen Yishi DZhen Yishi and Shen Botao 43According to the passage ,we can know AZhang Shiyuan has good taste in drama BGu Jiayi is not ind

30、ependent at all Creading can help Zhen Yishi develop her knowledge DShen Botao doesnt like playing the piano 44What can we learn from the passage ? AWe should have a goal ,maybe just a small one BWe should know how to achieve our goal CWe need patience and persistence to achieve a goal DAll above 45

31、You may find this passage in Aa guidebook Ba storybook Ca news report Da teen magazine 46 (7.5 分)Susan Carver stood in front of her house She watched George Carver take things out of his pockets (口袋) George had been out in the forest again , collecting things like plants, rocks, insects and a snake

32、Susan was happy that George loved natureShe just didnt want George to bring all that nature into her house! Susan and Moses Carver wanted George to have a good education But the schools near Georges house were for white children onlySo when George was about 12 , the Carves sent him to a school for A

33、frican American children But the school was too easy for George George decided to go to a different school so he could learn more George went to a high school in KansasHe was one of the best students there , tooAfter George graduated,he started a business cleaning peoples clothes But George still wa

34、nted to learn more In 1885a college in Kansas sent George a letter and said he could go to school there But when George got to the college ,they told him he couldnt stayThe college was only for white studentsGeorge was very disappointed(失望的)But he kept reading and learning by himself In 1887,George

35、started taking classes at Simpson College, in IowaGeorge was only the second African American student who went to the college He studied art and musicBut George really wanted to study plants and farming So he decided to go to a different collegeOne year later,he went to Iowa State Agricultural (农业的)

36、 College Students there learned how to work on farmsGeorge learned about farm animals,planting and growing crops(庄稼) George was a great student at Iowa State Agricultural College After he graduated, he became a teacher at the college He also kept studying plants He wanted to learn about different wa

37、ys to use plantsHe succeeded and became an expert in agriculture 46From the first passage ,we know that AGeorge loved nature BSusan was afraid of snakes CGeorge liked collecting all kinds of things DSusan didnt allow George to bring everything home 47George didnt go to school near his home because A

38、he was a black boy Bhe wanted to study by himself Cthe school was too easy for him Dhe wanted to go to a good school 48After he graduated from Iowa State Agricultural College ,George Astarted a business cleaning peoples clothes Bdecided to go to a different college Cbecame a college teacher Dwent to

39、 work on farms 49The right order of the following statements about George is He went to a high school in Kansas He went to Iowa State Agricultural College He went to study at Simpson College ,in Iowa He was sent to a school for African American children A college in Kansas sent him a letter but refu

40、sed him later A B C D 50According to the passage ,which statement is NOT right ? ABlack people were treated badly BGeorge liked music and art CGeorge was successful in agriculture DGeorge was a person who never gave up his dream 51 (7.5 分)Sir,I think I will tell you what happened last nightMy husban

41、d Mr Smith went to bed at about half past ten The servants had already gone to their roomsOnly my housekeeper stayed in her room at the top of the house until I needed her I read a book in this room until after eleven Then I walked round to make sure that all was right before I went upstairs (楼上) I

42、went into the kitchen,the storeroom, the living room,and finally the diningroomAs I came near the window ,which is covered with thick curtains(窗帘) ,I suddenly felt the wind blow on my face,and realized that it was openI pulled the curtain to one side,and found myself face to face with a man who had

43、just walked into the room By the light of my bedroom candle,I saw two other men entering behind the first I was so scared , walking back quickly,but the man was on me in a minuteHe caught me first by the wrist (手腕) and then by the throat I tried to shout, but he hit me heavily over the eyes , and I

44、fell to the groundI must have been unconscious for a few minutesWhen I woke up, I found they had tied me to the chair,and a scarf round my mouth stopped me from making any sound At this time,my unlucky husband came into the roomHe had certainly heard some suspicious ( 令 人 怀 疑 的 ) sounds, and he came

45、 preparedWhen he rushed at one of the bad men ,another man took the poker(拔 火棍) out of the fireplace quietly and hit him heavily as he passed My husband fell without a sound and never moved again 51When did the bad men go into the house? ABefore MrSmith went to bed BWhile MrsSmith was reading a book

46、 CBefore the servants went to their rooms DWhen MrsSmith was checking the rooms 52Where did the event take place? AIn the kitchen BIn the diningroom CIn the living room DIn the storeroom 53What does the underlined word“unconscious“mean? A昏迷的B疼痛的C 窘迫的D发狂的 54What did the bad men NOT do after they went

47、 into the house? AThey caught Mrs Smith by the hair BThey hit MrsSmith heavily CThey tied MrsSmith DThey killed MrSmith 55Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? AMrsSmith was too scared to cry for help BThe bad men went into the room through the door CMrSmith guessed something unusual was happening DMrSmith knew how many bad men were in the house 四、听力填表(共1 小题, 计 5 分)录音中有一段短文,听录音两遍后,根 据所听到的短文内容完成下面的表格(每空不多于三个词) (录音播放前你有 30 秒钟


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