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1、 How to Improve Oral English Contents Absract1Introduction2Chapter I .We should pay much attention to pronunciation.31.1 Some mistakes always occur in pronunciation3 1.2 Importance of stressed words to oral English.31.3 Influence of elision and liaison to oral English4Chapter II. Practice is an impo

2、rtant approach to improveoral English.4 2.1 Strengthen English listenning training4 2.2 Cultivate the habit of thinking in English.5 2.3 Develop an English enviroment .5ChapterIII. Bridge the gap between Chinese and English.6 3.1 Different ways of thinking between Chinese and English.6 3.2 Different

3、 attitudes towards privacy.7 3.3 Different connotation of idioms.7 3.4Difference in syntax.8Conclusion.8Notes.9Bibliography.9 Abstract As we know, the purposeof learning English is to understand and to be understood.That is to say, we should have successful communication with others. But how can we

4、communicate successfully? It requires that we improve our oral English to express what we want to say. There are three elements about oral English: pronunciation, fluent grammar, and correct content. Three corresponding chapters of approaches and ways to improve oral English are presented, which dis

5、cuss pronunciation, practice, and cultural influence relating tooralEnglish. Pronunciation is themost important aspect of oralEnglish. Practice is anindispensableway to improveoralEnglish.It is related to the fluency of oral English. Cultural influence is the biggest barrier to achieve successfulcom

6、munication with others.At the same time, it is closely related to the content ofcommunicationwith others.For every skill of oral English, every chapter has several relative aspects. Key words: Pronunciation Oral English improvement Successful communication environment Culture influence Introduction

7、As we know, English is a tool of communication .Whatever your reason for learning Englishis, the ultimate purpose is to understand and to be understood. Since the policy of reform and opening is put into effect in China, English as a tool of communication has been playing more and more significant r

8、ole in our life . At present a lot of college students have got CET-4 or CET-6, to our disappointment, they can not express what they want to say .Oral English is playing an important role in China ,therefore ,it is very urgent to improve oral English .That is why I write this paper. As the developm

9、ent of China, especially its joining the WTO, the world is opening more markets for its expanding economy .It requires that more and more personnel be well-trained and well-experienced in the communication .Everybody should take responsibility of improving his oral English for English has become glo

10、bal language .Mastering English interactive skills will be the key to success in keen competition in 21st century. My friends ,your dreams can come true if your heart desires and if you do not give up. Everybody will have a bright future.Chapter I We should pay more attention to pronunciation 1.1Som

11、e mistakes always occur in pronunciation . It is the fundamental beginning point to have correct and clear pronunciation in oral English .If we want to speak fluent and pure English ,we should make correct and clear pronunciation.Here are some traditional mistakes we should notice, th this pronuncia

12、tion gives Chinese students many troubles .They always mispronounce it as s. A good example to see whether your pronunciation is right or not is to check if ,when you say it ,your tongue touches the bottom of your top-row of teeth in order to properly pronounce the th sound .In order to learn this s

13、ound, you can exaggerate the movement required by sticking you tongue out of your mouth, then bringing it up against your row of teeth rests on your tongue, now slide your tongue back into your mouth quickly, thereby dragging it along your top row of teeth and finally back to its normal position. Th

14、is movement makes the th sound. The reason I tell the whole process of the pronunciation is that I want everyone to take it seriously. We should try our best to pronounce every word correctly, so we can be understood well. If you do not obey the rules of pronunciation, you will speak English with fo

15、reign accent.1.2 Importance of stressed words to oral English If you can not understand stress while speaking with others, you will fail in getting successful communication. So stress is very important for communication. In the English sentenses , there are some key words in them, that are stressed

16、words. When we read sentences, we should capture the stressed words . If you do so , you will find that the sentences have high tones and low tones . Some low tones are called “ swallow words” . It means that words are swallowed when you are reading . When others are speaking ,you cant catch very cl

17、early or even nothing . Now ,lets see what are stressed words and non-stressed words in the sentences . Stressed words are: Nouns (e.g. table, Smith) , verbs (e.g. run, speak), Adjectives (e.g. wonderful) and Adverbs (e.g. slowly). Non-stressed words are: Determiners (e.g. the, a), Auxiliary verbs (

18、e.g. was, is), Prepositions (e.g. after, of), Conjunctions (e.g. but, and), Pronouns (e.g. he, we). Lets take an example: 1. “ The beautiful mountain appeared transfixed in the distance .”2.“He can come on Sundays as long as he doesnt have to do any homework in the evening .” As the two sentences sh

19、ow the second one is longer than the first one ,but when you read them , you will find that they take same time to finish ,that is because the two sentences both have five stressed words . While speaking , we will read out the stressed words in the sentence . It can make your English beautiful and c

20、orrect . If not , we dont know the key point of the speaker , the purpose the the speaker . It is difficult to get successful communication .1.3 Influence of elision and liaison to oral English While watching English movies or listening to music, we cant understand what the actor and singers say , w

21、hy? There are a lot of reasons , such as backgrounds, habits and customs . But most importantly is that there are some elision and liaision in the oral English . If you are shown the subtitles ,you can understand everything very well . We can see every word in the subtitels even the words we cant he

22、ar from the dialogue. Listening to pop music and classical music is a good way to relax you, however it is also a good way to study English, we can improve the skill in elision liaison, etc. For example, in the famoussong of John Denverthere is a sentence the radio reminds of my home far away”, in t

23、he sentence far away these two pronunciations are pronounced together ,just like this kind of liaison, there are a lot of words in English songs, you can use them in your oral English ,you will follow the speed of foreigners ,with a lot of practice you can speak idiomatic English. Chaper II Practice

24、 is an important approach to improve oral English As the chinese proverb says:”practice makes perfect”.Everyone can speak their mother language very well and fluquently ,that is because we begin to practice from our childhood . If we want to improve our oral English , we should open our mouth and sp

25、eak out bravely. An American teacher who has been teaching English in China for ten years says that his first impression of Chinese students is that they are quiet , they always want their teacher to talk , they dont want to talk by themselves .This makes him worry about Oral English teaching .That

26、is also Chinese Education worry about . So , we should have correct and effective way to improve Oral English study .2.1 Strengthen English listening training , Increase the input and storage of language . The input of language is necessary to language output and communication.Listening is not only

27、an important way to acquire language , knowledge, andinformation ,but also the first step to learn speaking . A large quantity oflistening training is the basic approach get the sensation of language and learnhow to express ones own thought . American psychologist Wilga. M.Rivers think that the proc

28、ess of listeningIs not only the process of acceptance but also the process of setup .The comprehension of listening can be devided into three stages : the first one is called sensation stage . In this stage , the English learners can get the superfacial impression and grasp the general idea . This i

29、s a passive and acceptable stage . The second one is called recognise stage . The English learners can recognise every signal they accept ,and connect them .This is an active process . The last one is called comprehension and setup stage . From the process of listening comprehension , we can conclud

30、e that : The English learners should begin their study with listening . Listen what others have said again and again , and know how to say ,what to say .So that , we will arise strong willing to open mouth to speak . That will inevitably improve our oral English . 2.2 Cultivate the habit of using En

31、glish thinking , Intensify English thinking ability training. English thinking means that we should eliminate the disturb of native language, comprehend, judge,and express in English directly when we speak English . Learners who dont get English thinking traing will translate what they have listened

32、 to their native language and store in the memory . Finally, they willtranslate into English with the native language thinking way subconsciously .Under this circumstance, it will arise some Chines-English . For example :You go first or Go first ,please This is an Chinese-English sentence. The corre

33、ct express is After you . When Chinese say goodbye to friends , we usually say : 走好,慢走,慢点骑 , some English learners may say : “ Go slowly ” “ walk slowly “ride slowly “ . These are unfamiliar to foreigners , they cant understand what do they mean . It will lead to communication failure . we can see t

34、he importance of educating English learners to speak English with English thinking . Therefore , we should cultivate the habit of using English thinking , intensify English thinking ability training .We can virtually improve our oral English .2.3 Develop an English environment for ourselvesFor self-

35、study English learners, maybe porters are not easy to get, so they attribute all their insufficiency in speaking English to the disadvantage environment, thinking that their poor ability is due to lack of contact with foreigners or deprivation of opportunities to practice oral English. As a matter o

36、f fact, English environment can be set by ourselves. You can use the way of self-expression to form English thinking, you can describe the whole process of an interesting thing. You can also tell your classmates or colleagues what you saw during the whole day. As time goes on, you will form the habi

37、t of English thinking, maybe at the beginning, you feel shy, it is very natural. The more you do, the better you will feel. If you feel nothing to say, you can read an interesting English paragraph, and then you can retell it in your own words. This way can consolidate the sentence pattern you have

38、learned. Everybody knowsLiyang now .It is said that he is Bill Gates in Chinese Education. We should develop the spirit of blurting out .Liyang was very conservative when he was young. He thought he was very brave when he could buy soy sauce by himself. His parents and friends felt surprised he can

39、speak fluent English. We can imagine that how much effort he has made .Everybody admits that he has a strong will and crazy spirit. The example shows that insisting on practicing is a must.ChapterIII Bridge the gap of culture between Chinese and English Language study is not a study isolated from ot

40、her studies; its always tied up with culture and other factors. To a great extent, ones culture determines ones thinking patterns, words use, and methods of expression. Culture is connected with language closely. At the same time, language is basic foundation of culture, any language is reflection o

41、f some culture, in turn, and language is constrained by culture. Learning oral English is one part of learning language. Of course, culture influences on oral English. In order to improve oral English, we must know culture clearly. Although culture includes a lot of things, here I just take some typ

42、ical things related to oral English.3.1 Different ways of thinking between Chinese and westerners Lets focus on the different ways of thinking between Chinese and western people. Firstly, when western people invite people to have a meal, they will order few delicious dishes. While eating, they will

43、say help yourself to some dishes, please. What you eat is determined by yourself, they dont care. Chinese students are easily influenced by Chinese habits, while they begin to practice the expression in eating. According to the habit of Chinese, like this There are not any dishes, only common routin

44、e family dishes, a cup of wine, its really just a little token to show my respect to you.”This expression is an example of typical chinglish. If we stay with foreigners, we cant get communication effect we expect. Secondly, here is anotheran example; one of my foreign teachers who came from America

45、met a girl . The girl was a teacher of a senior high school. She could speak English. While they were talking with each other, my foreign teacher asked her what does your father do? The girl said, he is a worker. At that time my foreign teacher felt uncomfortable. He thought the girl didnt respect h

46、er father. She should say her father works in a company or factory.” Maybe for Chinese students the answer is very normal. But its inappropriate on this occasion, especially for your eldership.Thirdly , when Chinese people got praise or admire , we will be accustomed to say :NO,NO , JUST OK , the na

47、tive English speaker will be puzzled . Forthly, when Chinese know others ill or uncomfortable, they will ask you to see a doctor, however, western people cant understand this point, even they feel annoy at the way you advise him to see a doctor. Here is a conversation between Chinese student and English teacher:Chinese student: Mr. Brown, you look so pale, are you sick? English teacher:Well.I have got


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