Listening In English Learning 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、Listening In English LearningContentsContents1Abstract2Chapter I Introduction .3 1.1 Listening is assuming greater and greater importance in foreign language classrooms.3 1.2 Listening has dominated language pedagogy.4 1.3 Listening purpose is another important variable.5Chapter II Listening in prac

2、tice.52.1 How to improve listening skills52.2 How to arrange listening time.62.3 The leaner-centered listening in practice.7Chapter III Experiments on the validity of the suggested ways.7Chapter IV Discussion on the experimental results.8ChapterConclusion9References.9 Abstract Abstract: More and mor

3、e people use English as their second language. At this great moment, everyone thinks of how to learn it well and they also know listening and reading and writing are three basic skills. But listening in understanding native speakers plays more important role. So how to use it in learning English bec

4、omes the priority question. But there are not so many students know how to learn it well; how to improve listening skills and how to arrange listening time. Most students will find much difficulty in studying with the shade that exist in their heart. After a long time studying, they have no self-con

5、fidence day by day. Some students can not find the right way and add the anger to teacher and school; some students may want to drop out from school. So this paper can help them solve these problems, and help them seek the real interests and self-confidence. To some extend, they would seek the real

6、wealth in English learning. More and more students will because English user in the near future, and they can also make contributions to our country.Key words: skills; process; time; practiceI Introduction 1.1 Listening is assumed of playing greater and greater importance in foreign language classro

7、oms In learning a foreign language, listening is one of the basic skills. It plays an important role during study. Firstly, no matter which situation we are in, we have to understand what the others have said, then we can respond to the right information. Assuming that if a student couldnt know abou

8、t the teachers purpose, it is impossible for him to grasp the actual meaning, let alone make great progress on foreign language learning. Secondly, as one of the basic skill, listening affects the other skills, such as reading, speaking and writing. These factors are interconnected. If one couldnt l

9、isten very well, he wouldnt write and understand what he have listened. At the same time, he has difficulty to speak out his idea. Consequently, these failures will affect his confidence and courage of learning. Therefore, it is vital for students to attach enough importance to listening.Listening i

10、s one of the receptive skills because learners have to receive the language from what they have heard. Much of our knowledge comes to us though our ears. Whats more, listening is also an essential means of communication. We are often faced with situations where a great deal depends on our ability to

11、 listen. Most people who have to operate in a foreign language environment can recall incidents which brought this truths home to them. As China has entered WTO, we use English more than we used to. It is well-known that English is one of the official languages. Whether it is in formal circumstances

12、 or in casual occasion, it is unavoidable to speak English. However, if we didnt listen to what people have said, how can he communicate with others? Communication depends on listening and speaking, listening is more important. It is necessary to master this skill.There is no denying that listening

13、accounts for a great percentage of examinations. It is almost 35%. For example, in CET-4 and CET-6, listening remains irreplaceable position. It is also the easiest part to lose scores. It has been proved that those who se score high, is those whos listening is good. It is goes without saying that “

14、once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved”. It is no exception of listening. So much more emphasis should be laid on listening.We should know the problems that exist in our English learning:As far as schools are concerned, the leaders ignore the importance of li

15、stening. There is always lacking of enough listening facilities. This is a common phenomenon in junior schools, especially in the countryside. Being shorting of these necessary equipments is one obstacle to hold back the development of listening ability. Furthermore, schools couldnt provide adequate

16、 opportunity for students to practice listening. The leaders pay much more attention to the final marks the students have got.Bad listening habits are also a barrier for students to understand others. Many students like to apply the English-Chinese translation method to their listening tasks. When t

17、hey hear a sentence, they like to translate it into Chinese. Another bad habit is that they want to understand every word, at the same time they missed many words. To understand the whole text is very difficult, after a long time, they will feel disappointed and have no interest to learn English.In

18、addition, teachers encourage students to read, speak, and write more than listening. These give students a wrong feeling that listening is not very important. They forgot listening in their daily studying, so their listening became very poor.1.2 Listening has dominated language pedagogyThere are two

19、 views of listening which have dominated language pedagogy over the last twenty years. These are the bottom-up processing view and the top-down interpretation view. The bottom-up processing model assumes that listening is a process of decoding the sounds that one hears in a linear fashion, from the

20、smallest meaningful units (phonemes) to complete texts. According to this view, phonemic units are decoded and linked together to form words, words are linked together to form phrases, phrases are linked together to form utterances, and utterances are linked together to form complete meaningful text

21、s. In other words, the process is a linear one, in which meaning itself is derived as the last step in the process. In their introduction to listening Anderson and Lynch (1988) call this the listener as tape-recorder view of listening because it assumes that the listener takes in and stores messages

22、 sequentially, in much the same way as a tape-recorder, one sound, word, phrase, and utterance at a time. (Longman,1990,p3)1.3 Listening purpose is another important variable The interpersonal functions and transactional functions, and their relationship, before analyzing some problems in listening

23、classrooms that may cause the students emotional barriers. With consideration of the three greatest elements that often cause emotional barriers in listening: (1)Motivation; (2)self-confidence (3)Anxiety, some experts suggest some methods to remove the barriers, including Visual listening materials,

24、 Listening and drawing and TPR listening mode and its extension. The conclusion is that language teachers can train the students to be calm while listening and form good habits. Besides the top-down and bottom-up processes, purpose is another element that influences listening understanding. We can c

25、lassify the thousands of purposes in the use of a language into two categories: to communicate and to exchange information, and respectively name them the interpersonal functions and transactional functions. But for different people, they have different purpose.II Listening in practiceA lot of stude

26、nts have their own listening habits. Some students often try to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences, and a great many students could understand the material directly, they often translate the English into Chinese in their heart

27、, thinking that only in this way can the sentence be understood. This is also a reason, trying to understand each word is difficult, and it is not necessary at all. You should catch the most important points. So many people think and find several ways. 2.1 Then how to improve the students listening

28、skill?1. We know the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say, he has the chance of listening t

29、o more. Before he goes to school, he has already been a good listener and speaker. (zhang Wenhan how to improve listening skill? )But for a foreign language, you can use it only in formal places, classes, for example, otherwise, you can hardly have a chance to use it. So I think you should try to le

30、t the students be in a language environment.2. Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and pronunciation depends on the base. Oral reading is a good way at the beginning; Students should do much about it. 3. Pay attention to the oral rea

31、ding skill, It includes stress, strong form, weak form, intonation incomplete plosive consonant, affricate consonant, syllable and so on. Training and practicing the oral reading is not a days word. The teacher must give correct information about it. There is no easy way.4. Enlarge the students know

32、ledge about English. Encourage the students to read something in their spare time about geography, history, culture, stories and so on. For example, there are two materials of the same matter. One explains something about Chinas Spring Festival; the other is about Thanks giving Day of the western co

33、untries. The former is easy to understand but the latter is more difficult. Why? It is clearly because the students know little about the latter.Both listening test and listening practice are necessary, but practice is more important.You can understand your students through listening tests. Only thr

34、ough the practice can the students improve their listening comprehension.Students only mastered listening skills is limited, because life time of different people is different. They need to know which time is the best for them to studying.2.2 How to arrange listening time As the above-mentioned, lis

35、tening is so important, but how to arrange listening time effectively? Some people say the golden time (in the morning) in a day is useful time for us to listen English; others take the view that we should listen after class. As far as I am concerned, we can take any time to practice provided that w

36、e are energetic. Whats more, at that time we could concentrate on listening material carefully. Every day we invest listen to something at least 30 minutes and persist on it. For example, if one would like to listen to radio on the morning, he can make full use of this efficient time to improve his

37、listening ability. However, as different people have different living cycles, so the most important time if listening for different people is different. If some one come to want to advise for improving his or her listening ability, I give him or her sometime to think carefully what is the excite tim

38、e he or she want to use in listening. The quiet evening is a good choice, other time also if will use it as yourself listening time. When listening, we should try our best to make full use of it. Listening to news broadcast, try to obtain the general idea. In addition, we should use every chance we

39、have to listen everything. It is important for listeners to adopt a flexible range of listening strategies. This can be done by holding the listening text constant (working, say, with a radio broadcast reporting a series of international events), and listen to the text several times. It is often bel

40、ieved that “success calls for hard work, and hard work leads to success.” Therefore, it is necessary for listeners to keep on listening everyday. The more they listen, the more they are familiar with all kinds of listening materials; we are able to make progress in listening. All in all, time and sk

41、ills they mastered is still not enough, they should have tasks and they also should have goals in their daily studying.2.3 The leaner-centered listening in practiceA learner-centered dimension can be lent to the listening class in one of two ways. In the first place, tasks can be devised in which th

42、e classroom action is centered on the learner not the teacher. In tasks exploiting this idea, students are actively involved in structuring and restructuring their understanding of the language and in building their skills in using the language. Secondly, teaching materials, like any other type of m

43、aterials can be given a learner-centered dimension by dotting learners involved in the process underlying their learning and making active contributions to the learning. This can be achieved in the following ways:1. Making instructional goals to the learner.2. Giving learners a degree of choice.3. G

44、iving learners opportunities to bring their own background knowledge and experience into the classroom.4. Encouraging learners to develop a reflective attitude to learning and to develop skills in self-monitoring and self-assessment.III Experiments on the suggested waysI have mentioned four methods

45、to improve listening skills. In order to know which way is the best, so we decided to choose one hundred students, and divided these students into five groups. As for the first group, teachers create a language environment and listeners will find more opportunities to practice. Just as the above-sta

46、ted suggested way of improving listening skills, teachers should try to let the students be in a real scene. Then students can concentrate on their listening. According to the stastics, only 30% students made much progress.For the second group, the students can grasp phonetic symbol. As the phonetic

47、 symbol is the base, students should do much more about it. The more they practice, the greater progress they get. In this way, students listen to some words, then the whole sentence, and finally understand the meaning. This method is effective. Although some students fail to do much better, 45% stu

48、dents have obtained encouraging.The third group uses the third skill. They pay attention to the oral reading skill. Though this way, their pronunciation, stress, strong form and weak form improved a lot. Consequently, they can grasp the main idea and important words easily. And their intuition about listening is another progress, 52% students approve this method.The fourth group applies the fo


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