Multimedia in English Teaching and the Cultivation of Students’ Practical Abilities 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、Multimedia in English Teaching and the Cultivation of Students Practical Abilities Abstract: The main objective and task of English study is to cultivate students practical abilities to use English is. This essay points out that multimedia teaching system plays an important role in the cultivation o

2、f students abilities to use English. In the process of English teaching, the teachers can improve students practical abilities by cultivating their abilities of listening and speaking, self-learning abilities and creativity.Key words:Multimedia; English teaching; ability in practical application摘要:学

3、生实际应用英语能力的培养是英语学习的主要目标和任务。本文认为多媒体教学手段对培养学生实际应用英语的能力起着主要的作用。在英语教学过程中,教师可以通过培养学生的听说能力,自学能力,创造力三方面来提高学生的实际应用能力。关键词: 多媒体; 英语教学; 实际应用能力1. IntroductionWith the universal implementation of quality education, it is a trend to use multi media techniques in English teaching to improve teaching efficiency and

4、teaching quality. Multimedia technology has flexibility, creativity, vivid description and authenticity, which provide a broad space for English teaching. But nowadays in English teaching, a lot of teachers still use the traditional methods which concentrate on vocabulary and grammar and provide the

5、 students little opportunities to listen, speak, read and write. For example, the students have learned more than 500 words, but they cannot introduce themselves in English. Teacher-centered classroom teaching efficiency is rather low, and the students ability to use language is quite poor. Therefor

6、e, in the current teaching reform, the teachers should pay more attention to students initiative. It is necessary to reflect students main roles. The involvement of multi-media teaching provides an ideal environment for students to improve self-learning ability and ability in the practical applicati

7、on. So how to make full use of the advantages of multimedia in English teaching to develop students various abilities? It is another problem for us. It requires us to devote ourselves to the exploration and research.2. The understanding of multi-mediaMultimedia, which is characterized by a combinati

8、on of graphic, textual audio and video functions, provides us with a more effective approach to English teaching. It has two conspicuous functions: one is that it is a combination of sounds, pictures and words which can make the text contents simpler and easier to understand; the other is that it ha

9、s great interactivity, which paves a way for exploring students creativity and imagination.(吴琼,2001:58)3. Advantages of multi media techniques in English teaching3.1Increasing the classroom capacityMulti-media teaching can enrich the contents of the class. Connecting the network with the multimedia

10、can effectively increase the capacity of classroom teaching. For example, teachers can combine contents with the real life to introduce knowledge of cultural background to students in classroom. This allows students to have a better understanding of the texts, the authors intention, and the deep-roo

11、ted culture. Meanwhile, multimedia can accelerate the teaching speed to provide students with enough time to go over what teachers have taught and practice what they have learnt. Therefore, teachers have extra time to increase teaching information and solve the problems raised by students. For examp

12、le, while presenting pictures, teachers can make use of internet to show many pictures to make the teaching contents more compact, vivid. In addition, we all know that students like playing games. When teachers finish their class, they can allow students to play some English games, such as word soli

13、taire, role-play, and English knowledge competition. These games will enhance student understanding and memory of text content and extend their knowledge 3.2 Improving the classroom teaching efficiencyMultimedia English teaching can be effective to create a learning atmosphere, and promote teaching

14、efficiency. In the traditional ways of preparing lessons, teachers are required to re-record a notebook. Therefore, they must spend much time in repeatedly preparing every lesson. At the same time, in order to find text-related information, teachers must spend a lot of time in reading books, looking

15、 up dictionaries, etc. With multimedia approach, teachers can prepare lessons by revising electronic documents used in the past. Through these electronic documents, teachers can present all the teaching materials to students clearly and reasonably accelerate the classroom teaching rhythm. Meanwhile,

16、 in the traditional English teaching mode, the teaching equipment is limited to projectors, tape recorders, a blackboard, chalk, etc. Teaching efficiency is very low. For example, teachers must write key points, difficult points on the blackboard, which use up a lot of time, while multimedia can lin

17、k the key points, difficult points, text, pictures, phrases, reading, songs, exercises and blackboard writing together to make and design a courseware. With this courseware, the teachers can present the teaching contents to students clearly and logically, and students will have enough time to think

18、and answer questions raised by the teachers. Their practical abilities to use English can be cultivated. 3.3 Stimulating students study interest Einstein said that interest is best teacher. With interest in learning, students can have a positive and progressive emotion. In the multimedia teaching en

19、vironment, teachers can provide students with substantial image and vivid language materials. New pictures, animation and interesting topics can be used to greatly inspire students enthusiasm to learn English greatly because students are always curious, and like to participate in the activities. For

20、 example, in the multimedia teaching of English, when talking about the advertisement, teachers can play a number of well-known fragments of the advertisement to attract the attention of students to stimulate students interest in learning. According to the advertisement displayed, students are requi

21、red to sum up the characteristics of some advertisements to achieve the purpose of self-study. Through multi-media teaching system, teachers should be able to guide students to think, discuss, and answer questions. Teachers can also conduct debates, conversation, role-playing and other activities to

22、 encourage students to communicate in English, which can strengthen students confidence. In addition, the teacher can encourage them to participate in online discussion, which fully stimulate students enthusiasm and enhance students interest in learning English. 4. To cultivate students practical ab

23、ilities by multimedia English teaching4.1 Improving students abilities of speaking and listeningIn traditional English teaching, the students are short of a good language environment. Teachers pay more attention to students reading and writing abilities and neglect students speaking and listening ab

24、ilities more or less. By this way, the students with high marks but low practical abilities are cultivated. However, the final goal of learning a kind of language is using it, i.e., communicating. (何高大,2002:115) Multimedia with its advanced science and technology, video, sound recordings, projectors

25、, television, computer and other instructional media, can provide all the necessary scenes for the students to learn English. So students get more opportunities to practice their speaking and listening abilities. For example, when students study the relationship between health and sports, perhaps th

26、e surface meaning of words are very simple. However, it is easy for the teachers to express the relationship between health and sports to students. Maybe it is difficult for the students to understand that. At that time, the use of multimedia teaching courseware can be designed to provide the studen

27、ts with the benefits of the sports. Students are allowed to combine their own personal experience with the text to express the joy of doing sports. So it not only inspires the enthusiasm of students to participate in the classroom activities, but also increases the opportunity for the teacher to tra

28、in students to use language.4.2 Cultivating students learning abilities and improve their learning efficiency Multimedia can foster the learning ability of students and make them know the ways to study independently. School education is to teach students how to learn on their own rather than teach s

29、tudents how to pass the exam. The importance of the classroom network provides conditions in which students can study on their own at home or other places. At the same time, multi-media teaching can enable students to enhance their understanding of the teaching contents and memorize what they have l

30、earnt. Students change from passive recorders into the active participants in teaching activities, becoming a discoverer of knowledge exploration. Teachers use courseware to teach, and students can hear and see what they want. Then through discussions, they can communicate and express on their own.

31、Therefore, multimedia effectively stimulates students interest in learning English so that students have a strong desire to participate in the classroom teaching activities. At the same time, the large amount of information is given to replenish the contents of the text and students efficiency in le

32、arning is improved. 4.3 Stimulating students creativityTraditional teaching methods cannot effectively create teaching scenarios and limit the development of students thinking. Flexibility and diverse forms of multimedia will extend students thinking. For example, teachers can make use of multimedia

33、 PowerPoint to enable students to use a variety of ways to sum up the rule of grammar, such as sentence translation. Then students ability of logical thinking will be developed. Teachers should use inspiring and innovative teaching methods to encourage students to think; to exercise their imaginatio

34、n and to develop their innovative thinking. The use of multimedia can make a new and interesting class so that students are filled with curiosity, freshness and thirst for new knowledge. For example: while teaching Unit 19 A Freedom Fighter in Book 2B, teachers may give students a preview layout mis

35、sion: Martin Luther King s Childhood, King s Family, King s Education, conditions of the Blacks in the USA, King s Struggle, King s Death, King achievements, King s influence on America and so on. Students are required to serf online or look up reference books in order to finish the task. At the sam

36、e time, they are required to present what they have done in class. By this way, their creativity can be cultivated effectively. 5. Conclusion From what have been discussed above, we can see that the application of multimedia in English teaching is not only good for increasing classroom capacity and

37、improving teaching efficiency, but also useful for arousing students studying interests and cultivating their learning abilities. In multimedia English teaching, students speaking and listening abilities, learning abilities and creativity can be improved, so their practical abilities are promoted. I

38、n order to use multimedia more effectively, this paper suggests that teachers should try their best to find out the best-connected points between multimedia and English teaching to cultivate students abilities to use English. Bibliography1. 葛炳芳,1998,中学英语教学中文化导入M。福州:福建教育出版社。P56-602. 何高大,2002,现代教育技术与现代外语教学M。南宁:广西教育出版社。P1153. 刘德娟,2006,多媒体英语教学的优势与存在的问题J。辽宁行政学院学报第3期。P474. 田式国,2001,英语教学理论与实践M。长沙:湖南高等教育出版社。P210-2135. 吴琼,2001,多媒体英语教学J。廊坊师范学院学报第1期。P586. 杨连瑞,肖建芳,2003,英语教学艺术论M。南宁:广西教育出版社。P867. 张正东,李少伶,2003,英语教学论M。陕西:陕西师范大学出版社。P126-1306


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