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1、1 / 15 得分评卷人 宜宾市 2018年高中阶段学校招生考试 英语试卷 1. A. B. C. ( 2.A. B. C. ( 3.A. I mfifteen. B. OnMarch10th. C. In1997. ( 4.A.What s the matter? B.That s toobad. C. I msorry tohear that.b5E2RGbCAP ( 5.A.That s agoodidea. B.Thankyou. C.Sorry,Idon t know.p1EanqFDPw ( 6.A.Welldone! B. Enjoy yourself! C. Happy bir

2、thday!DXDiTa9E3d ( 7.A.No,Idon tlikemilk. B.Yes,please. C.Neither,justacupoftea,please.RTCrpUDGiT 第二节:对话理解。 8.A.Maria.B.White.C.Black. ( 9.A.Notwell.B.Fine.C.Notbad. ( 10.A.Thesupermarket. B.Thepost office.C.Themuseum. ( 11.A.Bycar.B.Byplane.C.Bytrain. ( 12.A.45.B.62.C.32. ( 13.A.At home.B.Inashop.C

3、.Inanoffice. ( 14.A.Everyday.B.Twiceaweek.C.Onceaweek. ( 15.A.Ateacher.B.Abankclerk.C.Awaitress. 第三节:短文理解。 16.Howlong hasBetty beeninBeijing? A.Threemonths. B.Three years. C. Four months. ( 17.WhenshegottoBeijing,shefelt lonely andwasnotgoodat. xHAQX74J0X A. Japanese B. Chinese C. physics ( 18.Whens

4、he was sad,her teacher taughther .LDAYtRyKfE A. how to learn byherself B. howtotalk withothers C. how tosmileatlife ( 19.On weekends,she andherclassmatesoftenhelpsome.Zzz6ZB2Ltk A.poorstudents B.oldmen C.disabledmen ( 20.Shethinks sheismuchthanthosepoor students.dvzfvkwMI1 A. happier B. braver C. lu

5、ckier 第 二 部 分 : 英 语 知 识 运 用 21.Theunderlinedpartintheword “teacher ” ispronouncedas.rqyn14ZNXI A./i/ B./i:/ C./u/ D./u:/ ( 22.Mymothercookeddeliciousmeal. Aftermeal,wewentshopping. EmxvxOtOco 3 / 15 A. a; 不填 B.the; 不填 C.a; the D.an; the ( 23. 一 It s too far.I mafraid Ican t walkto the square.SixE2yX

6、Pq5 一Youcan ridebike.My aunt s bikeishere,soIcanuse. A.my;hers B.mine;hers C.mine;her D.my;her ( 24.Ifa=3andb=4,wh at stheanswertothe problem:a+b+1=?Theansweris. 6ewMyirQFL A.twelve B. nine C.eight D.se ven ( 25.myfather_mymotherisabletodriveacar. However,theyare going tobuy one. kavU42VRUs A.Neithe

7、r;nor B.Both;and C.Either;or D.Notonly; butalso ( 26.ThisistheprimaryschoolIstudied threeyearsago. y6v3ALoS89 A. where B. when C. that D. which ( 27. Whose shoesare these?M2ub6vSTnP TheybeMike s.They aremuchtoolargeforhim. A.might B.may C.mustn t D. can t ( 28. Wouldyou like to have apples? 0YujCfmU

8、Cw No, thanky ou.I ve had enough. A.othertwo B.anothertwo C.moretwo D.twoothers ( 29.My grandmausstorieswhenIwas young. eUts8ZQVRd A. wasused totell B.isusedtotelling C.used to tell D.used totelling ( 30. 一I mtaking thedrivingtestnextFriday. sQsAEJkW5T ! A. Good luck B.Withpleasure C.Nice work D. Co

9、ngratulations ( 31. Oh,Ihadaterribletoothache.GMsIasNXkA Youd be tterseea dentistand haveyour bad teethpulled out.TIrRGchYzg A.togo to B.goingto C.goesto D.goto ( 32.Itisa goodhabit thatwe should never today s worktilltomorrow. 7EqZcWLZNX A. puton B.put off Cput up D put down ( 33. Are you a soccer

10、playerinyourschool? lzq7IGf02E Yes, I theteam twoyears ago.I in the teamfor twoyears.zvpgeqJ1hk 4 / 15 得分评卷人 A. havejoined; havebeen B.was joined; am C.joined;was D. joined; have been ( 34.Iwantedto know last weekend. NrpoJac3v1 A. whatMary does B. what doesMary do C.whatMary did D.whatdidMary do (

11、35. Peterhasmadegreatprogressinmathrecently.1nowfTG4KI , and so haveyou. A.Sohe does B.Sohehas C.Sohashe D.Sodoeshe 第二节:完形填空,ItfnNhnE6e5 shook his handsand 37 hewasnotbreathing.Myheart wasbroken andI 38 out.HbmVN777sL Soonmanypeople39 intothehouse theycouldn tbelievemyfatherwas40 V7l4jRB8Hs .Justthe

12、eveningbefore,theystil lsawmyfather41 hisusualwalkinthericefield.Iheld hiscold hand and Ididn twantto leave him.Iknew it wasthelasttimeIwouldsit beside him. 83lcPA59W9 My fatherwasmy bestfriend.WhenIfeltsad,hewas alwaysthereforme.Heprovidedme 42allIcouldeveraskfor.Untilmyfather sdeath,Irealized 43 e

13、lsecouldmakeme happierthanapeacefuldaywithbothmyparentsby myside.My family ismy happiness. mZkklkzaaP I llnever44 thehappinessmyfatherbroughttome.45 Ifeelsadorthink aboutsomething,Iwhisper( 低声说 tohim , “ Daddy,whereareyou?Areyouthere?” AVktR43bpw Itbringsmepeace becauseIknowsomewhereheislistening.OR

14、jBnOwcEd ( 36.A. awakeB. aliveC. asleepD. aloud ( 37.A.describedB. decidedC. imaginedD. discovered ( 38.A.spokeB.criedC.laughedD.put ( 39.A. rushedB. leftC. fellD. knocked ( 40.A. livelyB. sickC. upsetD. dead ( 41.A. goingB.settingC.takingD.riding 5 / 15 得分评卷人 ( 42.A. toB. withC. atD. in ( 43.A.ever

15、ythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing ( 44.A. forgetB. makeC. missD. remember ( 45.A. HoweverB.AnywhereC.WheneverD.Whatever 第三部分:综合阅读46.What time does themovie starton 23rd? A.At 2:00 p.m B.At3:00p.m C.At6:00p.m D.At 7:00 p.muEh0U1Yfmh ( 47.Whichactivity laststhe longest? A. Fashion Show. B. Book Clu

16、b. C. Picnic. D. Camera Club.IAg9qLsgBX ( 48.All theactivitiesarein theafternoonexcept. 6 / 15 A.ExerciseClass B.Travel Lecture C.SewingClass D.Painting.WwghWvVhPE ( 49.Jimisvery interestedin sports. Hecantakepart in sportsactivitiesevery _. asfpsfpi4k A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Thursday D. Friday ( 50.

17、WhendoestheschoolhaveDance Class?ooeyYZTjj1 A. On 13th and 27th. B. On27thand 29th. C. On 10th and27th. D. On10th and15th. B RicoisadogwholivesinGermany.Hisownerstrainedhim from ayoungagetofindhistoys. When theysaythenameofacertaintoy, Ricocanfindit.Infact, he seemstoknowthenamesof 200toys !BkeGuInk

18、xI SomeresearchersinGermanywantedtotestRico.Theyputhistoysinaroom andthentold him togointotheroom andfindacertaintoy.Sincenobodywasintheroom withRico,hehadno helpfrom anyonefindingtherighttoy.Theresearchersdidthistestfortytimes.Ricofoundthe right toy thirty-seven times.PgdO0sRlMo Thentheresearcherst

19、riedsomethingelse.TheyputsevenofRico stoysintheroom andone newtoythatRico hadneverseenbefore.ThentheytoldRicotogointotheroom andgetthe new toy.ThisnewtoyhadanameRicohadneverheardbefore.Ricofoundtherighttoysevenoutof 3cdXwckm15 ten times! ResearcherscannotreallysaythatRicoknowswordsorlanguage.However

20、,thesetestsseem toshow that Rico canthinkaboutwhat hehearsand think aboutwhat he knows. Infact,Rico seems to think and remember thingsas wellas a three-year-old child. h8c52WOngM From thesetests,animalresearchersknowonethingforsure.Ricohasgiventhemalotto think about.v4bdyGious ( 51.What is Rico good

21、 at? A. Putting things in order. B.Catching things. C.Counting things. D. Findingthings. ( 52.What didresearchers ask Rico to do atfirst? A. Bring acertaintoy outof a room. B. Nametoys and putthemaway.J0bm4qMpJ9 C.Choosea toy that helikedplayingwith. D.Puthistoys into hisroom. XVauA9grYP ( 53.How ma

22、ny timesdid Ricogointotheroomtofindanew toy thathedid notknow? bR9C6TJscw 7 / 15 A. Seven. B.Ten. C. Forty. D.Thirty-seven. ( 54.W hy wereresearcherssurprisedby whatthey saw?Becauseit.pN9LBDdtrd A. Ricoalways knew which toys were hisand whichwere not DJ8T7nHuGT B. Ricoseemstorememberthingsas wellas

23、a teenager C. Rico showedthatheunderstands language D. Ricoworkedvery hardwithout help fromhisowner ( 55.Agood titleforthe passageis. QF81D7bvUA A. German DogsAre the Smartest Dogs B. Rico Surprises Researchers 4B7a9QFw9h C.How DogsUseLanguage D.The BestToys forDogs C Onceacirclelostapieceofitsown.T

24、hecircle wantedtobewhole,soitwentaroundlooking foritsmissingpiece.But because itwasnot complete,itcouldonlyroll(滚 动 veryslowly.It enjoyed theflowersand the sunshine alongtheway.It talkedwith worms(蠕虫.Itfoundlots of differentpieces,butnoneofthemfit.Soitleftthemallbythesideoftheroadandkeptonlooking fo

25、rthemissingpiece.Thenonedaythe circlefoundapiece thatfit perfectly.Thecircleputthe missingpiece intoitself.Itcould bewholewith nothing missing.Itwassohappyandbegantoroll. Asitwasaperfectcircle,it couldrollveryfast,toofasttoseeflowersortalktoworms.Itrealized howdifferenttheworldwas whenitrolledsoquic

26、kly.Itfeltsosadthatitstopped,leftitsfound pieceby thesideoftheroadand rolled away slowly. ix6iFA8xoX Sometimesweareperfectwhenwelosesomething.Amanwhohaseverythingispoorin someways.Hewillneverhavehopes,dreamsorsomething better.Hewillnever knowsomeone loveshimorsomeoneisgiving himsomethinghehasalways

27、wantedorneverhad.wt6qbkCyDE Wecouldn t beperfect.Butwemustbebraveenough to love,strong enoughtoforgive( 原谅, Kp5zH46zRk 宽恕 ,kindenoughtosharehappinesswithothersand clever enough toknow there is enough love aroundusand thenwecanalways havea wonderfultimein ourlives. Yl4HdOAA61 ( 56.In thebeginningthec

28、irclerolledslowly becauseit_. ch4PJx4BlI A. spendmuchtimetalkingtoworms B. wanted toenjoytheflowersandsunshine C. was looking for its missingpiece D. lost apieceofitsown 8 / 15 ( 57.Whydid thecirclestop whenitrolledquickly?Because it . qd3YfhxCzo D. wantedto enjoythe world E. foundadifferentworld F.

29、 wanted tolookfor anothermissingpiece G. thought the world changedso quickly ( 58.Ifamanownseverythi ng, hellbeinsomewaysaccordingtothestory. E836L11DO5 A. perfect B. poor C. happy D. strong ( 59.WhichofthefollowingisTRUE aboutthecircle? S42ehLvE3M A. As it was aperfect circle,it could roll very fas

30、t. B. It talkedwith the flowers and sunshine along theway. 501nNvZFis C.As it wasaperfectcircle,it could see flowers and talk to worms. jW1viftGw9 D. Itdidn tfindany flowers,sunshineand worms. ( 60.The story mainly tellsus that. A. nobody lovesusifwegivenothing B. a manwho has everythingisthe happie

31、st C. losingsomethingmay not be a badthing s ometimes D. we are notwhole wh enwe lose something D 第二节:句子还原。 DearTom, How are yougettingonthesedays?I vejust finishedmymost importantexam. AH P35hB02d Best wishes! Y o u r s, LiHua 宜宾市 2018年高中阶段学校招生考试 12 / 15 第一节情景反应 听力材料 本题共有 7个小题,从下列各题A、B、C三个选 项中选出一个最

32、佳答案或图示,并将其 字母代号填入题前括号内。1zOk7Ly2vA M:Excuse me,areyou MariaWhite? W:No, I mMariaBlack. Q:What s thewoman sfamily name? M:Hello! May Ispeak toKathy,please? W:Sorry.She sillandhasgoneto the hospital. Q: How is Kathy today? W:Excuseme, can you tell methe way to the museum? M:Godownthisstreet.Turnrightwh

33、enyouseeasupermarket,andthengoalongGreen Str eet.The museumis across fromthe post office. fuNsDv23Kh Q:Where does thewomanwant to go? M:Ihaven tseenyouforalong time.Wherehaveyoubeen? W:I flewto Canada for my holiday. Q:Howdid the woman gotoCanada? M: How many boysarethereinyourclass? W:Thereare 32.

34、M:How about thegirls? W:Thereare only 13. 13 / 15 Q: How many students are there inyour class? M: CanIhelpyou? W:Yes. I m looking for aT-shirt for myfather. M: Is it your father s birthday? W:No, forFather s Day. Q:Where are they talking? M: Look!Bill istaking exerciseagain. W: Yes. I seehimexercisi

35、ng every day.How often do youusually exercise? tqMB9ew4YX M:Iusually exercise once a week.ButIwillexercisetwiceaweek nextmonth. HmMJFY05dE Q:How often does theboy usuallyexercise? W:Would youlike to go to the zoowithmethisafternoon,Jim?ViLRaIt6sk M:I dloveto,butImuststay athomeandbabysitmylittlebrot

36、her. 9eK0GsX7H1 W:Why? M:Becausemymother isbusy workingat thebank. Q:What does the boy smother do? 第三节短文理解 请根据你所听到的短文,从下列各题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其 字母代号填入题前括号内。(短文读三遍 naK8ccr8VI DearJenny, How sitg oing?Imissyouverymuch.When IgottoBeijing threemonthsago,Ifeltlonely andsad.I hadnofriendstotalkwith, and

37、 Iwasnotusedtothefoodhere.What smore,Iwas not goodatChinese.Atthattime,Ididn tknowwhattodobutcry.WhenIwassad,myChinese teacherhelpedme.Henotonlyhelpedmewithmypoor Chinese,butalsotaughtmehowtosmile atlife.Now,Idon tfeellonely.Ilivehappilyagain.Onweekends,myclassmatesandIoftengo tosomevillagestohelpso

38、mepoorstudents.Wesendsomeoldbookstothem andoftenplaywith them.IthinkI m muchluckierthanthem.Asmy teachersays,“Happinessisinyourheartforever, but youneed tofindand feedit. ” B6JgIVV9ao Pleasegivemy bestwishestoyourp arents. Yours, Betty 2018宜宾市中考英语答案及评分原则 第卷选择题 145小题,每小题 1分,与答案不符不给分。 1-5 CABCA 6-10 B

39、CCAC 11-15 BABCB 16-20 ABCAC 21-25 BCACA 26-30 ADBCA 31-35 DBDCB 36-40 CDBAD 41-45 CBDAC 4665小题,每小题 2分,与答案不符不给分。 46-50 DCABC51-55 DABCB 56-60 DABAC 61-65 EDACB 6670小题,每小题 1分,与答案不符不给分。 66-70 CEBGD 14 / 15 第卷 非选择题 7175小题,每小题 2分。 71. asks/ requires/demands; not 72. for; well 73. spend; exercise 74. soo

40、n; arrive 75. drive; drinking/wine/wining P2IpeFpap5 7683小题,每小题 1分,与答案不符不给分。 76. friendship 77. younger 78. watered 79. take 80. real 81. mistake82. that83.needs 书面表达: 满分 12分) 一)评分原则 1本题总分为 12分,按四个档次给分。评分时,先根据文章内容、要点、词 汇、语法结构的准确性及上下文的连贯性,初步确定其所属档次,然后根据拼 写、语法错误等情况调整档次,最后给分。3YIxKpScDM 2拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一

41、个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响 程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受,同一个要点积同样的意思可有 多种表达方式,只要言之有理,表达正确,均要给分,不应拘泥于所给的参考答 案;如书写很差以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。gUHFg9mdSs 3如词数少于 60词或多于 100词,从总分中减去 1分。 二)内容要点 1. 经过繁忙的复习、考试后,想在假期中休息一下; 2. 做自己喜欢做的事 如:读书、看电视、打游戏、锻炼身体等); 3. 多与父母交流; 4. 帮助做家务 如:做饭、洗衣服、打扫卫生等); 5. 参加社会实践 如:帮助老人、残疾人等),增加对社会的了解。 三)各档次的给分范

42、围和要求 第四档1012分优)能写出五个要点,行文连贯,语言基本无误,完全达到 写作要求。 第三档 79分良)能写出四个要点,行文基本连贯,语言有少量错误,基本 达到写作要求。 第二档 4 6分中)能写出二至三个要点,语言虽有较多错误,但尚能达意。 第一档 13分 差)只能写出一、二个句子或个别单词,语言错误较多,未能 达到写作要求。 15 / 15 0分未表达任何与本题内容有关的信息或只字未写。 四)One possible version Dear Tom, How are you getting on these days? Ive just finished my most impor

43、tant exam. After working hard for a long time, I really want to have a good rest during the summer vacation. First, Im going to watch some interesting movies and read some good books. Then, its time to communicate with my parents. I wish to share my happiness and sadness with them. Besides, I plan to help do some housework. At last, I hope to be a volunteer, helping the old and disabled as much as possible. In this way, I can know about the world better. uQHOMTQe79 By the way, how will you spend your vacation? Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。


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