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1、1 / 211 高中英语 1、Words and expressions: academic province enthusiasticamazing information website brilliant comprehension instruction method bored embarrassedattitude behaviour previous description amazedembarrassingtechnology impress correction encouragement enjoyment fluency misunderstanding disappo

2、inted disappointing system teenager disappear move assistant cover diploma in other words look forward to at the start of at the end of go to college be divided into take part in Bb7kplGvbB 2、Grammar focus: 1 Revision of the present tenses. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. We re

3、using a new textbook. Bb7kplGvbB The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them Bb7kplGvbB I m writing down my thoughts about it. 2 Adjectives ending in ing and ed. eg. amazing/amazed, boring/bored, embarrassing/embarrassed, disappointing/disappointed,Bb7kplGvbB

4、 encouraging/encouraged, moving/moved,etc. The classroom was amazing. I was completely amazed by the classroom. Bb7kplGvbB 3、Function and Everyday English: 1 Making conversation Oh really? Is that right? 2 How are you doing? Oh really? So have I. Is that right? Coo1! How was it?Bb7kplGvbB II 、词汇巩固训练

5、从本模块中,选择适当的词语形式填空 1The year is divided into two terms. 一学年分成两学期。 Bb7kplGvbB 2The pop group is now touring the . 那个流行乐队现在在外省巡回演出。Bb7kplGvbB 3You work with speed. 你工作起来速度奇快。 4The book contains much useful . 这本书包含了许多有用的资料。 Bb7kplGvbB 5Never expect him to come up with a idea. 别指望他能够想出好主意。 Bb7kplGvbB 6Th

6、e problem is beyond my . 这个问题超出我的理解力。“。Bb7kplGvbB 7The doctors must be carried out strictly. 医生的指示必须严格遵守。 Bb7kplGvbB 8Whats the best of cooking beef? 烧牛肉的最好方法是什么? Bb7kplGvbB 9We are with his endless talk. 我们对他滔滔不绝的讲话感到厌倦。Bb7kplGvbB 10Peoples towards the president varies widely. 人们对总统的态度变化很大。 Bb7kplG

7、vbB 11His is sometimes rather rough. 他的行为有时相当粗鲁。 Bb7kplGvbB 12He has had no experience of this kind of job. 他从前没有做这种工作的经验。 Bb7kplGvbB 13He gave a of what he had seen. 他描述了他所见到的一切。 Bb7kplGvbB 14I was to see his dangerous feat. 他的危险技艺让我感到惊讶。Bb7kplGvbB 15Science and are auxiliary to each other. 科学和技术是相

8、辅相成的。 Bb7kplGvbB 16He me as an honest person. 他给我的印象是个老实人。 Bb7kplGvbB 17Teachers usually make in red ink. 教师通常用红墨水批改。 Bb7kplGvbB 18I get a lot of from my job. 我从我的工作中得到许多乐趣。 Bb7kplGvbB 19He was at not being invited. 他因未被邀请而沮丧。 Bb7kplGvbB 20The weather was . 天气令人扫兴。 21The heating has an automatic tem

9、perature control. 取暖系统是自动调温的。 NhMXprz311 22Sandy is a very busy . 山迪是个非常忙碌的少年。 23That species in the Ice Age. 那个物种早在冰河时期就绝迹了。9YXmDpJ50V 24Dont your hand. 手别动。 25I was to tears. 我感动得流泪。 26She is to a professor. 她是个助教。 27She the table with a cloth. 她用一块布把桌子罩起来。 9YXmDpJ50V 2 / 211 28The secretary has a

10、 in linguistics. 秘书有语言学的文凭。 9YXmDpJ50V 29 , he doesnt like you at all. 换句话说就是:他一点也不喜欢你。 9YXmDpJ50V 30He will this contest. 他将参加这次比赛。 9YXmDpJ50V III 、知识检测与能力训练 一、单项填空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中 , 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 1. I don t think they had an exam in English yesterday, _? 9YXmDpJ50V A. don t I B. do I C. didn t the

11、y D. did they 2.Do you know the girl at the dancing party? She seems to _ me at last month s party. But I m not sure. 9YXmDpJ50V A. introduce to B. be introducing to C. be int oduced to D. have been introduced to9YXmDpJ50V 3. The earth is _ than the moon. A. as big as forty-nine B. as big as one-thi

12、rd C. one-third time the size of D. forty-nine times bigger 9YXmDpJ50V 4. Who will be sent to _ the event. A. report B. find C. write D. cover 5. The teacher praised him for _ he had _. A. the progress; made B. the progress; made C .a progress; made D. the progress; take 6. He divided the sweets _th

13、e children who were divided_ four groups.9YXmDpJ50V A. in, in B. into; into C. between; in D. among; into9YXmDpJ50V 7. Your performance in the driving test did not reach the required standard, _, you failed.9YXmDpJ50V A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time9YXmDpJ50V 8. The

14、football match between the Chinese team and the Japanese team seemed _and attractive. The audience felt so _ that they all shouted at the top of their voices.9YXmDpJ50V A .satisfied; exciting B. satisfied; excited C. satisfying; excited D. satisfying; exciting9YXmDpJ50V 9. _ it is to jump into a riv

15、er to swim on such a hot day. 9YXmDpJ50V A. What a fun B. What fun C. How funny D. How a fun9YXmDpJ50V 10. She looked forward every spring to _ the flower-lined garden.9YXmDpJ50V A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D. walking in 9YXmDpJ50V 11. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final v

16、oting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory. 9YXmDpJ50V A. to B. over C. by D. on 12. The teacher is enthusiastic woman _ Ms Shen and her method od teaching is nothing like _ of the teacher pf my Junior High School. 9YXmDpJ50V A. called; that B. calling; that C. is called; that D. called;

17、it9YXmDpJ50V 13. We are having a party this evening. _. A. For fun B. Make fun C. Have fun D. Get a fun 9YXmDpJ50V 14. You seem to be an actor. _. I have acted in a few films. A. So do I seem B. So I am C. So am I D. It is the same with me.9YXmDpJ50V 15. Nobody likes him because he _ lies to others.

18、9YXmDpJ50V A. is always telling B. always tells C. does always tell D. has already told. 9YXmDpJ50V 高考链接 16. We shouldn t spend our money testing so many people, most of _ are healthy.9YXmDpJ50V A. that B. which C. what D. whom 3 / 211 17. I can t say which wine is best it s a(n _ of personal taste.

19、 9YXmDpJ50V A. affairs B. event C. matter D. variety 9YXmDpJ50V 18. My room gets very cold at night. _.9YXmDpJ50V A. So is mine. B. So mine is. C. So does mine. D. So mine does. 9YXmDpJ50V 19. Despite such a big difference in _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard

20、the Chinese food as something special. 9YXmDpJ50V A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight 20. The Town Hall _ in the 1880 s was the most distinguished building at that time.9YXmDpJ50V A. to be completed B. having completed C. completed D. being completed9YXmDpJ50V 语法拓展 21. - Excuse me, sir. Would you

21、do me a favour? - Of course. What is it? - I _ if you could take me to the station. A. would wonder B. did wonder C. was wondering D. had wondered9YXmDpJ50V 22. - Got your driving license? - No. I_too busy to have enough practice, so I didn t take the driving test last week. I m going to next week.

22、9YXmDpJ50V A. was B. have been C. am D. had been9YXmDpJ50V 23. With the development of science, more new technology_to the field of IT.9YXmDpJ50V A. has introduced B. is being introduced C. is introduced D. was introduced9YXmDpJ50V 24. - Who s the man over there? - It s Jack. - Oh? _ in Italy. A. I

23、think he s B. I ve thought he s been C. I thought he was D. I d thought he d been9YXmDpJ50V 25. - I dropped in at your house at about ten last night, but you weren t in. 9YXmDpJ50V - I_regular exercises at the club. A. did B. was doing C. had done D. have been doing9YXmDpJ50V 26. - Each of the stude

24、nts, working hard at their lessons, _ the book. 9YXmDpJ50V - So have I. A. is reading B. has read C. reading D. reads9YXmDpJ50V 27. The baby is generally healthy, but every now and then he _ a cold.9YXmDpJ50V A. has caught B. is catching C. will catch D. does catch9YXmDpJ50V 28. It is when the plane

25、 _that you d better find out at the booking office.9YXmDpJ50V A. would take off B. had taken off C. was taking off D. is taking off 9YXmDpJ50V 29. - I m sorry, but there s no smoking on this flight. 9YXmDpJ50V - Oh, I _that. Sorry, I won t again. A. don t know B. didn t know C. won t knowD. haven t

26、known 9YXmDpJ50V 30. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he_ it.9YXmDpJ50V A. doesn t mention B. hadn t mentionedC. didn t mentionD. hasn t mentioned9YXmDpJ50V 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Fire can help people in many ways. Fire can heat water, (31 your h

27、ouse, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows (32 people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago. He (33 the sun by a rope and brought fire down.9YXmDpJ50V Today people know how to (34 a fire with matches. Children sometimes lik

28、e to play with them. But matches can be very (35.9YXmDpJ50V Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful (36 matches. You should also learn to (37 fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is (38 in the air. Cover a fire with 4 / 211 water, sand, or (39, with your coat or a bl

29、anket. This keeps the air from a fire and kills it.9YXmDpJ50V Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it might (40 you.9YXmDpJ50V 31. A. brighten B. warm C. beautify D. lighten 9YXmDpJ50V 32. A. where B. when C. what D. how 33. A. watched B. got up to C. went up to D.

30、discovered 9YXmDpJ50V 34. A. set B. make C. cause D. catch 35.A. dangerous B. bright C. unusual D. common 9YXmDpJ50V 36. A. about B. to C. On D. after 37. A. lay out B. put out C. put away D. do away with 9YXmDpJ50V 38. A. fire B. moisture C. oxygen D. substance9YXmDpJ50V 39. A. in general B. in par

31、ticular C. in a hurry D. in an emergency 9YXmDpJ50V 40. A. injure B. hurt C. destroy D. spoil 9YXmDpJ50V 三、阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。 I was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier 1、Words and expressions: amusing energetic intelligent nervous organised patient

32、 serious shy strict impression avoid hate incorrectlycompletelyimmediately appreciate admit scientific literature loudly wave joke summary respect grade headmaster headmistressperiod revision translation timetable topic vacation revisedisciplinerelationship formal relaxed similarly make sure so that

33、 make progress as a result in fact fall asleep tell jokes9YXmDpJ50V 2、Grammar focus: Verbs followed by ing 1Vt.+ -ing: avoid, admit, appreciate, advise, consider, dislike, enjoy, hate, keep, imagine, like, love, mind, practice, suggest, stop, etc. 9YXmDpJ50V But now, after two weeks, the class reall

34、y likes working with her. 9YXmDpJ50V I ve a/ways hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly 9YXmDpJ50V There are a few students who keep coming to class late 9YXmDpJ50V I think this is because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature. 9YXmDpJ50V 2Prep.+ -ing: (1look forward to, be u

35、sed to, pay attention to, be opposed to, lead to, turn to, etc.; 9YXmDpJ50V (2have trouble/difficulty/time/fun/pleasure (in doing; 9YXmDpJ50V (3be afraid of, be fond of, be proud of, be tired of, think of; 9YXmDpJ50V (4give up, insist on, depend on, put off, feel like, succeed in, be busy, can t hel

36、p; 9YXmDpJ50V (5sth. want/need/require doing; be worth doing *It is on use/good doing; It s useless doing; It s worth doing 9YXmDpJ50V 3、Function and Everyday English: 1 Expressing preference I d prefer to do Travel . I d rather do translation than revision. 9YXmDpJ50V 2 Have you got that? Take a lo

37、ok, kids. That s settled. A couple of things It s up to you.9YXmDpJ50V II 、词汇巩固训练从本模块中,选择适当的词语形式填空 1He is an boy. 他是一个精力充沛的孩子。 2He does well, only that hes at the start. 他做得很好, 只是开始时过于紧张。 9YXmDpJ50V 3The doctor is very with his patients. 那位医师对病人十分耐心。 9YXmDpJ50V 4The storm caused damage to the house.

38、 风暴对房子造成了严重的损坏。 9YXmDpJ50V 5The child was and hid behind his mother. 这个小孩很怕羞,躲在他妈妈后面。 9YXmDpJ50V 6He is very with his students. 他对学生非常严格。 9YXmDpJ50V 7Her particular way of smiling left a good on me. 她特有的微笑给我留下了美好的印象。 9YXmDpJ50V 8They all mentioning that place. 他们都避免提及那个地方。 9YXmDpJ50V 9I to trouble y

39、ou. 我真不愿麻烦你。 10I wrote him an answer . 我立刻给他写了回信。 11Can you good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗? 12New discoveries are being made every day. 科学上 , 每天都有新的发现。 9YXmDpJ50V 13I shall take and mathematics this spring. 今年春天我要修文学及数学。 9YXmDpJ50V 14She didnt speak because she was so shy. 她害羞,说话声不大。 9YXmDpJ50V 15He goodbye to

40、his friend. 他向朋友挥手告别。 16Its no . 这不是开玩笑。 17Can you give us a of what you are doing now?你可以简单介绍你现在做的事情吗? 6 / 211 9YXmDpJ50V 18They treated me with . 他们对我很敬重。 19The old should be well . 我们应该尊重老人。 20Im in One. 我是一年级生。 21The extended our holiday by four days. 校长把我们的假期延长了四天。 9YXmDpJ50V 22This was the mos

41、t difficult of his life. 这是他一生中最艰难的时期。 9YXmDpJ50V 23The book is published after three . 这本书经过三次修订以后出版了。 9YXmDpJ50V 24Maybe you can find your train in this . 也许你能在这一时刻表上找到你的火车。 9YXmDpJ50V 25This is a good for your composition. 这是一个好题材,你可以写一篇文章。 9YXmDpJ50V 26She has gone to Canada on . 她到加拿大去度假。 27He

42、has good with most of his colleagues. 他和大多数同事关系很好。 9YXmDpJ50V 28I am wrong. , you are to blame. 我错了。同样地 , 你也该受到谴责。 9YXmDpJ50V 29Please that the house is locked before you leave. 请你确信是锁上房间后才离开的。 9YXmDpJ50V 30I have to save money I can afford to buy a house. 我得攒钱才能买得起一套房子。 9YXmDpJ50V III 、知识检测与能力训练 一、

43、单项填空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中 , 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 1. Mr Li is strict _ us _ our studies. A. in; with B. on; with C. with; in D. with; with 9YXmDpJ50V 2. My grandfather is as _ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.9YXmDpJ50V A. energetic B. patient C. nervous D. intelligent 9YXmDpJ50V 3.

44、Hearing the _ story, she had an _ look on the face. 9YXmDpJ50V A. amused; amusing B. amusing; amused C. amusing; amusing D. amused; amused9YXmDpJ50V 4. My first impression _ Mrs Zhang was that she was nervous and shy. 9YXmDpJ50V A. for B. on C. of D. by 5. I tried to avoid _ him because he always bo

45、red me. 9YXmDpJ50V A. meeting B. to have met C. having D. be met 9YXmDpJ50V 6. His works were not _ until after his death. A. appreciated B. moved C. appreciating D. appreciation 9YXmDpJ50V 7. Sarah, hurry up. I m afraid you can t have time to _ before the party. 9YXmDpJ50V A. get changed B. get cha

46、nge C. get changing D. get to change 9YXmDpJ50V 8. _ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day!9YXmDpJ50V A. What a fun B. How fun C. What fun D. How a fun 9YXmDpJ50V 9. I recognized him _ I saw him. A. immediately B. immediate C. direct D. unless9YXmDpJ50V 10. What did you mean by saying that? I

47、 mean no harm. I only _. A. meant helping B. want to help C. meant to help D. want helping 9YXmDpJ50V 11. I don t think the characters are very true _ life. 9YXmDpJ50V A. to B. of C. about D. in 12. In America, students and teachers are quite _ with each other. 9YXmDpJ50V A. relaxed B. relaxing C. relaxation D. relax9YXmDpJ50V 13. I usually


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