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1、1?14 Module 1Life in the Future未来的生活 核心词汇 1We are not _ (乐观的 about the outcome. 2The young man was _ (逮捕for stealing a car. llNcbtHGVA 3 He _ ( 命 令 that the prisoners should be set free.llNcbtHGVA 4. If you_(转 换 roles with your husband , you may understand him better. llNcbtHGVA 5 It is said that bu

2、ilding _ ( 材 料 are expensive now.llNcbtHGVA 6His only_(消遣are drinking beer and reading. llNcbtHGVA 7 She worked so hard that she_(终 于 made herself ill.llNcbtHGVA 8 That was_(无 疑the best play I have ever seen all year. llNcbtHGVA 9She _that the improvement would continue,but many people doubted wheth

3、er the_would come true as they didn t believe the improvement could be_.(predictllNcbtHGVA 10Nowadays we _ increasingly on computers for help so your software must be _.(rely llNcbtHGVA manded4.switch,5.materials 6.recreations7.eventually8.definitely9.predicted; prediction; 2?14 predictable10.rely ;

4、reliablellNcbtHGVA 高频短语 1_肯定地 2_ (某物用完;不多了;没有了 3_ 依靠 4_ 除掉;处理掉 5_ 订购 6_ 免费 7_ 用完 8_ 首先 9_ 即将被淘汰;即将过时 10_ 正在进行 1.for sure2.run out3.rely on4.get rid of5.place an order/orders 6.free of charge7.use up8.for a start9.on the way out10.in progress llNcbtHGVA 重点句式 1_will the city of the future_? 未来的城市将会是个什

5、么样子? 2No one knows_,and_is a risky business. 谁也说不准,并且猜测也是件冒险的事。 llNcbtHGVA 3 _,care for t he environment will become very important as earths natural resources_. llNcbtHGVA 在未来,爱护环境将会很重要,因为地球上的自然资源将濒临枯竭。 4Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never 3?14 change_they live.llNcbt

6、HGVA 每个人在出生时就会领到一个电话号码,将来无论他们居住在哪儿,这个电话 号码都不会改变。 5I m_busy enjoying my life now_worry about the future! llNcbtHGVA 我现在忙于享受生活,而无暇为未来担忧! 6_predictions come true. 不是所有的预言都能成为现实。 1.W hat ;look like2.for sure;making predictions3.In the future;run out4.no matter where5.too ;to6.Not all llNcbtHGVA 知识详解 1 a

7、lternativeadj.替换的;供选择的 n可供选择的事物 (回归课本 P2alternative energy 可替代能源 归纳总结 例句探源 Try to arrange play dates for the children as an alternative to TV viewing. llNcbtHGVA 设法给孩子们安排做游戏的时间,来代替看电视。 (牛津 P56Do you have an alternative solution? 你有没有别的解决办法? (朗文 P57I had no alternative but to report him to the police

8、.除了向警 察举报他,我别无选择。 llNcbtHGVA As natural resources are limited on earth, we will have to use alternative energy. llNcbtHGVA 由于地球上的自然资源是有限的,我们将必须运用可替代性能源。 即境活用 1As there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new 4?14 ways of making use of_energy, such as sunlight , wind and water for

9、power and fuel. llNcbtHGVA Aprimary Balternative Cinstant Dunique 解读:选B。句意是:由于煤和石油越来越少,科学家正在开发新的利用可替 代能源的方法,比如利用阳光、风和水来发电和做燃料。根据句意可知此处要 用 alternative表示“可替代的”。 primary主要的; instant立即的; unique 独特的。 llNcbtHGVA 2.(南京市 2010 届高三上学期期末 The new airport is built close to the freeway ,and it is_by Bus No.2. llN

10、cbtHGVA Aaccessible Bavailable Calternative Dabundant 解读:选A。考查形容词辨析。句意“新机场建的离高速公路很近,并且乘二 路公共汽车可以到达。”accessible “能接近的;可进入的”;available “有 空的,有用的”; alternative“可替代的”; abundant “大量的;丰富的”。 llNcbtHGVA 2 attachvt.系,贴,附上;连接,参加;使附属,使隶属 (回归课本 P2Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go a

11、nywhere in the world using high - tech cameras attached to their head.llNcbtHGVA 通过系在头上的高科技照相机,行动不便的老年人和身体有残疾的人都能周游 世界。 归纳总结 例句探源 Attach a recent photograph to your application form.llNcbtHGVA 申请表上请贴一张近照。 5?14 A printer was attached to the computer. 一台打印机连在电脑上。 This middle school is attached to a te

12、achers college. llNcbtHGVA 这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 People attached too much importance to economic forecasts. llNcbtHGVA 人们把经济预测看得过于重要。 即境活用 3.Dr. Carlos was _to painting,so he was determined to take it up after he retired. llNcbtHGVA AattachedBdevoted Cabsorbed Drelated 解读:选 A。be attached to sth.“依恋,爱恋”。 4

13、Parents_much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. llNcbtHGVA Aattach Bpay Clink Dapply 解读:选A。句意:父母认为教育很重要。他们会尽全力给他们的孩子那份无 价的礼物。本题考查动词短语搭配。attach much importance to. 认为很 重要; link.to. 把与联系起来; apply.to 运用,应用 llNcbtHGVA 3 chargevt.收费,要价;控告;给充电 n费用;指

14、责;控告;责任 ( 回 归 课 本P2All forms of recreation, such as cinemas , bowling , softball ,concerts and others ,will be provided free of charge by the city. llNcbtHGVA 6?14 所有的娱乐形式,如电影院、保龄球、垒球、音乐会和其他的都由该市政府免 费提供。 归纳总结 例句探源 He charged me 1.5 yuan for mending the watch. 他要我付了一元五角修表费。 Your order will be deliver

15、ed free of charge within a ten - mile limit.llNcbtHGVA 在 10 英里范围之内,您的定货将免费送货上门。 (牛津 P320He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。 A majority of working women remain in full charge of their homes.llNcbtHGVA 大多数有了工作的妇女的家庭仍然完全由她们照管。 He is charging a car battery. 他正在给汽车的电池充电。 即境活用 5Urban crowdedness would

16、be greatly relieved if fares_on public transport were more reasonable.llNcbtHGVA AofferedBspent Cpaid D charged 解读:选 D。动词辨析。 charged on public transport是过去分词短语做后置 定语。句意是:针对公共交通收取的费用合理就能缓解城区的拥堵。 llNcbtHGVA 6.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living_. llNcbtHGVA Abi

17、lls Bexpenses Cprices Dcharges 7?14 解读:选 B。句意为“一个月1,000 美元不是一笔财富,但是能帮助我支付我 的生活费用”。 A 项意为“账单”; B 项意为“花费,费用”,指的是各种可 能的“开支,消费,收费”;C 项意为“价格”; D 项意为“索价,要价”。 根据句意答案应选B。llNcbtHGVA 4 commandn命令;指令;掌握;司令部 vt.& vi.命令,指挥控制,支配;博得;俯瞰 ( 回 归 课 本P2In the future all shopping will be done online , and catalogues will

18、 have voice commands to place orders. llNcbtHGVA 将来所有的购物将会在网上进行,商品目录将会有语音指令来排序。 归纳总结 例句探源 The army is under the kings command. 军队由国王直接统率。 The general commanded his men to attack the city. 将军下令他的部下攻城。 My boss commanded that I (should get there at once. llNcbtHGVA 老板命令我立即去那里。 The fire officer took com

19、mand , ordering everyone to leave the building. llNcbtHGVA 消防员开始指挥大家离开大楼。 即境活用 7If you have a good_of English ,youll get a well- paid job very easily.llNcbtHGVA AcontrolBimprovement Ccommand D demand 解读:选C。句意:如果你精通英语,就会很容易地找到一份高薪工作。此处 8?14 用 have a good command of 表示“精通”。 control控制; improvement改 善;d

20、emand 需要,均不符合题意。 llNcbtHGVA 8.Captain Cook commanded that all the goods_into the sea.llNcbtHGVA Ashould throw Bbe thrown Cthrew Dshould thrown 解读:选 B。command 后跟宾语从句应用虚拟语气,再根据goods 和 throw 之间应是被动关系, should 又可省略,所以选be thrown 。llNcbtHGVA 5 for sure肯定地,确实 (回归课本P2No one knows for sure ,and making predict

21、ions is a risky business.llNcbtHGVA 没有人确切地了解,预测也是一件很冒险的事。 归纳总结 例句探源 He will be here for sure within an hour. 他一小时之内肯定能到这儿。 (牛津 P2032Make sure (that no one finds out about this.llNcbtHGVA 绝对不要让任何人发觉这件事。 You can be sure of one thingthere ll be a lot of laughs.llNcbtHGVA 你有一点可以肯定将会笑声不断。 Be sure to ring

22、 and let us know youve got back safely.llNcbtHGVA 一定要来个电话,让我们知道你已经平安返回。 即境活用 9Many of the students are_that they will pass the college entrance examination. llNcbtHGVA AsurelyBsure 9?14 Cable Dcertainly 解读:选 B。be sure that.“对有把握”。 10.It is_that he will come on time. Acertainly Bsurely Ccertain Dsure

23、 解读:选 C。sure 的主语一般是表示“人”的词,而certain 的主语既可以是 “人”,也可以是“物”。 llNcbtHGVA 6 run out用光,耗尽;暂时离开 (回归课本 P2In the future ,care for the environment will become very important as earths natural resources run out.llNcbtHGVA 将来,爱护环境将会很重要,因为地球的资源将濒临枯竭。 归纳总结 例句探源 He is always running out of money before payday. 他老是发

24、工资的日子还没到就把钱花完了。 We shall run out of town for the weekend. 我们将暂时离开城里去度周末。 We are running out of our supplies soon. 我们的供给很快就耗尽了。 易混辨析 run out(of ,give out ,use up 这三个短语都有“用光,用尽”的含义。 (1run out 是不及物动词短语,后面不能跟宾语,run out of是及物动词短 语,其后可以跟宾语。 llNcbtHGVA (2give out 含有“耗尽,筋疲力尽”之意,是不及物动词短语。 (3use up 意为“用完,耗尽”,

25、是及物动词短语,常用人作主语。 Could I have a cigarette?I seem to have run out of them. llNcbtHGVA 10?14 Scientists predict that the world s oil supply will soon give out/run out.llNcbtHGVA He has used up all his energy. 即境活用 11. I m still working on my project. Oh,youll miss the deadline.Time is_. Arunning out Bg

26、oing out Cgiving out Dlosing out 解读:选 A。run out( 时间、金钱等的 耗尽; give out 意为“精疲力竭”,由 句意可知 A 项正确。H2YCpsSITu 12 Men will_all the natural resources if they continue consuming them like that. H2YCpsSITu Arun out Bwipe out Cdrop out Dhold out 解读:选 B。动词短语 wipe out “消除;清除”。 run out 是不及物动词短语, 这里有宾语 all the natu

27、ral resources ,故不能使用。 H2YCpsSITu 句型梳理 1【教材原句】I m too busy enjoyi ng my life now to worry about the future !(P8H2YCpsSITu 我现在忙于享受生活而无暇担忧未来。 【句法分析】(1too.to do sth. “太而不能做某事”是一个表示否定意 11?14 义的句型。 (2某些形容词与too.to. 句型连用时, too( very表示肯定的意义。这些形 容词多为表示情感的词,如glad,pleased ,surprised ,delighted ,h appy, easy,wil

28、ling ,ready ,eager ,anxious 等。H2YCpsSITu (3如在 too 前加上 only,but ,all,simply 或 just时,“ too.to ”结构表示 肯定意义,此时 too 带有赞赏的感情色彩。H2YCpsSITu (4“too.to. ”结构和never ,not 等否定副词连用时,表示肯定意义,意为 “无论也不过分,越越好”。 H2YCpsSITu You are too young to understand such things. 你太年轻了,不懂得这些事情。 The problem is too difficult for me to

29、work out. 这道题太难了,我做不出。 He is too willing to follow others advice. 他极愿意接受别人的意见。 She will be only too pleased to help you. 她会很乐意帮助你的。 It s never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。 即境活用 13完成句子 They reached the railway station _the train.H2YCpsSITu 他们到火车站太晚了,没赶上火车。 答案: too late to catch He was _the result of h

30、is examination.他急于想知道 考试的结果。H2YCpsSITu 答案: too anxious to know 12?14 2 【教材原句】Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.(P2 H2YCpsSITu 每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码 都不会改变。 【句法分析】(1“no matter 疑问词 ”引导让步状语从句,意为“不 管,无论”,可与“疑问词-ever ”引导的让步状语从句

31、互换。 H2YCpsSITu No matter how hard he tried ,he couldn t get her to change her mind.H2YCpsSITu 不管他怎样努力,也没能使她改变主意。 My parents always waited up for me , no matter what time I got home.H2YCpsSITu 无论我什么时候回家,父母总是(不 去睡觉等着我。 (2where/when/how- ever 只引导 让步状 语 从句 , 所 以完 全等 同 于 no matter where/when/how,而 who/wh

32、om/what/which-ever 除引导让步 状 语 从 句 外 还 可 引 导 名 词 性 从 句 。 引 导 名 词 性 从 句 时 , who/whom/what/which-ever不能转换为no matter who/whom/what/which。这时的 whatever意为“所有的一切人和事”,相当 于 anything that ;whoever意为“任何的人”,相当于anyone who; whichever意为“的那个人或事物”,相当于the person or the thing that 。H2YCpsSITu No matter what(whateverhapp

33、ened,he would not mind. H2YCpsSITu 无论发生什么,他都不会介意。 No matter where (wherever you go,you will find many kind people who want to help others. H2YCpsSITu 无论你去哪儿,你都会发现有很多乐意帮助别人的好心人。 13?14 Whoever wants to visit the museum ,he must ask our teacher for permission. H2YCpsSITu 无论谁想去参观博物馆,都需经我们老师同意。(此句中whoeve

34、r可改为no matter who 。 Whoever wants to visit the museum must ask our teacher for permission.( 此句 中 whoever引 导主 语从句 , 不可 用 no matter who 替 换。H2YCpsSITu 即境活用 14_hungry I am,I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.H2YCpsSITu AWhateverBWhenever CWherever DHowever 解读:选D。句意:无论我多饿,看来我都吃不了那大片

35、面包。A 项无论什么 事,常与名词连用或引导名词性从句;B 项无论什么时候; C 项无论在哪; D 项无论多么或怎样,常与形容词或副词连用,故选D。H2YCpsSITu 15._well prepared you are , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. H2YCpsSITu AHowever BWhatever CNo matter DAlthough 解读:选A。句意:无论你做的准备多么充分,在爬山时,你仍会需要很多运 气。 however well prepared you are no matter how well prepared you are,引导让步状语从句。 H2YCpsSITu 独家 14?14 ZxxkK&S%5#U 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用 途。


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