《9A牛津英语Unit1 Main Task》 教学案.doc

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1、9A牛津英语Unit1 Main Task 教学案课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义)因为本课为Task板块,所以对学生的听说读写综合能力有很大的考验,同时考验学生的综合素质。本单元的Main Task部分旨在向学生介绍如何用英语写一封正是的推荐信。学生在学习前面几个板块中已经知道如何描写人物的性格、品质和技能。而且在7B Unit5已经接触推荐信的写法。这里要求通过流程表的形式,帮助学生进行构思,列出文章的大概构架。问题设计问题: 1. Which adjectives can you use to describe a person?2. Do you know how to writ

2、e a formal recommendation?3. Can you use examples to prove what you said correct?4. can you make a flow chart or draw a knowledge tree?5. Can you write a formal recommendation to me?教学构想及目标:教学构想:牛津英语Task板块,是将所要学习的新知识隐含在一个或几个任务之中,学生通过对任务进行分析、讨论、明确其大体涉及哪些知识,并找出哪些是旧知识,哪些是新知识,在老师的指导、帮助下找出解决问题的方法。互动、愉悦、高

3、效是课堂价值回归的需求,是英语学科在基础教育中的价值定位,符合学生身心发展规律。互动教学从一开始就注重鼓励学生学习交流,并做到“以学生为中心,以活动为中心”,教师的职责就是给学生提供“互动”的机会。互动教学以师生合作、讨论、互助的方式进行。途径是一种以人为本的,能体现语言价值的、先进的、有效的教学途径。课堂互动的重点应该放在互动模式上,即采用同桌互学、小组讨论、大组辩论、自由发言等形式,营造“生生”、“师生”间自由平等的氛围,通过学生之间的互相提问、互相帮助,让学生学会思考、解决问题、发展思维,从而实现学习的目的。该板块的核心思想是理解、实践、感悟和提升。知识目标:1. To organize

4、 ideas and build a justification for those ideas 2. To use examples to support ideas 3. To write a formal letter with the correct degree of formality 4. To write about a persons characteristics and skills 5. To present a recommendation能力目标:To improve Ss ability of writing情感目标:1. To know more about h

5、is/ her friends. 2. To be willing to help others教学重点:1.To use examples to support ideas 2. To write about a persons characteristics and skills 3. To present a recommendation教学难点:1. To write about a persons characteristics and skills 2. To present a recommendation教学方法:探究学习法、合作学习法、任务型学习法所需设备: Multimed

6、ia and tape recorder.教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Lead inThe teacher asks some questions about Speak-up. Step 2 A flow chart of David1. Kitty and Millie want to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Students Union.- What characteristics does David have? - Can you help Kitty and Millie finish the flow

7、chart? 2. Ask some more questions to check the answers:(1) Is David hard-working?(2) Can you give us an example?(3) David is very clever, isn t he?(4) What does David do to help himself get more organized?(5) Can David make good use of his time?(6) Does David often help other students?(7) Can you gi

8、ve an example?(8) What do you think of David?Step 3 Kitty and Millies recommendation1. Check the answers.2. Pay attention to what each paragraph is talking about in this letter. (Main Body)3. Show the students some useful sentences and structures.Step 4 Writing1. We want to recommend one as our moni

9、tor. Each group tries to find a student in our class.2. Its time to write a recommendation. It is a formal letter. 3. Review how to write a recommendation: Write down the purpose to write this letter in the first paragraph, the abilities in the second paragraph, the personalities in the third paragr

10、aph, what he did in the forth paragraph, and your attitude in the last paragraph.Step 5 HomeworkFinish your recommendation.1. Let students act out the dialogue talking about a new chairperson.2. Make a flow chart of Suzy.(Let students find some words to describe David in Part A: confident, clever, h

11、ard-working )Work in pairs.Let students work in groups of 4 and one student act as a leader and write down what they discussed Finish their letter: Part B on Page 22.Discuss how to write a formal recommendation.Discuss in groups and make a flow chart.Make sure every student to write a small paragrap

12、hWrite on your own.此环节学生可采用分工合作的学习方式。学生是在任务目标驱使下预习,为课堂讨论奠定了基础,同时也提高了课堂教学的效率,发挥了学生的主体作用,培养了学生查找信息的能力和较强的自学能力。学生两人一组进行讨论得出结果这一阶段为学生对语言知识、语言材料进行加工、处理的过程。学生围绕问题大胆预测,逐步落实学生的各项预习目标和要求。指导学生进行反复的讨论、查阅、归纳、总结等口头交际活动。通过教学,让学生学会使用流程表。通过复习让学生记住写推荐信的几个环节。这一环节是一个重新学习的过程,使学生获得更多的反馈,常起到教师讲解达不到的效果,学生相互倾听,互相帮助,培养了团结合作精神。教师通过设计写作作业是巩固学习手段,教学的延伸与深化,是语言学习从语言输入到语言输出的一个质的转变。3


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