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1、镇江市中小学中青年骨干教师现代教育技术实践活动教学设计方案课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义)Welcome环节由五幅图画组成,其主要功能是激活学生与单元话题有关的已知知识,引导学生进行相关话题的讨论,将发挥学生参与的主观能动性并在此基础上明确本课的学习方向。 贯穿在教学中有两点目标。其一,在教学的过程中教师应注重培养学生的学习兴趣,以进一步提高他们的口语;其二,在教学的过程中,教师也应注重对学生探究意识与能力的培养,以进一步提高学生的口头表达能力。教学构想及目标: 首先给学生五幅画,让学生了解画的分类;然后针对各幅画分别进行讨论;从而对本节课的知识有明晰的理解,同时也增加了学生对艺术的了

2、解! 知识目标:1. 了解艺术画的分类,定义等2. 培养学生对艺术的爱好 Step 1: BrainstormingHow many types of painting do you know? Please try to match the types with the right pictures. still life pictureabstract picturemurala painting of naturea portraitStep 2: Sharing informationLook at the following pictures.Picture 1: A mural W

3、hat can you see in the picture?What is a mural? (A mural is a very large piece of artwork, such as a painting, that is done on a wall. Murals can date back to prehistoric times, such as the paintings on the walls of caves. Today, murals are painted on different surfaces.)What are the characteristics

4、 of a mural? (Compared with other types of paintings, murals are always larger in size and they are painted on the surfaces of walls. This feature makes murals very easy to attract public attention.)Do you know any famous mural painters and their works? (One of the most famous murals is Guernica by

5、the Spanish cubist painter and sculptor Pablo Picasso. Another famous one is Water Lilies, which was created by the French impressionist Claude Monet in 1926.)Picture 2: A still life paintingWhat can you see in this picture?What is a still life picture? (A still life is a work of art that presents o

6、bjects that are not moving. It was popular in Western art since the 17th century.)What are the characteristics of still life pictures? (Still life paintings focus on objects such as flowers or fruit. This gives artists more freedom to arrange the elements in the picture than they do paintings of nat

7、ure or portraits.)Do you know any famous still life painters and their works? (The history of still life paintings can date back to ancient Egypt. At that time, people believed that if they put the paintings of foods or other items in tombs, people could still eat or use these items in the other wor

8、ld. There are many famous still life painters and van Goghs Sunflowers is one of the most well-known still life paintings.)Picture 3: Abstract artWhat can you see in this picture?What do you know about abstract art? (Abstract art is a type of art that does not show objects in a natural way. Instead,

9、 abstract artists present their view of the objects with colours or shapes. The abstract artists use this to show the true qualities of the objects underneath their appearance.)Do you know of any painters that paint abstract painting? Do you think it easy or difficult to understand abstract painting

10、? Explain your reasons.Picture 4: A painting of natureWhat do you see in this picture?What do you know about paintings of nature? (Paintings of nature can also be called “landscape”. A painting of nature alwaysincludes elements such as land, plants, man-made buildings and a very wide view. Sometimes

11、, a painting of nature also presents water, a group of wild animals, people or the sky.)Can you name some of your favourite artists who do paintings of nature? Why do you like his or her work?Picture 5: A portraitWhat can you see in this picture? What do you know about a portrait? (A portrait is a p

12、ainting that shows a person, particularly the shoulders and up. In very few cases, the artists would show their personal opinions in a portrait.)Why do many painters paint portraits?Do you know any famous portrait in the world? (One of the best-known portraits in the world is the Italian Renaissance

13、 artist Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa.)Why do people like to have their portraits painted? If possible, would you like to have your portrait painted? Why or why not?Step 3: Discussion1. Which type of painting do you like best? Why?2. Are you familiar with any famous painters both at home and abroad?

14、Do you like their works? Why or why not?3. Do you know the differences between traditional Chinese painting and traditional European painting?Step 4: Homework1. Search for the information of the types of painting and famous painters on the Internet.2. Prepare the Reading part.评价方法或工具(说明在教学过程中将用到哪些评价

15、工具,如何评价以及目的是什么): 评价表对学生的评价学生课堂学习积极性的评价由于不同于以往以老师讲授为主的课堂,本节课以学生的看,讨论、说以及网络搜索为主,学生的积极性比较高。绝大部分同学都能参与到课堂中来,表现符合高二这个年龄层次的学生心理。在课堂过程中不断以激励性的语言和手势鼓励学生,学生的自信心得到加强。学生目标达成的评价通过本课时的学习,学生能准确理解艺术画的知识、特点和分类,通过声情并茂的多媒体调动学生的积极性和兴趣。对问题的评价本节课所设计的共4块问题,前两块问题符合学生的知识基础和认知规律。问题设计恰当、合理,具有较大的启发性,能促进学生思维,培养问题能力,符合英语学科特点。但是后两个问题,通过老师的提示讲解后学生方能解决问题。 对课堂延伸过程评价 通过学习,学生能凭借查找的资料,利用课堂上学到的信息交流,汇报时技巧到位。对教师的评价对教师课堂表现的评价教师对教材的理解深入浅出,重难点把握准确,教学方法使用恰当。对教师三维目标的达成立足于学生已有的知识基础,遵循学生自身从发现问题到解决问题整个过程中,获取知识的认知规律。通过对问题的分析、讨论、理解过程,潜移默化地达成能力和情感目标。6


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