The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising EnglishIntroductionWith the development of international communication, translation has played an important role in our society, so when we are choosing the translation standard, we should consider lots of social factors. The purpose of the research is v

2、ery valuable. So we do the research to find the influence on choosing the translation standard so that help us understand the social factors affected the translation in the world perfectly.In our society, there are many experts who have explored the field, thats to say, this thesis has a big signifi

3、cance to give a research. Therefore this paper based on the previous studies, intends to give more understanding to this subject study. In details, by giving the definition of translation, social factors and translation standard, we will attain better comprehension about the translation, the social

4、factors and the translation standard. Then this paper will connect the relationship between them and discuss some influence on choosing translation standard. In brief, it intend to research into the culture factors influence on choosing the translation standard and aim to prove the cultural differen

5、ce in translation. The most important is that it will provide some interesting examples to display the validity and to spring the influence on choosing translation standard and create a special beauty. So this paper can give a fresh impulse to continuous study in the research of the influence on cho

6、osing translation standard.From the related materials, the thesis has gotten a brief understanding about the translation and social factors that forms a considerable part of language. And linguistic translation is one of the most important part in international communication, although great success

7、has been achieved in the research of this thesis, during recent years, which regards as a topic of interest in different field, its use in translation has been achieved more attention.The theory of “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance is the footstone in Chinese translation theory” the give us

8、 a standard to obey (Yanfu, 1912).According to Yanfus study, “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance are the highest standard in translation” In my opinion, there are a lot of factors will affect the translation standard. In the natural world, the cultural factor is one of the most influential fa

9、ctors. In the world, there are several kinds of the definition of the translation standard. it will make clear the definition of the translation standard of language in this paper. For example, the founder of translation theory Yanfu gave his translation theory. He holds the opinion that we should o

10、bey the criterion of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance when we are translating any stuff, rather than depending on our own wishes. As Nida considered translation as “translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, fi

11、rst in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”. The two authors have some similarity with the definition. However, translation is increasingly acquiring gravity and attention. To sum up, there are still many literature reviews related to the influence of social factors on choosing translati

12、on standard, and here this paper just choose some most representative ones among them. However, no matter from whatever kind of perspective, we can discussion the most influential factors, and then we can find the interest of surveying. So the whole thesis consists of four parts to introduce the inf

13、luence of social factors on choosing translation standardChapter One The view of translation definitionThere are narrow and broad translation criteria. The narrow one refers to that the translator should follow some rules when they do some translation activities, such as Yanfus principles of faithfu

14、lness, expressiveness and elegance; and broad one refers to some translation methods and some standards that the reader judge the quality of an article. It also includes the use of literal translation and free translation, domestication and alienation. The selection of translation standards is a com

15、plex problem, not only it involves the social factors of the translation activity, and the background, but also with the translators personality, ability, personal factors on life. Due to generally existing personal difference, even though translators live in the same age, the same area, it also can

16、 have the completely different translation standards, thus in the research of translation standards, its impossible to try to include all the translators and standards, and its also unnecessary. This paper will discuss the translation of specific historical period and particular social conditions wh

17、en translation activities happen in a generalized selection of translation standards.1. The definition of translation1.1 General definition 1.1.1 Citing: to express the meaning of a language in another kind of language 1.1.2 The Oxford English dictionary: to change the meaning from one language into

18、 another language change under reserving the original meaning. 1.1.3 The modern French Canon: from one language into another language1.2 Literature definition 1.2.1 literature translation From the Angle of literary translation, the explanation is that translation is a form of art creation, emphasize

19、 the creative function of language, its particular about the artistic effect, literary translation try to convey all intentions by artistic effect in order to impact readers thoughts, feelings. 1.2.2 MAO dun: literary translation is that using another language to convey artistic conception of the or

20、iginal. 1.2.3 Translation is a creative activity which transfers the contents and artist style from one language to another language exactly.1.3 Linguistics definition1.3.1 Catford:Translation is a kind of language that changing the source language text into another target language text.1.3.2 BarrHu

21、Darove: translation is a language product which is under the invariable condition change into another language product (in another word to distinguish langue and parole.1.3.3 Federove Translation theory summary: translation is one language to another language in which content and form are inseparabl

22、e in the unity expressed in the things that have been accurately and full expressed.1.3.4 Nida: From the semantic style to reproduce the source language information in the language which is the closest natural and equivalent language.1.4 Other definition1.4.1 Fan zhongyings practical translation tut

23、orial: translation is a kind of language information expressed by another language, making the readers can get the authors original ideas, get the same feelings as the author does. 1.4.2 Zhangjins the principles of literary translation: translation is the communication process and communication tool

24、 between two languages, its purpose is to promote the political, economic and cultural progress in this language society, its task is to put the logic image and artistic image in real world move from one language to another language intact. Overall, language school and information school emphasize c

25、onversion process that the discourse or information. Art school emphasize the recreate of artistic conception, its focus is in literary translation while did not pay attention to the literature translation.Translation is a practical activity which reappear the content, the form and style faithful, s

26、mooth from one language to another language (words and thoughts).No matter how to define, interpreters must pass the procedures: understanding, transfer, restructuring/expression, testing.Chapter2 Inevitability influenced by social factors in translationEveryone lives in a certain social historical

27、condition. As the people live in a society, its thought, language, behavior all marked deeply in the society and era he lives. Translators have no exception. And the translation standard as the guiding principle for translator to engage in translation activities and to evaluate the quality of the ve

28、rsion, it will also be influenced by the society. This mainly manifest in the following aspects.2.1 Translation purpose always service for the certain social class and the class requirements will affect the selection of translators translation standard.There is no class in the translation work, it i

29、s able to service everyone who masters it, but the translators are always in a certain social class, and the translation activities with a certain purpose, and shall satisfy himself or the support of social class membership the needs of reading translated works. Therefore, the translation activity o

30、f translator always put the tastes and needs of the class as an important factor in establishing standards. For example: the Buddhist translator of the Three Kingdoms Period ZhiQian Taoist Metaphysics to blend into the translation to go with the text of the original Lai briefly paraphrase the langua

31、ge to suit the ruling class at that time and the gods of the flowery language of surgery-loving party to facilitate the spread of Buddhism; Yan Fu reason for making the letter, and Elegance, the translation of the standard, although the reasons for their understanding, but its fundamental purpose is

32、 to Huxley, Adam Smith, Montesquieu and others, put on Modern Thought Hanwords before the law, the coat, investment Qing literati appeal to their preferences in order to attract their attention to new ideas.2.2 The culture of source language and target language with different status will effect the

33、selection of translation standards.Ethnic culture in the process of interaction of the position is not equal. Political, economic or military dominance on the national culture in communication often have advantage, and weaker national culture is in exchange disadvantage. Due to the strong ethnic and

34、 national minorities when the national culture in an attitude is different, the translator on process often to consciously to bring strong national cultural translation, language characteristic to please the reader.In choosing translation standards of the culture of the disadvantaged, the translator

35、 translating into strong culture literary works, often using domestication approach, and the works in the strong culture disadvantaged culture through translation alienation technique is adopted. In the third century BC, powerful Roman although military conquered Greece but had to learn to Greece by

36、 translation of culture. Proud Roman from think more remarkable than the greeks, and to the Greek literature as a trophies arbitrary dismemberment, adopted a in the translation with the original competition practice, trying to create better than the original translation.Investigation of the United S

37、tates and Britain, it is not hard to find trough from Britain and the United States in political and economic aspects in the world have a lead and its cultural status is also climbs in British and American literature translation, since it rarely take alienation gimmick, mostly use domestication mean

38、s the literary works to other culture into the British and American culture values, catering to the general reader and most commentators needs. Pound (t. Pond) translation of Chinese tang poetry and hawk Hawks, (D. a dream of red mansions) translation is the best example. In contrast, political and

39、economic development are relatively backward former colonies and semi-colonies nation in translation powerful culture literary works exhibited obvious when the alienation tendency.Such as Egypt in literary translation into colonies before adopted a more, namely free translation; translation of domes

40、tication After entering the colonial period, with cultural split personality appear, literary translation gradually adopted the alienation of the western translation , imposed on classics above our culture, and dont doubt such replacement western value system of the correctness of the practice ; In

41、colonial times, despite political has obtained independence, in the culture of trying to get rid of attachment status in literary translation, but respect or multi-purpose alienation strategy.2.3 The progress of social science and natural science promote the development of translation practice and t

42、heory and affect the choice of translation standard.Translation is the essence of a build in philosophy, linguistics, literature and art, anthropology, psychology, communication, semiotics multidisciplinary across languages, on the basis of cross-cultural comprehensive art creation activities. Every

43、 step of human cognitive ability enhancement, to the development of translation practice and theory will be a more or less stimulative effect, and understanding ability the enhancement is the demand of social development as the prerequisite.The 20th century art school, language school, communication

44、 school, symbols school, interpretation school wide variety of translation theory, such as the emergence of philosophy, linguistics, relies on information communication, social and natural scientific development and perfection, and these subjects only in certain social historical conditions will exi

45、st and developed, they produce is not accidental. During the late 19th and 20th century, in the previous capitalist society productivity gain considerable development, international trade flourished, powers for world hegemony between the struggle in the colonies and the establishment of the internat

46、ional organizations to promote the development of international politics.In order to meet the demand of social development, linguistics, anthropology, communication, information, and other disciplines emerged, and quickly with various kinds and increasing demand for combining translation activities,

47、 promote the further development of translation theories. For the complexity of the interpreter translated than ever also a more profound understanding of, in view of the different style, different readership using different standards of translation has become the consensus of translation.Chapter3 T

48、he main social factors which affecting the selection of translation standard.Religious, political, economic and social ideology is the main translation criteria affect social factors. They criteria for translation is primarily through select effects from two aspects of mental and physical pressure t

49、ranslation the translator to influence the selection of materials and standard of social public opinion, and peoples thoughts to control to influence the assessment to the reading public in two aspects to achieve.3.1 The influence of religious factorsReligious factors affect the translation criteria choice the oldest factors. Ancient religious texts in the trough, the proportion of translation occupies considerable, and this


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