Thinking of Cooperative Study in the English Teaching of Primary School 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、Thinking of Cooperative Study in the English Teaching of Primary School摘 要当前,合作学习作为一种学习方式,已越来越广泛地被应用于以学生为主体的教学实践之中,成为对传统教学组织形式的一种重要的突破和补充。本文旨在探讨合作学习在中学英语课堂中的运用,首先从理论上分析了合作学习的背景及定义,阐述了合作学习的理论基础和方法,然后对其课堂效果进行评估,最后得出问题所在,并给予可能解决的方法和建议。在合作学习的英语课堂中,教师应该改变传统的教学风格,多激励学生,鼓励他们多开口、多思考。从而营造出积极创新的课堂气氛,为培养学生的合作能

2、力创造条件。关键词:合作学习;初级中学;英语课堂;教学方法AbstractThe current study and cooperation as a learning mode, is becoming more widely been applied to the student of the teaching practice, the traditional teaching organization to become a major breakthrough and supplementary.This paper is intended to explore the cooper

3、ative learning method applied in English classes of Junior Middle Schools. It first explains the definition and background of cooperative learning. It then introduces theoretical foundations and the methods that applied in English classes of Junior Middle Schools. After that, the assessment and prob

4、lems are discussed and finally, it discusses the possible solutions to solve the problems. Thinking of Cooperative Study in the English class, the teacher should change the traditional teaching style, and encourage them to motivate students more speaking and more thinking. so as to produce active an

5、d innovative classroom atmosphere and the qualifications for cultivating the students Cooperation abilities.Key words:cooperative learning, junior middle school, English classes ,Teaching methodsContentsAbstract.摘要 .Introduction.1The Teaching Principles of Cooperative Learning .11.1Topic-participati

6、ng principle.11.2 Theories of cooperative learning.22 Cooperative Learning Applied in English Classes of Junior Schools22.1 Three Types of Cooperative Learning Groups.22.2 The Cooperative Learning Methods Applied in English Classes of Junior Middle Schools.42.21 STAD Method (Student Teams Achievemen

7、t Division) .42.22 Jigsaw Method.42.23 Constructive Controversy Method.52.24 Four Corners.52.3Whatshould the teachers do in cooperative learning .52.31 Teacher Roles.62.32 Student Roles.72.4 Assessment .82.41 Grading of a Cooperative Exercise.82.42 Formative Assessment during a Course Using Cooperat

8、ive Learning.93.The Problems and Suggestions on Cooperative Learning.93.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages on Cooperative Learning.93.2 The Suggestions on Cooperative Learning.93.3 Mutual cooperation and Positive evaluation. .10Conclusion.12References .13Acknowledgements .14IntroductionThe 21st cent

9、ury is the era of knowledge economy,people pay more attention to cooperation consciousness and the ability of communication. The cooperative learning as a new kind of teaching theory and pattern is based on the group cooperative learning ,systematically involved various factors in teaching. The coop

10、erative learning plays an important role in arousing classroom study atmosphere,stimulating the students interests in English study ,improving students academic achievement.In modern society, While social psychologists believed that group dynamics is very important in understanding the behavior of l

11、eaders and members of democratic groups. In recent years, our English teaching has changed the teaching ideas, reform the teaching method, explore Cooperative Study。In China, the research of cooperative learning was started in 1980s. Today, the researches in this area have made great progress. For e

12、xample, Shandong Province has developed the research and experiment about cooperative teaching, thus the cooperative learning in China has been greatly promoted. It is said that our society should encourage the students to work in groups but not alone, stimulate the conversation between the students

13、,and help the students and teachers learn at the same time. The external effect of the teachers and learning environment only works through the learners involving and internalizing environment.Therefore, as a teacher we should focus on training students Cooperation ability, which is an important pre

14、mise of quality education.IV1. The Teaching Principles of Cooperative Learning Contemporary teaching theory agreed that teaching is a teachers teaching and students learning consisting of English education activities, as a kind of language communication tools, teachings essence is communication and

15、it is put forward for teachers of English teaching principle: The topic-participating principle”1.1 Topic-participating principleThe traditional teaching objectives are rigid, teaching form is single and its taught according to the process of teaching, the thinking of students always reflect in teac

16、hers language from orbit, like such classroom teaching cant create active learning opportunity for students, let alone of cultivating innovation skills.For example: Go for it! The textbook, each unit again after 1 often appear such practice:New word: black, blue, ep-red, time.A: getting?B: It is a p

17、en.A: is it getting color?B: It is black.This requires two students to use a group of imitating the example of new words to create a new dialogue, have oral training and grasp the key sentence patterns. In the teaching, the teacher is merely a guider, students real participants. Through this exercis

18、e increase students practice opportunities to speak and think or the innovation ability of students get training. Classroom teaching is the implementation of quality education is the main channel of students in teachers guidance consciously active learning process. In teaching should strengthen stud

19、ents consciousness of participation, the study of the initiative to students and makes students becomeclassroom learning. Let students actively Cooperation ability. In teaching teachers let students to cooperative together,and makes students become explorer and the creator.1.2 Theories of cooperativ

20、e learningCooperative learning appeared at the beginning of 1970s in America and developed rapidly thereafter. After 1980s ,it has become one of the main trends in the field of teaching theory and strategy. As a new learing style, it was widely used as late as the 1990s in China. According to Johnso

21、n ,cooperation is working together to accomplish the common goals. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that the students work together to maximize their own and each others learning.2 Cooperative Learning Applied in English Classes of Junior Middle SchoolsTo use cooperat

22、ive learning in English classroom needs methods and ways. According to the number of students and educational system, each form has its appropriate application. Ultimately, every teacher must decide the form of the cooperative-learning. Listed here are sampling of the forms of cooperative learning t

23、hat have received the most empirical attention, beginning with the teacher-centered moving to student-centered approaches in English classes.2.1 Three Types of Cooperative Learning GroupsThe first type of cooperative learning group is formal cooperative learning,it has completed the learning task as

24、signed successfully. Different learning tasks in different subjects area with their curriculums can be organized cooperatively. And course requirement or assignment may be reformulated for formal cooperative learning. When working with formal cooperative learning groups, you must (a) specify the obj

25、ectives for the lesson, (b) make a number of pre-instructional decisions, (c) explain the task and the positive interdependence to students, (d) monitor students learning and intervene in the groups to provide task assistance or to increase students interpersonal and group skills, and (e) evaluate s

26、tudents learning and help students process how well their groups functioned. Formal cooperative learning groups ensure that students involve actively in the intellectual work of organizing, explaining, summarizing and integrating material into existing conceptual structures.The second type of cooper

27、ative learning group named informal cooperative learning. One can use them during direct teaching (lectures, demonstrations, films and videos) to gain student attention on particular material, set a mood conducive to learning, help set expectations about what the lesson will cover, ensure that stude

28、nts cognitively process the material you are teaching, and provide closure to an instructional session. Informal cooperative learning groups are often organized so that students engage in three to five-minute focused discussion before and after a lecture and two to three minute turn-to-your-partner

29、discussions throughout a lecture. Like formal cooperative learning groups, informal cooperative learning groups help you ensure that students do the intellectual work of organizing, explaining, summarizing, and integrating material into existing conceptual structures during direct teaching.The third

30、 type is cooperative base groups. Cooperative base groups are long term goals (lasting for at least a year), heterogeneous cooperative learning groups with stable membership whose primary purpose is to allow members to give each other the support, help, encouragement, and assistance. Base groups pro

31、vide students with long-term, committed relationships that allow group members to give each other the support, help, encouragement, and assistance needed to consistently work hard in school, make academic progress (attend class, complete all assignments, learn), and develop in cognitively and social

32、ly healthy ways. When we use formal, informal, and cooperative base groups repeatedly, we will gain a routine level of expertise, that is to say, we will be able to structure cooperative learning situations automatically without careful thought or planning. We can then use cooperative learning with

33、fidelity for the rest of our teaching career.Students learning goals may be structured to promote cooperative, competitive, or individualistic efforts. In contrast to cooperative situations, competitive situations are ones in which students work against each other to achieve a goal that only one or

34、a few can attain. In competition there is a negative interdependence among goal achievements. Students perceive that they can obtain their goals if and only if the other students in the class fail to obtain their goals (Deutsch, Johnson and Johnson, 275). Norm-referenced evaluation of achievement oc

35、curs. The result is that students either work hard to do better than their classmates, or they take it easy because they do not believe they have a chance to win. In individualistic learning situations, students work alone to accomplish goals unrelated to those of classmates and are evaluated on a c

36、riterion-referenced basis. Students goal achievements are independent; students perceive that the achievement of their learning goals is unrelated to what other students do (Deutsch, Johnson and Johnson, 320).The purpose is to focus on student self-interest and personal success but ignore something

37、irrelevant to the successes and failures of others.2.2 The Cooperative Learning Methods Applied in English Classes of Junior Middle Schools2.21 STAD Method (Student Teams Achievement Division)In this cooperative-learning technique, students receive information via lectures, films, readings, and so o

38、n, and then receive a worksheet to complete in teams of four. The teams formed by the teachers are typically heterogeneous, based on prior achievement, race, sex, language background, and other factors determined by instructor. The worksheets may contain case studies, problems to solve, or other tas

39、ks. Once all members think the task is completed and the skills are mastered assessed by worksheet, the instructor is called over. In addition to verbally quizzing individual team members on how the worksheet problems were solved, the instructor may give one or all members of the team a quiz which m

40、ust be completed individually by team members (individual accountability). The team is excused if individual mastery of the content is assured. This is one the most teacher-centered of the cooperative-learning techniques as the instructor often determines the members of individual teams and their ro

41、les within the teams, the nature of the learning materials, and most other elements of the instructional sequence.2.22 Jigsaw MethodWith this technique, the teacher offer different mini topics to members of a team. Students are asked to do research on the assigned mini topics, then, they are suppose

42、d to share their findings and discuss their findings with another team, and they also give their own ideas on other teams topics. When all members go back to their original groups, they have to refine their understanding on the topic, and share another topic that they have discussed the entire team.

43、2.23 Constructive Controversy MethodPairs within a four-person team are assigned different sides of an issue. Each pair researches one side of the topic (or a summary is provided by the teacher). The two pairs discuss the topic, not to win a debate but to adduce as much information on the topic as p

44、ossible. Pairs then switch sides and develop arguments for the opposite side of the same issue.2.24 Four CornersThe four corners strategy is used to ensure that all students participate in group activities. It helps to develop listening, verbal communication, critical thinking, and decision-making s

45、kills in the classroom context. One advantage of this strategy is that it can be used to reinforce course content to clarify student values, and to develop an understanding of differences in values and opinions. Not only does it encourage students to participate in activities by making decisions, bu

46、t also it encourages students to cognitively justify their decisions.To use cooperative learning effectively, you must realize that not all groups are cooperative groups. The learning group performance curve illustrates that how well any small group performs depends on how it is structured. One of t

47、he major parts of your job is to form students into learning groups, strengthen the basic elements of cooperation, and move the groups up the performance curve until they are truly cooperative learning groups.2. 3 What should the teachers do in cooperative learning Rolesrefers to the part that learners and teachers are ex


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