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1、1 2016 中考英语命题比赛双向细目表 题 号 试题类型命题内容考试要求 难度 估计 一听小对话1. 询问天气 2. 询问价格,并作出推理 3. 考查信息捕捉能力 4. 考查对话地点 5. 考查时间,并作出计算 6. 考查逻辑推理能力 78. 考查信息捕捉能力 9-11. 考查信息捕捉能力 12. 考查逻辑推理能力 13. 考查信息捕捉能力 14. 考查逻辑推理能力 15. 考查信息捕捉能力 1 能获取事实性的具体信息:(A) 2 能对所听内容作出简单推断;(B) 3 能理解所听材料的主旨和要义;C) 4 能理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。 (C) 0.9 二听长对话0.85 三听短文0.75

2、 四 单项选择 16. 考查音标的读法 17. 考查冠词 a/an 的用法 18. 考查连词的用法 19. 考查宾语从句的用法 20. 考查被动语态的用法 21. 考查动词短语的用法 22. 考查介词的用法 23. 考查名词的用法 24. 考查介词短语的用法 25. 考查交际用语的用法 26. 考查形容词的用法 27. 考查反意疑问句的用法 28. 考查定语从句的用法 29. 考查感叹句的用法 30. 考查日常习语的用法 1 记住初中英语中相关语言结构的用 法;( A) 2 理解单词、 词组在句子中的确切含义; (B) 3 理解常用习语在不同语言环境中的确 切含义; (B) 4 能较熟练地运用

3、所学的日常交际用 语,能运用一定的交际策略避免交际 活动的失败。 (C) 0.8 五完形填空 31. 考查上下文的理解 32. 根据上句可知 33. 考察连词的用法 34. 考查上下文的理解 35. 考查情态动词的用法 36. 考查特殊疑问词的用法 37. 考查副词的用法 38. 根据句意可知 39. 根据句意可知 40. 考查固定词组be counted in的用法 41. 根据句意可知 42. 根据句意可知 43. 考查上下文的理解 44. 考查定语从句的用法 1.记住初中英语中相关语言结构的用 法;( A) 2.理解在语言交流活动中的文化特征; (B) 3.理解所读语言材料的表层含义;(

4、B) 4.能理解所读语言材料的主旨.(C) 0.75 2 45. 考查对句子结构的分析 六 记叙文 说明文 46细节理解题 47词意猜测题 48细节理解题 49推理判断题 50主旨大意题 51细节理解题 52细节理解题 53细节理解题 54词意猜测题 55推理判断题 1.能具有细节认知能力; (A) 2.能具有在语境中的词义辨析能力;(B) 3.能具有判断推理能力; ( C) 4.能具有主旨大意把握能力。(C) 0.75 小短文 : 6 选 5 根据五位个员的个人情况说明,从 A-F 中选出能解决他们问题的恰当 建议。 0.85 七词语填空 61. 考查固定词组provide sb. with

5、 sth. 的用法 62. 考查现在完成时的用法 (have/has +done ) 63. 考查名词复数形式的变化 64. 考查副词的用法 65. 考查被动语态的用法 66. 考查名词与形容词之间的变形 67. 考查基数词与序数词的转换 68. 考查固定词组pay attention to的 用法 69. 考查对句子意思的理解 70. 考查固定词组be gifted in的用法 1. 记住初中英语中相关语言结构的用法; (A) 2. 理解所读语言材料的表层含义;(B) 3. 能在不同的语言材料中综合运用所学 的词汇和语法知识.(C) 0.7 八 单词拼写 71. 考查月份的拼写 72. 考查

6、形容词的最高等级 73. 考查单三式和固定词组prefer to- 74. 考查副词的用法 75. 考查名词复数形式的变化 76. 考查动词和将来时态的用法 77. 考查系动词的用法 78. 考查序数词的用法 79. 考查被动语态的用法 80. 考查介词短语的用法 1 记住已学常用单词、词组的拼写和其 基本含义;( A) 2 理解单词、词组在句子中的确切含 义。 (B) 0.85 九书面表达 书面表达 : 通过搀扶老人赔偿10 万元 这一事实展开讨论,呼吁全社会树立良好 的社会道德风尚,从而考查学生的写作能 力。 能在有提示的情况下写出70 个词左右并 以应用文体为主的文字材料,要求主题鲜 明

7、、语言正确、 行文流畅, 书写规范。(C) 0.75 3 2012年中考模拟试卷英语卷 考生须知: 1、本试卷满分120 分,考试时间100 分钟 2、答题前,在答题纸上写姓名和准考证号。 3、必须在答题纸的对应答题位置上答题,写在其他地方无效。1 至 60 小题在答题纸上 涂黑作答,答题方式详见答题纸上的说明。 4、做听力题时,先将答案画在试卷上。录音内容结束后你将有1 分钟的时间将试卷上 的答案转涂到答题纸上。 5、考试结束后,试题卷和答题纸一并上交。 . 听 力 部 分 (25分) 一、听短对话,回答问题(共 5 小题,计5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的

8、A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What s the weather like now?(原创) A. Sunny B. Cloudy C. Rainy 2. How does the woman think of this T-shirt? ( 原创 ) A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Great 3. Why was Julia late? ( 原创) A. Because of the heavy traffic. B. Because she ha

9、d no car. C. Because her car was broken. 4. Where does the conversation most likely take place? ( 改编 ) A. In the hotel. B. In the restaurant. C. In the theatre. 5. Before what time should the man be at the train station? ( 原创 ) A.2:20 pm. B. 1:50 pm. C. 2:50 pm. 二、听较长对话,回答问题(共 6 小题,计 12 分) 听下面两段长对话。

10、每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听每段对话前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6 至第 8 三个小题。现在,你有15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小 题。 6. How was Peters weekend? ( 原创 ) A. Terrible B. Great C. Just-soso 7. Why did Dan s parents leave him alone at home? ( 改编 ) A. Because Dan wanted to play computer g

11、ames. B. Because Dan overslept. C. Because his parents got angry with him. 8. How did Peter treat his burn? ( 改编 ) A. Put it under cold running water. B. Did nothing just waited for his parents. C. Went to see the doctor at once. 听下面一段对话, 回答 9 至第 11 三个小题。 现在,你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 9. Who does the boy w

12、ant to buy a present for? ( 改编 ) A. His father B. His grandfather C. His uncle 4 10. Why doesn t the boy take the wallet?( 改编 ) A. Be cause he doesn t like the color. B. Because he has no enough money. C. Because the wallet is too small. 11. How much will the boy pay for the present at last?( 原创 ) A

13、. $10 B. $ 15 C. $ 9 三、听独白,回答问题(共 4 小题,满分8 分) 听下面一段独白,并按独白的要求在试卷上完成任务,你可以边听边完成任务。然后你 会看到 4 个问题和相关的选项。请从每个问题A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听独白前, 你有 20 秒钟的时间阅读有关材料和4 个小题。 听完独白后, 你有 20 秒钟的时间来选择有关 选项。独白连续读两遍。 QUESTIONNAIRE Question 1 Tomorrow there will be a big test, how do you feel tonight? A.Anxious and cant sleep

14、 well. B.A little worried. C.Feel nothing unusual. Question 2 You are invited to be at a big party and give a speech about your opinions on the city fashion. What will you do? A.I won t go no matter what others say. B.I will go but I will be a little nervous. C.I m glad to be there. I like this kind

15、 of social situation. Question 3 What topic do you want to talk about most when you are with you friends? A.Computer games. B.Some sports stars. C.My classmates and school life. Question 4 When you are at a big party, who do you want to talk to? A.The person you know very well. B.The person who look

16、s friendly. C.The person you are interested in. 12. According to the listening, what kind of test is it? ( 改编 ) A. Science test. B Personality test C. English test. 13. If you choose B for Question 3, how many points do you get? ( 改编 ) A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 14. If you get 8 points, what kind of

17、person are you? ( 原创 ) A. Confident. B. Outgoing. C. Shy. 15.If you want to have a job as a teacher, How many points should you get? ( 原创 ) A. 10-12 points B. 6-9 points C. less than 6 . 笔 试 部 分 (95 分) 四、单项填空(共 15 小题,计15 分) 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. The underlined part in the word “breathe

18、” is pronounced as _.( 原创 ) A. /e/ B. /e?/ C. /?/D. /i:/ 17.As we know, France is _ European country and Korea is _Asian country. ( 原 5 创) A. an, an B. an, a C. a, a D. a, an 18.He can t make any friends _ he changes the way he speaks. ( 原创 ) A. if B. when C. unless D. after 19. Nobody but Jim and B

19、ob _from. (改编) A. know where he is B. knows where is he C. knows where he is D. know where is he 20. Lily, you _ on the phone. Oh, I coming. Thank you. (改编) A. have wanted B. are wanted C. want D. are wanting 21. The heavy rain_ our difficulty in looking for the missing cat.(改编) A. added to B. gave

20、out C. made up D. raised up 22. He showed very little consideration _ the feelings of others. (改编) A. to B. for C. on D. by 23. Schools should put _ in the first place. ( 原创 ) A. heart B. safety C. patience D. award 24. I hear that Alice is trying to lose weight by taking weight-loss pills. In my op

21、inion, looking good is important, but _, staying healthy is far more important. (改编) A. after all B. in all C. at all D. above all 25.-Do you mind my taking this seat?. - _. Its for Mr Black. ( 原创 ) A. Not at all B. Yes, please C. Better not D. Yes, I do 26. - How do you like this film? - _. I cant

22、stand it. ( 原创 ) A. Fantastic B. Perfect C. Wonderful D. Awful 27.- Selina didnt go to work this morning, did she? -_. Though she had a bad cold. ( 原创 ) A. Yes, she didn tB. Yes, she did C. No, she didntD. No, she did 28. The West Lake is the most beautiful lake _ he has ever seen. ( 原创 ) A. that B.

23、 where C. what D. which 29._ terrible weather report weve got! ( 原创 ) A. What a B. What C How D. How a 30. Its her duty to finish that. Its none of your _.( 原创 ) A. business B. matter C. thing D. affair 五. 完形填空 . (共 15 小题,计15 分) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 During my last year of junior high

24、school, our teacher, Mrs Debby, gave us a _31_. I was a hard-working student and I did well in all subjects. I finished the questions _32_. _33_ I read the last one: What is the _34_ name of the woman who cleans the school?” Of course I thought that _35_ have been a joke. I saw the cleaning woman ev

25、ery day. She was short and about 50years old. She had dark hair. But _36_ would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I d never _37_ thought about talking to her. I looked at my paper and started to feel rather _38_. Finally, 6 I handed in my paper, leaving the last one_39_.

26、Before the quiz ended, one student asked if the last question would be _40_ in our grades.”Of course, ” the teacher said, “In your life, you will meet many people. They are all _41_. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is to_42_ and say hello.” I ve never_43_ that lesson. Everyo

27、ne deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people _44_ work and live around me. That _45_, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also later learned that the cleaning woman s first name was Hannah. 31. A. match B. quiz C. contest D. game (原创 ) 32. A. hardly B. strongly C.

28、 successfully D. badly (原创) 33. A. Until B. When C. After D. Before (原创) 34. A. last B. family C. full D. first (原创) 35. A. might B. must C. could D. would (原创) 36. A. what B. when C. how D. where (原创) 37. A. just B. nearly C. even D. almost (原创) 38. A. glad B. guilty C. surprised D. lucky (原创) 39.

29、A. unseen B. unanswered C. unnoticed D. unchosen (原创) 40. A. counted B. valued C. amounted D. regarded (原创) 41. A. patient B. funny C. important D. necessary (原创) 42. A. watch B. smile C. talk D. feel (原创) 43.A. dreamed B. understood C. realized D. forgotten (原创) 44.A. who B. whose C. which D. whom

30、(原创) 45.A. is B. was C. had been D. is being (原创) 六、阅读理解(共 15 小题,计30 分。其中第一节10 小题,计20 分;第二节5 小题, 计 10 分) 第一节: 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。 A When I passed through the Atlanta airport one morning,I caught one of those buses that take the travelers to their boarding gates. The free buses run b

31、ack and forth all days long. Not many people think them fun. But I heard the laughter. At the front of the bus, there were a father and his son. His son was about five years old. “ Here we go! Hold on to me tightly! ” the father said. “ Look out there! See that pilot? I bet he s walking to his plane

32、.” The son stretched his neck to look. As I got off, I remembered something I had wanted to buy. I was early for my flight. So I decided to go back. When I went back to the bus for my gate, I saw the man and his son had returned, too. “ I want to ride more.” “ More?” the father asked. “You re not ti

33、red?” “ It s fun!” his son answered. “ All right,” the father answered. When the door opened, we all got on. I realized that the father and his son just were riding this shuttle together, making it exciting, sharing each other s company. 7 There are parents who can afford to send their children to E

34、urope or Disneyland, but the children can turn out bad. There are parents who live in million-dollar house and give their children cars and swimming pools, but something goes wrong. Why? The answer is so simple: parents who care enough to spend time, to pay attention and to try their best. It doesn

35、t cost a cent, but it is the most valuable thing in the world. 46. This story probably happened_. (改编) A. at the bus station B. at the train station C. at the cinema D. at the airport 47. The underlined word “ shuttle” refers to _.(原创) A. free plane B. free train. C. free bus D. free bike 48. The fa

36、ther and his son rode the shuttle because _.(改编) A. they rode it for fun. B. they didn t have enough money. C. they wanted to take a plane. D. it was free. 49. Which of the following is true according to the passage?(改编) A. The boy had been to Disneyland. B. The boy wanted another ride. C. The boy w

37、anted to travel by plane. D. The father and the boy took the shuttle all day long. 50.It can be learned from the passage that_(原创) A. Parents should afford their children to Europe or Disneyland B. Parents should spend more time with their children. C. Parents should spend more time riding the shutt

38、le with their children. D. Parents should offer their children houses, cars and swimming pools. B South Koreas largest mobile phone operator said Thursday that it will offer cell phone users a new noise service that it says will repel mosquitoes (蚊子) . SK Telecom Co. said subscribers (电话用户 ) can pay

39、 3,000 won (US.50) to download a sound wave that is inaudible to human ears but annoys mosquitoes within a range of three feet. Customers can then play the sound by hitting a few buttons on their mobile phones. The company claimed that the service worked during tests. 8 The service, which begins Mon

40、day, has one disadvantage: it costs as much battery power as normal cell phone rings. SK Telecom has 17 million subscribers and controls a little over 50 percent of the domestic (国内的)market. 1. From the text we can use cell phones to . (原创) A. make a call with somebody you need B. keep in touch with

41、 others. C. repel mosquitoes D. keep away from animals 2. A sound wave can . (原创) A. be heard by humans. B. be heard by all the living. C. annoy mosquitoes three feet away. D. annoy mosquitoes anywhere. 3. If we always use this service, . (原创) A. it will make us healthy B. it will make us get a phon

42、e ring . C. it will cost a lot of power. D. it will lose much energy 4.The underlined word “ inaudible” in the passage means (原创) A. unheard B. reached C. understood D. influenced. 5.The passage can most probably be found in a _ book. (原创) A. science B. history C. travel D. math 第二节: 请仔细阅读第56-60 题五位

43、人员的个人情况说明,从 A-F 中选出能解决他们问题的 恰当建议。(有 1 个多余选项)(共 5 小题,计 10 分) I. Students problems 56. My mother is a doctor. She is too busy with her work to spend the weekends with me. It seems that she doesn t care me at all. I feel lonely. 57. I am too shy to speak in front of my classmates. They always laugh lou

44、dly when I am answering teachers questions. 58. I am not allowed to meet friends at all. My parents want me to study all the time at home. I feel unhappy. 59. I think I work harder than others but I get bad grades. Am I too stupid? 60. A senior high school student asked me to give him¥100 every week

45、 without telling others. I am frightened, so I don t want to go to school now. II. Some good advice A. Nobody was born stupid. Maybe you haven t got right ways of study yet. Ask the teachers or classmates for help if you have any questions. B. Your classmates may not laugh at you. If you don t like

46、their laugher, you should talk to them about your feelings. They might understand you. And you had better be more 9 easygoing and be their friend. C. If you feel unhappy, go to have a good sleep and you will forget everything unhappy. D. Don t be afraid. You should tell your parents or teachers at o

47、nce. Don t go out alone then. E. Let your parents know your friends are nice. You learn a lot from them as well as have fun with them. You study with them outside, too. F.Tell your mother you need her company sometimes. Also you should do some housework with your mother so she can finish her work qu

48、ickly. Try to understand her, too. 七、词语填空 ( 共 10 小题,计10 分) (原创 ) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯( 每个单词限用一次) 。 one deep receive balance provide attention play travel gift profession Qian Hongyan lost both her legs in an accident at the age of three. Her family was too poor to _61_ her with prosthetic leg

49、s(假肢 ),so they gave her a basketball to help her move. Since then she has _62_from home to school by bouncing( 跳跃 )on the basketball. The 7th National Games for the Disabled was held in Kunming in May 2007. Qian went to watch the games every day and see the disabled _63_. She was _64_moved by them. After the games, she decided to join


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