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1、1,毕业论文/年终总结/项目规划 /结题报告/会议总结,2019,创意简洁大气PPT,LOGO,2,CONTENTS,目录,点击输入标题,点击输入标题,点击输入标题,点击输入标题,3,Action Plan,4,April Project Kick-off and annual budget start-line,July Organization development of the new branch,May Organizational Performance Review,June HRIS introduction & Public platform building,Key mi

2、lestones could be added in the charts. Further explanation could be written in the new text box and combine them with the arrow chart.,Key milestones could be added in the charts. Further explanation could be written in the new text box and combine them with the arrow chart.,Analysis,5,This analysis

3、 covers all departments and defined by all managers and supervisors. The shared space is the basic requirements chosen by samplers.,Description,Internal Training,6,Internal Training,7,8,Internal Training,9,Internal Training,10,75%,内容说明内容说明内容说明 内容说明内容说明内容说明,60%,内容说明内容说明内容说明 内容说明内容说明内容说明,50%,内容说明内容说明内

4、容说明 内容说明内容说明内容说明,25%,内容说明内容说明内容说明 内容说明内容说明内容说明,Internal Training,11,External Training,12,13,Ongoing Coaching,14,Ongoing Coaching is introduced to track the improvement after training.,Learning System,15,Learning System,Course System,Instructor Database,Evaluation Database,Training Paper Files,A syst

5、em which will cover all database and delete all paper work.,Learning System,16,Control and response to all training requirements in the department.,Follow up all training projects and track the completion.,Analyze all team members regularly and propose the training or coaching plan.,Attend all compu

6、lsory training courses and select optional courses according to the quarterly performance.,Talent Management,17,People on the same ladder are encouraged to rotate* to extend their skills.,Its the best method to introduce people of new ideas.,Opportunities will be firstly offered in internal recruitm

7、ent.,*Rotation will not just happen in the same boundaries, but this is a two-way choice.,18,Performance,19,The target of 2015 is 2.7 billion each quarter. Its very clear that only Q2 completed the task. Q3 and Q4 are expected data according to the pre-order. This trend is affected by the weak USD.

8、Year-end bonus will be aligned with yearly sales.,Leadership,20,High potential talents will be covered in all three programs. Undergraduate interns are the most preferred people.,Internship,21,21 interns are hired into 5 different departments: HR, Sales, Logistics, Finance, Engineering, Design and Development.,Communication,22,This is a place where you work with love.,Communication,23,24,毕业论文/年终总结/项目规划 /结题报告/会议总结,2019,感谢您的观赏,LOGO,感谢您的下载!,T,THANKS!,


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