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1、Module 3 Heroes Unit 1 学习目标 一、掌握本单元including ,attend,whatever,give up 等单词和短语。(重点) 二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点) 1. Whatever she does , she never give up ! 2. That s amazing. 三、听懂有关英雄人物的对话并能流利地介绍自己喜欢的名人。 自主预习 新词自测读写单词或短语并熟记看谁记得快。 1.包含;包括prep.Including 2.出席;参加v.attend 3.在国外;到国外adv. Abroad 4.再一次once again 5.不管怎么样

2、conj.Whatever 6.放弃give up 7.意志;决心n. will 8.获胜;胜利n. victory 9.实在;的确adv. Simply 10.惊人的adj. amazing 课堂导学 1. Whatever she does , she never give up . 无论她做什么,她从来都不放弃。 单词 1: Whatever 无论什么;不管怎么样 Whatever 作连词,意为“无论什么;不管怎么样”,在本句中引导状语从句。whatever 相当 于 no matter what,还可以引导主语从句,也可引导宾语从句。 Whatever happens , stay c

3、alm. 不论发生什么情况,保持镇静。 归纳 : 类似 whatever 的词还有 :wherever 无论在哪里, however 然而,whoever 无论,whenever 谁无论何时等 . You can go wherever you like. 你可以去你喜欢的任何地方 Whoever comes will be welcome. 不管谁来都欢迎 短语 1: give up 放弃 give up,意为“放弃”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。give up 为动副结构的短语,当 宾语为代词时,代词要放在短语中间。 Tom isn t good at math , but he won

4、 t give it up 汤姆不善长数学,但他不会放弃数学的 To keep healthy , you should give up smoking 要想保持健康,你应该戒烟 即学即练 一 一、 单项选择 - Why did your uncle finally C such a good chance to work abroad? - Because he wanted to do more for our country. A. look up B. make up C. give up D. use up 解析 :句意为“为什么你的叔叔最后放弃了这么好的到国外工作的机会?”因为他想

5、为我们 的国家做更多的贡献,look up 意为“向上看,查找”,make up 意为“组成,编造”,give up 意为“放弃”,use up意为“用完,耗尽”所以选C。 二、按要求完成句子改为同义句。 Whatever he says , she will agree with him ( 改为同义句 ) No matter what he says , she will agree with him. 2. Well, I think she s a good student as well as a good player. 嗯,我认为她不仅是一名优秀的运动员,而且还是一名好学生。 短

6、语 2: as well as 也;不仅, 而且, as well as,意为“也;不仅, 而且 , ”,常用来连接两个并列的成分,强调as well as 前面的内容。 as well as 连接两个名词、代词等作主语时,谓语动词跟as well as 前面的词在 人称和数上保持一致。 Bob can speak Spanish as well as English. 鲍勃不仅会讲英语,也会说西班牙语。 提示:as well as 和 not onlybut also同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好相反。 Jennifer can sing as well as dance. (强

7、调唱歌)珍妮弗不但会跳舞,也会唱歌。 Jennifer can not only sing but also dance. (强调跳舞)珍妮弗不但会唱歌,也会跳舞。 即学即练 二 一、 单项选择 The mother, as well as her two daughters, C to the theatre with some friends this evening. A.are going B.were going C.is going D.was going 解析 :as well as 表示“也” ,连接两个并列的名词、代词等作主语时,谓语动词跟as well as 前面的词在人称

8、和数上保持一致。本题谓语动词的数与the mother 一致,排除A、B 由时间 状语 this evening 可知用一般将来时。故选C。 Unit 2 学习目标 一、掌握本单元sick,treat,manage,die for , take care of , on one s own 等单词和短语。 (重 点) 二、看懂介绍白求恩的文章并能就自己所学所知写一篇类似的短文。 自主预习 一、新词自测读写单词或短语并熟记,看谁记得快。 1.加拿大的;加拿大人的adj. Canadian 2.士兵n.soldier 3.伤;伤口n.wound 4.为 , 而死die for 5.了解;意识到v.

9、 realise 6. 垂死的;即将死亡的adj.dying 7. 那时候at that time 8. 发明;创造n.invention 9. 做成;(尤指)设法完成v.manage 10. (使)继续v. continue 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Dr Bethune is one of the most famous heroes (hero) in China. 2. He often worked very hard without resting (rest) or taking (take) care of himself. 3. Once , he managed t

10、o save (save) over a hundred lives. 课堂导学 1Dr Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick. 白求恩大夫开发了新方法来照顾病人。 短语 1: take care of 照顾;护理 take care of,意为“照顾;护理”其中care 为不可数名词,前面不用冠词修饰。此短语后面 可接名词或代词作宾语,其同义短语为look after。 She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday. 昨天她待在家里照顾她母亲。 短语 2:

11、 the+形容词某一类人或事物 句中 the sick,意为“病人”。定冠词the 与形容词连用,表示复数意义的“某一类人或事 物”。当这种结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 The blind need us to care about them. 盲人需要我们关心他们 即学即练 一 一、 单项选择 D young will like this kind of sport , but old will not. A. A;a B. A;the B.The ; a C. The ; the 解析 :the 用于形容词前,表示一类人或事物。句意为“年轻人会喜欢这种运动,但老年人 不会”。故选D。

12、 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 当我不在家时,照顾好你自己。 When I m out , take good care of youself. 2. At that time, there were few doctors , so he had to work very hard on his own. 那时候,那儿几乎没有医生,所以他得努力地独自一人工作。 短语 3: at that time 那时候 at that time 是固定词组,意为“那时候”,常用于过去时或过去进行时的句子中。 She was 86 at that time . 那时她 86 岁。 He was sleeping

13、 at that time . 他那时正在睡觉 短语 4: on one s own 独自一人 on one s own,意为“独自一人”,还可表示“靠自己;独立地”,一般用作状语,相当于 by oneself 或者 alone。 Although her fater is in the company , Mary got the job on her own。 尽管她父亲在这个公司里,但玛丽是靠自己得到那份工作的。 We should do our own things on our own 我们自己的事情应该自己做。 即学即练 二 一、 单项选择 - What were you doin

14、g when I called at 8 p.m. yesterday? - I D the piano at that time. A. play B. is playing C. played D. was playing 解析 : 句意为 “昨天晚上八点我给你打电话时你在做什么?”那时我正在弹钢琴,at that time 意为“那时”,是过去进行时的时间标志。故选D。 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 学生们应该独立完成他们的家庭作业。 Students should finish their homework on their own . 3 and managed to save over

15、 a hundred lives. , 设法挽救了一百多条生命。 单词 1: manage .做成;(尤指)设法完成 manage 作动词,意为“做成:(尤指)设法完成”,其后可接名词、代词或动词不定式, manage to do sth.意为“设法做成某事”。manage作动词,还可表示“管理,经营,控制” 等后接名词或代词。 We managed to finish the work ahead of time. 我们设法提前完成了工作 She managed the shop while the owner was away. 店主不在的时候她照管商店 即学即练 三 根据汉语意思完成句子

16、 最后警察设法抓住了那个小偷。 At last , the policeman managed to catch the thief. 4. In the end , he died of his wound. 最后,他因他的伤口(感染)而死。 短语 5: die of 因, 而死,死于 , die of, 意为 “因 , 而死。死于 , ” , 原因常来自内部, 后常接 hunger, illness , cancer ,sorrow 等名词。 Steve jobs died of illness on October 5, 2011 . 史蒂夫乔布斯于2011 年 10 月 5 日因病逝世

17、。 Every year , nearly one million people die of hunger. 每年约有一百万人死于饥饿。 拓展 :die from 的用法 die from,意为“死于 , ” 原因常来自外部,由环境造成 (主要指事故等方面的外部原因), 后常接 accident , overwork , drinking , somking等名词。 It s said that Jim died from overwork. 据说吉姆是因过度劳累而死 即学即练 四 一、 单项选择 My grandma died A cancer. A.of B.form C.with D.

18、by 解析 :句意为“我奶奶因癌症去世”,“癌症”属于内因,因此用died of。故选 A。 Unit 3 学习目标 掌握原因状语从句目的状语从句和结果状语从句的用法。(重点) Many people were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough. There were few doctors ,so he had to work very hard on his own. He wrote books so that they could about how he treated the sick. 自主预习 从

19、方框中选择适当的连词完成句子 So that , so , because 1. I didn t know which dictionary was better , so I took neither. 2. Traffic is heavy and the price of oil is much higher, so many people go to work by bus instead. 3. Both of his parents work in the city . so he lives with his grandparents in the village. 4. Th

20、e teacher speaks loudly so that the students can hear her clearly. 5. If you go to visit London , don t forget your umbrella because it rains a lot there . 课堂导学 On 12 th April 1961, Gagarin took off for space . 1961 年 4 月 12 日,加加林乘宇宙飞船飞往太空。 短语 1: take off (飞机等)起飞 take off 是动词短语, 意为“(飞机等) 起飞” ,反义词是la

21、nd。它还可表示 “脱下; 取下” , 反义短语为put on。 When will the plane take off ? 飞机何时起飞 He took off his raincoat and took out the key. 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。 注意: take off 是由“动词 +副词”构成的短语,当其后接代词时,代词要放在take 和 off 的 中间。当其后接名词时,名词放在off 的前后均可。 Put on your clothes . Don t take them off. 把你的衣服穿上。别脱下来。 即学即练 一、 单项选择 Attention please .

22、The plane will C in five minutes. A. take out B. take after C. take off D. take care 解析 :take out,意为“拿出”,take after 意为“与 , 长得像”,take off 意为“起飞;脱 下”, take care意为“当心,小心”。句意为“请注意,飞机将在五分钟后起飞”。故选C。 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 这个人脱下他的毛衣,出去了。 The man took off his sweater and went out . 语法规律总结 原因、结果和目的状语从句。 1原因状语从句 (1)bec

23、ause引导的原因状语从句 because 作连词,意为“因为”,表示必然的因果关系,语气较强,通常放在主句之后,若 需强调则放在主句之前,常用来回答疑问词why 提出的问题。 because引导的原因状语从句 有时可与because of短语换用。 because和 so 在一个句子中不能同时使用。 I went to see a doctor because I had a cold. 我去看医生,因为我感冒了。 -Why are you anxious ? -为什么你很着急 -Because my bike is broken. -因为我的自行车坏了。 (2) since 引导的原因状语

24、从句 since,意为“因为 ;由于;既然”,侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已知的理由,常放在句首。 Since we are young , we shouldn t be afraid of making mistakes. 既然我们还年轻,我们不该害怕犯错误。 2结果状语从句 so 常用来连接并列句,前一分句表示原因,后一分句表示结果。so 和 since 不能连用 . They worked very hard , so they could finish the work before supper. 他们拼命地干活,所以在晚饭前就能把工作做完。 It is very cold outs

25、ide ,so I wore a heavy coat. 外边很冷,所以我穿了一件厚大衣。 3目的状语从句 so that 引导的目的状语从句中通常带有can , could , may , might ,should 等情态动词。 so that 引导的从句在主句后,从句前不用逗号,有时可省略that。 I will tell you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself. 我会告诉你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。 即学即练 用 so, so that , because , because of 填空 1. This meal is my treat , so put your money away. 2. I get up early so that I can do some exercise. 3. I didn t eat the fish because the smell was terrible. 4. David didn t go to school because of his illness.


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