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1、 The differences between china and the west in wine culture AbstractThis paper gives a whole introduction about the differences between China and the west in wine culture. From the comparison of wine culture in the West, we can find that the difference between the culture of wine is actually a way o

2、f thinking in the West differences. Whether China is the booze or the West tasting, wine culture can all hope that the next time a relatively more and better wine, wine culture can be developed and inheritance, so that more people understand the culture of wine, Enjoy the wine culture! I am the prin

3、cipal of Liquor comparison of Chinese and Western culture, and focus on understanding the culture of wine in China history of the development. Key words: wine culture; differences; China; the west1. The history of wine culture It is well-known to us that Chinas wine culture has 5000 years of history

4、, has a long history of wine in our wine culture, the development of long-term process, making many as the Shen Pin Qiongjiang wine treasures. China is ahead of the worlds ancient civilizations, is the home of wine. China five thousand years of history, wine and liquor culture always occupies an imp

5、ortant place. Wine is a special kind of food that belong to the material, but also with peoples spiritual life. As a special kind of cultural forms , wine culture has a unique position in traditional Chinese cultural . I think in a different cultural background and different walks of life, different

6、 people, and even different frame of mind which was to understand the extent of different ways. For Chinese and Western culture, a different understanding of wine, the key is to make the best wine culture development, better for our services, which require the integration of Chinese and Western cult

7、ures of wine. Today, the Wests wine culture to a large extent, the impact of Chinas wine culture, particularly in the tasting the mood in the West tend to be more, can hope to make more Westerners to understand Chinas fine tradition of wine culture. Talking about Chinas fine tradition of wine cultur

8、e, wine and poetry had mentioned the close relationship between the poetry of wine is given a new interpretation of the source of origin so that the culture of wine in a long, and is deeply rooted. From ancient times people do not know the number of Jie Jiu literati ink to write a good poem passed d

9、own until today, to express his or hi or bad feelings, a lot of people describe the beauty away. Now I would like to say something about China-made wine, it is very famous in the world. China-made wine dates back to ancient times, variety, meta, the renowned wines. Rice wine is the worlds oldest win

10、e, about three thousand years ago, the era of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Chinese original, Koji penthouse fermentation began a large number of wine. About a thousand years ago, the Chinese Song dynasty who invented the Distiller, liquor law, became the main Chinese people to drink alcohol. Wi

11、ne penetration to the entire China five thousand years of civilization, history, literary and artistic creation and cultural entertainment to diet cooking, health care, and other aspects of Chinese life in occupies an important position.As far as my knowledge is concerned, wine is one of the oldest

12、food, it is almost history and the history of human culture began. Since the wine appear, as a matter of culture, wine, its history and economic history of synchronization, but wine is not only a kind of food, it also has a spiritual and cultural value. As a spiritual culture it is reflected in the

13、social and political life, literary arts and even peoples attitude towards life, aesthetics, and many other aspects. In this sense, the drink is not just drinking and drinking, it has also been drinking culture2 .The differences between China and the west in wine culture 2.1 The differences in the k

14、inds of wine Chinas wine culture springs from a long, though undoubtedly the longest history of wine, but the most representative of the Chinese wine than white wine, and in some ways can be said that Chinas wine culture, wine is wine culture. Because of the many wine types in China, she has a long

15、history, mature technology, so far remains the worlds largest production of distilled liquor. Chinese civilization in the Yellow River basin, where the fertile soil, mild climate, long a major agricultural country, China as early as ten thousand years ago, with the West Asia, Central America became

16、the worlds first three agricultural centers. Chinas grain output large grains and cereals, varieties, food consumption in the function to meet people, as well as surplus, which laid the foundation for food wine.Known as the cradle of Western civilization has been located in the Balkans, Greece, surr

17、ounded by the sea, mountains and islands throughout the territory, the soil is relatively poor, is a typical Mediterranean climate. It is not conducive to the growth of food crops, cereal crops, low yields, only to meet the food, it is difficult to have a surplus wine. The grapes prefer gravel soil,

18、 with its drought tolerance and adaptability to the Mediterranean climate and widely cultivated in Greece, wine to meet the needs of Westerners on alcohol. 2.2 The differences in wine glasses Ancient Chinese bronze ware drinking vezits beautiful and decorative images. And the most ancient wine is co

19、mpleted, the most typical is Shang bronze. Bronze vessels in heated debates, decanter, drinking, wine storage, ritual. Just like the tea now. Later, lacquer ware, porcelain, the above pattern is also very attractive. There are some very unusual drinking vessels, such as: ye guangbei, backflow pot, M

20、andarin Duck fragrant pot, pot, Kowloon fair of blasphemy against the Grand jade sea etc. But now, most households use of wine are Westen wine. In order to observe the grade level of the wine, Western wine are glass, transparent. Western wine lightweight convenience, are to be accepted by most of th

21、e Chinese family. Westerners to drink wine application what wine. So they have wine glasses, wine glasses, wine glass for red wine, brandy, etc.In the wine glass in two-party differences larger. While Western wine now represent a clear advantage. Chinas traditional drinking vessels in general are no

22、w very rare in the family.2.3 The differences between drinking etiquetteChinas ceremonial drinking of alcohol reflects the respect for human beings. Masters of the guests have a fixed seat, have a fixed order of toast. When a toast from the beginning of the master King, owner of disrespect End, is n

23、ot eligible for other peoples respect, if the order of the chaos to deserve to be punished. And a toast from some of the most distinguished guests began to King, a toast to wine full time, that the toast was also a respect for human beings. The younger generation of elders, the lower a toast to the

24、higher authorities to take the initiative to propose a toast, but also pay attention to the first King to do. The Xing Jiuling, Hua Quan, such as drinking etiquette, but also to allow people to drink more alcohol and enjoy the came into being. It is clear that the Chinese wine culture by young and o

25、ld hierarchy of traditional Chinese culture, ethics, in the course of drinking alcohol on the respect for human beings on the most important position. The rituals of wine drinking in the West, reflect the respect for alcohol. Kam goods to wine and watch their color, smell their fragrance, flavor of

26、their products, to mobilize all kinds of sensory enjoyment of wine. Goods in order to drink, pay attention to drink white wine after drinking red wine, the first products of light and then liquor products of the rich wine, to drink young wine to drink in the long years of wine, in accordance with th

27、e laws of taste changes gradually and in-depth Enjoy the taste of wine. The wines choice, but also around how to fight the full enjoyment of those who drink wine to the requirements of choice. Aroma Cup together so that the tulip-mouth goblet, so full of wine-Shu start of the wine decanter, as well

28、as to master the temperature of wine and drink products specially designed for the thermometer, all in the West reflect on the respect for alcohol, and their Ceremonial drinking, drinking culture is better to appreciate the delicious have been made. 2.4 The difference between drinking purposesIn Chi

29、na, wine is often used as a tool, the so-called ulterior motives. Qing meizhuiu as to demonstrate who is a hero; Cup Mo Jiang Jin jiu stop in order to eliminate forever the same and Seoul worry; bamboo Poets of the Seven Sages, in order to Jiejiu asylum. Wine in the eyes of the Chinese people more a

30、s a communication tool in Chinas wine culture of wine for their own lack of scientific and systematic analysis and evaluation, but also about drinking after he brought a wonderful role . In the West, often drinking purpose is very simple, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol, in order to enjoy the

31、 wine and alcohol. Of course, wine in the West also has the function of communication, but its more pursuing is how much of the flavor of wine to enjoy.3Some problems that we should pay attention to on the westen drinking3.1 The way of holding wine glassesMany Westerners agree with such a view that

32、we can determine whether a man knows wine, whether it is a quality person from the way he holding wine glasses. Here the following is a summary of several etiquette when drinking and I think its very important.In the westen restaurant, in order to let the guests indentify the quality of the wine , t

33、he waiter usually pour a little wine to the guests. What you have to do is take a sip and if you think there is no problem you should say good to the waiter and then the waiter will pour wine in order to help you, then you should put the wine glass down on the table instead of get hands on the wine

34、glasses. In the Western liturgy, the correct way is to pour half of filling the cup ( champagne can be filled two-thirds of the wine glass), please do not fill the wine cup as we Chinese do .When drinking brandy, please use your whole hand to wrap the bottom of the cup in order to keep the temperatu

35、re of the wine and increase the aroma of wine. When drinking wine you should hold the feet of the wine glass with your fingers because the wine should be drink in a lower temperature. So as to avoid your hand increase the temperature of the wine temperature, your should let your thumb and middle fin

36、ger and index finger holding the feet of the cup and keep your little finger on the bottom of the cup .When you are drinking a little jiggle have contact with air to add the wine tastes mellow of fierce, but dont shake the cup. in addition, a gulp, and drink the wine glass to see through glass, and

37、took the words and drinking and eating, drinking and the lipstick mark in the cup edge is considered improper behavior . When you are holding the cup please ensure that your elbows keep distance with the table. That is very important.3.2 Some drinking tipsThe most suitable temperature for drinking w

38、ine is 16 18 , and the best temperature for drinking white wine is 8 12 . White wine can be drink with ice, do not add anything when drink red wine. But when someone is drinking red wine, they usually like to add other drinks as color and so on, this is a very rude way I think.If your wine is which

39、the kind of kept in a special cellar for many years in the wine sommelier then you should be cautious, or wine may be return to the bottom of the bottle back from Pingzui or blistering, and bottom of the sediment stirred up due to backlash . And the bottle of wine should not be empty, please leave a

40、bout an inch deep to the wine, because they may have a little reception for cloudy precipitate. In the Western table, you can toast, but do not persuade others to drink more like we Chinese usually do. And please ensure that you have an excessive drinking, and if you are a visitor three cups of wine

41、 will be suitable. If you do not want to drink because of some physical problems, you can politely say: I do not drink, thank you. Please pay attention to that your hand should not cover the cup. Finally, let me talk about the problem that whether we should have a cold drink with red wine. Europeans

42、 generally believe that only white wine needs cold beverages, when drinking red wine, the room temperature is suitable. A national wine-tasting expert stated that probably because of the different geographical and cultural backgrounds and they lead to people misunderstanding. The average temperature

43、 in Europe is about 15 18 or so. Moreover, only the possession of alcohol possession of the French underground wine cellar in their own place in the relatively cool, the general temperature is 12 . Although the temperature difference between winter and summer, but there is no effect on the wine qual

44、ity. In China, most of the summer temperature usually reaches 30 . The so-called 15 18 temperature is also limited to the best Bordeaux and Burgundy wine flavors in terms of heavy, other than a light red wine in terms of taste, Maybe it tastes better a little cold again. This wine-tasting expert had

45、 drunk the wine in the hot sun under the irradiation of the so-called room temperature wine, he said: These hot wine than hot beer, but also very hard to swallow. And thus he has given such an advice: we do not have too rigidly about the wine temperature, if we feel not well with the wine temperatur

46、e, wine, cool as ice bucket can be placed. In short, just choose what you like.4. Conclusion From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that wine plays an important in our daily life. Peoples life becomes colorful with it. As regards the wine culture, there exists difference b

47、etween China and the western countries. The raw material and drinking custom is different in terms of geography. There also exist similarities. Both China and western countries have some beautiful legends about the origin of wine and the symbol wine of spirit, leading to the birth of romanticism and

48、 the development of mainstream belief. The development of world wine culture depends on the intercommunication of different nations. Thus, communicating with other nations is helpful and indispensable to the development of wine culture. Some methods can be done to promote intercommunication. Nowaday

49、s, as we know, globalization is inevitable, so is the intercommunication of wine culture between countries.The wine as an objective substance in the world is in the shape of water but it has the character of fire. It will brighten the bright and fool the fool. People, such as the emperors, the heroes, the liberators, the ordinary people, the beggars and the like, all like it since it appeared. Undoubtedly, the wine


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