《 8A Project A welcome booklet 》教学案.doc

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1、8A Project A welcome booklet 教学案课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义)1. Background information The aim of the project in this series is to increase students motivation in learning by promoting creativity and independent thinking, This project gives students the opportunity to consolidate what they have learnt in the

2、 first module (unit 1-3) through participating in meaningful and genuine activities where the five fundamental ways of learning (communicating,conceptualizing,inquiring ,problem-solving and reasoning) are employed to produce a product.2. Meaning of the booklet The information booklet has a well-defi

3、ned purpose and is aiming at a specific audience. The work on this project lends itself quite readily to collaborative work,which has the advantage of producing an interesting and information booklet within a relatively short time,At the same time,students are still able to make a worthwhile contrib

4、ution and benefit form personal research and writing about their own ideas. 3.Project introduction This project requires students to make an information booklet for new Grade 7 students.the booklet will include information about different aspects of school life as well as useful tips and advice.Stud

5、ents will collect the necessary information and interview classmates and teachers.They will also have opportunity to apply their study skills of identifying the main points and distinguishing facts from opinions.问题设计School subjectsCompare them with primary school subjects.What are the differences?Th

6、e teachers Describe the teachers. What do they teach?HomeworkHow much?Clubs and sportsWhat clubs are there in the school? What do they do ?Places in the schoolClassrooms , library,hall, playground, etc.School rulesDos and donts.Outside schoolWhere to go for food, shopping, games , etc.Other informat

7、ionAnything else the new students should know.教学构想及目标: 该课注重增加在该系列学生的学习动机通过促进创造力和独立思考的能力,这是让学生有机会巩固他们所学到的知识在8A(Unit1 - 3)通过参与有意义的和真正的活动通过五种最基本的学习方式达到沟通,化转、查询、解决问题和推理的能力。知识目标:运用第一到第三单元所学知识,辅助完成信息手册的制作。能力目标:学会如何围绕主题(A welcome booklet)收集相关信息,并进行 有条理的综合。情感目标:体验合作学习的快乐, 强化学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:(1)围绕主题收集相关信息,并对信息进行

8、分类整合。(2)信息手册的制作方法和基本程序。教学难点: 相关信息的收集和整理。 学生相互配合完成学习目标。教学方法:Step 1 Show a welcome booklet and introduce the parts of a booklet.Show a welcome booklet to the students, and tell them the parts of a welcome booklet. Oh! How interesting it is! Whats this? (A booklet.) What kind of booklet is this? (A wel

9、come booklet.)Whats in the booklet? (First, theres a cover, on the cover theres a title. Next, the first page is a contents page.)Then, what information does the booklet say? (3 topics such as our school, the teachers, the students. Each article has a heading. )Today we are going to design a welcome

10、 booklet to tell new students some information about our school. Step 2 Talk about some topics freely.1. Ask: If you are making a welcome booklet for Grade 7 students, what information would you like to tell new students? (While the students are talking, the teacher can write their topics and conten

11、ts on the blackboard.) 2. Add more information for the students, and go over the topics together.Topics / Contents: 1. differences between secondary schools and primary schools ( busier, more subjects, less free time) 2. schools introduction ( Where? How many classes ) 3. school subjects ( How many?

12、 more difficult, favourite.) 4. school activities ( art / sports festival, trip) 5. how to make new friends ( be ready to help others, say a bad word about anyone) 6. life at our school ( start / finish at at lunchtime) 7. homework ( How much? How long?.) 8. school rules ( wear uniformsnot talk in c

13、lass.) 9. clubs ( chess, drama, art, singing, ping pong) 10. sports ( badminton, basketball, sports meeting) 11. places at the school (library, dining hall, playground) 12. teachers ( How many? What do they teach ?.) 3. Discuss in groups:1) Which topics will your group choose?2) Each member of the g

14、roup chooses one different topic . (four members, four different topics)4. Show your groups topics.Step 3 Writing Just now we talked a lot about our school, Next well write down our topics.Order 1 (1) Write an article about your topic in about 80 words.(2) Each member of the group writes a page of t

15、he booklet. (3) Write a heading for each article Order 2 Write the article in the exercise books first. You can look at the blackboard and these topics may help you.Order 3 After writing, read it to your partners in your group to find out the mistakes. (1) Exchange your article in your group. (2)Cor

16、rect the mistakes in grammar(语法),spelling and punctuation (标点符号). (3) Recommend us a best article.Order 4 Share your articles.Step 4 Making a welcome booklet. (Teachers hands out some materials prepared for each group before class.) Tips for making a booklet:Put different pages together. Make a cont

17、ents page (目录) . Make the covers(封面) and decorate (装饰) them. Give the booklet a title (名称) . Make sure one article has one clear heading (标题). Step 5 Share the group work.Step 6 Homework for each group:Put more information into your welcome booklet and get ready to join a designing competition.Well

18、decide which groups will win the first place, which groups will win the second place and the third place.所需设备:海报纸、素描纸、双面胶、荧光笔、装饰用彩纸、彩带、订书器、打孔机、剪刀等。电脑多媒体辅助设备。教师活动学生活动设计意图新课引入:设置5个问题,让学生课前分组讨论及思考。授课过程:1. 多媒体链接两个图片阐述booklet的意义。2. 要求学生课前分组讨论。3. 课上与同学互动,进行交流,分享感受。4. 教师总结归纳,让学生学会如何合作完成制作booklet,让学生真正理解boo

19、klet对学生的作用。学生根据个人兴趣进行分组,并且交流讨论和探讨如何制作适合自己的booklet。学生了解:1. 以小组形式进行活动,每位成员提供自己的想法供大家参考。2. 设计booklet,多少页,多大的页面,什么样的形状及格式。3. 学生自己检查工作,检查是否有不必要的语法错误。4. 制作封面,给定相应的标题。充分发挥学生的主体作用,发展学生的个性,培养学生的自主学习能力。1. 以积极的心态引导学生学会如何自主学习,懂得如何利用工具提高学习效率。2. 增强学生的自主动手能力,学会自己动手,增加学习兴趣,成为一个爱学习,懂得如何学习的学生。3. 通过学生活动和查阅资料,懂的自主学习的乐趣,并鼓励学生培养自主学习的能力。


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