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1、第 1 页共 15 页 五年级 -下册 -英语练习册 -答案 一按要求改写句子 1The boy is playing basketball. 否定句: 般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 对 is playing basketball提问: 对 The boy 提问: 2They are singing in the classroom. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: _ 对“are singing”提问:_ 对in the classroom“提问: 3仿照例句造句: Model: read a book What are you doing? -Im reading a

2、 book. l).read a new book_ 2). clean the blackboard 4she, the window, open, now.(用现在进行时连词成句) 5.The birds are singing in the tree. (就划线部分提问) 6is, who, the window, cleaning?(连词成句) 7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) 8.She is closing the door now. (改成否定句) 9.You are doing your home

3、work.(用” I”作主语改写句子) 10. they, the tree, sing, now, under. (用现在进行时连词成句) 11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman. (改成一般疑问句) _ II.单项选择 第 2 页共 15 页 1我在照看孩子 (A)I am looking after the baby. (B)Im look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby. (D)I looking after the baby. 2._friends making

4、 a kite. (A)l,me (B)My,my (C)My,me(D)His,his 3.1s the woman_yellow your teacher? (A)in (B)putting on(C)wearing (D)having() 4.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework. (A)are wanting (B)help (C)are helping (D)are looking() 5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree. (A) Who (B) What (C) H

5、ow (D)Where() 6.Is shesomething? (A) eat(B) eating (C) eatting (D) eats() 7你在干什么? (A)What is you doing9 (B)What are you do? (C)What are you doing? (D)What do you do? 8.What are you listening ? (A)/ (B)for (C)at (D)to() 9.我正在听他说话 (A)I listening to him. (B)Im listening to him. (C)Im listen to him. (D)

6、Im listening him. 10. They are_their clothes. (A) makeing (B) putting (C) put away (D) putting on 11. Listen! She_in the classroom. (A)is singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)is sing 12.Today Jim his white shirt and brown trousers. (A)is putting on (B)wear (C)put on (D)is wearing 13._are you eating?lm eati

7、ng meat. (A)What,some (B)Which,any (C)Where,not (D)What,a 14. They_TV in the evening. They do their homework. (A) are watching (B) cant watching 5(C)dont watch (D) dont watching 15. The children_football. (A)is playing (B)are playing (C)play the (D)play a 16.They are flying kites. (A)他们喜欢放风筝 (B)他们在放

8、风筝吗? (C)他们在放风筝 (D)他们常放风筝 第 3 页共 15 页 17. Here are many books. Please_them. (A) look (B) write (C) count (D) taking() 18. Look, They are swimming in the river.1 want_you. (A)to go with (B)go with (C)helping (D)help 19. The man (work) mear the house now. 20. Look. Lucy is_a new bike today. (A)jumping

9、(B)running (C)riding (D)takeing III. 用现在进行时完成下列句子: l.What _you_(do)? 2.I_ 一(sing)an English song. 3. What he_ _(mend)? 4.He_(mend) a car. 5._ _you_ _(fly)a kite?Yes,_. 6._she_ _(sit) in the boat? 7._ _you_ (ask) questions? 8.We_(play) games now 第 4 页共 15 页 第二学期五年级英语期中抽测试卷听力部分 一、听音,选出你听到的信息,将序号写在提前括号

10、内(10 分) l、Awomen Bchildren Cpeople 2、Adraw Bsleep C.hurt 3、A.cow B.tree C.school 4、A.slow B.quick C.quickly 5、A.tea B milk C water 二、听音,填入所缺单词,使句意完整(10 分) l、The children walk_.to Wangfujing. 2、The baby is_. 3、_to it please, Jenny. 4、Lets_ inside the window. 5、May I take your ,Jenny? 三、听音,选择你听到的内容,将序

11、号填在括号里(10 分) 1、AI see a big mountain. B. I see a big city. 2、A.These are men.B.These are women. 3、A.Would you like a cup of tea?B.Would you like a glass of milk? 4,A. 1 want to take a picture.B.1 want to take my camera. 5、A.They are quick.B.They walk quickly. 四、听音,判断你所听到的句子,是否与所给句子意思相符,相符的打“”不 符的打“”

12、 l、The tea is too hot to drink. 2、The Palace Museum is very beautiful.() 3、Mrs. Li and Danny walk quickly to Wangfujing.() 4、Im playing with the baby. 5、There are many people on the street. 笔答部分 五、按要求写出下列单词(10 分) l、people (复数) _2、baby(复数) _3、easy (反义词) _ 4、quiet(副词) _5、fast(反义词) _6、woman(复数) 7、child

13、(复数) _8、bus(复数)一 9. slowly(形容词) 10. shop(现在分词) _ 六、填入单词所缺字母并译成汊语(10 分) l.hrd()2wman()3s me()4drw()5d ink() 第 5 页共 15 页 七、用所给单词的适当形式填空(7 分) 1Who is ( talk)? 2.Everyone (be)tired and hungry. 3. There are many (woman)in the room. 4.Look, she (read)the newspaper. 5.Danny (hurt) his arm.6.Jenny(shop)quic

14、kly. 7These are ( boy). 八、选择正确答案,将其字母标号填入提前括号内(20 分) 1.1 want gifts for my family.A.buy B.to buy C.buys D.buying 2.The children loud.A.amB.is C.are D.isnt () 3. Can Danny a kite9A.fly B.flies C. flying D.to fly () 4.The baby like loud talking.A.dont B. doesnt C. isnt D. arent ( ) 5. Jenny is looking

15、 out the window the train. A. in B. on C. to D.of () 6.“ Danny, please sing,my mother says.A.no B.not C.doesnt D. dont () 7.1 woulcl like dumplings for lunch.9 A.some B.the C.a D.many () 8. The cars and bicycles go. A. quick B.quickly C. to quick ( ) 9. Everyone to go shopping.A.want B. wants C. to

16、want D.wanted ( ) 10. is singing? Li Ming is singing.A。What BWho CWhere 九、连词成句( 6分) 1eat what you to would like? 2 who thirsty is? 3.help may you I 一_? 4doing are you what_? 5.street they down walk the_. 6.are Jenny hungry and Danny 十.Read and choose. 阅读并判断对 (T)错(F).(7 分) Mike and Tom are good frien

17、ds. They often play together. Today is Sunday. “Its a sunny day.”They will go on a trip to Beijing with their parents(父母 亲) They are happy. On the train, they see many people. Some people are talking loudly.Some 10 people are talking quietly. Some are sleeping. “Look, I see a goat!“ Mike says loudly

18、. “Where? Please point to it.” Tom asks. “There. ” Mike says. “I see. Not one goat. Five goats.” Tom says. Mike says, “I like to take a train. Its fun. “Me, too. I like to go on a trip., Tom says. They have a happy Sundayo ()1.Mike and Tom are good brothers. 第 6 页共 15 页 ()2.1ts sunny today, ()3.They

19、 go on a trip with their mother and father. ()4.They see one goat. () 5.They have fun today. ()6.Mike doesnt like to take a train. ()7.There are many people on the train 第 7 页共 15 页 冀教版五年级英语下册第一单元测试题 听力部分(共五大题,计40 分) 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10 分) 1.singing sleeping 2.behind beside 3.quiet quick 4.some same

20、 5.glass glasses 、 6.thirty thirsty 7.say says 8 、snack snake 9.man woman 10.red read、 二、听录音,和图片相符的在括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(10 分) 1()2()3()4()5() 三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分) ()1AYes,I can.BNo,I cant. ( )2.A.Tea. B.Bananas. ()3.A.No,thanks. B.Sure. () 4.A.Danny is quiet.B.Danny is quick. ()5.A.They are talking. B.T

21、hey are teachers. 四、听录音,排序号。(10 分) ()Iam thirsty.()1 would like some tea.()Would you like a glass of milk? 11()No,thanks.()Who is thirsty? 笔试部分(共七大题,计60 分)一、补全单词。(5 分) ( )1.l_d A.uo B.ou C.au ()2. quet A.o B.i C.a ()3.w-m-n A.a,o Bo,u Co,a ()4. n_w Ao Bu Ca() 5. sl_p Aee Bea Cae 二、眼明手快指不同。 (5 分) ()l

22、、A. tea B.pop C.milk D.chicken ()2、A.singing B.talking C.crying D.tired ()3、A. tall B.green C.brown D.pink ( )4.A.quick B.loud C.quiet D.sleep() ()5、A.singBdraw Cdance D park 三、按要求写出下列单词(5 分)l、quick(近义词) _2、crying(动词原形) _3、sit(现在分词) _4、quiet(反义词) _5、they are(缔略形式 )_ 四、单项选择( 10分) 1. Would you like so

23、me water some tea?A 、of B、at C、or 2. The woman is the train.A、at B、on C、in () 3. Danny sits me.A、to B、on C、behind() 第 8 页共 15 页 4. lvty sister is looking of the window.A 、out B、off C、at () 5. Their tea is too hot drink.A、at B、to C、in () 6. May I have grapes now9A 、a B、an C、some () 7.1 would like_ora

24、nge.A、at B、to C、an () 8. May I play the baby9A、at B、with C、to () 9.I see tree.A 、tall a green B、a green tall C、a tall green() 10. He isntA、cries B、crying C、cry 五、根据问句找出相应的答语,并连线。(10 分) l、What is Danny doing? AJenny is hungry. 2、Who is hungry? B.He is sleeping. 3,Would you like some soup? C.No, thank

25、s. 4、Is he quiet? D.My pop is in my stomach. 5、Where is his pop? EYes, he is. 六、连词成句( 10分) 1、are you doing what 2、drawing am I a picture 3、he singing is to my mother 4、do point please not 5、you would like what 七、找出错误的一项。(5 分) ()1.1 like dumpling very much.A B C() 2. Please look on your book.A B C()

26、3、This woman is siting on the chair.A B C() 4、He father is aman.A B C() 5、LiMing does not a baby.A B C 八、快乐阅读。 (10 分) Today is Saturday. There is no class.But many students are in the school.Look! Danny is looking at a map of China with his friends. Jenny is writing English words with some girls. Li

27、 Ming and Tom are doing theirhomework carefully.Lucy is reading a book.Everyone is quiet. 根据据短文内容判断正误 (正确“ T”,错误“ F“) ()1It is Sunday today. ()2Lucy is writing English words. ()3. Danny is looking at a map of China. 第 9 页共 15 页 ()4.Tom is reading a book. ()5.The students are studying quietly. 冀教版五年级

28、英语下册第二单元测试题听力部分(共40 分) 一、圈出所听到的单词 1、A、man B、woman 2、A、men B、women 3、A、quick B、quiet 4、A、camera B、film 5、A、take B、gift 6、A、down B、slow 7、A、he B、him 8、A、child B、children 9、A、walk B、talk 10.A、quickly B、slowly 二、听录音,在与句子相符的图片下面打()。1.2.3() () ()4.5() () 三、按照你所昕到的句子顺序写上1、2、3?6?7 ()Then Liming,Danny and Je

29、nny go for a walk ( )The street has many cars and buses. ()Mrs. Li, Danny, Jenny and Li Ming take a cab to their hotel. ( )They walk down the street. ( )The cars go quickly. 笔试部分c 共计 60 分) 一.补全单词 o () l.h_ lp A. a B.e C. o ( ) 2.h t A.er B.arC. ur () 3.pe_ _le A. op B. up C.ep () 4.cam a A. re B. ir

30、 C. er () 5.p_ _tureA. ac B. ic C. ec () 6.f_ Im A. i B. e C.a () 7.e_ sy A. o B. a C. u () 8.m_ _yA. am B. en C.an ( ) 9.qu_ _k A.ic B. ac C.ie ( ) l0.w_ _k A.ol B.al C.el 二.选择填空 o ( ) 第 10 页共 15 页 l.May I your picture? A. cake B. take C. desk D. do ( ) 2.Boys and girls are . A. men B women C. chil

31、dren D. people 3. They are quick. They walk .A. slowly B slow C. quickly D. quick ( ) 4.This is .Jenny can fly a kite. A.loudB. quiet C. hard D. easy ( ) 5. armis hurt. A. Danny sB Dannys C. Dannys 第 11 页共 15 页 一、单项选择,选出最佳答案填在括号内。(20 分) 1 Jim has _ curly hair. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. How is the we

32、ather in Beijing ? _ . A. Rain and wind B. Cloud and sunny. C. Sunny and windy D. Rain and cloudy. 3.There_many people here_ vacation. A. have, on B. are, at C. are , on D. have ,for 4. Thank you for _me with my English. A. help B. helps C. helping D. is help 5. Its rainy. But everyone _a good time.

33、 A. is having B. are having C. having. D. has 6. Tom with his friends _ computer games now. A. is playing B. are playing C. plays D. play 7. _ are they shopping ? - At the mall. A. What B. Where C. When D. Who 8. He is eating _ dinner _ his parents. A. a, to B. a ,at C. / ,with D. / ,for 9.Do you kn

34、ow_? What does_look like ?A. she, she B. her, her C. her, she D. she, her 10. _ is the weather like in Jinan ? A. How B. What C. How a D. Why 11 Listen! She _ in the classroom. A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing 12-What does your friend look like?-_. A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She

35、 likes music D. She has good-looking 13. -Is he heavy?-No, he is a little bit _. A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet 14.-Lucy doesn t have curly hair.-Yes, we can say she has _hair. A. black B. blonde C. short D. straight 15.-Is Miss Gao tall?- No, she isnt tall, and she isnt short, too. She is _ . A.

36、 medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. thin 16. -Tom is not very heavy.-Yes, I think we can say he is _ heavy. A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A, B and C 17 -Hi. How s it going?- . A. I dont like it B. I will go to school C. Not badD. No 18.Her mother is . She her students now.

37、a teacher, teach B. teacher, teachesC. a teacher, teaching D. a teacher, is teaching 19. I like koalas they re cute. A. but B. because C. so D. why 20. Mrs Green has _ hair. 第 12 页共 15 页 A. black long beautiful B. beautiful black long C. beautiful long black D. a beautiful long black 二、语音:(5 分) 21A

38、.cool B. group C. cook D. food 22. A .always B. stop C. tall D. mall 24. A. beard B. year C. really D. hai 25.A. joke B. nobody C. now D. know 三阅读理解( 15 分)A Here is a form of the average temperature( 平均温度 ) of four Chinese cities. Beijing Summer Autumn Winter Spring Shanghai 32 15 8 15 Xi an 28 18 6

39、3 13 Yunnan 20 12 9 18 Xinjiang 25 103 175 Choose the correct answers. ( 选择正确的答案) 26. The average temperature of Xian in December is _ A 8B10C6.3D 12 27 . What is the weather of Yunnan like in autumn? A It is cold B It is cool C It is hot D It is warm 28 Which citys temperature is usually about 15 i

40、n spring? A Shanghai B Xi an C Yunnan D Xinjiang 29Which city is the coldest ( 最冷的 ) in winter? A Shanghai B Xi an C Yunnan D Xinjiang 30 Which city has the best weather all the year round? A Shanghai B Xi an C Yunnan D Xinjiang B It s a fine day today. Now its 9:00 in the morning. Theres a sports m

41、eeting (运动会 ) in the forest. Look! A panda(熊猫) , a dog and a cat are running . Near the river, two tigers (老虎 ) are jumping . Three monkeys are climbing a tree and five birds are singing in the tree. 第 13 页共 15 页 There are some other animals in the forest, too. A bear (熊) is sitting on the back(背部 )

42、 of an old elephant (大象) . The elephant has a flag in his trunk(象鼻). Oh, look! Polly is sitting in the tree. She is watching the sports meeting. How happy the animals are! 根据短文内容,回答下列问题 31. Who are running? 32. Are the tigers jumping? 33. How many(多少)monkeys are there? 34.What are the birds doing? 3

43、5 Where is Polly? 答案页: 1-5 _ 6-10 _ 11-15 _ 16-20 _ 21-25 _ 26-30 _ 31_ 32 _ 33 _ 34. _ 35 _ B 卷 (60 分) I、根据汉语提示,写出单词的适当形式。(20 分) 36. He and his mother go _ (购物)in the supermarket. 37. Look! My brother _ ( 游泳) in the pool. 38.The boys often (swim) at the pool. 39. Who is your favorite _( 音乐家 )? 40 S

44、he s a good singer. Shes very_(受欢迎的 ). 第 14 页共 15 页 41. The little dog has white_( 卷曲的 )hair. 42 He likes telling_( 笑话)after class. 43. What are you doing now? I _ (clean) the windows. 44. Is she _ (listen) to the teacher? 45 I like _ (swim) very much. 46. Miss Li wants _ (eat) some rice and two egg

45、s. 47. Look at the picture. The children _ (fly) kites. 48. What is the weather like? Its r . 49. I think Zhao Wei is _(相当)beautiful. 50. Im _(惊讶)Yao Ming is so tall. 51. In winter people like wearing sweaters and (围巾) 52. Look at the boys _(play) football now. 53. Do you r Liu Dehua the pop singer?

46、 54. Do you c_ your room every day ? 55. Are you t_ about the movie? 56You can take photos for me with this c_ . 五选词填空(用所给词的适当形式填空。)10 分 A. has B. know C. a D. wear E. asks F. says G. with H. often I. but J. heavy Do you _1_George Jackson, the rock singer_2_ sunglasses? Now George Jackson has 3_new look. He always _4_curly blonde hair,_5_ now he is bald(秃头 ). He is kind of _6_ , but now he has medium build. He likes to _7_jeans and glasses, but now he always wears glasses. When the reporter _8_ him about his new look, George Jackson _9_, “It s great! I like to change


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