四年级英语上册 Module5 Unit2 Can Sam play football?教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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1、Unit2 Can Sam play football?学习任务:1掌握词汇: make a cake ,play the flute,wash clothes,draw a dragon2掌握句型:Can you ?Yes,I can / No,I cant.教学重点与难点:使用“Can”询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。教学用具:头饰,CD-ROM,图片教学过程:I. Warmer1. Greetings2. 开展小游戏:展示动物头饰,学生抢答:tiger,fish,monkey,bird,frog;将头饰发给5名学生,依次问T:Can you fly, tiger?Tiger:No, I

2、cant.T: Can you fly, bird?Bird:Yes, I can.T: Can you swim,monkey?Monkey:No,I cant。T: Can you swim,fish?Fish:Yes,I can。T: Can you jump,frog?Frog:Yes,I can。引导学生唱自编小诗:Im a tiger. I can run, run, run, run.Im a bird. I can fly, fly, fly, fly.Im a fish. I can swim, swim, swim, swimIm a frog. I can jump, j

3、ump, jump, jump.Im a monkey. I can climb, climb, climb, climb.II. Presentation:1 教师做动作,引导学生先后说出:make a cake,play the flute。再由此引出短语wash clothes,draw a dragon板书并教授2 教师询问学生:Can you make a cake/ play the flute/?3 同桌互问4 开展游戏“互相帮助”(就自己不能做的事情寻求帮助)学生A不会洗衣服,要使用Can you wash clothes?向其他同学提问并寻求帮助,直到找到一名Yes,I ca

4、n 能够帮助他的同学为止。每名同学都要为自己“不能做”的事情寻求其他同学的帮助。游戏结束。可以请部分学生向全班汇报I cant make dumplings, but Lanlan can. She can help me. I can cook vegetables, but Maomao cant. I can help him.5 学习歌曲T:大家想不想做热心的孩子? 别人遇到困难了,伸出你热情的手,说Can I help you ?1. 播放录音,仔细听,感受节奏和旋律。2.进一步对can的用法加深3.再放录音,学生跟唱,并做出相应的动作,教师适当指导。III. 学习课文1. 打开课本

5、part1教师向学生讲解Sam Amy Lingling Daming不同头像所代表的回答。2. 播放录音,学生听出答案,并在课本上用选出答案所示的头像。3. 分别扮演Sam Amy Lingling Daming小组四人以他们的口吻进行回答练习Can you make a cake? Yes, I can/ No, I cant.Can you play the flute? Yes, I can/ No, I cant.IV. Practice展示图片的动作:write a letter, row a boat, take a picture,read a book, do taijiquan, make Chinese food, play chess, make soup1. 四人一组,运用Can you句型调查谁是多面手,能力强。2. 选出两组汇报调查结果V. 小结:本节课我们同学表现非常出色,很好的运用了“can”来了解他人的能力,以便对你有所帮助。VI. 作业:1将今天所学的歌曲表演给好友或家人。2收集学过的动词或动词词组,用I can描述自己能做到的,用I cant描述不能做到的。


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