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1、1 / 12 郑州市 2018 年九年级第二次质量预测 英语试卷 一、听力理解A. today B. birthday C. tomorrow D. yesterday 37. ( A. to B. by C. for D. without 38. ( A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything tw6nTy6XWw 39. ( A. question B. visit C. dream D. decision 40. ( A. just B. even C. still D. ever 41. ( A. terrible B. brig

2、ht C. unlucky D. hopeless 42. ( A. but B. and C. so D. or 43. ( A. believed B. answered C. stopped D. 5 / 12 invited 44. ( A. wasted B. saved C. kept D. enjoyed 45. ( A. expect B. remember C. return D. forget 四、阅读理解the water with his hands. Then now and again he would put his face in the water and b

3、ring it out again. He then moved to another part of the pool and began the same action.tw6nTy6XWw The old man called out to the boy in surprise, “ What are you doing?” tw6nTy6XWw “ I am looking for myself,” said the boy. “ My mother told me that if I looked in the pool, I would be able to see my ref

4、lection( 倒影 . ” tw6nTy6XWw “ Ha ha! ” laughed the old man. “ Come here,” he said to the boy. He sat down by the pool and told the boy to sit down next to him. “ Sit with me for a little while,” he continued. “ Keep still. You need patience. Just watch.”tw6nTy6XWw The silt(泥沙 that had been disturbed

5、by the boy began to once more settle on the bottom of the pool. Finally, the surface of the pool became still and calm, mirror-like. tw6nTy6XWw “ Now look,” said the old man. The boy looked, and for the very first time in his life, he saw his own face.tw6nTy6XWw “ Boy, remember thisvaluable lesson,”

6、 said the old man, “ When you are fighting with life s troubles and have forgotten who you are, remember to stop for a while. Then the surface(表面 of the pool of life will become still and you will see your reflection in it.”tw6nTy6XWw 根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入答题卡相应位置。 46.What was the boy doing when the o

7、ld man saw him? A. Looking for his mother. B. Disturbing the water with his hands. tw6nTy6XWw C. Washing his hands in a pool. D. Walking past a pool.tw6nTy6XWw 47.How did the old man feel when he saw t he boy s behavior?tw6nTy6XWw A. Surprised B. Happy C. Sad D. Angry 48.What does the underlined wor

8、d “still” in the fourth paragraph mean in Chinese?tw6nTy6XWw A. 仍旧B. 寂静C. 不动D. 然而 49.What does the last paragraph mean? A. When you meet with troubles, try to make yourself calm for a while. tw6nTy6XWw B. Don t fight with life s troubles, or you ll forget who you are. tw6nTy6XWw C. You can see your

9、reflection if the water in the pool is clear. tw6nTy6XWw 6 / 12 D. If you feel tired, always remember to stop for a rest. tw6nTy6XWw 50.What s the best title of this passage? A. A foolish boy B. A wise o ld man C. The reflection D. The trouble of life tw6nTy6XWw B In 2018, there was too much bad new

10、s from school buses in our country. We have some shame. Please look at school buses in another country. Let s borrow some good ideas from it. We expect our children to grow healthily and be safe wherever they go! tw6nTy6XWw As “ a country on wheels” , vehicles play an important role in American peop

11、le s lives. Many vehicles are running quickly on the streets of the United States every day. Among them, there is a kind of vehicle with the same color and few differences in style. It is American School Bus. Striking yellow color, truck-like head and bus body form an image of solidity in the kitche

12、ns of his restaurants. “ I have excellent cooks in a ll of my kitchens,” he explained, “ And this use of CCTV is a good way of keeping good quality.” But some disagree with him. American cook Wolfgang Puck said. “ It s not NASA or the BBC, it s cooking. Cooking is all about taste and you can t taste

13、 television . ” tw6nTy6XWw Jamie once played the drums for Britain band Scarlet Division, but Jamie left soon after to focus on cooking.tw6nTy6XWw YouTube in 3D YouTube is going to go 3D! With the click of a button, you can change your normal 2D videos into 3D ones. But you ll need to wear a pair of

14、 special glasses to see the picture.tw6nTy6XWw The first 3D movie was a 1922 melodrama called the Power of Love. The film was a failure. All copies of it have been lost. tw6nTy6XWw The Show Must Go On Queen is back! Well, Roger Taylor, the drummer from the super group is looking for an official Quee

15、n tribute band( 翻 唱 乐 队 . The new group will go on a North American tour calle d Queen Extravag anza, playing covers of the group s songs. Ever since Queen s lead singer Freddie Mercury died in 1991, the rest members have continued touring. But Taylor recently said, “ Let s face it, we re getting a

16、little long in the tooth.” tw6nTy6XWw Queen guitarist Brian May was a doctor in astrophysics( 天体物理学 .tw6nTy6XWw 根据短文内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入答题卡相应位置。 56.What does Jamie do now? A. An actor B. A singer C. A boss D. A drummer 57.Why can t we see the first 3D movie? 8 / 12 A. Because we don t have a pair of spe

17、cial glasses. tw6nTy6XWw B. Because there aren t any copies left. C. Because we don t pay YouTube for it. D. Because we don t click on YouTube. 58. Whats the meaning of the underlined phrase “long in the tooth ”?tw6nTy6XWw A. Young. B. Old. C. Ugly. D. Wise. 59.Who was the Queen s lead singer? A. Ro

18、ger Taylor. B. Brain May. C. Freddie Mercury. D. Jamie Oliver.tw6nTy6XWw 60.Where is this passage probably from? A. A poster. B. A magazine. C. A letter. D. A cookbook.tw6nTy6XWw D The 40-year-old zookeeper, Oleksander, has recently spent five weeks in a cage with Katya, an African lion. Why? Well,

19、for a start, he wanted to care more about animals in zoos. 61 And thirdly? “ I wanted to show my children what kind of man I am,” said Oleksander.tw6nTy6XWw 62 They ate shoulder by shoulder and slept side by side. Oleksander even built himself a shower and a toilet inside the cage.tw6nTy6XWw The zoo

20、keeper said Katya trusted him completely. 63 “ When he first told me about the plan I was very scared. But I decided to support my husband.” tw6nTy6XWw Once the five weeks was up, Oleksander walked out of the cage and declared (宣布 the experiment a success. 64 An officer from Guinness World Records p

21、roved that Oleksander had beaten the record by three weeks.tw6nTy6XWw But the parting was also bittersweet( 苦乐参半 . 65 Oleksander s wife, on the other hand, was very happy to have her husband back.tw6nTy6XWw 根据短文内容,将A-E 五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整,正确,并将其标号 填入答题卡相应位置。 A. For 36 days, Oleksander and Katya shar

22、ed the cage together.tw6nTy6XWw B.Katya was very sad to see its new partner go. C. Secondly, he hoped to break the Guinness World Record. tw6nTy6XWw D. He also said Katya taught him a lot about honesty and kindness. tw6nTy6XWw E.Oleksander s wife, Olena, was also very trusting. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. t

23、w6nTy6XWw 五、词语运用 that covered nearly the full right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar. tw6nTy6XWw 68 the meeting, the people were impressed by the kindness and beauty of his mother instead of the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed. He hid 69

24、 nearby. tw6nTy6XWw “ How did you 70 the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.tw6nTy6XWw The mot her replied, “ When my son was a baby, his room caught on fire. Everyone was 71 to go in because the fire was out of control, so I went in. As I was 72 towards his bed, a burning wood was coming down. I

25、 placed myself over him and I was 73 . This scar will be on my face forever, but I have 74 regretted doing what I did.” tw6nTy6XWw Hearing this, the little boy came out running towards his mother with 75 in his eyes. He hugged her and held her hand tightly for the rest of the day. tw6nTy6XWw 66. _ 6

26、7. _ 68. _69. _70. _ tw6nTy6XWw 71. _72. _73. _74. _75. _ tw6nTy6XWw 六、补全对话5 小题,每小题2 分,共 10 分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,是对话的意思连贯、完 整。将答案写在答题卡相应位置。tw6nTy6XWw A: What do you often do in the evening, Bill? B: I usually surf the Internet and watch TV. A: 76. _? B: News and sports shows. 77. _?tw6nTy6XW

27、w A: I have little time to watch TV because I have a lot of work to do. I only read newspapers.tw6nTy6XWw B: Do you read everything in the newspapers? A: I hate the ads in them. B: 78. _. I think they are so boring. So I prefer the Internet.tw6nTy6XWw A: How lucky you are! The news on the Internet i

28、s always new. But I have no chance. tw6nTy6XWw B: Why? A: My mother doesn t allow me to surf the Internet. 79. _. tw6nTy6XWw B: Maybe you can have a talk with her about it. A: 80. _. 七、书面表达15 分) 假如你是王明。你的朋友Nancy 最近写信给你,她在信中提到想找一份兼职工作,但 10 / 12 又 担 心 影 响 学 习 , 所 以 想 向 你 征 求 一 些 建 议 。 请 写 封 回 信 谈 谈 你

29、的 看 法 。 要 求 : tw6nTy6XWw 1.语法正确,意思连贯; 2.80 词左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Nancy, I m glad to hear from you._ tw6nTy6XWw _ tw6nTy6XWw _ tw6nTy6XWw _ tw6nTy6XWw Yours, Wang Ming 11 / 12 2018年九年级第二次质量预测 英语参考答案 一、1-5 CBBAA 6-10 BCCAB 11-15 AAACC 16-20 EADBC tw6nTy6XWw 二、 21-25 ACBAB 26-30 DBDBA 31-35 ABDCB

30、 三、 36-40 ADABC 41-45 BACAD 四、 46-50 BACAC 51-55 CCABC 56-60 CBBCB 61-65 CAEDBjVAzFFOtN3 五、 66. first 67. Although 68. At 69. himself 70. getjVAzFFOtN3 71. afraid 72. running 73. knocked 74. never 75. tears jVAzFFOtN3 六、 76. What kind of shows do you watch? 77. What/ How about you? What do you often

31、 do in the evening? 78. So do I. I hate them, too. 79. She thinks it s not good for my study. She thinks it will do harm to my study. 80. OK, I ll have a try/try it. 七、 One possible version: Dear Nancy, I m glad to hear from you. I think a part-time job is good for you. On the one hand, you can get

32、more experience in your life. On the other hand, you can get some money, with which you can do something you like. jVAzFFOtN3 How ever, there s something you need to pay attention to. Don t get a busy and tiring job and don t make the job take you too much time. After all, it is a part-time activity

33、. Remember the most important thing you should do now is to focus on your study.jVAzFFOtN3 I believe you can deal with it successfully! Yours, Wang Ming 评分标准: 1.第 1-45 题,每小题1 分。凡与答案不符的均不给分。 2.第 46-65 题,每小题2 分。凡与答案不符均不给分。 3.第 66-75 题,每小题1 分。大小写错误不扣分;单词形式不对不给分。 4.第 76-80 题,每小题2 分。句中大小写错误,每两个扣0.5 分。单词拼

34、写错误每两个 扣 1 分。答案不唯一。如果考生写出的句子符合英语表达习惯,无错误,应当给分。 jVAzFFOtN3 5.书面表达: 15 分。考生应根据题目要求,采用适当的时态、语态、句式和词语,完 整准确地表达所提示的内容。分四档评分。jVAzFFOtN3 第一档:符合题目要求,内容完整,层次结构清晰,表达清楚,语言无误。13-15 分。 第二档:基本符合题目要求,内容较完整,层次结构较清晰,表达较清楚,语言有少 量错误。 9-12 分。 第三档:部分内容符合题目要求,内容不够完整,层次结构不够清晰,表达不够清 楚,语言有较多错误。4-8 分。jVAzFFOtN3 第四档:不符合题目要求,整

35、篇表达不清楚,或只照抄、拼凑几个提示词语。0-3 分。 注意: 1. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡 量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。jVAzFFOtN3 2. 词数少于60 和多于 100 的,从总分中减去2 分。 12 / 12 3. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、 上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。jVAzFFOtN3 4. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以 考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。jVAzFFOtN3 5. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 6. 如果时态出错较多,从得分中扣除1-3 分。 7. 用铅笔答题,不给分。 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用 途。


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