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1、1 / 23 The Olympic Games - 知识点复习学案 核心单词 1. compete vi.比赛;竞争 联想拓展 compete with 与竞争 compete for 竞争以获得 compete with/against sb. for sth. 为得到某物与某人竞争 compete in (a game, a match 参加;在 方面竞争 be in competition with sb.和某人竞争 competition n.比赛;竞争 competitor n.比赛者 ;竞争者 competitive adj.竞争的 ;有竞争力的 易混辨析 compete/con

2、test compete 表示“ 为了争得名次、奖金,合同等” ,并不含有将对手 征服的意思。 contest 所表示的竞赛可以是友谊赛,也可以是有敌意的竞赛,旨 在比试技能、能力、力气、耐力等,此外还可以表示赢得选举。 zRaP2ihF9O He believed that nobody could compete with/against him. zRaP2ihF9O 他认为没有人能和他竞争。 2 / 23 More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition to compete for the first prize. zR

3、aP2ihF9O 1 000多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。 He has now competed in two Olympics. 他已经参加过两届奥运会了。 高手过招 (1单项填空 Our athletes will some games, such as running and wrestling. They have the hope to get some gold medals. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 选 B。compete的意思是 “ 竞技;比赛 ” ,后面跟宾语时, 用 compete in 表示“ 参加” ;attend仅有“ 参加某项活动 ” 的意思;表示 参加

4、活动也可以用join in。zRaP2ihF9O (2compete with/against compete in compete for 3 / 23 2. admit vt.承认 联想拓展 be admitted as . 被接受为 be admitted (to/into 被准许进入 admit (to sth./doing 承认某事 /做过某事 admit that 承认 admit sb./sth. to be 承认是 It is/was admitted that普遍认为 He was admitted as a member of the basketball team. zR

5、aP2ihF9O 他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。 Only 200 children were admitted to/into the school every year. zRaP2ihF9O 那时每年只有 200名儿童获准入学。 Will you admit having broken the window? 你承不承认你打破了窗户? They freely admit that they still have a lot to learn. zRaP2ihF9O 他们坦率承认,他们要学的东西还很多。 He admitted his words to be mistaken. 他承认自己

6、的话错了。 高手过招 (1单项填空 Little Tom admitted in the examination, that he wouldn t do 4 / 23 that in future. 完成句子 选 C。考查非谓语动词。动词admit 后常接动名词作宾 语,即 :admit doing 或 admit having done,意为 “ 承认做过某事 ” ,据 此排除A、D 两项。句意为:小汤姆承认在考试中作弊了,并保证 今后不再这样做。由于第二个空白处前面没有连词and,因此 admit 与 promise 不是两个并列的谓语动词,用promised 形式是错误的, 而要用 p

7、romising 作伴随状语,故答案为C 项。zRaP2ihF9O (2admitted driving was admitted to/into 3. replace vt. 代替;取代;替换 常用结构: replace sth. 代替;取代 replace sb. as 取代某人而成为 5 / 23 replace sb./sth. with/by 用替换,以 接替 Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. zRaP2ihF9O 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。 She replaced her husband

8、 as the local teacher. 她取代丈夫成了当地的老师。 I replaced the worn-out tools with/by new ones. 我用新工具来替换那些磨损不堪的旧工具。 联想拓展 in place在适当的位置 out of place在不适当的位置 in one s place=in the place of代替 take the place of=replace 代替;替代 take place发生;举行 take one s place就位,就座 instead of代替;而不是 结婚;嫁;娶;把 嫁给 常用结构: marry sb. 娶某人,嫁给某

9、人 to do sth. 答应 that . 答应 never to be late again. 答应 sth. 为做某事向某人收取费用 take charge 负责;控制局面 高手过招 (1单项填空 He told me that the factory was his brother. 翻译句子 选 C。 in the charge of 意思是 “ 在掌管之下 ” ,而 in charge of 意 思 是 “ 负 责 , 掌 管 ” 。 如 : Who is in charge of the factory?zRaP2ihF9O (2These patients are under

10、the charge of Dr Wilson. zRaP2ihF9O Whos in charge here? 7. bargain n. 协议;廉价物 v.单项填空 The coat is really a good at such a low price. zRaP2ihF9O 翻译句子 选 D。考查词义辨析。从句中的“ at such a low price” 可以 判断出前面要说的是“ 衣服很便宜 ” 。英语中表示某东西买得便宜时 可用 a good bargain这一固定搭配。 zRaP2ihF9O (2Youve got a good bargain. The Unions ba

11、rgained (with management for a shorter working week.zRaP2ihF9O 8. deserve 12 / 23 vt. 值得 The article deserves careful study. 这篇文章值得仔细研究。 They deserve to be sent to prison. 他们应该入狱。 联想拓展 deserve doing=deserve to be done=be worth doing 值得做 The thief deserves punishing. =The thief deserves punishment. =

12、The thief deserves to be punished. 这个小偷理所当然会受到惩罚。 高手过招 翻译句子 代表;象征;支持;主张 What does EU stand for?EU代表什么? Which group do you stand for? 你支持哪一组? 联想拓展 stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷 stand by sb. 支持;帮助;站在 一边 stand out(fromas 显眼;突出 stand up 站起;站立;起立 14 / 23 高手过招 (1单项填空 I dont know what the signal “X” on the road. Coul

13、d you tell me? 完成句子 解读:选 D。mean, refer to 都有“ 代表” 的意思,但是 stand for 一 般是指 “ 符号、手势、记号等 ” 所代表的意义,而refer to 指某个意思 的对象; mean 表达前面的语言的意义。如“ To give up doing something” means “ to stop doing something ” .(放弃做某事也就是停止 做某事。 “It” can be used to refer to a baby. ( “ It” 可以用来指一个婴 儿。 “V” is often used to stand fo

14、r victory. (“ V” 可以用来表示胜 利。zRaP2ihF9O (2stand for stand by stand out 11. as well 意为“ 也,又,而且 ” ,意思等同于too,also,但 as well 只能置于句 15 / 23 末。 联想拓展 as well as 意为 “ 不仅 而且 ,既 又;除了 之 外,还有 ;和一样好” 。 as well as 作介词用时,意思等同于besides, 意为“ 除之外” ,后 跟动词时通常用 v.-ing 形式。zRaP2ihF9O as well as 连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于as well as

15、前 面主语的单复数形式。 may/might as well do意为“ 不妨;还是 好” 。 Are you coming as well? =Are you coming, too? =Are you also coming?你也来吗? They sell books as well as newspapers. 他们既卖报纸也卖书。 She cooks as well as her mother. 她做菜跟她妈妈做得一样好。 His wife as well as his children was invited to the party. zRaP2ihF9O 不仅他的孩子,连同他妻子

16、也被邀请参加那次聚会。 We may/might as well ask him for some advice. 我们不妨向他征求一些建议。 高手过招 单项填空 16 / 23 Jack plays football , if not better than David.zRaP2ihF9O A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as E-mail, as well as telephones, an important part in daily communication.zRaP2ihF9O A. is playing B. ha

17、ve played C. are playing D. play 解读: 选 B。as well as意为“ 和一样好 ” 。“ if not+better than” 是一个插入语,去掉后,句子是Jack plays football as well as David。 zRaP2ihF9O 选 A。当 as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于前 面的主语的单复数形式。 12. every four years 每四年;每隔三年 联想拓展 every 与基数词、序数词、 other 或 few 连用,表示时间或空间的间 隔,意为 “ 每;每隔” 。 every+基数词+复数

18、名词 every+序数词+单数名词 every+other+单数可数名词 every few+复数名词 every four days 每隔三天 every third day 每三天 17 / 23 He comes to see his parents every three days. 他每三天来看望父母一次。 高手过招 单项填空 “Where are we now?” few minutes one of the children asked Miss Cornwall the same question. How many countries the Olympic Games in

19、 Athens? zRaP2ihF9O 202. The famous professor will come to give us a lecture. Will you go to it?zRaP2ihF9O His brother the army three years ago. May I your game? 答案: took part in attend joined join in 重点句型 14. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a lo

20、ng time ago. zRaP2ihF9O 我生活在你们所说的“ 古希腊 ” ,我曾经写过很久以前的奥林匹克运 动会的情况。 19 / 23 what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作call 的宾语, “ Ancient Greece ” 作 宾补。 what 相当于 the place that,因此 what 不能改为 that,也不能 改为 where,因为 where 只能作状语。zRaP2ihF9O used to do过去常常 过去经常做某事 be used to do 被用来做 (被动语态 be/get/become used to sth./doing =be/get/beco

21、me accustomed to sth./doing 习惯于 My father used to smoke a lot. 我父亲过去烟抽得很厉害。 . 意为“ 不仅而且” 。当此结构连接两个 并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数要和邻近的主语保持一致。若not only 置于句首,其所在的分句需要采用部分倒装。 zRaP2ihF9O He not only said it, but also did it. 他不但说到了,而且也做到了。 Not only you but also he is responsible for it. 不仅你而且他也要为此事负责任。 Not only does he

22、work hard, but also he is very clever. zRaP2ihF9O 他不但学习刻苦,而且很聪明。 高手过招 单项填空 Not only English,but also he learns it well. 200912 陕西 宝鸡检测) zRaP2ihF9O A. he likes B. does he like C. likes he D. he does like I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is 23 / 23 terrible.zRaP2ihF9O . 200912 浙江杭州检测) zRaP2ihF9O A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me. D. So do I 解读:选 B。not only 连接除主语以外的成分时,如果位于句首, 该句用部分倒装。故选B。 解读:选 B。第二句句意为:我也不来了。故用Neither would I。 申明: 所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用 途。


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