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1、2008-2009学年度第二学期月考试题 初二英语 考试时间: 120 分钟满分: 150 分 第一部分选择题 一、听力部分(20 分) A.根据所听句子,选择正确答语。( 5 分) () 1 A. Two hours ago B. I heard it everywhere C. I heard it outside our classroom () 2. A.Glad to hear that B. Did he hurt himself C. The same to you () 3. A. But the water is not cold B. But swimming is not

2、 fun C. But I am good at swimming () 4. A. It is a horse. B. It is a squirre C. They are squirrels. () 5. A. I am not going there.B. Are you going there with me ? C. I am going to Hangzhou . B、根据所听到的对话,选择正确答案。(5 分) ()6. Where is the girls father now ? A. In America B. In London C. At the airport ()7

3、. What time is it now ? A. It s 4:50 B. It s 4:45 C. It s 4:40 ()8. Where are they ? A. On the road B. At a road crossing C. In a room ()9. What are they going to buy ? A. A tennis ball B. A new pair of shoes C. Tennis shoes ()10. What happened to the woman ? A. Someone stole the necklace her mother

4、 had given her B. A thousand yuanwas missing C. The necklace that cost a thousand dollars was missing C. 根据所听到的的对话或独白,选择正确的答案.每段材料读两遍. 听第一段材料, 回答 1-3 题 ()11.How is the man going to Beijing Wildlife Park tomorrow? A. By bus B. In a car C. On foot ()12. Where and when are they going to meet ? A. At th

5、e entrance at 9 a.m B. At the gate at 9 a.m. C. At his flat at 8 a.m. ()13. Where and what are they going to eat for lunch ? A. They ll have bread in Beijing Wildlife Park B. They ll eat sandwiches in Beijing Wildlife Park . C. Mr Wu will ask them to his home for lunch . 听第二段材料, 回答 4-5 题 ()14. Where

6、 is Bob living now ? A. In a town living now ? B. In West Hills , a small town in California C. In a village in the west of England ()15. Which country are Bob s travel books mainly ( 主要地 )about ? A. England B. Italy C. France 学 号 班 级 姓 名 D. 根据所听到的短文,选择正确的答案.(听二遍 ) ()16. The main idea of the passage

7、 is _ A. how to play the piano B. how to play music games C. how to play a game called “ Musical Chairs ” ()17. If seven players are in the game , how many chairs do you need at the beginning of the game ? A. Five chairs B. Six chairs C. Seven chairs ()18. The chairs should be _ A. in a row , back t

8、o back B. in twos, with a piano , a tape recorder or a radio on them C. away from the players when the music stops ()19. When the music starts , the players should _ A. run about the room with the chairs B. get down from the chairs C. walk around the chairs to the music ()20. From the passage , we k

9、now _ A. the game “ Musical Chairs ” is difficult to learn B. if the person plays music , he can t be the winner C. the game can t be played by eleven people 二、单项选择(20 分) ()1. Lucy looks _Lily. They are _ A. like , like B. like , alike C. alike , like D. alike , alike ()2. The number of the cranes i

10、s getting _. If we don t help them , they will disappear _a few years A. fewer and fewer , in B. larger and larger , after C. more and more , after D. smaller and smaller , in ()3. I m _ to see the baby s _ ability in music. A. amazing, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazed, amazed

11、 ()4.-How did he finish the work ?-I hear that he did it _ A. in the own B. on his own C. of the own D. all his own ()5. The _ of living areas makes wild animals become fewer than before A. loss B. lost C. losing D. lose ()6. People make medicine _tigers _ A. of bones B. with , bone C. on , bone D.

12、from ,bone ()7. Do you know how many people _ the big fire last week ? A. lived B. survived C. stayed D. continued () 8. Of the two American students , Lily is _ one A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest ()9. We can t win the match _your support . A. without B. with C. under D. for ()10.

13、 Daniel is my friend . I like sharing my _ with him when I am happy. A. joy B. happy C. sad D. secrets ()11. -Which book can I take ? -You can take _ book you like . A. both B. any C. no D. all ()12. His grandfather is over 85, _ he is very healthy. A. and B. but C. or D. so ()13. Are these cars mad

14、e in Japan ? -Yes . And they re much cheaper than _ in America . A. that B. those C. it D. ones ()14. Can I get you a cup of tea? -_ A. Thank you for the tea B. With pleasure C. You can , please D. That s all right ()15. The Yellow River is the second _river in China . A. longer B. longest C. the mo

15、st long D. more longer ()16. -I don t know if his uncle _. -I think he _if it doesn t rain. A. will come ,comes B. will come , will come C. comes , comes D. comes , will come ()17. He spends as much time as he can _ English every day A. to practise speaking B. to practise to speak C. practise to spe

16、ak D. practising speaking ()18. Mrs. White with her twins _ the dancing club. A. is going to join B. is going to join in C. are going to join D. are going to join in ()19. He tried his best to learn English, _? A. did he B. is he C. didn t he D. was he ()20. They had a wonderful time _. A. chating o

17、n the Internet B. chatting on the Internet C. chating in the Internet D. chatting in the Internet. 三、完型填空: (15 分) It was Monday morning. Cathy left home early that day because she was going to 1 a new job in Manhattan. She was only 18 and this was her first 2 . When she got to the bus stop , she saw

18、 so many people waiting there that she almost 3 a passing taxi. Later she was 4 that she had waited for the bus because the traffic was so heavy that even a taxi would not have 5 much earlier . As it was , she was only few minutes late ! She took the elevator to the eighth 6 and went to the office w

19、here she had been interviewed ( 面试 ) by Mr . Samson two weeks _ 7 . This was the man she was going to work for him . She knocked on the door lightly and waited , but there was no 8 ! Just then she heard the sound of a 9 voice coming from the next office. She opened the door and looked 10 . There was

20、 Mr. Samson , speaking 11 to all the other people in the office . He suddenly 12 around and left the room . Later in the day , Cathy found out 13 had happened . Because Mr Samson lived forty miles away in Westchester , he had to take the train to work and would usually arrive at the office 14 nine t

21、hirty . This morning , however , he happened to catch an earlier train , and when he arrived at 15 , not a single person was working . ()1. A. hunt B. start C. finish D. find ()2. A. job B. chance C. try D. victory ()3. A. asked B. missed C. got D. called ()4. A. glad B. sorry C. surprised D.disappo

22、inted ()5. A. returned B. left C. stopped D. arrived ()6. A. ground B. room C. floor D. office ()7. A. ago B. before C. later D. earlier ()8. A. sound B. help C. answer D. noise ()9. A. boy s B. girl s C. woman s D. man s ()10. A. in B. out C. back D. up ()11. A. warmly B. excitedly C. angrily D. sa

23、dly ()12. A. got B. looked C. turned D. walked ()13. A. what B. that C. which D. it ()14. A. in B. about C. until D. for ()15. A. the station B. the office C. Westchester D. Manhattan 四、阅读理解: (40 分) A Wetlands ! Valuable Resources on the Earth There are many wetlands in China and some of them have b

24、ecome the worlds important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of animals. The world s largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is in them. More than 700 Milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-c

25、rowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Crane Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands. The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There us a lot of rain and sunshine , too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering( 提供

26、 ) food and home for some special kinds of animals is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and less space for wildlife. Luckily , more and more people are

27、beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife . Every year , on February 2 nd , many activities are held to tell people more about wetlands. ( )1. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _of China. A. east B. south C. west D. north ( )2. Usually the weather in the wetlands is _ A.h

28、ot B. pleasant C. cold D. dry ( )3. The World Wetlands Day is on _ A. April 22 B. June 25 C. February 2 D. March 22 ( )4. We must protect wetlands because _ A. they are home for wildlife B. they can offer food to animals C. they can prevent flood D. all of the above ( )5. Some people want to change

29、_ to make more space for farms A. lands B. world C. wildlife D. wetlands B The wonderful medicine A man was selling medicine at a fair (集市 ). At first he sold bottles of a cure(药剂 ) for colds for just a dollar a bottle. Many people wanted to buy it and the man s young assistant moved quickly through

30、 the crowd (人群) collecting money and handing out bottles of the cold cure. Then ,when he had a big crowd , the man held up a very small bottle. “ And now ,ladies and gentlemen, ” he shouted, “ here is the medicine you have been waiting for . The cure for old age . Drink just one bottle of this and y

31、ou will live forever.” “ And , ladies and gentlemen, ” the man continued, “ I m not going to charge( 收费 ) you a hundred dollars a bottle for this wonderful medicine. I m not going to charge you fifty dollars a bottle. I m not going to charge you twenty-five dollars a bottle. No, ladies and gentlemen

32、, I m going to charge you just ten dollars a bottle. Think , my friends, for ten dollars you can live forever .” Most of the people in the crowed did not believe this . One person shouted, “ If it will make you live forever , why don t you drink it ? ” Another person cried, “ Yes, you look as if you

33、 are at least sixty years old . ” “ Thank you ,sir, thank you ,” the man replied. “I m so glad you said that. My real age is three hundred and twenty nine.” The crowd laughed at this, but there were still a few people who wanted to believe the man . One of them spoke to the man s assistant as she pa

34、ssed by . “ Is that true ? ”he asked, “that he s three hundred and twenty-nine?” “ Don t ask me .” the assistant said, “ I ve only worked for him for a hundred and fifty years.” ( ) 6.What did the man sell at first ? A. A cure for colds B. Empty bottles C. A cure for old age D. A medicine that made

35、people live forever. ( )7.Why didn t the people believe the man was selling medicine that could cure old age? A. The medicine was too cheap. B. The medicine was too expenxive C. He looked quite old himself D. He didn t look honest ( )8.How old did the man selling medicine said he was ? A. At least s

36、ixty B. Over three hundred C. A hundred and fifty D. He didn t say ( )9. How much did the man charge for the cure for old age? A. One dollar a bottle B. twenty-five dollars a bottle C. Ten dollars a bottle D. Fifty dollars a bottle ( )10.Which of the following is TRUE? A. Not very many people wanted

37、 to buy the cold cure ? B. He charged twenty-five dollars a bottle for the cure for colds C. The man selling medicine had taken his own cure for old ages D. The assistant was younger than the man C John is an artist who does not have much money , but a very kind man. One day on his way home, he gave

38、 his last coins to a beggar(乞丐 ). When he saw another one , he forgot that he did not have any money. He asked the man to have lunch with him, and the beggar accepted , so they went into a small restaurant and had a good meal. After the dinner ,John found he had no money at all. The beggar had to pa

39、y the bill. The artist was so sorry about this, so he said to the beggar , “ Come home with me in a taxi , my friend , and I will give you the money for lunch.” “ Oh, no! ” said the beggar answered quickly . “I had to pay for your lunch, but I m not going to pay for you again ! ” ( )11.The artist in

40、 this story was _ A. a beggar B. a rich man C. a kind man D. a cheat ( )12. On his way home , John forgot _. A. to bring money with him B. to buy the ticket C. he had given all his money to a beggar D. to have lunch ( )13. After the meal , _ paid the bill . A. the artist B. the beggar C. a lady D. n

41、o one ( )14. The artist invited the beggar to take the taxi home with him so that _ A. the beggar could pay for the taxi home B. he could pay the money in return for the meal he had had . C. he could make friends with the beggar D. they could trust each other . ( )15. At the end of the story, what t

42、he beggar said showed that he _. A. did trust the artist B. was thankful to the artist C. regretted(后悔 ) having lunch with the artist. D. would make friends with the artist D The ostrich(鸵鸟 )is the largest bird in the world. From far away , it looks more like a camel than a bird. It has a long neck,

43、 long legs and a walk like a camel. Its eyes are very large and sharp . Like the camel , the ostrich can go for a long time without water . It lives in sandy desert , too . Its wings are too short for flying , but they do help the ostrich to run fast. The wind gets under the wings and lifts the bird

44、 off the ground . In this way , it can take very long steps. An ostrich can run faster than a horse . Ostriches are big and strong , but sometimes they do not seem very smart. 学 号 班 级 姓 名 When they are afraid, they run around in circles. Ostrich eggs are large . The shells are very strong . They are

45、 so strong that they can be used for cups and bowls. ( )16.The ostrich _ A.is larger than a camel B.is as large as a camel C.is larger than any other bird D.looks like each other ( )17.The ostrich and camel both _ A. have sharp eyes B. have long legs C. have short wings D.can go a long way without w

46、ater ( )18.The ostrich _ A. can fly fast with the help of its wings B. can run fast with the wind C. can t fly because it has such short wings D. can run fast with the help of its wings ( )19.What can lift the ostrich off the ground ? A. its wings B. its legs C. The wind D. its long neck ( )20.Peopl

47、e can use _ for cups and bowls. A. the shells of ostrich eggs B. ostrich eggs C. ostrich itself D. ostrich wings 第二部分非选择题 五、词汇运用(15 分) 1.Who is the _ (careful) person in your family ? 2.I think it s _( use) to talk with him ? It s difficult to change his mind. 3.Did you spend a nice time _(ski) last week ? 4.I ll never forget the _(beautiful) of the old houses ? 5.Some subjects are _(bore) . But I will try to learn them all. 6.They don t know how _(solve) the problem. 7.We should take the _(follow) actions to help the wild animals. 8.He got ill yesterday. Today he feels even _(bad) . 9.Our


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