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1、 WORD格式 可编辑Unit 1 This is me!Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1 Good mornitis. Im Amy. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you too.c请注意学习划线处的见面问候语,详情请参照下表:Good morning.主要用作上午见面时的问候语,意为“你好”、“上午好”。有时也|可用作上午分手时的告别语,意为“再见”:Good afternoon.主要用作下午见面时的问候语,意为“你好”、“下午好”。有时也可用作下午分手时的寒暄用语,意为“再见”。Good eve

2、ning.主要用作晚上见而时的问候语,意为“你好”、“晚上好”。有时也 用作晚上分手时的告別语,意为“再见”。(注:此用法不如用“good night”普通。) liood night.主要用作晚上分手时(尤其是睡觉前)的问候语,意为“晚安”、“明天 见”。注怠:“Good night”是晚上分手时的击別语,不能用作晚上见面时的问候语。即使晚上很晚的时候见面,也不能用它,可用“Good evening.”。GJ请学)J“Nice to meet you.”的含义:见到你很尚兴。这句话的答语是:Nice to meet you too.见到你也很卨兴。-ft.fi. H (1) When you

3、 meet your friend, you can greet him or her with all the following except(除 f)“ ”A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night(2) -Nice to meet you, too.A. Fine, thank you. B. Thanks.C. Yes, I am.D. Nice to meet you.Reading1. Im 12 years old. I have short hair. I love readins.O请注意学

4、习词组12 years old的含义:12岁(大)。C3请注意学习hair的词性及含义:【U】n.(不可数名词)失发,如:The boy with lqng hair is Tom.那个留长头发的男孩是汤姆。C请注意学习love的词性和叫法:n.&v.苒欢;热爱;爱慕。G3另请注意:我们常说丨ove doing sth或丨ove to do sth.。前者(love doing sth.)常表示某人的爱好或嗜好,表示“经常性”的;而后者(love to do sth.)常表示某人某一次的爱好或 想法!如:Children love playing in the snow.孩子们喜欢在雪中玩耍。

5、Tom loves to stay at home today.汤姆今大想呆在家里。like与love有着相似的用法,即like doing sth.或like to do sth.请注意掌握4 love相关的一个词组:would love to do sth.喜欢/想/很愿意做某事。泣典嗖敖铼e.那个高个男孩留着一头黑色长发。The tall boy (1) 米莉喜欢听音乐。(两种翻译) MillieMillie2. Now lets meet my new classmates.请注意学习let的含义及用法:允许,让。/皮精极7请注意学习let的用法:让某人(不)做某事,我们通常说:丨et

6、 sb. (mrt) do sth.,如:She lets her children (not) play in the street她让她的孩子们(不要)在大街上玩。 let me see的含义为:LL我看看,让我想想:请注意学习lets do sth.的反意疑问句: Lets do sth.,shall we!/搞寬匀客_/ 注意 Lets go 与 Let us go 的不同:Lets go 意为“我们走吧。”这里的“我们”包括说话人与听话人。而letus go除了上述含义外,还可能含 有“请准许我们走”的意思。在这种情况下us不包括听话人在内,因而应将听话人理解 为丨et的主语。如:L

7、et us try once more, please请容许我们再试一次吧。义典嗖教幻.(1) Letsfor a walk, shall we? (2012 北京中考)A. to goB.goingC. goD. gone(2) The father lets his sonTV in tlie evening.A. watchesB.to watchC. watchingD. watch(3) -Lets go skating,? (2010 十堰市中考)OK. Lets go厂A. do youB.dont youC. will youD. shall we3.1 often play

8、football after school.CQl请注意学习词组play football:踢足球。/皮精提喊7球类游戏前不加任何修饰词,器乐类词语前要加the,如:play football踢足 球;play basketball 打篮球;play tennis 打网球;play the piano 弹钢琴! t请注意学习after school的结构和含义:放学后。/皮锖提親7请注意类似结构的学习:after class课后;after breakfast早饭后。另请注意学 习after的词性:afler既是个介词,也是个连词。介词后通常加名词、代词、动名词等, 连词后通常加一个从句。如a

9、fter school中的after是个介词,其含义上可与after school is over或after school ends/fmishes互换,但后两个结构中的after是个连词。典型数拣幻/(1) Does Tom often playfootball afterschool? (2004 益阳中考)A.不填;不填B.不填;the C. the;不填D. a;不填(2) My PE teacher often teachers us how to playfootball. (2015 淮安中考)A. aB. anC. /D. the(3) The boy likes playi

10、ng football after school.(同义句转换,三种方式) The boy likes playing football The boy likes playing football(2) The boy likes playing football(3) 他通常在放学后踢足球。(2012陕西中考)He usually plays soccer(4) 放学后让我们踢足球吧,好吗? ,shall we?4. He is from Nanjing. He is short. He is sood at Maths.C请注意学习词组be from的含义:从来,是什么地方人;其含义与c

11、ome from相 似,也可以表示为 “be bom in”。如:Where are you from? Im from Beijing.你是哪儿人?我是北京人。f请注意学习词组be good at的含义:擅长于,对擅长;擅长于做某事;特别要 注意的是:表示“擅长于做某事”时定要注意at后加动名词,即be good at doing sth.如: She is good at playing the piano.她擅长弹钢琴。还请同学们注意 be good at在含义上等 同于 do well in,如:Our English teacher really does well in telli

12、ng jokes我们的英语老师 很擅长讲笑话。典噔教flfl/(1) Where is Mr. Black from?Hes from.A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. EnglandD. American(2) English is my favourite subject, and I am goodit. (2012 临祈中考)A. forB. toC. atD. of(3) David is good at swimming.(同义句转换)Davidswimming.(4) 那位懂礼貌的女孩子擅长弹钢琴。(两种翻译)The polite girl. The polite

13、girl.(5) Amy擅长游泳。(2011盐城中考)Amy is;Grammar of Unit 1 & Unit 2 (Unit 1) Simp丨e present tense of the verb to be,be 动词的一般现在时 (Unit 2) Simp丨e present tense of the verbto do 普通动词的一般现在时()当我们接触到一种新的时态的时候,请同学们特别注意的是第一步要对这种时态深入 理解。我们从以下三个方面理解一般现在时: 表示经常或者反复发生的动作; 表示现在存在的一种状态; 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。(二)理解过后,要对一般现在时的谓语

14、动词的形式有一个淸晰的把握,一般现在时要求谓语动词的形式如下: 专业技术 知识共享 谓语动词是be动间时,有这样的口诀,“我是am你是are,is用于他、她、它 笮数形式用is,复数形式都是are。” 谓语动词使用原型,但是主语是第三人称单数(简称“三单”)时,谓语动词要加“s”或“es”。(三) 如何判断一个句子是否是一般现在时呢?我们可以根据句子的含义以及以下些时间 状语来判断:often, sometimes, always, usually, every day, every week, every month, every term, every year,once a week (

15、周一次),twice a year(年两次)等频度副词(位于系动词之后,行为 动调之前)。*(四) 有些同学对于“三单”不太清楚,现把“三单”形式总结如下: 人称代词He, She,It是第三人称单数。如:It looks like a cat. 单个人名、地名或称呼作主语,足第三人称单数。如:China is in Asia. 单数可数名i:或“this/that/the/a +单数可数名词”作主语时,是第三人称单数。如: That/ The car is red. 不定代词 someone,somebody,nobody, everything, something 等及指不代词 this

16、, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:Everyone is here. 不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如:The milk is in the glass. 当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如:“6” is a lucky number.(五) 另外请同学们注意掌握第三人称单数动词的构成规则: 动词词尾+“-s”: helpwhelps;丨ooklooks 动词词尾发音为“/tj/, /d3/,/J/,/z/,/s/,/s/”+“-es”: teachteaches; kisskisses; fixfixes; brushbrushes 动词词尾为“辅音字母+y”时,去“y”

17、后加“-ies”: studystudies; copycopies 动词词尾为“”时,加“es”: gogeos; dodoes-.用所给动词的适25形式填空:1 Mr. Wu(be) our English teacher.2. (be) our school nice, boys and girls?3. My name is Millie. T(be) 12 years old.4. Whathe usually(do) after school?5. Danny(study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.6.

18、Mike sometimes(go) to the park with his sister.7. At eight at night, she(watch) TV with her parents.8. Mike(read) English every day?9. How many lessonsyour classmate(have) on Monday?10. What timehis mother(do) the housework?二.按照要求改写句子:1. Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)2. 1 do my homework eve

19、ry day(改为一般疑问句,并作否定阅答)3. Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)4. He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)5. I like taking photos in the park(对划线部分提问)6. John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)7. She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)8. Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句)9. CJao Shans s

20、ister likes playing table termis.(改为否定句)10.Sun Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.(对划线部分提问)Integrated skills1. Hi, Kitty. This is my cousin Andy. Andy,this is my new classmate Kitty. Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you, Andy. Are you in Grade 7 too?请注意学习this is的句型:这是介绍两个人相互认识的用语,不用She is .或

21、He is.。 /皮精提我们在接电话时,如果要表达“我是”时,要用“This is . (speaking)”,而不是“I am .”。3请注意词组Glad to meet you的含义:见到你很高兴,其含义与Nice to meet you相同。请注意同组Grade 7的含义与结构:七年级,其首字母都需大写,请注意“七年级三 班”在英语中的表达顺序:Class Three Grade Seven。 i典教樣幻.(1) Hello!is my sister Millie.A. SheB. ThisC. ThatD. He(2) Hello, this is Wendy. Can I speak

22、 to Jessica?Yes, (2011 武汉中考)A. Jessica is meB. Jessica, pleaseC. my name is JessicaD. this is Jessica speaking(3) Good morning, sir! Im Ben.A. Its my pleasureB. You are very kindC. Pleased to meet youD. Its so clear(4) 在这儿见到您我很髙兴。I amhere.(5) 我和汤姆现在就读于七年级三班。Tom and IStudy skillsVowels元音典型教铋幻.i出划线部分读

23、音与其余三个不同的单词:)1. A.cakeB.faceC.gameD. can)2. A.beB.heC.getD. me)3. A.pickB.fineC.kiteD. bike)4. A.goB.shopC.noD.home)5. A.computer B.cuteC.musicD.uncleTaskI come from Nanjing, but now I live with my family in Beijing.C3请注意学习词组come from的含义!前面已讲解,此处略!C3请注意学习词组丨ive with的含义:与住在一起。A典噹教该.(1) 李华是南京人。(三种翻译)

24、Li HuaNanjing. Li Hua Nanjing.(3) Li HuaNanjing.(2) 戴维德和他的朋友们一起住在上海。David Shanghai.My hair is very short, and I wear classes. I have some new friends at school.E9请注总学习词组 wear glasses 的含义:戴眼镜,如:He sees very badly. He has to wear glasses all the time.他的视力非常差,不得不始终戴着眼镜。wear glasses也可以表达成 wear a pair of

25、 glasses请注意学习词组at school的含义:在学校;在上课;在求学。/皮婧提请注意学3与school相关的知识点:当school表示“上学”、“上课”、“放 学”等含义时,school前不加任何冠词,如:go to school上学;after school放学后; 请区别school前不加定冠间和加定冠词之间的不同:at school在上课,在求学;in a sdiool 在学校里,不一定是在学习。再例如:in hospital生病住院;in the hospital在医院里(可 能是上班,也可能是探望病人)。、典教铼/(1) 那个男孩+喜欢戴眼镜。The boy doesnt.

26、(2) We usually go toschool on weekdays, and sometimes go tocinemaat weekends. (2011 天津中考)A.不填;theB. the; theC. the;不填 D.不填;不填(3) 每天他是怎么去上学的?Howevery day?Unit 2 Lets play sports!Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1. I walk to my bowl many times a day.请注意学习词组walk to的含义:步行去,朝(向)走去。如:He walks to school ev

27、ery day.他每天步行去上学。注意学习词组many times a day的含义:一天许多次。/友精捉flt/D请注意学习此处time的词性和含义:(可数名词)次数;注意学习与其相关的结构:sometime 段时间:sometimes有时候;sometime某个时候,某个时间。(1) Millie walks backevery day.A. to homeB. for homeC. homeD. at home(2) 我弟弟早晨七点钟步行去上学。,My brotherat 7 oclock in the morning.(3) My father will be backnext wee

28、k.A. sometimesB. some timesC. some timeD. sometime(4) Everybodyin bed.A. has to spend some timeB. have to spend some timeC. has to spend sometimesD. have to spend sometimes2. We like plavinn volleyball. I enjoy swimming.C3请注意学习词组play volleyball的结构和含义!请参照第一单元相关讲解!注意学习enjoy的古义及用法:欣赏,苒爱,喜欢,乐于;享受的乐趣。/皮神

29、提itDenjoy sth./doing sth喜欢/享受(做)某事,同义词组like/love doing sth.另外请注意固定搭配:enjoy oneself =havc a good time=have firn过得愉快/玩得开心。(1) Shirley likes playingvolleyball, and her friend Juliet likes playingguitar.A. the;不填B.不填;theC. the; theD.不填;不填(2) Some boys of Class One enjoymusic. (2004 北京市中考)A. listen toB.

30、listens toC.listening toD. listened to(3) Did Mary enjoyat the party? (2004 宁_S回族自治区屮考)A. herB. himselfC.oneselfD. herself(4) My grandfather wants around the world because he enjoys newplaces. (2006 广州中考)A. traveling; seeingB. to travel; to secC. to travel; seeingD. traveling; to see(5) The retired

31、couple enjoyphotos. They always go out with their cameras. (2013上海屮考)A. takeB, tookC. to takeD. taking3.1 often play football after school. What about you? I no swimming every week.CO请注意回顾学习词组after schoo丨的含义!此处略!请注意学d what about的含义及用法:怎么样;(对于)怎么样。13另请注意What/ How about + doing sth.,这种结构通常用来提出建议等。如:Wh

32、at about starting work tomorrow?明天开始工作行吗?/皮锖徒联/SN学们注意学习表示提出建议的不同方式,如下:於 Why dont you do sth.? = Why not do sth.?Sf You had better do sth. = Its better to do sth.= Its best to do sth. Lets do sth., shall we? = Shall we do sth.? What about doing sth.? = How about doing sth.?C9请注意学习词组go swimming的结构和含义:

33、去游泳。tQi#注意总结类似的结构有:go running去跑步;go fishing去钓鱼;go shopping去购物; go walking去散步等。么典嗖教俅幻/(1) -How aboutin the river with us? (2009 深圳屮考).一Sorry, I cant. My parents often tell methat.A. swim; dont doB. swim; to doC. swimming; not doD. swimming; not to do(2) 很抱歉今天不能陪你i购物,明天怎么样?(2009北京中考)Fm sorry I cant go

34、 shopping with you today.tomorrow?(3) 我喜欢北京的秋大,你呢?(2011北京屮考)I like the autumn in Beijing.you?(4) 我们放学后去游泳,好吗?,shall we?Reading1. He is a new member ofHuaimhe Football Club. He looks strone and plays football very well.0请注意学词组anew member of的含义:(的)新成员。O请注意学习look strong的结构和含义:其为“系表结构”(即连系动同+形容词充当表 语),其

35、含义为:看起來强壮。另清注意类似的结构还有:sound great听起来很好(不错);keep healthy保持健康;go bad变质;stay alive活着;smell terrible W起來臭臭的;taste delicious尝起来味美可口的; turn green 变绿。Ga请注意学习well的词性和用法,具体用法请参照下表:胃当well词性力形容词时,其通常放胃.于连系动同的后面,构成| well adj.形容词“系表结构”,表示“身体健康的”,如:look well看上去身体 |很好;feel well觉得身体很好。|当well词性为副词时,其通常与动词搭配使用,构成“动状结

36、 adv.副词构”,表示“好;令人满意地;宜人地;成功地”,如:She singsvery well.她唱得很好。Well done!做得好!真棒!(用于赞扬对方) good是一个形容词,通常用作定语和表语。good有一些固定搭good adj.形容词配如下:have a明丨time玩的开心;be good at擅长;be good for对有好处。典嗖Af本/(1) Do you like the music r/ie月光曲)?Yes, itreallybeautiftil. (2003 江西中考)A. feelsB. soundsC.listensD.hears(2) The food o

37、n the plate smells You cant cat it. (2006 南通中考)A. deliciousB. badlyC.wellD.bad(3) -Have you ever heard the song Welcome to Beijing?Yes, itnice. (2009 泰州中考)A. hearsB. soundsC.looksD.listens2. In his free time, he studies English. He also enjoys listening to music. It makes him happy.E9请注意学习词组in his f

38、ree time的含义:在他闲暇的时候,在他有空的时候。请注意学习词组listen to music的含义:听音乐,如:Wecan listen to music by radio.我们能通过无线电收听音乐。C3请注意学习make的用法:make有诸多含义和用法,此处我们探讨其含义为“致使,和“迫使,导致”时的用法及结构! make +宾语+宾语补足语t、致使,使此处宾语补足语可以是形容make him ill 使他得了病词、名词等。make sb. do sth.如:Dont make me laugh!别惹我发笑!,make sb. not do sth.lie mad。her wait他

39、让她等着。(1) 汤姆喜欢空闲的时候听音乐。Tomin his free time.(2) 美味的食物总会使得她很开心。Delicious food always (3) 她的新眼镜使她看起来不一样。(2014苏州中考)(4) He lost his key. It made himin the cold to wait for his wifes return. (2013重庆中考)A. to stayB. stayedC. staysD. stay3. Li Hua wants to play in the next World Cup. I hone his dream comes tr

40、ue.(此处最好能使用 will come true)U清注意学习want的含义和用法 want to do sth想要做某事, want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事;want sb. not to lo sth.想要某人不要做某事。B3请注意学习hope的含义和用法:n. & vt.希望。/皮婧提以后我们还要学习wish,其含义为:想要,希望。具体用法请参照下表!hope的用法 wish的用法hope to do sth. wish to do sth.hope (_+daUse (宾语从句)=(that)+d_ (酣去式表示舰语气) $口 : I wish 1fly.我希

41、換我自这飞翔。4uw,、.i丁 wwish sb. to do sth.;另外,wish 还能表达对人的找们小说:wtli, 一 f|祝祸,如:We wish you good luck.我们祝你好运。C请注意学习词组come true的含义和用法:(预自,梦想等)成为事实,实现。(1) 1 hope youto me again.A. to writeB.will writeC.wroteD.writing(2) -you good luck in the new year!-一The same to you.A. HopeB.WantC.WishD.Like(3) The Chinese

42、ping-pong players will join in the match. Lefsthem success.A. wishB.to wishC.hopeD.to hope(4) If you dont workenough, I dont think your dream will come. (2011苏州中考)A. hardly; trulyB. hardly; trueC.hard; trueD.hard; truly(5) 我们有信心,美好的希望一定会成为现实。(2003四川中考)Wethat our good wish will.How does he look? He l

43、ooks strong.Gi请注意学习此处划线的含义:他看起来怎样?(此处答语:他看起来很强壮。)/皮精提7清注意学习另外两个句型结构:What does sb. look like?(询问某人外貌、长相) 某人长得怎么样? What is sb.like?(询问某人性格、品质等)某人怎么样?、典嗖Af糸(1) The twins are of medium height.(对划线部分提问)(2011 临折中考)the twins look like?(2) James looks very tall and strong.(对划线部分提问)James?(3) Whatyour English

44、 teacher?-Hes a very funny teacher. We all like his lessons.A. does; likeB. does; look likeC. is; look likeD. is; likeGrammarSimple present tense of the verb *! do一般现在时的讲解此处略,详情请参照第一单元语法的相关讲解!义典嗖教f本幻/一.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:likestudy watch cry dress fix 1. Do Sandy and Kitty olav computer samesl Do you pl

45、ay football at weekends! But my dad sometimes watches our games. Sometimes he reads at home, and my mum often shops at weekends.GJ清注意学词组play computer games的含义:玩电脑。Q请注意学习at weekends的含义:在周末,我们也可以说成on the weekend。如果不用 定冠词的话,我们常说at weekends(英国英语)或on weekends(美国英语)。0请注意学习sometimes的含义:有时候,请参照前面的相关讲解!C3请注意学习词组at home的含义:在家。Js.A-S-ft.fi H (1) 汤米周末通常会在家玩两个小时电脑游戏。Tommy usually spends two hours(2) Ifs good to exercise forevery day.A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times(3) Lily is a hard-working girl. But she is careless.A. at timeB. sometim


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