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1、2016 届南京师大附中高三年级校模拟考试英语含参考答案 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) 21.Money plays an important role in _ material world. But expecting _ money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life. A. a; the B. the; / C. /; / D. the; the 22. -I m sorry. I ve left my credit card home.

2、 And I don t have enough cash for the meal. - Don t worry. _. A. I ll invite you B. It s my pleasure to pay you C. It s my treat D. It s at your expense 23. Because the hall was full, thousands of fans were _, and they left, disappointed. A. turned out B. turned away C. turned in D. turned over 24.

3、-What if the other person is boring? -Just listen politely and nod your head _. A. all the time B. often C. once in a while D. for a time 25. That day, my wife drove downtown to do Christmas shopping at _ I thought was a dangerous speed. A. which B. that C. as D. what 26. _ a certain doubt among the

4、 students as to the necessity of the work. A. It existed B. They had C. There existed D. There had 27. - Here is the film _. I need the pictures in 15 minutes. - OK. But you have to pay extra charge. A. to develop B. to be developed C. developed D. developing 28. The time has come _ we can make exte

5、nsive use of nuclear energy. A. since B. which C. when D. while 29. -Thanks for your trouble. -Not at all. I m _ pleased to help you. A. too much B. too only C. so much D. only too 30. That night I felt especially lazy and went to bed _ earlier than usual. A. quite B. rather C. fairly D. so 31. He c

6、an speak English, German, French and Japanese. He is nearly a man with a(an) _ for languages. A. gift B. present C. ability D. skill 32. Deep in the forest _, who made no contact with the outside world. A. living a couple B. were a couple living C. did a couple live D. lived a couple 33. -Amazing! Y

7、ou _ wear slippers at work. -Don t you know it s a fashion? A. should B. must C. can D. may 34. To buy some salt, the careless housewife went downstairs, _ the dish_ over the gas. A. left, cooked B. leaving, being cooked C. leaving, cooking D. left, being cooked 35. - Oh, I wonder whose car _ in the

8、 “ No Parking” zone. - It migh t be Lisa s, I m afraid. A. was left B. had been left C. will be left D. has been left 第二节完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) Robert picked up his bag and headed down the steps. Noises were still there in the 36 as the other boys finished their bath and got ready to 37 . The

9、 smell of defeat was in the air. Robert had to 38 now because Pete said that they would 39 at 5:30 sharp. Pete hated to wait and often grew 40 with Robert. The sharp wind filled in Roberts 41 as he hurried along the roadside. The 42 of defeat weighed him down as he 43 nearer to the meeting place. Ro

10、bert hardly 44 any tiredness from this exciting game. The game had been close. They were ahead for a while in the third quarter. Then, somehow, the other team ran away with 45 . “I wonder what Pete will say?“ Robert thought. Petes high school team was having a good 46 . Pete never played as much in

11、the games as Robert, 47 Petes team was always the winner. Pete always had 48 to say about basketball and winning. Robert wondered what he would say today. Robert saw his brother standing in front of the store. “Hey, Pete!“ he called. “How did it go, Robert?“ “Oh, OK, I guess. We lost but played 49 .

12、“ “Did you play?“ Pete asked. “ Yes, the whole ga me. How about you?“ “No. They didnt even 50 me in. We won, but I just 51 beside.“ “Well,“ Robert said, “at least your team won. You may even go to 52 game.“ “Yes, but you played, Robert. Thats 53 .“ The two brothers fell into 54 with one another and

13、went back home, each with a 55 understanding of winning. 36. A. playground B. ears C. bathroom D. head 37. A. fight B. leave C. play D. pack 38. A. hurry B. wait C. give up D. slow down 39. A. play B. see C. exercise D. meet 40. A. worried B. disappointed C. impatient D. nervous 41. A. mind B. cloth

14、es C. heart D. bag 42. A. sadness B. happiness C. tension D. excitement 43. A. bicycled B. drove C. wandered D. drew 44. A. saw B. realized C.overcame D. found 45. A. the end B. the lead C. the ball D. the defeat 46. A. game B. season C. coach D. time 47. A. still B. though C. while D. but 48. A. no

15、thing B. a little C. a lot D. too much 49. A. lightly B. hard C. aimlessly D. hopelessly 50. A. insert B. interrupt C. put D. count 51. A. sat B. scored C. wept D. shouted 52. A. the last B. the next C. one other D. one more 53. A. more important B. more necessary C. not fair D. not right 54. A. foo

16、t B. step C. anger D. love 55. A. full B. clear C. deep D. better 第三部分:阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题2 分,满分 40 分) A “We re going,” Mimi called out to her mother in the family s grocery store next to her house. This was her first date, and Robert Rovere had just arrived to take her to a dance. She could hardly beli

17、eve it was happening. During the long wait she had wondered again and again what to wear, finally putting on her favourite blouse. Now at last Robert was here. He looked beautiful to her. His hair was neatly combed and he wore a yellow sweater she hadn t seen before. Mimi felt wonderful. As they ste

18、pped out of the door, Mimi s mother popped out of the store and said hello to Robert. Then she put a package wrapped in white paper into Mimi s hand. “ Limburger cheese for Sally Thompson, Mimi. We got a case of imported Limburger in today. I promised Sally you d deliver it tonight.” “ Tonight!” Mim

19、i echoed, staring down at the cheese. “ Why not tomorrow?” “ Sorry, but I promised Sally , ” her mother said , “ Well, have fun, you two.” “ Oh well, Robert, let s go,” she said. Her first date ever, her first date with Robert Rovere, and she was stuck with a large, smelly, messy package of cheese!

20、She tried to forget it. “ Here I am,” she said to herself, “ going to a dance with Robert Rovere.” She glanced up at him. “ That cheese smells,” he said. She held the cheese in the hand farthest from him, but the smell seemed to be crawling up her arm. They turned onto Montcalm Street. Mimi didn t k

21、now the house number, but she thought she d recognize the house because she d passed there once before. “ Oh, here it is.” She rang the bell but nobody answered. Then she noticed that the name under the bell wasn t Thompson. She had come to the wrong house. Oh, how embarrassing, she thought. She dro

22、pped the cheese into her coat pocket and rejoined Robert. “ Wrong house,” she said. “ I was sure she lived there.” “ What do we do now?” Robert asked. Mimi bit her lip. She couldn t bring the cheese home again now. It would just have to go to the dance with her. “ Let s go,” she said. She was so mis

23、erable she couldn t think of anything else to say , and she and Robert walked the rest of the way in a silence as thick as the bad smell of the cheese. When they arrived at the dance, the place was full of people and there was no room to hang their coats. Mimi wanted to wash her hands, but Robert le

24、d her straight onto the dance floor. Mimi noticed that Robert smelled sweet, like lily of the valley. She smelled of Limburger cheese. Mimi danced with all her heart. Robert s eyes were closed,probably trying to forget her and her smell, she thought. . 56. What particular point suggests that Mimi wa

25、s nervous about her date? A. She could hardly believe she had taken such a long time to get ready. B. She kept Robert waiting for a long time until she was ready. C. She spent a long time making herself look nicer. D. She wondered many times whether Robert would like the yellow sweater. 57. What hap

26、pened when Mimi brought the cheese to the house? A. At first Mimi didn t realize that it was someone else s house. B. It was not the right house but the house number was correct. C. The wrong person came to the door. D. There was no one at the Thompson s home. 58. Why did Mimi bring the cheese with

27、her into the dance hall? A. Robert said nothing about the cheese on the way to the dance. B. She couldn t find any place to leave it. C. She thought the cheese was not as smelly as the lily of the valley. D. The room for hanging coats was full of people. 59. Which of the following was most likely to

28、 happen in the end? A. Their first date was a success. B. The smell ruined the date. C. Robert took all the cheese after the dance. D. They quarreled over the smelly cheese. B MALA YSIAS Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, retired on October 31. But he didnt go quietly. In his final speech, he blamed

29、the Jewish people for the problems between Israel and the Palestinians. “The Jews have taken land of the Muslims,“ he said. “What if part of America was given to the Jews as Israel? Would the Americans let it happen? Of course not.“ His words angered many western governments, but Mahathir doesnt car

30、e. “I like to speak my mind,“ the 77-year-old explained. “Sometimes people dont like it. But that is what leadership is all about.“ Loved by some and disliked by others, his 22 years in power have seen great changes in Malaysia. He has taken it from being one of Asias poorest countries to the worlds

31、 18th largest trading nation. It is also a peaceful country with native Malaysians living alongside minority groups. Chinese make up a quarter of the population, while a further 7.4 percent are of Inidan origin. Teenage girls wearing Muslim headscarves happily walk around large stores as ethnic Chin

32、ese play mah-jong (麻将) in nearby cafes. But Mahathir has made enemies at home and abroad and some people will be glad he has gone. The US was unhappy when he often blamed it for globalization. Meanwhile, critics say that he has limited the freedom of the Malaysian people in order to stay in control

33、of the country . Despite this, he is a hero to leaders in Southeast Asia as well as those in the Islamic (伊斯兰) world. “He marked out the path to success for developing nations in the region to follow,“ said Thai President Thaksin Shinawatra. Now he just wants to enjoy his retirement and insists that

34、 he will not take on a special role in government. “Im a nobody,“ he said. But many Malaysians do not agree with this. 60. What does Mahathir probably mean by “ But that is what leadership is all about.”? A. The Jews have taken land of the Muslines by strong power of their leadership. B. America sho

35、uld give part of its land to Israel though its leadership is powerful. C. Leadership has the obligation to speak up what you think is right or wrong. D. As a leader of a country, you have the right to teach those in other countries what to do and how. 61. Which is NOT true about the following? A. Ma

36、laysia was no longer poor after Mahathia came into power. B. Malaysia is a country with natives and other minorities like Jews living alongside peacefully. C. Malaysia developed a lot within Mahathia s power but freedom of Malaysians was limited. D. Mahathia s role in the world is both a hero to lea

37、ders in Southeast Asia but also a possible enemy of some countries. 62. The best title of this passage would be _ . A. A Religion Enthusiast B. Mahathia s Political Policy C. Mahathia Is Malaysia D. Hero of the World C Many people believe the glare from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, dark glasses o

38、r not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snowblindness, when exposed to several hours of “ snow light”. The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow-covered country . A man s eyes frequently fi

39、nd nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain( 地域). So his long look continually moves and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and eyeballs become sore and the eye

40、 muscles ache. Nature offers this discomfort by producing more and more fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision became not clear, then is not easily seen and the result is total, even though not very long, snowblindness. Experiments led the Ar

41、my to a simple method of solving this problem. Scouts, ahead of a main body of troops, are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too ca

42、n focus. The men following can then see something. Their eyes focus on a bush and have something to see. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snowblind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is solved.

43、 63. The first paragraph is mainly concerned with _. A. need for dark glasses B. the whiteness from snow C. headaches, watering eyes and snowblindness D. snow glare and snowblindness 64. According to the author, recent work on snowblindness shows that it is caused by _. A. exposure to bright light B

44、. failure to focus on an object C. a loss of vision which doesn t last long D. focusing on dark colored objects for a very long time 65. Suppose you walk across a completely snow-covered area, what should you do to solve the problem of snowblindness? A. By wearing dark sun glasses. B. By throwing an

45、 extra pair of black shoes ahead. C. By asking the Army for help. D. By walking backwards. 66. A suitable title for this passage would be _. A. Snowblindness and How to Avoid it B. Nature s Cure for SnowblindnessC. Soldiers in Snow D. Snow Vision D For a 400-year-old art form, operas had a bad fame:

46、 overweight actresses singing the words which are hard to understand in one of those romance languages you were supposed to learn in high school. And with tickets costing as much as $ 145 a performance, opera goers also have a certain appearance in people s mind: rich, well-dressed and old. But now

47、opera companies around the country are loosening their ties and kicking off their shoes in an attempt to bring the opera to the audience. It needs to keep it alive, the young and not-so-rich. Opera producers have found that to attract this crowd, they need to make the opera closer to common people.

48、That means no formal suits, old-styled theatre or band- breaking ticket prices. And because young people don t or won t come to the opera, companies are bringing the opera to them, giving performances in such unusual places as parks, libraries and public schools. The Houston Grand Opera s choice is

49、the public library, where it performs “ mobile operas” , shortened versions (剧本) of child-friendly operas. This summer s production is Hansel & Gretel. By performing smaller versions of large productions, producers are able to make people interested while keeping costs at a reasonable level. The San Francisco Opera, which will be celebrating its 75 th anniversary this year, is staging Cinderella free of charge, keep


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