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1、第 1 页 四年级英语(上)期中检测卷 (满分: 100 分完成时间: 40 分钟)成绩 听力部分( 40%) I.听音,圈出你所听到的字母或单词。(10%) 1. P Q 2. C X 3. a i 4. w m 5. y v 6. twelve twenty 7. five fifty 8. thirty thirteen 9. sheep sleep 10. desk dear II.听音,选择正确的单词或句子, 把序号填在括号中。( 12%) Which class are you in? When do you get up? Whats for breakfast? 第 - 2 -

2、 页 III. 听音,将下列算式补充完整。(6%) IV.听音,如果图片与录音内容相符请画,不符请画。(12%) 笔试部分( 60%) I.按字母表顺序写出相邻的字母。(12%) K M T g d v II.请按从小到大的顺序正确排列。(14% ) thirty-two forty fifty-three fifteen eleven seventeen ten II.找出与图意相符的单词或词组抄写在四线格上。(8%) IV.读一读,在与图意相符的句子前打“”。(16%) 1. 2. Sally A. Class one,Grade Four B. Class three, Grade Tw

3、o A.7:00 B:8:30 A.milk B.bread Julia A. Class one,Grade Four B.Class three, Grade Five A.9:00 B.7:20 A.tomato B.noodles Peter A. Class Four,Grade Four B.Class Four, Grade Three A.6:20 B:6:50 A. juice B. egg Yang Ming A. Class one,Grade Four B.Class three, Grade Six A.7:00 B.7:10 A.ice cream B.cake 第

4、 - 3 - 页 () It s nine thirty. ()It s a desk. () It s nine fifty. () It s a chair. 3. 4. ()This is our playground. ()Class One, Grade Four. ()This is our computer room. ()Class Four, Grade One. 5.6. (fourteen and six? ()nice classroom. ()How much is thirteen and seven? ()I have a farm. 7. 8. ()I have

5、 twelve sheep. ()I m the winner. ()I have twelve horses. ()I m your teacher. 七、阅读短文,判断正误,对的填T,错的填 F(10% ) Jenny is a pupil. She is a good girl. She usually gets up at 6:20. She goes to school at 6:40. She eats breakfast at school. Jenny is in Grade Four. She has 4 classes in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. She usually goes home at 4:30. She eats dinner with her mother at home today. ( )1. Jenny is in Grade Five. 第 - 4 - 页 ( )2. Jenny gets up at 6:20.


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