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1、1 Revision(Unit 1-Unit 6) Unit 1 Where s your pen pal from? Revision objectives 单元复习目标: Listen for the information about countries, nationalities and languages Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell where people live Write an e-mail about oneself Describe the new students in

2、class Step1. Words and expressions: Australia, Japan, Canada, country , live, language, world, Japanese, any France, Singapore, Sydney , Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, French, dislike the United States, the United Kingdom, New Y ork, in English, pen pal Step 2. Grammar Focus: Where is your pen pal from? Whe

3、re is she from? She s from/ She comes from Where does she live? She lives in What language does he / she speak? What s her favorite subject? What s her name? Step 3. Exercise: 1. Translation 1.笔友_ 2.澳洲; 澳大利亚 _ 3.日本_ 4.加拿大 _ 5.国家_ 6.居住_ 7.语言_ 8.世界_ 9.用英语 _ 10.任何一个 _ 2.Fill in the blanks mean little p

4、rint sit wait care lie fifty friend difference 1. There are at _ 60 students in their class. 2. Hi, Kitty . There is a woman at the school gate _ for you. 3. Do you know the _ of this expression? 4. Tomorrow will be his fathers _ birthday. 5. Nancy s dog often sleeps in the _ room. 6. Mr. Boston was

5、 so _ that he hit the car. 7. The teachers in our school are very _ to us. 8. This afternoon I found a watch _ in the playground. 9. Do you have a _? I want to print things. 10. Her flash cards are _ from mine. 3. Writing: Write a passage with the following information for at least 60 words. 2 姓名Kit

6、ty 性别女 年龄12 籍贯中国, 北京 学校北京阳光中学 爱好上网聊天 , 玩电脑游戏 ,听音乐 梦想之家在北京最繁华的街道上有一套大房子和家人住在一起 Unit2 Where s the post office? Revision objectives 单元复习目标: Listen for the information of the names and the directions of the places. Ask for and give directions on the street. Read a tour guide and an e-mail from a friend

7、you re going to visit. Write the dialogues about asking the way and giving directions. Step1: Words and expressions: post, office, restaurant, library, supermarket, bank, park, pay, street, center, mail, near, bridge, across, between, front, behind, excuse, straight, turn, left, right, down, open, c

8、lean, quiet, dirty , market, house, garden, enjoy , walk, through, beginning, tour, visit, place, if, hungry, arrive, taxi, airport, pass, hope there, avenue, neighborhood, district, yours post office, pay phone, across from, in front of, have fun Step2: Grammar Focus: Is there a supermarket? Yes, t

9、here is. / No, there isn t. Where s the park? Where s the pay phone? It s on Center Street./ It s across from the bank./ It s next to the post office. It s betweent the restaurant and the supermarket. Step3 Exercise 1. Match the English words with the Chinese words. ( ) 1. post office A. 图书馆 ( ) 2.

10、pay phone B. 中心街 ( ) 3. restaurant C. 超市 ( ) 4. Bridge Street D. 邮局 ( ) 5. supermarket E. 银行 ( ) 6. library F. 第五大道 ( ) 7. Center Street G. 餐馆 3 ( ) 8. bank H. 公园 ( ) 9. Fifth Avenue I. 公用电话 ( ) 10. park J. 大桥街 2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. across from, behind, between, in front o

11、f, next to, near, on 1. A: Is there a pay phone _ here? B: Yes, there is a pay phone _ Center Street. 2. A: Wheres Xinghua Park? B: Its _ Hongqi Supermarket and Bank of China. 3. The restaurant is _ _ the post office. 4. The library is _ _ the pay phone. 5. Forest Hotel is _ _ _ the park. 6. The pay

12、 phone is _ the small supermarket. 3. Reading Seumas is a very busy man. He is 60 and he has a lot of jobs. He is a postman(邮递员 ), a police officer, a taxi driver(司机), a school-bus driver, a boatman ,and a sales assistant, a cook and a milkman. Also he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small

13、 hotel. Seumas lives and works on an island (岛) near London. Only 120 people are on the island but in summer 150 tourists(旅游者) come on Seumas s boat every day. So Seumas gets up at six and makes breakfast for the people in the hotel. At eight, he drives the island s children to school. At nine, he g

14、ives letters(信) to all the houses on the island. He also sends( 送) milk to them. Then he helps in the shop. He says., “Margaret likes to be busy , too. We are busy and we dont like watching TV in the shop.” He says. “I cook the dinner and Margaret heips. At ten, we have some milk and them we go to b

15、ed. Perhaps( 可能) our life(生活) isn t very interesting, but we like it.” ( )1、How many jobs does Seumas have? A. 12 B. 10 C. 8 ( ) 2、Does his wife like to be busy? A. Yes B. No C. I dont know. ( )3、What time does he get up? A. At 6:30 B. At 7 C. At 6 ( )4、What nationality(国籍) are they? A. American B.

16、British C. Chinese ( )5、Which is right? A. Seumas is busy but his wife isnt. B. They dont watch TV. C. Their life is not exiting, but they like it. 4、写作 写一篇短文介绍你一家人的工作及他们的饮食习惯。要求通顺、流畅。字数60 左右。 4 Unit3 Why do you like koalas? Revision Objectives: Listen for the names and the descriptions of animals.

17、Read the descriptions about animals. Write about the animal you know. Step1. Words and expressions: zoo, panda, map, tiger, elephant, lion, animal, box, friendly , shy , clever, beautiful, other, dog, grass, so, sleep, during, meat, leaf, lazy, relax koala, cute, dolphin, penguin, giraffe, smart, Af

18、rica, bingo, ugly Step2. Grammar Focus: Why do you want to see the lions? Because they re cute. Why do you like koalas? Because they re friendly and clever. Where are lions from? What animals do you like? What other animals do you like? Step3 Exercise 1. Multiple Choice: 1. Which kind of animals hav

19、e long legs and neck? A. Pandas B. Penguins C. Giraffes 2. Why do you like koala bears? -_ they are cute and smart. A. And B. For C. Because 3. _ is the biggest animal on the earth? A. An elephant B. A koala bear C. A giraffe 4. _ pandas from China? A. Are B. Is C. Do 5. Students _ nine hours a day.

20、 A. sleeps B. sleep C. are sleep 6. People usually think lions are _ scary . A. kinds of B. kind C. kind of 7. Tigers like _ meat. A. eat B. eats C. eating 8. Koala bears sleep _. A. at night B. during the day C. at noon 9. Do you ever play _ pandas? 5 A. with B. to C. and 10. Foxes can count number

21、s. So people think they are _. A. scary B. interesting C. intelligent 2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. favorite, do, are, does, animals, let, let s, come 1- What kind of _ do you think are the biggest on the earth? - Elephants. 2_ go to see the new teacher in our school. 3Why _ Maria

22、 like small animals? 4Is your _ pet panda? 5Where do lions _ from? 3. Writing: Write about your favorite animanls. Five to eight sentences. Unit4 I want to be an actor. Revision Objectives: Listening for the names of jobs. Listening for the reason why people are interested in these jobs. Talk about

23、jobs. Read the newspaper want ads. Write a want ad. Step1. Words and expressions: actor, doctor, policeman, hospital, policewoman, nurse, money, give, wear, sometimes, dangerous, police, talk, out, newspaper, hard, as, summer, story, magazine, young, play , news, skill, sir, madam, assistant, report

24、er, waiter, uniform, thief, station, international, coach, Susan, Betty , Karen, Frank Step2. Grammar Focus What does she / he / Anna s mother do? Where does he / she / your sister work? I want to be an actor. He / She wants to be a bank clerk. I / They work in a hospital. He / She /Her sister works

25、 in a restaurant. Step3. Exercise: 1.Put the following phrases into English. 1.害怕 2.和谈话 6 3.尽可能的 4.想要做 5.在医院里 6.许多,大量 7.一种 8.外出 9.一名图书管理员 10.一名体育教练 2.Sentence Transferring. 1. I see a lot of money every day .(改为同义句 ) I see money every day . 2. I am a reporter. ( 对划线部分提问 ) What you ? 3. She wants to

26、be a sales assistant. (对划线部分提问 ) she to be? 4. My uncle works in a restaurant.( 对划线部分提问 ) your uncle work? 5. I can cook Chinese and French food.( 改为一般疑问句 ) you cook Chinese French food? 3. True or False. There are four people in my family. My father is a policeman. His work is kind of dangerous. He

27、s very busy . He often has meals outside. Sometime s we can t see him all day. But I love him very much. My mother is a bank clerk, but she wants to be a reporter. She says her job is a boring and being a reporter is interesting, because she can meet many interesting people. My brother is a waiter.

28、He likes his work, because he thinks he can meet many new friends when he works. I m a middle school student. I study hard because I want to be a teacher. I think its not difficult for me. ()1.My family has four people, my father, my mother, my sister and I. ()2.My father works in another city, so w

29、e cant see him all day, sometimes. ()3.My mother likes to be a bank clerk. ()4.My brother works in a restaurant. He likes to make new friends. ()5.I want to be a teacher. Its easy for me, I think. 3 Writing. What do your family or friends do? What do you want to be? Write an article about that for a

30、bout 60 words. Unit5 I m watching TV. Revision Objectives: Listen for what people are doing. Listen for the places and daily activities. Talk about what people are doing. Read the letter to a pen pal talking about daily activities. 7 Write about what people are doing. Step1 Words and expressions: cl

31、ean, read, happy , sure, wait, toy, shopping, pool, camera, bird, apartment, mall, TV show Step2 Grammae Focus: What are you doing? I m watching TV. What is he / she / Nancy / your brother doing? He / She is doing homework. What are you / they / your parents doing? We / They are reading books. Yes /

32、 No questions and short answers Are you / they watching TV? Yes, we / they are. No, we / they aren t. Is he / she / Nancy / your brother doing homework? Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn t. Step3 Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks: 1-15. For example: do doing 1. clean_ 2. work_ 3. watch_ 4 go_ 5. play_

33、6 study_ 7. take_ 8. have_ 9. dance_ 10. get_ 11. run_ 12. swim_ 13. sit_ 14. shop_ 15. stop_ 16.video(复数) 17.he is(缩略形式 ) 18.two(序数词 ) 19.do(第三人称单数形式 ) 20.activity(复数) 2. Fill in the blanks. 1. What are you doing now? I _ (clean) the windows. 2. Are you _ (make) a cake? Yes, we _. (be) 3. OK. I am

34、_ (come) now. 4. Is she _ (listen) to the teacher? 5. They are taking now.(photo) 6. I like _ (swim) very much. 7. Its time _ (play) football. 8. Miss Li wants _ (eat) some rice and two eggs. 9. Look at the picture. The children _ (fly) kites. 10. The twins _ (not speak) French. 3.综合填空 根据文章的需要把下列单词填

35、入文章,使句子通顺。注意大小写 (On, where ,at ,are,yo-yos ,sitting ,wants ,what ,playing, dancing) It s a fin Saturday morning. There 1 many children. They are 2 happily. Some are playing 3 under a big tree. Some girls are singing and 4 .some boys are running 5 the hill( 小山). Li lei s 6 8 by the lake(在湖边 ). Hes re

36、ading a story. 7 is Wang Lin? hes standing over there. 8 Is he doing? hes looking for 9 a nice butterfly(蝴蝶).he 10 to catch it . 4. Writing 今天是星期天,天气晴好,七中的学生在操场活动。现请你做一场学生活动的现场报道。 英文提示 :Basketball ,football, volleyball, game ,sports. Unit6 It s raining! Revision Objectives: Listen to people talking

37、about the weather and activities they are doing. Talk about the weather and what people are doing. Read about a report about what people are doing. Describe the weather; describe what people are doing. Step1. Words and expression: rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, study , bad, terribl

38、e, pretty, cold, cool, hot, warm, lying, beach, group, surprised, heat, relaxed, winter, scarf, everyone, man, like Moscow, Boston, how s = how is, humid, vacation play computer games, play basketball, watch TV , thank sb for sth / doing sth, on vacation, lying on the beach, play beach volleyball St

39、ep2 Grammar Focus: Present progressive tense be + -ing how questions How s the weather?/How s it going? Is Aunt Sarah there? Yes, she is. Is she watching TV? No, she isn t. Step3 Exercise 1. Vocabulary 1. How s the win Beijing? Its raining. (首字母提示) 2. How s it going? Its t !I can t pass the driving

40、exam. (首字母提示) 3. It ll bein Harbin tomorrow. (sun 词形转换) 4. Look! people are TV at home. (watch 词形转换) 5. Listen! they songs. (唱,中文提示) 6. I don t like, its too cold. (冬天,中文提示) 7. Yunnan is a warm place. It s . (pretty good/too bad选择) 8. What do you do when youre free? I help Mum . 9. I m they can play

41、 volleyball in this heat. /s? praizd/ 10. The dolphins are on the beach. / laii/ 2. Complete the dialogue 9 3. Reading When who English people meet, their first words will be “How do you do? ” or “How are you? ” After the reply “How do you do? ” or ”Fine, thank you, and you?” they often talk about t

42、he weather.The reason for this is not simply that their weather is interesting and changeable but that the English people dont like talking about personal matters( 私事 )with people who are not friends. Talking about the weather can be a useful way of starting a conversation with a stranger in public.

43、 1. What are the first words when English people meet? A. Say “hello ” to each other . B. Say “goodbye” to each other. C. Talk about the weather D. Talk about their personal matters. 2. What s the answer to “How doyou do ” ? A. Fine, thank you ,and you? B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. I m fine,

44、 too. 3. Why do the English people often talk about the weather? A. Because the weather is interesting. B. Because they dont like talking about personal matters with stranger C. Because the weather is changeable. D. A, Band Care all right. 4. From the article, you know that the English people talk a

45、bout the weather to . A. finish a conversation with a friend . B. start a conversation with a stranger. C. Say “goodbye” to a stranger. D. Study the weather. 5. Which sentence is not right? A. English people like talking about the weather. B. English people usually talk about personal matters with f

46、riends but not strangers. C. English people like talking about personal matters with strangers in public. D. The weather is England is interesting and changeable. A. Where can we put the cakes? B. What are you doing? C. I m coming! D. I m making some cakes. E. I want some help. F. Where are you read

47、ing? G Can you make cakes? A: Jim! (1) ? B: I m reading an English book. A: Can you come here, please? (2) . B: Certainly Mum! (3) . Oh, what are you making? A: (4). B: Let me help you ,Mum. (5). A: Let put the cakes on that table. B: Ok, Mum! 10 4.Writing 写一篇介绍中国不同地区气状况以及人们在不同天气状况下干些什么,有什么感受的短文。要求十句 以上,字数控制在70-100 字。


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