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1、Unit 1 A land of diversity,假设国庆节那天(周日),你带着外国朋友Jack到青岛海边游玩。请根据下面表格中的游览顺序,写一篇英文日记来描述一下你们游玩的经过。,【写作要求】 1必须使用5个句子表达以上全部内容; 2将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。 参考词汇:海鲜 seafood; 啤酒城 Beer Castle; 烧烤 barbecue,Sunday, October 1Fine Today, I with my foreign friend Jack, visited some places of interest in Qingdao. Early in the mo

2、rning, we first went to the attractive seaside, where we took some photos, walked on the sands and swam in the sea as much as we liked. At noon, we visited the famous Beer Castle and ate much delicious seafood and barbecue there, drinking the wellknown Qingdao,Beer, from which we learned more about

3、this modern city. After lunch, we drove to Mountain Lao and on the mountain we enjoyed the wonderful scenery of green trees and white clouds. We were both completely exhausted but happy, because we spent an unforgettable National Day.,1. n. 手段;方法 2. n. 大多数;大半 3. vt. 选择;决定做某事;选举某人 4. n. 繁荣 vi. 处于经济迅速

4、发展时期 5. adj. 人种的;种族的 6. n. 申请人 7. vi. 发生;出现,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,means majority elect boom racial applicant occur,8. vt. 指出;标示;表明;暗示 9. adj. 显而易见的;表面上的 10. vi. 滑动;滑行;滑跤 n. 滑动 11. n. 渡船;渡口 vt. 渡运 12. vt. & n. 租用;雇用 13. adv. 无处 14. n. 处罚;惩罚,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,indicate apparent slip ferry hire nowhere punishment,1

5、5. adj. 公民的;国内的;民间的 16. n. 权威;权力 (pl.) 当局;官方 17. v. & n. 改革;改造 18. vt. & n. 抓住;抓紧; 掌握;领会 19. adj. 感激的;感谢的 20. vt. 插入;嵌入,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,civil authority reform grasp thankful insert,用方法;借助 2. 申请;请示得到 3. 向宣战 4. 包括;吸收 5. 许多;很多 6. 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 7. 坚持;沿袭;维持,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,by means of apply for declare war o

6、n take in a great / good many make a life (for sb.) keep up,8. 背靠背 9. 与合作或一起工作 10. 画线;标出界线 11. 继续存在;继续生存,_ _ _ _,back to back team up with mark out live on,1.Exactly when the first people arrived in _ we now know as California, no one really knows. 2.In the early 1880s, Russian hunters, _ had origin

7、ally gone to Alaska, began settling in California.,what,who,3.Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, _ the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast _ brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s.,that,it was,1. means n. 手段;方法(单复数相同) Rad

8、io and television are important means of communication. 无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。,means of transport 交通方式 by means of 用,依靠,借助于 by no means 绝不,并没有 by all means 务必,一定;当然可以 by any means 无论如何 by this means 用这种办法,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)你去博物馆使用什么交通工具? _ will you use to get to the museum? (2)这绝不是你第一次迟到了。 This is _ the fir

9、st time you have been late.,What means of transport,by no means,2. applicant n. 申请人;申请 As the wages were low, there were few applicants for the job. 因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。,apply v. 申请;应用 application n. 申请; 应用,用途 apply for 申请 apply to 运用;使用 applyto 将应用到,用适当的介词填空 (1)这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。 In this way they c

10、an better apply theory _ practice. (2)需票者可亲自来申请亦可来信索取。 You may apply _ tickets in person or by letter.,to,for,3. react vi. 作出反应,回应 How did they react to your suggestion? 他们对你的建议有什么反应?,reaction n. 反应;化学反应;不良反应;反对 react to / towards sth. 作出反应 react with sth. 与某物起化学反应 react to sth. 对(食物)有不良反应 react aga

11、inst sb. / sth. 反对某人/事,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)狗摇尾巴以报答人们的爱护。 A dog _ peoples kindness by wagging its tail. (2)水与水箱中的铁质产生化学反应。 The water was _ the ferreous iron in the tank.,reacts to,reacting with,(3)孩子们有时反对他们的父母相信的事情。 Children sometimes _ the things their parents believe in.,react against,4. occur vi. 发生;

12、出现;存在 That plane crash occurred only minutes after takeoff. 空难在起飞几分钟后就发生了。,happen, occur, take place与come about happen 作“发生”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。 sth. happens to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 但有时还表示“碰巧,恰好”。 happen to do sth. 恰巧做某事 occur 作“发生”解,其意义相当于 happen;此,外occur还有“想到,突然想起”之意,常用sth. occurs to sb.,此时不能用happen代替。 take p

13、lace 表示“发生,举行,举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。 come about 表示“发生,产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,注重原因,常用于疑问句和否定句,常与how连用。,.根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)这一地区经常发生地震。 Earthquakes _ frequently in this area. (2)这种植物不能在这里生存。 Such plants _ here. (3)他突然想出了一个办法。 Suddenly an idea _ him.,occur,dont occur,occurred to,(4)我想到

14、要去看看我的老师。 It _ to visit my teacher. (5)我就要离开时,我想起来忘了带钥匙。 Just as I was leaving the house, _ _I had forgotten my keys.,occurred to me,it occurred to me that,.用happen, occur, take place和come about填空 (6)It _ to me that she didnt know I had moved into the new house. (7)Great changes have _ in our hometo

15、wn during the past ten years. (8)I _ to see him on my way home. (9)Ill never understand how it _ that you were late three times a week.,taken place,happened,came about,occurred,mark out 标出界线,画线 I often mark out what I regard as important in a book. 我常在书上把我所认为要紧的地方标出。 be marked by 具有的特征 be marked on标

16、记在 mark time 混时间,消磨时间;等待时机 mark off 区别,区分,mark down 记下 mark up 给加价;在上写评注,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)她的写作的一个特点是冷嘲热讽。 Her writing _ a subtle irony. (2)我只是等待时机直到一个更好的工作出现。 I _ until a better job came up.,is marked by,was just marking time,(3)排球场已经在草坪画了出来。 A volleyball court _ on the grassland. (4)有一种专为旅游者制定的极好的驾

17、车游活动。 Theres a great drive _ tourists.,marked out for,has been marked out,Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, it was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s. 虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始到来了,但

18、是更大批量的中国移民却是在19世纪60年代为修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。,文化(读写任务) 2010年6月,随着“端午节起源”事件所引发的讨论,文化这个话题又大热起来。文化是一个非常广泛的概念,所涉及的比较热点的问题如:传统文化的流失;如何保护传统文化;文化的重要意义;文化冲击;中西方文化的差异等。,实用表达: traditional culture 传统文化 the importance of culture protection 保护文化的重要性 treasure traditional culture 珍惜传统文化 a culture exchange 文化交流 culture s

19、hock 文化冲击 raise the awareness of 增强的意识,culture difference 文化差异 treat sth. in a fair way 公平对待某事 different cultures and histories 不同的文化和历史 have impacts on 对有影响 It is undeniable that 毫无疑问 Misunderstanding between races is reduced. 不同国家间的误解减少了。 Protecting traditional cultures is protecting ourselves. 保护

20、传统文化就是保护我们自己。,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Australia is not an old country. Many years past, the people in Australia become a nation. Then in 1901, the Commonwealth of Australia was found. Australia became a country. But before the white came to this land, Aboriginals have lived there more than 42,

21、000 years. When the white,came to Australia, Aboriginals painful memory began. In early Australia, Aboriginals were very misery. Their life was changed when the white came. The white brought death, illness. The Aboriginal were ruled by the white, having no right. And the white want to break the Abor

22、iginals own life. The white want to cut the Aboriginals culture and let them become white. Then Aboriginal will become white, and they will lose their culture. Aboriginal will disappear from the earth. We,can know this from the film named “Rabbit Proof Fence”. Now the plan is stopped, Aboriginals ca

23、n live their life. Until 1967, Australia people voted to pass a law, which protects Aboriginal. From that time on, Aboriginal have their right.,【写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的要点。 2然后用约120个词就“怎么看待不同的历史、文化”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括下面要点: (1)不同的历史文化的存在是非常必要的。 (2)对不同历史文化的保护,是对人类社会历史的承认; (3)作为学生,我们应该做些什么?,【写作要求】 1作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或

24、虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2标题自定。,该篇读写任务所给文章介绍了澳大利亚政府对本国土著居民先后不同的态度。在概括时要包含以下要点:In early Australia, Aboriginals were very misery. Their life is changed when the white came. / Now the plan is stopped, Aboriginals can live their life. Until 1967, Australia people voted pass the law, which protec

25、ts Aboriginals. From that time on, Aboriginals have their right.,写作要点要讨论“怎么看待不同的历史、文化”问题,属于评论性文字和结论性的观点,故用一般现在时或一般将来时态。对于要点(1)“不同的历史文化的存在是非常必要的”和要点(2)“对不同历史文化的保护,是对人类社会历史的承认”,都属于说明性的问题,我们除了要陈述这两层意思之外,还要用一定篇幅来谈不同的历史文化存在的必要性,比如不同的文化让我们的生活丰富多彩等,这样才不会让,我们的论点抽象、空洞,内容干瘪。要点(3)“作为学生,我们应该做些什么?”是对“保护历史文化”而言,在

26、这个要求层面下,我们可以从增强保护历史文化的意识以及积极响应一些保护历史文化的措施进行阐述。,We Should Treat the History in a Fair Way In the passage, we know that the white destroyed the history of the Aboriginals, which caused a serious result. And later the Australian does their best to protect this oldest human culture. I agree with the vie

27、w that the Australian people have taken action to protect the history of the Aboriginals. All the cultures are the wealth which our ancestors left to us. Different cultures and histories make a wonderful world,which can lead us to a happy life. So it is necessary for them to exist in our world. Ever

28、y one of us has the responsibilities to protect them,for to protect them is to take humans history seriously. As students, we should have the awareness of protecting the cultures of our nation. And we should do everything to help the government with the protection of the culture.,阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇15

29、0词左右的英语短文。 China is a multiethnic nation, with 5,000 years of history and a splendid ancient civilization. This has endowed the country with extremely rich cultural heritage. But, with changes in peoples work habits and lifestyles, many traditional and folk cultures are on the verge of extinction.,T

30、o protect such intangible cultural heritage, so that communities and groups have a sense of identity and continuity, the country has made a lot of efforts in recent years, including making laws in this regard. At the ongoing annual session of the National Peoples Congress, some deputies are discussi

31、ng ways to better protect the treasures of our nation.,【写作内容】 某中学生英文报就“保护中国传统文化”为主题举行英语征文活动。你阅读了上述文章后,准备给该报投稿,稿件内容包括: 1以约30个词概括以上短文内容。 2然后以约120个词谈谈你的观点,并包括以下要点: (1)保护中国传统文化的重要性; (2)列举12个你所知道的国家或当地政府文化保,护的事例; (3)谈谈你对文化保护的建议。 【写作要求】 1作文中可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2标题自定。 _,One possi

32、ble version: Protect Traditional Chinese Culture The passage tells us traditional Chinese culture, which is challenged or facing extinction because of the developing society and changing lifestyle. But to our delight, China is nationwide sparing no effort to protect it. The protection of national an

33、d folk culture is of,great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. It is reported that the Guangdong government pays special attention to protecting Chaoju(潮剧), a local drama born in Chaozhou in the eastern Guan

34、gdong province. In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture effectively. To start with, we should make a law to regulate the societys performance.,Besides, we should draw more peoples attention to it, for the more they know about the importance of culture protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public. In a word, it is high time for us to treasure and develop our own valuable culture.,


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