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1、用心爱心专心 1 第 1 课时 Unit 1 课时预览 I. 重点词汇: healthy orange drink fruit vegetable beef carrot chicken juice melon milk onion pork potato tomato II.重点句式: -Have we/they got any oranges? -Yes, weve /theyve got some oranges. 厚积薄发 I. 用 some 和 any 填空 , 补全对话。 A: What do you eat for breakfast? B: Well, first, I hav

2、e fruit, _ grapes and strawberries. A: That sounds good . Do you have _ eggs or meat ? B: No, I dont eat _ eggs or meat in the morning. A: What else do you have ? B: I have _ bread, but I dont use _ butter. A: What do you think? B: I have _ juice and coffee. I dont use _ sugar in my coffee, but I li

3、ke _ milk. II. 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. We have got some _(西红柿 ) . 2. Please give me a _ (哈密瓜 ) . 3. Has he got a box of _(牛奶 )? 4. There isnt a glass of _ (果汁 ) on the desk . 5. Apples, pears are _ (水果 ) . 6. Do you like _ (胡萝卜 ) ? 7. There is _(一个 )onion in the basket. III用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Ice cream is _ (

4、health) food. 2. I have got many _ (potato) in my bag. 3. Milk and water are healthy _(drink). 2 4. I want to eat some _ (chicken). 5. There are some _ (melon) on the table. IV. 按要求完成改写后的句子。 1. We have got some juice. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ juice ? 2. Have they got any carrots? (作否定回答 ) _, they _ . 3.

5、We ve got some melons.(改为否定句) We melons. 4. Have they got any beef? (作肯定回答) , . 5. have, not, carrots, They, got, any (连词成句 ) _. 拓展提高 V. 完形填空。 My name 1 Dan and I have two 2 , Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers 3 lunch. Bob and I 4 French fries but Ray 5 . I dont like 6 for breakfast, 7 Bob and Ray 8 .

6、 I like fruit for breakfast. 9 really like chicken 10 salad for dinner. 1. A. is B. am C. are D. call 2. A. brother B. sister C. eggs D. brothers 3. A. on B. at C. for D. in 4. A. like B. likes C. eats D. loves 5. A. do B. don t C. does D. doesn t 6. A. a egg B. egg C. eggs D. egges 7. A. or B. and

7、C. for D. but 8. A. do B. don t C. does D. doesn t 9. A. They B. them C. We D. us 10. A. or B. but C. and D. of 第 2 课时 Unit 2 课时预览 用心爱心专心 3 I. 重点词汇: favourite noodle candy Coke hamburger ice cream unhealthy II.重点句式: Meat and fish are healthy food. Coke isnt a healthy drink. Whats your favourite food

8、 and drink? 厚积薄发 I. 选择填空。 1. There are many _ on the table. A. carrots B. beef C. chicken 2. Have you got any hamburgers _ candy? A. but B. or C. and 3. -What s your favorite fruit? -_. A. Potatoes B. Beef C. Oranges 4. -_ they _ any tomatoes? -Yes, they have. A. Do; have B. Are; have C. Have; got 5

9、. -_ she got any drinks? -No, she _. A. Have; haven tB. Has; hasn t C. Is there; isn t 6. We have some _ in the fridge(冰箱 ). A. meat B. meats C. juices D. milks II 按要求完成改写后的句子。 1. Coke isnt a healthy drink. (改为同义句 ) Coke is _ _ drink. 2. There is some fish on the table. (改为同义句 ) We _ _ some fish on

10、the table. 3. Her favourite food is noodles. (对画线部分提问) her favourite food? 4. They have got some onions and carrots. (改为否定句 ) They _ got _ onions _ carrots. III. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 1. 肉和鱼是健康的食物? 4 _ and _ are _ food. 2. 可乐不是健康的饮料? _ isn t a _ drink. 3. 汉堡包不是健康的食物? _ are _ food. 4. 你最喜爱的食物和饮料是什么? What s y

11、our _ food and _? 5. 面条是健康的食物,但糖果不是健康的食物。 _ are _food, _ _ isnt _ food 拓展提高 IV从方框中选出正确的词完成短文 there too think want son Mr. and Mrs. King have two daughters. They love their daughters very much. But they also want a 1_. Mrs. King is expecting (期盼) a baby. “Maybe its a boy, ” Mr. and Mrs. King 2 _. Mrs

12、. King goes to see the doctor. The doctor says, “3_ are four babies! ”“Four babies! ” Mrs. King says. “Maybe one baby is a boy! ” Mrs. King goes to the hospital. First baby is born. “Its a girl!” the doctor says.The second baby is born. “Its a girl, 4_. ” the doctor says. The third baby is born, “It

13、s a girl!” the doctor says. The fourth baby is born. “Another girl!” the doctor says. All four babies are girls. Now Mr. and Mrs. King have six daughters. Do they 5_ more babies, maybe a son? “No,” Mr. and Mrs. King say, “Were happy with six daughters. ” 第 3 课时 Unit 3 课时预览 I. 重点词汇: fridge II.重点句式: W

14、e have got some meat in the fridge. 用心爱心专心 5 They are healthy food and drinks. 厚积薄发 I. 把下列单词变成复数形式。 1. apple _ 2. potato _ 3. noodle _ 4. tomato _ 5. carrot _ 6. egg _ 7. hamburger _ 8. orange _ 9. onion _ II. 根据汉语意思填写单词。 1. We got some meat in the _(冰箱 ). 2. They have got some _(西红柿 ). 3. Apples ar

15、e _(健康的 )food. 4. Have we got any_(水果 )? 5. Would you like _(中国的 )food. III连词成句。 (注意大小写和标点) 1. vegetables, we, in, have, fridge, the, got, some _ 2. chicken, have, some, got, they, fridge, the, in _ 3. is, ice cream, healthy, not, food _ 4. favourite, your, drink, is, what _ 5. not, beef, have, got,

16、 any, they _ 拓展提高 IV 情景对话 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,其中有两项是多余的。 A. What s your favourite drink? B. Milk and juice are healthy drink. C. Have you got any fruit? D. Are they healthy drinks? E. Have you got any juice? F. Let s go and buy some fruit and milk. G. I have got some healthy food. 6 Kate: Hello, Peter.

17、(1)_ Peter: No, I havent got any fruit, but I have got some vegetables in the fridge. Kate: (2) _ Peter: Yes, I have got some apple juice. Kate: (3) _ Peter: Coke and orange juice. Kate: (4)_ Peter: Orange juice is a healthy drink, but Coke isnt. Kate: Oh, there isnt any milk for lunch. (5)_ Peter:

18、OK. Lets go. V把下列名词归类。 pork apple beef chicken food drink coke banana juice vegetable tomato potato carrot noodle egg water melon onion eggplant milk candy rice meat 可数名词: 不可数名词: 复习课时 Module 5 模块预览 I. 重点词汇:掌握并灵活运用本模块词汇表中的黑体单词和重点短语。 II.重点语法 : 可数名词和不可数名词的用法。 厚积薄发 用心爱心专心 7 I. 连词成句。 1. they, got, any, h

19、ave, juice ? 2. is, some, melons, there, and, a , carrot . 3. we, vegetables, eat, some, day, every . 4. grandfather, old, is, but, he, healthy, is . 5. you, got, any, have, eggs, fridge, the , in ? II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I have got two _ (tomato). 2. There are forty _ (woman teacher) in our school. 3.

20、 There _ (be) some fruit and two apples in the fridge. 4. Noodles _ (be) healthy food. 5. Have you got any water _ (drink)? 6. Please give me two _ (potato). 7. How many _ (carrot) are there on the table ? 8. Are these _ (onion) yours ? III. 选择填空。 1. I don t like hamburgers , coke _ juice. A. and B.

21、 so C. or D. but 2. There isn t _ water here. Could you get _ for me ? A. some, some B. any , any C. some ,any D. any ,some 3. Here _ three _ of his family. A. is, photo B. are, photoes C. are , photos D. is , photos 4. There aren t any _ in the basket. A. pork B. beef C. melons D. milk 5. There is

22、_ juice in the bottle. A. an B. a C. some D. any 8 6. - What s your favourite vegetable? - _ . A. Hamburgers B. Tomatoes C. Bananas D. Egg 拓展提高 IV. 阅读理解。 Uncle Lee is coming to have dinner with us. Mum and I go shopping. We dont have any meat (肉). We need to buy some. Its ten yuan a kilo before ( 以前

23、 ). But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, “Mum, lets buy some fish.” Mum answers, “OK.” Fish is Uncle Lees favorite food. We buy one kilo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we dont buy any hamburgers. Uncle Lee doesnt like them at all. Mum also wants to buy me some appl

24、es. You know, I like apples very much. But we cant find any. We go home at a quarter to five in the afternoon. 1. How much is meat now? A. Ten yuan a kilo. B. Fifteen yuan a kilo C. Thirty yuan a kilo 2. What doesnt mum buy? A. meat B. chicken C. hamburgers 3. Uncle Lees favorite food is _. A. fish B. chicken C. noodles 4. The writers (作者的 ) favorite fruit (水果 ) is _. A. apples B. bananas C. oranges 5. What time do they go home? A. at 5:15 B. at 4:45 C. at 5:45 V. 书面表达。 请以“ My favorite food and drink”为题,写一篇50 词左右的短文。 My favorite food and drink 用心爱心专心 9


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