高考英语二轮复习课件:专题11 情景交际.ppt

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《高考英语二轮复习课件:专题11 情景交际.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习课件:专题11 情景交际.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、专题十一 情景交际,一、感谢和应答(Thanks and responses) 常用表达法: 1Thank you(very much)/Thanks a lot./Many thanks./Thanks for./I really dont know how I can thank you enough. 2Its very kind of you to./Not at all./Its/Thats all right (OK)/Youre welcome./Im very glad you enjoyed it./Its a pleasure./My pleasure./Please do

2、nt mention it./It was nothing./Forget it.,特别提醒: 感谢的表达法在国外几乎用于一切场合,家人之间、陌生人之间、师生之间等等,哪怕是一件小事情,甚至是理所当然的事,也得说声谢谢。但不能“谢”得过头,否则会被认为是一种不真诚,更不要照搬中国的“道歉式致谢”方式,如:Im sorry to have wasted your time. 在大多数场合,仅说:“Thanks”;“Thank you”; “Thanks a lot” 是不够的,还需说些其他表示感激和非常高兴之类的话。如感谢别人的宴请,可以这么说:“The dinner was delicious

3、. Thank you for your invitation.”,二、道歉、遗憾和应答(Apologies, regrets, sympathies & responses) 常用表达法: 1Sorry/Pardon. Im terribly/awfully sorry./Im sorry for (about) Im sorry to./to have done that. I apologize. Forgive me (for.) I really didnt mean that at all. 2Excuse me (for.) be afraid that. What a pity

4、/shame!/Its a pity that.,3Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Thats nothing. Dont worry about it. Never mind./Forget it. It cant be helped. Its OK. It really isnt worth mentioning.,特别提醒: 道歉场合很多,用语也很多,有时候,在一些特殊情况下,我们也得考虑要求别人为某人或某事道歉。比如我们有时觉得朋友受到不公正待遇时,可以理直气壮地向对方说:“Im sorry, but I have to say that you

5、owe my friend an apology./Apologize to him for your rudeness.” 无论是向别人道歉还是回答别人的道歉,一定要注意语言和表情的一致性,即神情一定要诚恳,另外,说道歉用语时,一律用降调。,三、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 常用表达法: 1Will you come to.? Would you like to.? Id like to invite you to. Wed be very pleased if you could come to dinner this evening. Why dont

6、 you.? Perhaps youd care to.?,2(1)Oh./Sure, why not? OK. Thats terrific/a great idea. That sounds very nice. Yes, Id love to(.) Yes, its very kind/nice of you. (2)Id love to, but. Im really sorry, I cant. Im afraid I cant because.,注意:如果不是见面时的临时邀请,在西方,特别是关系不是很亲近的人,往往在一到两个星期前提出,以便对方能调整自己的时间表。 无论是书面还是口

7、头邀请,都有多种表达法,但要注意避免使用命令式的口气。如:You come to our dinner this evening. 在被邀请时,如若不去,应当找出适当的理由向对方说明,免得对方误认为你不愿意与其交往。当然作为邀请者,你也可以在表示遗憾时,对他说没关系,以后还可以找机会。,四、提供(帮助等)和应答(offers and responses) 常用表达法: 1Can/Could/Shall I help you? Would you like me to.? Is there anything(else) I can do for you? Do you want me to.?

8、What can I do for you? Let me do/carry/help.(for you) Would you like some.?,2(1) Thanks. That would be nice/fine. Thats very kind of you. Thank you for your help. Yes, please. Here, take this/my. (2)No, thanks/thank you. No, thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself. Thank you all the same. Thats ver

9、y kind of you, but.,五、请求、允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses) 常用表达法: 1May I? Can/Could I? I wonder if I could. Would/Do you mind if I opened/open the window? May I ask a favor of you? Would you do me a favor? Be kind enough to tell me the truth.,2(1)Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes, (do) please. Of cou

10、rse (you may) Go ahead, Please. Thats OK/all right. Not at all. Well, if I can. Id be glad to. With pleasure.,(2)Im sorry, you cant. Im sorry, but. Youd better not. Id like to, but I,特别提醒: 在此类交际项目的肯定表达中,“With pleasure”一定是与表示回答感谢的“Its a pleasure”或“My pleasure”区别开来。,名校模拟演练,1(山东潍坊质量监测)Do remember to ca

11、rry the bike into the room in case it rains. _. AOf course not BTake your time CGot it DDont mention it 解析:考查交际用语。一定记得把自行车放进房子里以防下雨。明白。get it“明白,知道”。 答案:C,2(安徽皖南八校二联)Is there anything I can do for you, sir? _, but Im being served. AOh, you are a nice girl BThats all right CIts very kind of you DThan

12、k, you all the same 答案:D,解析:考查情景交际。根据语境可知“已经有人招呼我了”。对别人的主动帮助婉言拒绝时可以用“Thank you all the same”,意为“同样感谢”。,3(长春调研)Hello! Is Mr Fred available? _ AI am Mr Fred. BSpeaking CWho are you? DWho are you looking for 解析:考查交际用语。打电话时如果自己就是对方要找的人,可以说“This is.speaking.”或者简略地说“Speaking.” 答案:B,4(江西抚州地区联考)Im afraid th

13、at I cant finish the task as soon as planned. _. ADont be afraid BDont mention it CI suppose so DTake your time 解析:考查交际用语。从语意看,Im afraid委婉地提出了自己的担心,因此本题选D,表示劝对方别着急,慢慢来。B用来回答别人的感谢,C表示“我想是这样的”,不符合语意。 答案:D,5(河北辛集中学)Excuse me, can you spare me a few minutes? _? AWhats on BWhat is it CWhats up DWhats mor

14、e 解析:考查交际用语。对方询问是否能抽时间和他谈几句,因此选C项回答,“有什么事”。 答案:C,6(重庆一中)Can you accompany your little brother to the post office now? _, if he is ready. ABy all means BNo way CMy pleasure DIn no case 解析:考查交际用语。by all means一定,务必。no way决不;my pleasure不客气,很荣幸,回答他人道谢时的用语;in no case决不,无论如何不。 答案:A,7(山西实验中学)You must have h

15、ad a good time at the party last night, didnt you? _. Actually, it was a bit boring. AOh, great BI suppose so CNot really DThats OK 解析:考查交际用语。依据下文的“事实上,晚会有点乏味”可知,C选项符合题意。 答案:C,8(黄冈中学)Its a shame to ask you to lend me more money, but. _. You really need money to keep on with your education. AForget i

16、t BDont be silly CDont mention it DNo way 解析:考查情景交际。根据语境可知,此处表示对方的想法“荒谬、愚蠢”,也就是愿意为对方提供帮助。Forget it用来回答别人的致歉或用来拒绝某人;Dont mention it往往用来回答别人的道谢;No way用来拒绝别人的请求。 答案:B,9(郑州一中)How do you find the new book by JK. Rowling? _. I guess she is out of her talent. AWith the help of my mother BBy accident CVery

17、boring DIn the library 解析:“How do you find.”表示“你认为怎么样”,因此只有very boring符合题意。 答案:C,10(陕西西安质检)Wont you go to the football tonight? _. I might stay at home watching it live on TV instead. AId rather not BIm not sure CI guess so DId love to 解析:考查交际用语。根据答语中的might stay可知,B项符合语境。今晚你不去看足球比赛吗?不确定啊。可能会待在家里看电视直播。 答案:B,


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