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1、Unit7 A Christmas Carol The First Period Teaching aims: Enable the students to appreciate the works of Dickens and succeed in mastering the target language. 1. To develop the students reading ability by practicing skimming and detailed reading skills. 2. To enable the students to analyze the charact

2、ers and enjoy the play A Christmas Carol. 3.To help the students to have a better understanding about Charles Dickens and his great works. Teaching important points Learn how to analyze the characters in the play. Teaching difficult points Help the students get the spirits of the play. Teaching meth

3、ods 1、Talking 2、Discussing 3、Students-centered approach Teaching aids A computer and a projector Teaching procedures I didn t do that at all.你误会我了,我根本没那么做。 The wrong you did to me was great_ 。 5afford 这本书太贵了,我买不起。_ I can t afford to buy the expensive book._。 6be badly off 意思是 poor, not having enough

4、 of sth, 一般不置于名词前 be well off 意思是 rich Because of heavy debts, he is _.因为沉重的债务,所以他很穷。 我不知道什么时候我才能富有。_ 7. close up The old street has now been closed up since the new one was open to public use. 自从新街道开通以来,那条旧街道已经封闭了。 The teacher told the children to close up to each other near the campfire and then b

5、egan his story.老师让孩子们在篝火旁互相挨紧些,然后开始讲故事。 Step 3 Exercises Fill in the blanks with phrases. 1.When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were _food and water supplies. 2.The film A World Without Thieves enjoyed a great success and_ a large profit to the cinema. 3.A breath of fresh

6、air often _our health _ 4.They don t seem too _-they have smart clothes and a nice house. 5. _ being kind, he was most cruel. 6. My father _a good horse. 7.I , _, envy you because you can work and choose your work. 8.I haven t seen him _, for he is engaged in unemployment surveys. Teaching record: T

7、he Third Period Integrating Skills Teaching aims and demands Talking about social responsibilities (1) Business is not only about making money and profits (2) We should care for other people (3) It s necessary for employers to care about their employees and their families (4) Rich people should help

8、 poor people in society (5) People who make and sell fake food products and medicine must be punished (6) Companies must take necessary measures to improve working conditions to protect the people working for them. (7) We cannot only think about ourselves, and we should open our hearts freely and th

9、ink of others. Teaching important points Learn how to analyze the characters in the play. Teaching difficult points Help the students get the spirits of the play. Teaching methods 1、Talking 2、 Discussing 3、 Students-centered approach Teaching aids A computer and a projector Teaching procedures & way

10、s: Step 1 Scanning &analysis Divide the play into 3 parts. Try to find out what caused Scrooge to turn over a new leaf. Find out something about the first scene Place:_ The place where Scrooge live once lived. The time when Scrooge was young. Time: Young scrooge and his girlfriend. The girl wanted t

11、o be separated from Scrooge Characters: Scrooge cared nothing except money Event:He felt very uneasy. Reasons: Second scene, Scrooge saw the Christmas party held in Bob Cratchit s houses. Judge the following sentences True of False . 1.In the dream it was Christmas Eve and the Cratchits were having

12、a Christmas dinner. T 2. In the dream Tiny was ill b ut his father couldn t afford the medicine for him. T 3. These things really happened to the Cratchits. F 4. On seeing the scene Scrooge wanted to change his life. T 5. Scrooge ordered a big Christmas tree for the cratchits . F Scene 3 From here w

13、e say the Scrooge turned over a new leaf. How did Bob Cratchit feel when he saw Scrooge and his turkey ? D A. Satisfied B. Interested C. Angry D. Surprised He hadn t expected that Scrooge would be so generous Step 3 Practice (A) Fill in the blanks with words. 1.I haven t done anything wrong, so I ve

14、 got a good conscience . 2.There are abundant supplies of firewood in the forest. 3. It was a small country house but it was large by urban standards. 4.The pretty girl left him because his ambition to become wealthy was the only thing he cared about. 5.The taxpayer promised to care for the welfare

15、and the working conditions of his clerk with kindness , generosity and warmth. 6.With A Christmas Carol , Dickens wished to show how selfish, cold-hearted and mean people can be changed into caring , kind-hearted people with social conscience through moral persuasion. 7.The composer dreamed of his d

16、ead partner, who died that very eight years ago. (B) Fill in the blanks with phrases. 1.When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were in want of food and water supplies. 2.The film A World Without Thieves enjoyed a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema. 3.A

17、breath of fresh air often does our health a lot of good. 4.They don t seem too badly off-they have smart clothes and a nice house. 5. Far from being kind, he was most cruel. 6. My father has an eye for a good horse. 7.I , on the contrary, envy you because you can work and choose your work. 8.I haven

18、 t seen him of late, for he is engaged in unemployment surveys. (C) Multiple choice. 1. _ in a dark room, the little girl was so frightened that she cried her eyes out. A. Leaving alone B. Left alone C. Being left alone D. To be left alone 2.-I ll ask our physics teacher to explain Newton s Second L

19、aw of Motion she taught us yesterday. -That s just _ most of the students still have doubt. A. where B. why C. how D. what 3. Because the shop_, all the T-shirts are sold at half price. A. has closed up B. had closed up C. is closing down D. closed down 4. - We didn t find Dan attending the lecture.

20、 -No one _ him about _ a lecture the following day. A.told, there to be B. had told, there to be C. told, there was D. had told, there being 5. Everything in the universe undergoes _ development and change . A. constant B. continuous C. continual D. continued 6. -What about going out this evening? -

21、Oh, I don t know . I ve got a bit of a headache. And _ , John s coming to see me, so I ought to stay in. A. however B. anybody C. anyway D.though 7. Rose is _ a translation of a French novel. A. occupied with B. engaged with C. absorbed to D. busy in 8.-I d like to go to t he movie with you, Dad. -Sorry, my son, but only the grown-ups are _ into the cinema. A. required B. intended C. supposed D. admitted


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