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1、http:/ 高三英语检测题(Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit8 ) 满分 : 120 分时间 : 100 分钟 基础知识(共 65 分) 单句改错(每题只有一处错,5 分) 1.We are in a great want of building materials. _ 2.Let s toast for the New Year with a glass of beer. _ 3.Johnny, you won t play with your knife, you may hurt yourself. _ 4.My brother is a very promised doct

2、or. _ 5.If untreating, the disease will result in total blindness. _ 词组翻译(10 分) 1 不管,不理会 2 获利润 3 使自己适应 4 不分,不顾 5 整天 6 泄气,灰心 7 放松点,别紧张 8 运用,应用 9 换句话说,换言之 10加起来 介词,副词填空(每空一个词10 分) 1.-Thank you very much _ helping to repair my computer. -That s all right. Thanks _ your letter, I can come in time and re

3、pair it for you. 2._ more and more forests destroyed , some animals are facing the danger of dying out. 3.I will go to attend the meeting on condition that it clears _ tomorrow. 4.Little by little I have found my neighbor _ great help to my work and study. 5.He occupied himself _ writing letter. 6.T

4、he man died _ want _ water. 7.Put what they know _ better use. 8.We learn this _ communicating _ others. 9.Thanks _ the help of tens of thousands of PLA soldiers, many large areas were saved _ floods. 10. He was admitted _ the party. 动词填空(用正确的形式,每空不一定只填一个词5 分) 1 My friends did what they could _ (hel

5、p) me out when I was in difficulty. 2 Professor Wang once _ (work) in Africa with wild animals for eight years. 3 - English has a large vocabulary, hasn t it ? - Yes. _ (know) more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and http:/ communicate. 4. Tom said he was healthy and he did

6、n t want himself _ (examine). 5. She listened to the music with her eyes _ (bathe) in tears. 单选(20 分) 1. I hear you are going to _ that job in the accounts department. A. go over B. go for C. go through D. go along with 2. Now a lot of new technologies can _ problems in industry. A. be applied to so

7、lve B. be applied to solving C. apply to solve D. apply to solving 3. When considering how to settle the problem, the most important factor-weather, he had _. A. left out B. left behind C. left off D. left over 4. -Is there anything wrong with the baby? -Nothing serious. _. A. Take your time B. Take

8、 it easy C. Take easyD. Take thing easy 5. In the end, after four years of civil war, slavery was _. A. come to an end B. put to an end C. ended over D. bring to an end 6. After I stood in the room for a moment, my eyes slowly _ the gloom. A. grew accustomed to B. was accustomed to C. grew familiar

9、to D. was familiar to 7. I haven t done anything wrong- I ve got a good _ A.confidence B. innocence C. consciousness D. conscience. 8. I don t know whether it was lost or stolen; _, it is gone. A.anyway B. anybody C. however D. though. 9. They are trying to discover a land abundant _ minerals, that

10、is, a land having minerals _ abundance. A. in, in B. to, in C. in; to D. to, to 10. - I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. -_. It was her fault. A.Not possible B. Not at all C. No chance D. No way 11. When they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were _ food and wate

11、r supplies. A. in want of B in praise of C. in honour of D. in place of 12. -Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday? -_. AThey were not nervous at all B They were still young CThey played naturally D They couldnt have done better 13. John plays football _ , if not better than , Da

12、vid. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as 14. Finnish President said Finland-China relations had progressed _ with fruitful co-operation in new and high-tech fields. A. peacefully B. highly C. quietly D. smoothly. 15. .I really dont know _ I had my money stolen. A. when was it that B. t

13、hat it was when C. where it was that D. it was where that 16 .-Waiter! -_ http:/ -I cant eat this. Its too salty. A. Yes, sir? B. What C. All right? D. Pardon? 17. Dont turn to your dictionary _ you come across a new word that you dont know while reading. A. at the moment B. at any time C. at every

14、time D. every time 18. The farmer who admitted_the tiger was severely punished. A. to kill B. killing C. killed D. to have killed 19. Mary hopes to make friends with_ shares her interests. A. whomever B. whoever C. those D. who 20.-Sorry to have kept you waiting. -Thats all right. I _ here only a fe

15、w minutes ago. A. was B. came C. have been D. come 单词拼写(15 分) 1They didn t lose heart even though they were in a _( 绝望的 ) state. 2There are a_ supplies of firewood for the winter in the house. We won t suffer cold. 3I think he won t stay in the small firm long. He is a young man full of a_. 4The old

16、 couple decided to a_ the poor girl though they had three children of their own. 5The clerk was so a_ about her daughter s safety that he didn t have any sleep last night. 6You will soon get a_ to the life here. 7The Chinese celebrated the 56 a_ of the founding of the PRC. 8Dolphins(海豚) use sound to

17、 c_ with each other. 9Children are c_ about everything round them. 10I ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little p_. 11. We aim at q_ rather than quantity. 12. I am pleased that he gladly a_ our invitation. 13. Dont w_ your money on silly things. 14.I r_ Mike the moment I saw h

18、im. 15. She looks f_ to me, but I dont remember her names. 能力提高(55 分) 完形填空(10 分) Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America It s the one about teacher standing in the schoolroom door waving goodbye to students for the summer holiday and calling 1 them

19、, “By the way, we won World War II ” The problem with the joke , of course, is that it s 2 funny The recent surveys on historial illiteracy( 无知 )are beginning to numb(令人震惊 ):nearly one third of American 17-year-olds cannot even identify which countries the United States attacked against in that WarO

20、ne third have no 3 when the Declaration of Independence was 4 One third thought Columbus reached the New World after 1750Two thirds cannot correctly 5 the Civil War between 1850 and 19006 when they get the answers right,some are 7guessing http:/ Unlike math or science,ignorance of history cannot be

21、directly connected to loss of international competitiveness . But it does affect our future so a democratic nation and as individuals The 8 news is that there is growing agreement 9 what is wrong with the teaching of history and what needs to be 10 to fix it The steps are tentative(尝试性的 ) and yet to

22、 be felt in most classrooms. 1Ain Bafter Cfor Dup 2Ararely Bso Ctoo Dno 3Asense Bdoubt Creason Didea 4Aprinted Bsigned Cmarked Deditted 5Aplace(记起 ) Bjudge Cget D1ock 6AEven BThough CThus DSo 7Ahardly Bjust Cstill Dever 8Afine Bnice Csurprising Dgood 9Ato Bwith Con Dof 10 Adone Bdealt Cmet Dreached

23、阅读理解(20 分) A When John Milton, writer of “ Paradise Lost ” , entered Cambridge University, in 1625, he was already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it as his second language at St. Paul s School, London. Like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar schools, he had learned

24、not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it smoothly and correctly. His pronunciation of Latin was English, however, and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy. Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin in a bitter way. They kept in mind the rules to make le

25、arning by heart easier. They first made a word -for -word translation and then an idiomatic translation into English. As they increased their skill, they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book and then compared their translation with the original. The schoolmaster was

26、 always at hand to encourage them. All schoolmasters believed Latin should be beaten in. After several years of study, the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read. And as they began to read Latin poems, they began to write poems in Latin. Because Milton was alrea

27、dy a poet at ten, his poems were much better than those painfully put together by the other boys. During the seven years Milton spent at university, he made regular use of his command of Latin. He wrote some excellent Latin poems, which he published among his works in 1645. 1What does the passage ma

28、inly tell about? A. How John Milton wrote “Paradise Lost”. B. How John Milton studied Latin. C. How John Milton became famous. D. How John Milton became a poet. http:/ 2Which of the following is true of John Miltons pronunciation of Latin? A. It has a strong Italian accent. B. It has an uncommon acc

29、ent. C. It was natural and easy to understand. D. It was bad and difficult to understand. 3It can be inferred from the passage that_. A. Milton s training in Latin was similar tothat of the other boys B. Milton hadn t learned any foreign language except Latin before going to college C. Milton s Ital

30、ian friends helped him with Latin when talking D. Miltons classmates learned Latin harder but worse than Milton 4Which of the following is suggested in the passage? A. The schoolmaster mainly helped those who were bad at Latin. B. The schoolmaster usually stood beside the schoolboys with a stick in

31、his hand. C. The schoolboys could repeat Latin grammar rules from memory. D. Some of the schoolboys were quick at writing compositions in Latin. 5 What is the meaning of the underlined part“ Latin should be beaten in” that the writer wishes you to understand? A. Schoolboys should be punished if they

32、 were lazy to learn Latin. B. Schoolboys should be encouraged if they had difficulty in learning Latin. C. Schoolboys were expected to master Latin in a short time. D. Schoolboys had to study Latin in a hard way. B The way people hold to the belief that a fun - filled, pain free life equals happines

33、s actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain. As a result, many people avoid the very attemp

34、ts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment , self - improvement. Ask a bachelor(单身汉)why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If

35、 he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features. Couples with infant children are lucky to get a w

36、hole night s sleep or a three - day vacation. I dont know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild. Understanding and accepting that true happines

37、s has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems po

38、intless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all. http:/ 6 According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because _ . A. he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities B. he believes that lif

39、e will be more cheerful if he remains single C. he finds more fun in dating than in marriage D. he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement 7 Raising children, in the author s opinion is _ . A. a moral duty B. a thankless job C. a rewarding task D. a source of inevitable pain

40、 8 From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from _ . A. hatredB. misunderstanding C. prejudiceD. ignorance 9 To understand what true happiness is one must _ . A. have as much fun as possible during one s lifetime B. make every effort to liberate oneself from pain C. put up with pa

41、in under all circumstances D. be able to distinguish happiness from fun 10What is the author trying to tell us? A. Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain B. One must know how to attain happiness. C. It is important to make commitments. D. It is pain that leads to happiness. 短文改错(10 分) Fire is n

42、ot quite useful in our everyday life 1、_ but it is very dangerous. So we must keep2、_ away all the things which can easy catch fire.3、_ When we discover fire in our building, we should 4、_ call up the fire station at once. In the same time 5、_ we should call our neighbours out and tried6、_ to stop t

43、he fire from spreading. Unless you cant, 7、_ leaving the building as quickly as possible. Do 8、_ remember we mustn t come back to the building9、_ until the firefighters come to put out. 10、_ 书面表达 (满分 15 分) 你校同学进行了一场有关高考英语听力测试的讨论。讨论的主题是: 高考英语测试中的 听力部分该不该取消?请你根据下表中的提示写一篇短文,介绍讨论的情况。 一些同学认为另一些同学认为 1 不应该

44、取消1 应该取消 http:/ 2 听是语言的四项基本技能之一,不 能忽视 3 听是获取信息的重要途径之一 4 国际合作日益增多,听说能力应加 强 2 考试中各地收听效果好坏不一、不公平 3 英语教师和语音设备城乡差异过大 4 今后并非人人都要与外国人口头交流 注意: 1文章的起始句已给出。2词数: 100 左右(不包括已给的起始句)。 4 参考词汇:取消cancel 国际合作 international cooperation 高三英语检测题参考答案(Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit8 ) 单句改错 (5 分) 1去掉a 2. for 改为to 3. won t 改为mustn t

45、4. promised 改为promising 5. untreating 改为untreated 词组翻译(参考答案优选unit 6 ,unit 7, unit 8 中出现的 ) (10 分) 1. leave alone 2. bring in profits 3. adjust oneself to 4. regardless of 5. all day long 6. lose heart 7. take it easy 8. put to use 9. in other words 10. add up 介词,副词填空(10 分) 1. for; to 2. with 3. up 4

46、. of 5. in (with) 6. for; of 7. to 8. by; with 9. to; from 10.into 动词填空 (5 分) 1.to help 2. worked 3. Know 4. examined 5. bathed 单选 (20 分) 15 BBABB 6 10 ADAAD 11 15 ADBDC 16 20 ADBBB 单词拼写 (15 分) 1Desperate 2. abundant 3. ambition 4. adopt 5. anxious 6. accustomed 7. anniversary 8. communicate 9. curi

47、ous 10. patience 11Quality 12. accepted 13. waste 14. recognized 15. familiar 完形填空 (10 分) 15 BDDBA 6 10 ABDCA 阅读理解 (20 分) 15 BBACD 6 10 ACBDA 短文改错 (10 分) 1.2. 3. easy easily4. a fire 5. InAt 6. triedtry 7. Unless If 8. leavingleave 9. comego 10. it out 书面表达 (15 分)One possible version The students of our school had a discussion about whether list


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