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1、Book 2 Unit 6 tell me when the pain started课时: 2 课时 一. 教学内容 授课内容为课本包括Lead-in camera; umbrella; forest; agency; 掌握询问和提供旅游计划等信息时所使用的句型Do you have any flights to Sydney, Do you have a return ticket? 2. 能力目标 学生能听懂关于景点,旅游,旅行计划等信息的简单对话。 学生能熟记并表演关于景点,旅游,旅行计划等信息的简单对话。 (3) 在日常生活中能看懂旅行线路等信息的广告. 3. 情感目标 学生通过学习

2、旅行线路和旅行计划,体会祖国大好河山的美。 四教学步骤 Step One Lead-in(20 mins) The students are required to discuss what to bring when you visit these places 1)beach 2) forest 3) countryside 4) big city use the words below: cash bathing suit life ring camera sunglasses food for animals medicine comfortable shoes umbrella te

3、nt the students are divided into 4 groups and each group for one place write down their answers and reasons. Step Two listening and speaking (25 min) 1. Choose the three most important things you need for a trip. call a travel agency book the hotel make a shopping list get to know the city book flig

4、hts 2. dialogue Ss Read aloud after the tape and underline the key sentences How about visiting a big city? Lets go to the countryside. Where shall we stay? Shall we book a hotel? 3.Make a dialogue about your one-week travel plan. Place to go forest Things to take tent, food, drink, food for birds a

5、nd animals, warmer clothes, medicine, camera Activities to do relax, enjoy the singing of birds lake food, drink, food for fish, sunglasses, camera boating, fishing downtown city comfortable shoes, cash, credit card shopping, seeing a movie, eating in a good restaurant Step Three writing (30 min) Yo

6、u and your friends work for a travel agency. Your manager asks you to design a two-day trip to a Chinese city. Work in groups and make a travel brochure. 1.Find Discuss in groups and decide on a city youd like to introduce. 2. Discuss how to introduce the city and how to organize the trip. Your trav

7、el brochure should include the following information. Name of the city: _ Location of the city: _ The city is famous for: _ The travel plan: Day 1: Time Places Places to go Activities Morning Afternoon Evening Day 2: 3. Decorate your travel brochure with pictures, photos or drawings. Present it to t

8、he whole class. Step Four summary (10 mins) Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoon? Do you have a return ticket? Where can I change the money? Key sentences and words of the unit Step five Homework (5 mins) Survey: what you like to do during your holiday. ( ) climb a mountain( ) st

9、ay in a tent( ) stay in a hotel ( ) go window shopping.( ) lie on the beach( ) visit museums ( ) take photos( ) enjoy a show (设计意图 : 复习巩固本次课学习的重点词汇和句型,让学生之间有更进一步的了解。) 学案: Survey: what you like to do during your holiday. ( ) climb a mountain( ) stay in a tent( ) stay in a hotel ( ) go window shopping

10、.( ) lie on the beach( ) visit museums ( ) take photos( ) enjoy a show 五板书设计 Unit 7 so much to do before we travel. Do you have any flights to Sydney next Tuesday afternoo n? Do you have a return ticket? Where can I change the money? Key sentences and words of the unit 课后反思: Book 2 Unit 8 If you wan

11、t to talk, you can go online( 一)课 时:2 课时 一. 教学内容 授课内容为第八单元的第一次课,包括Lead-in location; collection of books; library cards; name changing; include; Capitol Building; rebuild; move into; be names for; president; the Library of Congress etc (2) Understand the information of the passage (3) Grasp the main

12、ideas and fill the important information of the passage. 2. 能力目标 学生学习阅读策略,训练如何从文中获取细节信息并整理归纳信息的能力。 3. 情感目标 学习中外的著名的建筑物,丰富和开拓视野, 增强学习英语的乐趣。 四教学步骤 Step One Lead-in(10 mins) Ask questions: Show some pictures of library including school library and local library , then ask question: 1. Do you know what

13、it is? 2. Have you ever read books there? Show a picture of the longest private library in China:(注解:天一阁是中国现存年代最早的 私 家 藏 书 楼 , 也 是 亚 洲 现 有 最 古 老 的 图 书 馆 和 世 界 最 早 的 三 大 家 族 图 书 馆 之 一 。 Let Ss ask the teacher questions to get as much information as possible Eg: Where is Tianyi Pavilion? (In Ningbo) W

14、hen was it built? (It was built in AD1561) Who designed it ? (The defense minister Fan Qin) How many books are there in the Tianyi Pavilion? (More than 70,000 volumes) Ss guess and discuss Do you know where the National Library of China is ? Ss may guess: In Beijing. Then Show a picture of the Natio

15、nal Library of China Tell Ss some basic information about the National Library of China Eg: It is located in the West of Beijing, which has more than 24 million items in its collection. Ask: Do you think it is the largest library in the world? If not, which library is? What do you know about the lar

16、gest library in the world? (Discuss the above question in groups) Show a picture of the largest library in the world: the library of congress Step two Reading (35 min) 1. Read quickly and tick the topics mentioned in the passage Location The number of the books The history Time Library card Building

17、s Name changing Collection of books 2. Find the key word of each paragraph. The first paragraph: largest; Washington, D.C.; One hundred thirty million items More than twenty million The second paragraph : 1800 - eleven boxes ;1814-3000 books; burnt; President Thomas Jefferson; sold; 7000 The third p

18、aragraph: Move; 1939; named for; 1980 3. Match the paragraphs with their main ideas. (activity 10) 4. Read again and tick the correct statements in the fact file. (activity 11 ) 5. The teacher analyzes the important phrases and sentence patterns in the passages. 6. Describe the changes of the librar

19、y in pairs. (activity 12 ) 1800 It was opened in 1800. 1814 年 1889 年 1939 年 1980 年 (设计意图:通过按时间的描述,让学生正确使用一般过去时,并了解如何描述著名建筑 物的历史,学生学会明确信息内容,读懂信息内容,学会将信息归类) Step Three Discussion and Presentation (30 min) Work in groups. According to the passage, Students can give a brief description of the library of

20、 congress: Hello, everyone. I m very glad to introduce the library of congress to you. It s the largest library in the world. It s located in Washington, D.C (设计意图:指导学生合作学习,培养学生讨论问题、解决问题、分析归纳的能力。通过 小组报告,有效地培养学生有条理的归纳文章的能力,并锻炼了学生的口头表达能力) Step Four summary (10 mins) Tianyi Pavilion Introduction to the

21、 library 1800 was opened Growth of collection 1814 grew to Changes of buildings 1897 moved into 1939 a second building 1980 a third building Step five Homework (5 mins) Write a passage : the history of the library of congress. (注意让学生通过归纳总结的方式,而 the library of congress 不是课文简单的摘抄。有条件的情况,请学生上网查询,补充资料)

22、学案: Write a passage : the history of the library of congress. (注意让学生通过归纳总结的方式,而 不是课文简单的摘抄。有条件的情况,请学生上网查询,补充资料) 五板书设计 Unit 10 Why was it built Tianyi Pavilion Introduction to the library 1800 was opened Growth of collection 1814 grew to Changes of buildings 1897 moved into 1939 a second building 1980

23、 a third building Book 2Unit 10 Why was it built ( 三)课时: 2 课时 一. 教学内容 授课内容包括Writing and Grammar focus 两部分。 具体内容为一般过去时的被动语态,与介 绍著名的建筑物有关的词汇、短语以及巩固练习。帮助学生完成对所熟悉的建筑物的简单描 写,制作海报宣传介绍一个著名的建筑物 二. 教学重点、难点 教学重点 1. 有关建筑物介绍的词汇、句型的复习巩固和运用 2. 一般过去时的被动语态的正确运用 教学难点 仿照上次课的内容,练习用本单元学过的重点词句写出完整的句子,并组织成一个文段,运 用所学知识点讲述

24、一个建筑物的历史。能够简单描写著名的建筑物,并制作成海报。 三. 教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1) 掌握与建筑物相关信息的主要词汇,如:design; open; complete; change; locate; rebuild (2) 掌握与建筑物相关的短语,如: be used for; be started (opened );be famous for; be located in; set up; move into (3) 练习用本单元学过的重点词句写出完整的句子 2. 能力目标 (1)学生能运用相关词汇,句型表达参与著名建筑物介绍的的相关内容。 (2)学生能讲述一个建筑物的历史

25、。 the library of congress 3. 情感目标 学生在任务活动完成后建立自信心,并具有成就感。 四教学步骤 Step One Lead-in(10 mins) 1. Visit the library of Congress: the Internet, (at http:/www.loc.gov) ,通过上网进入the library of Congress,点击主页上左边general information 中的“ About library ” , (设计意图:与上节课的阅读有机结合,鼓励学生通过网络查询资料,开阔眼界。) 2. Make a one-minute

26、presentation of the library of congress 3. Give Ss some information about the National Library of China, let them guess: What s the name of it? It is located in the West of Beijing. It has more than 24 million items in its collection. It is the fifth largest library all over the world ( 设计意图: 通过层层深入

27、的方式,让学生猜的方式有效激发学生的学习兴趣。同时很巧妙 引入了上堂课关于国家图书馆的信息,并为下面的写作做了有效的铺垫。) Step two Writing (35 min) 1. Give the historical changes of the National Library of China. 1909 opened and named/Beiping library 1916 many books/received from others 1949 renamed/ Beijing Library 1987 National Library of China/as its new

28、 name 2. Ask Ss to write about the historical changes of the library. Pay attention to use the past tense and passive voice correctly. (Activity14) In 1909, the library was opened and named as Beijing Library. In 1916, many books were received from others. In 1949, the library was renamed as Beijing

29、 Library. In 1950, it used National Library of China as its new name. 3. Let Ss make a brief description of the National library of China. Group in four. One acts tour guide, and the others act foreign guests .Suppose we were in the National Library of China. Make a speech contest and choose the bes

30、t guide. Eg: Hello, everyone. My name is I m from travel agency. I m very glad to introduce the National Library of China to you. It is located in the West of Beijing, which has more than 24 million items in its collectionNow I would like to tell you more about the history of the library.In 1909 Tha

31、nk you very much. ( 设计意图:承上启下,通过小组合作的方式, 并设置接近职业生活的真实情景,培养 学生的发散性思维以及真实情景交际能力,通过表演、小组竞赛等方式激发学生兴趣,有 效培养学生的口头表达能力) Step Three Language in use (30 min) 1. Ss answer some questions about the Eiffel Tower in complete sentences. When was it built? Who designed it? Why was it built? Then let Ss answer some

32、 questions about the library of congress in complete sentences. When was it opened? What were kept in one room of the Capitol building? When were all of the books burnt by British Soldiers? 2. Let student sum up the structure of the simple past passive voice. 3. Write down the structure of the simpl

33、e past passive voice. Be was/were +PP(过去分词 ) (设计意图 : 通过询问the Eiffel Tower and the library of congress 信息,不仅复习了第一课 时的对话和第二课时的阅读内容,并通过让学生用完整的句子回答的方式,复习巩固了一 般过去时的用法。同时让学生总结归纳一般过去时被动语态的结构,培养学生自主学习的 能力 ) Step Four summary (10 mins) Was/were+ pp (过去分词 ) It was designed In 1909 It was opened and named as B

34、eijing Library. Many books were received from others. The library was renamed as Beijing Library were kept were burnt was completed was discovered was cooled were warmed makes comes Step five Homework (5 mins) Talk in pairs Activity 18. According to the changes of our school to make a dialogue 1985

35、started 2000 built a new school 2001 opened a library 2006 completed the art building 2008 set up the training building 2010 rebuild a new playground Eg. What happened in The school was What about 2000? It was ( 设计意图 :教师事先收集关于学校的历史资料,以时间为序,排列出一系列的历史变迁, 因为取之于现实,会充分调动学生的兴趣和积极性。通过对话的演练,学生熟练掌握并运 用了一般过去时

36、的被动语态)) 学案: Talk in pairs Activity 18. According to the changes of our school to make a dialogue 1985 started 2000 built a new school 2001 opened a library 2006 completed the art building 2008 set up the training building 2010 rebuild a new playground Eg. What happened in The school was What about 2

37、000? It was ( 设计意图 :教师事先收集关于学校的历史资料,以时间为序,排列出一系列的历史变迁, 因为取之于现实,会充分调动学生的兴趣和积极性。通过对话的演练,学生熟练掌握并运 用了一般过去时的被动语态)) 五板书设计 Unit 10 Why was it built Was/were+ pp (过去分词 ) It was designed In 1909 It was opened and named as Beijing Library. Many books were received from others. The library was renamed as Beiji

38、ng Library were kept were burnt was completed was discovered was cooled were warmed makes comes Book 2 英语时态板块教学设计课时: 2 课时 一. 教学内容 授课内容为英语二教材中UNIT1-8的七种时态(一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时, 现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成时,过去完成时)。 二. 教学重点、难点 教学重点 时态含义、动词结构、时间标志和人称变化。 教学难点 对完成时态的理解和运用。 三. 教学目标 1. 知识目标 把英语时态简单化、规律化。 2. 能力目标 七种时态分成三种

39、状态来对比学习,引导学生通过“明含义、找标志、定结构、看人称” 来理解、区别、总结、运用。 3. 情感目标 教师引导与学生自主、探究学习相结合。 四教学步骤 Step One Lead-in ( 10 mins) 1.问学生是否喜欢英语,进而询问学生在英语学习过程中的困难,引出时态是英语语法中 极其重要和困难的。学生利用已有知识找出介绍中所含的时态。 2.通过询问学生在预习过程中对“时”、 “态” 的认识来引出英语二教材中UNIT1-8 的七种 时态(一般现在时,一般将来时,一般过去时,现在进行时, 过去进行时, 现在完成时, 过去完成时) 。 Step two explaination (3

40、5 min) 1.学生按学案中的提示每组由一名陈述员讲解2 个时态(时态含义、 动词结构、 时间标志)。 2.要求其它各组学生做好笔记。 3.教师在学生讲解过程中及时检查其他学生理解情况。 Step Three practices (30 min) 1. 据动词结构判断句子时态。 1)There goes the bell. 2)Mick is going to see his father next week. 3)Is he still sleeping? 4)While he was having supper, all the lights went out. 5)When Joe c

41、ame in, he had finished his homework. 6)From now on he will work harder 7)The teacher was giving us a lesson when Tim walked into the room. 8)Xiao Lan has lived in Beijing for ten years. 9)He watched TV last night. 2. 名言、谚语及俗语时态判断。 1). The wall has ears. 2). I was climbing the wall. 3). You have don

42、e a great job. 4). He asked for it. 5). I m falling to pieces. 6). A tall tree catches the wind. 7). It s raining cats and dogs. 8). You will miss the bus. 3. 综合运用(单项选择) 1).My father _ his car yesterday. A. washes B. is washing C. washed D. will wash 2)Jack_ her at the airport tomorrow. A. shall mee

43、t B. is going to meet C. was meeting D. has met 3) I _ about my English lesson now. A. am thinking B. was thinking C. will think D. have thought 4)Kenny _the piano at this time yesterday. A. will play B. is playing C. had played D. was playing 5) I _to my parents every month. A. am writing B. write

44、C. shall write D. wrote 6)Peter _ in the factory for two years. A. is working B. has worked C. was working D. had worked 7)The Greens _ in England for ten years before they moved to China last year. A. live B. are living C. has lived D. had lived (每小组负责完成一个练习板块,在小组内部讨论完成后,由该组记录员将其板书在黑板上, 交由全班同学讨论并最终

45、确定答案。) Step Four summary (10 mins) 小结:一般状态指一般性或一次性发生的动作或经常性的状态,重在强调动作本身。 进行状态指动作已经发生但还没结束的状态,重在强调动作进行过程。 完成状态指动作不但已经发生而且已经结束的状态,重在强调动作完成后的影响。 Step five Homework (5 mins) 画龙点睛 时态结构时间标志 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 现在进行时 过去进行时 现在完成时 过去完成时 学案: 1一般现在时: 利用时态含义来体会句子用法。(用于叙述现阶段经用于叙述客观事实或 真理 ,或者常发生的动作,也用于表示现阶段存在的状态、特征

46、或心理活动。) e.g.:1). He often gets up at six in the morning. 2)I love my motherland. 3). The moon goes around the sun. 2. 一般将来时:利用时间变换来判断时态含义及结构变化。(指发生在将来任何一时间点、 时间段一次或经常发生的动作 e.g.: 1). I will come to see you again next weekend. 2). It is going to rain tomorrow. 3. 一般过去时:利用时态含义来判断时间标志及结构变化。(指在过去任何一时间点、时

47、 间段一次或经常发生的动作 e.g.: 1). He was here five minutes ago. 2). We planted many trees on the hill yesterday. 4. 现在进行时:利用时态含义来判断时间标志及动词结构。(指发生在现在且还在继续的 动作) e.g.: 1). We are watching TV at this moment. 2). Bill is helping me with my English now. 3). They are picking apples these days. e.g.: 5. 过去进行时:利用时间标志来

48、判断时态及结构变化。(指发生在过去某一时刻或时间段 且正在进行的动作) e.g.: 1). He was listening to the radio at eight yesterday. 2). They were building the bridge this time last year. 6.现在完成时:利用时态含义来理解时间标志及动词结构、人称的变化。(指发生在过去 且已结束但对现在有影响或过去发生持续到现在的动作) 1). He has worked in the factory for three years. 2). I have finished my homework

49、already. I can play basketball with you now.过去完成时:利 用时态含义来理解时间标志及动词结构、人称的变化。(指在过去某个时间点之前发现 且已完成,但对此时间点以后仍有影响的动作)。 1). They had waited nearly two hours before I got there. 2). The train had started when he reached the station yesterday. 五板书设计 英语时态 一二三 四五 六七 Book 2 英语语态板块教学设计课时: 2 课时 一. 教学内容 授课内容为英语二教材中UNIT9-10 中的被动语态。 二. 教学重点、难点 教学重点 理解和应用被动语态 教学难点 通过概念和习题的讲练结合,掌握其特征,并利用它的特征和形式为我们服务。 三. 教学目标 1. 知识目标 理解和应用被动语态 2. 能力目标 通过概念和习题的讲练结合,掌握其特征,并利用


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