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1、汨罗市职业中专学校教学方案设计(首页) 教学 内容 Unit 9 Is your company going to the fashion fair in Shanghai?Language in use (PPT 29-40) 课型 学时 节次 授课班级 授课日期 出勤情况 纪律情况 教学目的 知识与技能过程与方法情感态度价值观 语言技能目标:听能识 别活动的举办时间、地点、 活动内容和评价等信息。 说能运用典型的问句进 行信息咨询对话。 读能从介绍时装交易会 的文章中提取活动的主要 信息。 写能简单描述关于时装 交易会的信息。 学生能在学习中发现 问题和解决问题 1、小组合作法 2、情景教

2、学法 3、自主学习法 4、探索发现法 文 化 意 识:能说出例如 时装交易会这类活动的主 要流程、内容及特色。 情 感 态 度:做事认真有 条理,关注行业发展和人 们日常关注的事情。 教学重点 能够掌握本单元的重点单词和句型 能够在日常安全方面提出自己的建议 能够读懂有关注意事项的短文并概括其主旨 教学难点 能用 ” V-ing” 或“ V-ed” 的形式描述事情 能区分 ” V-ing” 或“ V-ed” 作定语的不同。 教学资源 多媒体 教学后记 Step1 Review 1.默写上节课所学习的单词 2.抽查学生背诵 Everyday English. 3.检查学生完成 activity

3、15 的情况。 Step2 Lead-in Grammar focus There will be excellent performances at the opening and closing ceremonies. Theorganizing committee will invite famous models It serves as a perfect trading platform for fashion traders. About 70 leading designers are showing their recent designs more than 3, 000

4、companies making branded clothing. 1.教师布置学生反复读例句, 让学生发现其黑体部分 的特点。 2.教师抽查学生回答问题并给出反馈。 Activity 16 Read and underline.读以下句子,用下画线标 出与框中黑体部分结构相同的语句。 1) I was awakened by a barking dog. 2) Who is the man wandering down the street? 3) The pig seemed to be completely attracted to the long-legged spider. 4)

5、 He rushes into the burning house. 5) She bought a computer produced in China. 6) The piano used at the concert is made in France. Step 3 Presentation 在前面的几个单元中,我们已经学习了动名词作宾语和非谓 通 过 呈 现 本 单 元 出 现 的 例 句 , 呈 现 V-ing结 构 和v-ed 结 构 的 基 本 用 法。 语动词作宾语补足语的用法,但是在本单元中我们还看到这 样的表达方式: The teacher told us an amus

6、ing story.老师给我们 讲了一个有趣的故事。 I like to study in the reading room.我喜欢在 阅览室学习。 Do you know the man talking to her? 你认 识和她说话的男子吗? He has a sister called Julia.他有个妹妹叫茱莉 亚。 Hangzhou now has more than 3000 companies making branded clothing.杭州现在有 3000 家制造品牌服 装的公司。 很显然, “amusing” 是用来说明“ story” 的, “reading”放在

7、“room”前说明房间的功能, “talking to her ” 用来限 定 “the man” 是谁,而 “called Julia”用于说明“ a sister” 是谁。这里的 -ing,或者 -ed 形式放在名词的前后,对名词进 行说明、修饰,我们把 -ing 和-ed 分词的这种用法称为分词作 定语。 上面的例句中体现了分词作定语的几种不同的用法,下面 我们来看这几种情况的特点及应用。 1)注意分词的位置, 通常单个的分词作定语可以置于被修饰 词语之前,而分词短语作定语应置于被修饰名词之后。如: Eg:The school hired several retired teachers

8、.学校 聘任了几位退休教师。 There is a gentleman asking to see you.有一 位先生要求见你。 She bought a computer produced in China.她买 了一台中国生产的电脑。 2)现在分词短语作定语, 与所修饰的词存在逻辑上的主动关 系,表示该动作正在进行。 Eg: The boy looking at the picture is my brother. We met a group of pupils returning from school. They built a highway leading to the mou

9、ntains. 3)过去分词作定语, 与所修饰的词存在逻辑上的被动关系,表 示该动作已经完成。 Eg:I heard the door opened. He found the house burned down. The letter posted today will reach him the day after tomorrow. 比较: the falling leaves the fallen leaves boiling water boiled water the rising sun the risen sun developing country developed cou

10、ntry He found the fire burning brightly. He found the house burned down. He heard someone opening the door. He heard the door opened. 4)分词短语作后置定语, 在意义上相当于一个定语从句, 但在 转换时要注意动词的主语、时态、语态。 The boy looking at the picture is my brother. The boy who is looking at the picture is my brother. They built a high

11、way leading to the mountains. They built a highway which leads to the mountains. He found the house burned down. He found the house which was burned down. She bought a computer produced in China. She bought a computer that was produced in China. 5)英语中我们常会见到一些固定表达方式。如: sleeping car 轿车walking stick 拐杖

12、 waiting room 候诊室,候车室opening ceremony 开幕式closing ceremony 闭幕式 organizing committee 组委会 Step 4 Practice and consolidation 1) The man _by the window is our teacher.(stand) 2) They lived in the house _ the south. (face) 3) The man _a novel at the desk is my father. (read) 4)Is there anything _ for toni

13、ght?(plan) 5) Somebody_Jack phoned while you were out. (call) 6)The boy _ John is my friend.(name) 7)I like reading the novels _by Mark Twain (write) 8)The _ boy could hardly move.(frighten) 9)Your_ English is very good.(speak) 10)He told us the _ news.(excite) Activity17 Choose and complete 选择框中适当的

14、词补全 句子。 building walking swimming closing 1) There is a _ pool in our school. 2) The _ material used in the hospital is of high quality. 3) Which performance did you like best at the _ceremony? 4) A _ stick will help you to keep balance when going down the mountain. Activity 18 Read and complete 阅读以

15、下对话,选择合适 的词语填空。 1) best loved 2) singing 3) playing 4)standing under the tree 5) smiling A: Mary, here, you see what I ve got? B: Oh, some old photos. They are very interesting! A: Yes. Look, the woman _ was my math teacher. B: Your _ teacher? You mean the lady _? A: Its her. And this is the _ group I often mentioned. They used to be very popular when we were in high school, and I certainly was their fan. B: Who is that boy _ tennis? He looks familiar to me. A: Thats David, my classmate. Step 5.Homework 1.完成练习册上的练习题 2.自主完成 vocabulary practice 的练习。 3.预习 life and culture 的文章。


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